not on AAA games it isn't. Capcom and Ubisoft both seem to be more weary of protecting their prices these days with their releases than before, where you could pretty much guarantee that last year's Assassin's Creed game would be $5-$7.50 shortly before the next year's came out as an example
That just straight up isn't true. ACIV didn't hit 75% off for years. ACIII most definitely didn't hit 75% off before ACIV. Maybe AC1 and 2 did before ACIII, but I really don't think so, and also there was a longer gap between those games. And again, today's 66% off might be lower than yesterday's 75% off, just depending on the base price. That was the case with the Dead Rising bundle for example.
A lot of games hit 75% off quicker in the old days because they were late PC ports, not because they went on sale quickly. The market has changed substantially in that regard. But games still get cheaper over time, not to mention the prevalence of bundles and the like.
I also think the "new version every year" has distorted perceptions a lot. Far Cry 3 is only a little over three years old whereas the first Far Cry is now twelve years old.