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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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34 games on Origin... with faster download speeds than Steam and the one time I had to go to customer service it was a great experience.

Most of the complaints I hear are FUD. But hey, rock on with your boycott. Power to the people and all.

Aren't the download speeds known to be bullshit?


Although two tiers of drm is a pisstake, EA would be better off doing what Ubisoft currently do. It's better than not having them available on Steam at all.


I'm one. Before I was mostly just a grumbler, and I did avoid Origin but installed it to play Dead Space 3 from the Humble Origin Bundle--incidentally, a pretty flawed game. But now I'm a boycotter. "Life's too short to drink bad wine" ~Chicken Soup for the Soul or whatever. I've been sort of steadily removing superfluous software from my computer and switching away from products made by less scrupulous companies in general.

There are more than enough games that interest me without having to deal with Origin or UPlay, so I now refuse to deal with Origin or UPlay. Problem solved. If I miss out on Rayman Legends, Mirror's Edge 2 or PvZ Garden Warfare, oh well. I'm not going to have enough time in my life to play all the games I want to play anyway. I don't expect to get a next gen console at any point, but if I do I guess I'll buy those games there if I must, as it'll be less stupid than dealing with the client on the computer.

But I agree, for most people it's not that they boycott Origin, it's that they don't think about it, and the loss of eyeballs hurts Origin software more than Origin itself does.

I'm one as well, for the exact same reasons, in addition to being burned by Stardock's sale of Impulse.
Impulse was so good before Gamestop got a hold of it.


I do not know quantitatively if my comment is factually true, but it feels faster to get up and running. I could be full of crap.
It seems to report hard disk write speed rather than download speed. So consequently if it's uncompressing it'll report higher numbers.
34 games on Origin... with faster download speeds than Steam and the one time I had to go to customer service it was a great experience.

Most of the complaints I hear are FUD, but I'm sure there have been some bad experiences, which sucks. But hey, rock on with your boycott. Power to the people and all.
Forum bans were leading to game bans at one point (still?) so that was mighty dumb. I haven't set out to boycott it but I have yet to use it, I just need a more compelling reason to get a new account to manage and a program to run in the background solely for EA games. I like their games on occasion, but not that much.


I just came to an interesting realization.

We spent the past 5 years on GAF getting told that frame rate is irrelevant and you can't see the difference between 600p and 1080p from your couch.

Now we have hundred page threads arguing 900p vs 1080p...

The hypocrisy is truly laughable


Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I just came to an interesting realization.

We spent the past 5 years on GAF getting told that frame rate is irrelevant and you can't see the difference between 600p and 1080p from your couch.

Now we have hundred page threads arguing 900p vs 1080p...

The hypocrisy is truly laughable

Performance has only ever mattered when my favorite company has told me it does.


I just came to an interesting realization.

We spent the past 5 years on GAF getting told that frame rate is irrelevant and you can't see the difference between 600p and 1080p from your couch.

Now we have hundred page threads arguing 900p vs 1080p...

The hypocrisy is truly laughable

The debating will only become more worse in the coming future. Especially if VR takes off. These frames and these seconds will literally be all up in peoples faces. Everyone will turn into experts and opinions will be all over the place.


...good post...

I agree. I am frustrated by all the people that ask, "Why does everyone hate Origin?" Because I don't hate Origin, but I do hate pointless hassles. And Origin provides nothing of value to me that Steam doesn't already do and usually better.

Interesting analogy, it is probably true to years old titles, and they are usually available on steam.

I would argue it's true of all kinds of titles but particularly true of games that don't have (or can't afford) very much marketing. In my mind, presence on Steam isn't just a storefront, but implicit "free" marketing.


I just came to an interesting realization.

We spent the past 5 years on GAF getting told that frame rate is irrelevant and you can't see the difference between 600p and 1080p from your couch.

Now we have hundred page threads arguing 900p vs 1080p...

The hypocrisy is truly laughable

Rarely ventured out of Steam GAF and my knowledge is probably equivalent to living under a rock about consoles but just checking one of the thread and 60fps is a reason for a day 1 purchase and apparently not the standard for next gen? 900p & sub 60fps for a new console in 2014? How?


At chapter 11/14 in Max Payne 3.

I can see myself completing it this week, which is a huge accomplishment in itself, as I never complete games.

After that, I plan on going through Gone Home > The Plan > Brothers > Arkham Asylum > Kentucky Route Zero > Papers Please > Stalker: SoC.

That should be enough variety.

But of course, The Forest, The Stumping Land H1Z1 will change my plan.
I just came to an interesting realization.

We spent the past 5 years on GAF getting told that frame rate is irrelevant and you can't see the difference between 600p and 1080p from your couch.

Wait what?
Know all about the resolution war (which I don't care for because PC!) and that inaccurate size/resolution/distance graph that gets thrown up everywhere, but do people really say frame rate is irrelevant?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Rarely ventured out of Steam GAF and my knowledge is probably equivalent to living under a rock about consoles but just checking one of the thread and 60fps is a reason for a day 1 purchase and apparently not the standard for next gen? 900p & sub 60fps for a new console in 2014? How?

Sony and MS both targeted profitability over power. The latter in particular just went about it the wrong way, which is why there's a relatively somewhat significant difference in power between the PS4 and X1.
At chapter 11/14 in Max Payne 3.

I can see myself completing it this week, which is a huge accomplishment in itself, as I never complete games.

After that, I plan on going through Gone Home > The Plan > Brothers > Arkham Asylum > Kentucky Route Zero > Papers Please > Stalker: SoC.

That should be enough variety.

But of course, The Forest, The Stumping Land H1Z1 will change my plan.

The highlighted a pretty short so you should have no problems with completing those.
Wait what?
Know all about the resolution war (which I don't care for because PC!) and that inaccurate size/resolution/distance graph that gets thrown everywhere, but do people really say frame rate is irrelevant?

Well, before PS4 vs X1, yes lots of people did say that. Even now there are people who say they can't see the difference or they prefer 30fps for the turned up eye candy. But yeah, ever since the performance differences in favor of the PS4 both res and fps matter a lot now.


What? No!
We don't censor media and we don't prohibit media for private use.
Whats forbidden is blatant propaganda in public.

You could buy every uncut Wolfenstein since the first one in every public store in Austria.

Wiki Verbotsgesetz 1947
True that, I've never delved into the legal situation about this topic in Austria until now. I only briefly skimmed over the "Abzeichengesetz 1960" a while back and I totally missed § 2 which permits the display of Nazi symbols in media, as long as it's not propaganda (which Wolfenstein clearly isn't).

Let's hope Bethesda will unlock the English version of Wolfenstein TNO in Austria soon then. Actually I don't care if there are Swastikas in the game or if I fight against the Nazis or some random made up regime. I couldn't care less. But I really want to play the game in English language because I can't stand German in computer games (barring a few exceptions like Broken Sword).


I'm going to be brutally honest, I only really care if racing games are 60fps.

I'll be more brutally honest and say I could care less if racing games, along with every other game, is 60fps. I play games to have fun and don't give a damn it it's 30 or 60 fps.
Wait what?
Know all about the resolution war (which I don't care for because PC!) and that inaccurate size/resolution/distance graph that gets thrown up everywhere, but do people really say frame rate is irrelevant?

Almost any argument that' starts with "framerate doesn't matter" eventually becomes "stable framerate is better than variable" to "I can't even tell the difference between 30 and 60 and neither can most of the general public" to finally end at "all that matters is the games anyway."

I have a ps4 but the xbones got some pretty good exclusives going for it. It's a shame that some of their fanbase is really having a tough time accepting that their machine was underpowered so that they could pack-in a camera that they've now ripped out because I'm envious of their exclusives, tbh.


Sony and MS both targeted profitability over power. The latter in particular just went about it the wrong way, which is why there's a relatively somewhat significant difference in power between the PS4 and X1.

Understandable, I'm just really surprised that 1080p and 60fps isn't the standard considering the visual quality of PS4/X1 games.

Looks like there's a demo as well, sweet.

edit: which is only 12.7 MB and doesn't work.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
What gets me is that many people aren't arguing over stability (though they will complain if a game isn't, but often not know why), increased rendering, improved graphics, or other aspects, but rather in the same tone and style they would argue over "bits" and "flops" or dare I say video game rating score numbers.
The actual core content sometime doesn't seem to matter, but if it's a "better", see higher, then obviously it's more important or some such thing.

If people wish to debate over what is more important, if they want to argue over what does or doesn't matter for their personal entertainment, if someone wants to show that from a business side of things things can be lower until the cost has come down, or if someone wants to explain the technical or artistic reason a game may be at a lower resolution or frame rate to deliver a specific experience or display in a certain way, all that's fine. I just want people to actually talk about it with some understand and not focus so much on just numbers when it's the output and experience that will truly affect the gamers.

I would also like a snickerdoodle cookie. So I'll get that at least in the near future.

New page, which means time for a recommendation.

One might take a look at this game and see simple voxel graphics, an almost cheerful cartoonish take on horror due to the brightness and designs and simplicity of things, and yet in this randomly generated level first person dungeon game it all works quite well.
Inspired by Lovecraft stories, this game throws you into a realm full of traps, items, and ever changing enemy and item locations where as it should be, everything not bolted down (excluding the traps) can and will kill you if given the chance and so you do have to pay attention to where you are going and not rush in blindly. Yes, even against the penguin.

It has a fault, depending on what you are going into this for, in the fact it's not too terribly difficult. However I say that works for it as sometimes I do want to play one of these games and just relax a bit to it, where if I'm calm I can make it through without too much stress. Likewise if you want to get someone into the genre, this is a good first step I do believe.

It's been in a couple of bundles, it's been on sale a number of times through Steam and Humble Bundle store, and it's fully expected to do so again.
I'll be more brutally honest and say I could care less if racing games, along with every other game, is 60fps. I play games to have fun and don't give a damn it it's 30 or 60 fps.

Ironically, depending on the game higher framerates make it more fun. I don't think you want to play competitive games at 30fps for ex :p
I'm going to be brutally honest, I only really care if racing games are 60fps.

Do you have Dark Souls?
Use DSFix and toggle between 60 - 30 fps.
I did it while getting up/down ladders and it felt like being stabbed in the eyes every time.
This is in a slow and methodical 3p action game, so I'd say it's important in pretty much most, if not all, games.

Almost any argument that' starts with "framerate doesn't matter" eventually becomes "stable framerate is better than variable" to "I can't even tell the difference between 30 and 60 and neither can most of the general public" to finally end at "all that matters is the games anyway."

I have a ps4 but the xbones got some pretty good exclusives going for it. It's a shame that some of their fanbase is really having a tough time accepting that their machine was underpowered so that they could pack-in a camera that they've now ripped out because I'm envious of their exclusives, tbh.

Yeah heard such talk many times before, it tends to mainly come from console gamers though doesn't it?
Last-gen was filled with sub-30 fps games, no wonder they get used to shitty frame rate, some games are just painful to play on my PS3.
Too bad consoles are getting behind more and more for every gen.


Ironically, depending on the game higher framerates make it more fun. I don't think you want to play competitive games at 30fps for ex :p

I imagine you'd want higher fps for competitive gaming yes. Personally, I don't remember the last multiplayer game I played. For me, 30 or 60fps makes no difference.


Do you have Dark Souls?
Use DSFix and toggle between 60 - 30 fps.
I did it while getting up/down ladders and it felt like being stabbed in the eyes every time.
This is in a slow and methodical 3p action game, so I'd say it's important in pretty much most, if not all, games.

Yes, what I meant is whilst I'd obviously prefer 60fps in all my games. I'd only consider not getting a racing game as a result of it being 30fps (especially one that aims more to simulation than arcade).
I imagine you'd want higher fps for competitive gaming yes. Personally, I don't remember the last multiplayer game I played. For me, 30 or 60fps makes no difference.

Makes no difference as you see no difference or you don't care about the difference?

Yes, what I meant is whilst I'd obviously prefer 60fps in all my games. I'd only consider not getting a racing game as a result of it being 30fps (especially one that aims more to simulation than arcade).

Yeah that's another matter.
30 fps sure is playable, but it doesn't make 60 fps irrelevant.
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