This sounds pretty cool. I wonder if the changes make it harder/harsher than Far Cry 2 now.
I really dislike that new Dark Souls trailer. The animation looks far to goofy.
Syndicate's AA options FORCE you to put FXAA on TOP of whatever you choose
y u do this
how does it run compared to Unity?
Assuming you played Unity on PC, of course
how does it run compared to Unity?
Assuming you played Unity on PC, of course
And a 4K texture pack for the PC, which is slipped in at the very end. I'll probably hit the pause button on my current playthrough as I only have ~35% to go, which is both not much but still a sizeable chunk. Might as well enjoy full-res textures for the last leg.
I'm jealous of your 4k monitor :<
lesser hardware
yeah well you smell, so
I don't have a 4K monitor (until just the other month I was still using a 22" 1680x1050 one), but that doesn't mean the difference in texture resolution won't be noticeable.
The Eli Roth one? It's like DeviantArt does Dark Souls.
Comparably demanding at max settings but scales better to lesser hardware
I havent played one of these games in a long time
according to ass-creed-only player Jason Jasey Jase C Unity looked better and had better AA options
Gaming right now.
I get why megathreads suck
but really, it's like every user with an opinion on it want's to have that opinion discussed by other people
why so many threads
I'm always excited.
What's the lowest Skyrim: Legendary Edition usually goes? I figure grabbing it on sale is probably the cheapest way to get the expansions, no?
+60k ingame spectators
I wish I could see the frustrated look on all the Halo/COD executives faces on how their shooters can't pull in these esports numbers
Thinking of upgrading my RAM to 16 since I'm currently at 8. I can't even find my old RAM on amazon anymore. Can I mix different brands of ram? I assume I can't mix speed or CL. Should I just get a brand new set of RAM to avoid confusion? Was thinking of getting this
You can mix brands and speeds. Timings don't really matter. Obviously, though, if you have, say, 2x4GB of DDR3-1600 RAM and 2x4GB of DDR3-2133 RAM, then you'll limited to 1600MHz in dual-channel mode -- your RAM will only be as fast as the weakest link.
The Eli Roth one? It's like DeviantArt does Dark Souls.
i doubt halo and call of duty executives have any reason to be frustrated about anything lol
i doubt halo and call of duty executives have any reason to be frustrated about anything lol
Still too soon. ;(Rocket League does what Lik-Sang couldn't.
Dunno how we went from funk to animu soundtraku
say what?
This is my current ram
Rest of my rig
I'm probably just better off grabbing the RAM I linked.
It makes his shoulders so giant and displaces his arms by some length.
well...halo doesn't sell anymore
and call of duty is getting phased out by destiny and hero shooters lol
Yeah, I'd just buy a 16GB 2133MHz kit and sell your current one as faster RAM can help in CPU-limited situations. I specify 2133MHz as it's where the 2600K's memory controller caps out... which is something I wish I'd known before buying a 2400MHz kit.
This look good?
Not that much more expensive than the previous one I linked
pre-cool glasses Adam Jensen is some heinous-ass design