Jedi Academy is weird, in some ways it's better than Jedi Outcast and in others it's worse. The fact that you start off Academy with a lighstaber and almost never have to use a gun while playing is great. You also get to create a character, choose their appearance with some limited customisation options (male, female, a few different species with 4 different options for heads, torso and pants), choose to skill their force abilities and make them light or dark side. I'm pretty close to beating the game but so far, aside from two points in the game where Luke and Kyle to at you after a mission briefing, my being light side hasn't really impacted the game at all. Midway through the game you also get to choose between using a single saber, dual sabers or a saber staff. Mechanically it's the most refined game in the series when it comes to combat and locomotion and Jedi Academy has waaaaaaay more melee encounters in it than Jedi Outcast. You spend a good majority of the game fighting members of the Cult of Ragnos and it's honestly a lot of fun. I haven't gotten tired of seeing that 360 camera pan that plays out after you cut a Dark Jedi down in a duel.
Academy has a mission structure. You choose between 5 missions and then have to play through a story mission. You only have to complete 4 out of 5 mission before unlocking the next story mission but completing the selectable missions gives you a force point. You only need 12 points to max out your light or dark side affinity, so you could skip every fifth mission if you wanted to progress the story quicker. There's ten selectable missions before you become a Jedi and five after you become one. The locations and scenarios you encounter in the selectable missions are pretty diverse. Some are long, some are short, some are vehicle based, they take place all over the galaxy and put in you all sorts of different scenarios.
And this is kind of where Jedi Academy is a kind of worse than Jedi Outcast, there's a very tenuous plot thread connecting all of these diverse missions and the story, what there is of it, isn't anywhere near as epic as Jedi Outcast. Jedi Academy feels way more fan service-y (oh hey look, you're on Tatooine and there's The Millennium Falcon and Chewbacca! Now you're on Hoth in the ruins of the old rebel base, look there's Boba Fett!), Jedi Outcast is more evocative of the original trilogy and the extended universe. The art style and design of the environments in Jedi Outcast is simply stronger. The A.I. in Jedi Academy seems worse than Jedi Outcast, the cloaking imperial officers in particular. They just kind of stand there and die. Even the lightsaber duels feel easier overall, there's only been a few fights where I had any difficulty.
Overall though Academy has been really fun to play and depending on how much of an impact my character being Light or Dark Side has on the game by the end will dictate if I play through it again as a Dark Side Jedi. It's probably just as basic as the kinds of crystals you get to use in your saber but I may still play it again to simply use dual sabers.