some stuff before I head to bed
Thank you for iBomber Attack!
some stuff before I head to bed
apparently this affects every digital platform. so it is locked out for Origin, Steam and Uplay. However, it still releases today on Singapore PSN so it only seems to be for PC. Someone told me to use VPN to play the game but i am not sure if i should do that. Steam also gave me a key for Uplay already so I am not sure if they will even let me cancel the pre order
apparently this affects every digital platform. so it is locked out for Origin, Steam and Uplay. However, it still releases today on Singapore PSN so it only seems to be for PC. Someone told me to use VPN to play the game but i am not sure if i should do that. Steam also gave me a key for Uplay already so I am not sure if they will even let me cancel the pre order
some stuff before I head to bed
Ubi pulled the same crap with South Park but a few days before release and only a couple of daya delay. This is ridiculous.
Shouldnt be a problem playing the Game using a VPN. Since I have been in China I almost use it every time I open Steam. I asked support and they said if its just playing, it doesnt matter.
It matters when there are unregularly transactions from all over the world, they told me like if you one day buy a Game from Russia, the next day from Brazil, then Germany, then HK and wherever.
If you enjoy management games and enjoy football then go for it. They usually disappear from Steam every year when the new is released too, so grab it now or chase after them like a fool when they're 'gone'!
I added all the time spent playing FM over the years and I've spent a legit year of my life playing Football Manager games. Worth it though considering what I do for a living now!
This, release day embargoes, Uplay, announcing games then denying they were ever announced (Beyond Good and Evil 2). Just a few more signs and Ubocalypse will be upon us. Best start polishing up your francophone.
from what I read, I would have to be offline all the time if I want to play the game before the release date?
Are anyone interested in playing The Stomping Land together when it releases? How many can we be on a server?
HOLY SHIT WHATOMG A-Train 9 is on Steam! Only two years after its international release, and four years after its original japanese release![]()
I really hope that we get the Football Manager games in Germany, now that EA has canned their own Fifa Manager.
Im not sure, but the BG&E2 "Trailer" was always just a Techdemo and was announced as one.
I am interested but I don't have the game =S lol
OMG A-Train 9 is on Steam! Only two years after its international release, and four years after its original japanese release![]()
I wish more people could get into these games. They're even more sandbox-y than SimCity, and the whole building-a-city-around-transit concept's alien to most Western gamers. Still, once you get things going, you'll soon have yourself a great Japanese metroplex to sculpt.
It didn't really demonstrate anything other than tease a sequel for a game people loved, though. Maybe it was a tech demo for Uplay, which is clearly powered entirely by schadenfreude and scum.
Definitely check out A-Train for DOS (a pot of A-Train III originally released for Japanese PCs), which was Maxim's first and second-to-last interaction with Artdink and this franchise (they later ported A-Train IV to the PlayStation as A-Train again). Here's Lazy Game Reviews' take on the DOS game.Never even heard of it. Wishlisted.
I wish more people could get into these games. They're even more sandbox-y than SimCity, and the whole building-a-city-around-transit concept's alien to most Western gamers. Still, once you get things going, you'll soon have yourself a great Japanese metroplex to sculpt.
It was a Trailer for one of their new engines for the next-generation at that time IIRC and after people thought its the Game they clearly said its not a Game. Just a techdemo featuring characters from BG&E, because even journalists thought its the Trailer for BG&E2.
There are no dogs in future Chicago?![]()
I wanna play!
EDIT: But I'm at work!
Thanks for Litil Divil !
Anyone knows if Watch Dogs will run decently on a 650M laptop GPU?
Because it seems to be working for them. Formula that a wide range of people enjoy, just change up the setting every now and then, and you're good to go.
I'm surprised you felt that ship combat and mechanics were worse in AC4 than AC3 though, I thought they'd refined them somewhat. I did think setting, story and characters in particular were a step back compared to AC3 though.
Supposedly its CPU-limited. So I guess we could run it at medium @ 30fps 720p? I've got a 635M and only a 1366x768 screen anyway, so the 720p doesn't bother me
Luckily got a i7 for my laptop. I'm hoping Ubi's multi-threading skillz have improved
what a betrayal
rise of the machines omgg
Are Uplay keys region-locked? I wonder if I should just sell my Watch Dogs key for a huge profit. Don't have much interest in the game.
Why was that thread locked? Seems like a legitimate discussion topic for me.
It's strange, but something like Killer is Dead excites me more than Watch Dogs. :/
It's strange, but something like Killer is Dead excites me more than Watch Dogs. :/
GAF has been a bit tighter lately but it's not like the discussion was gonna blossom into something other than repeating what was already being said
Maybe you're on a watchlist. Since your previous fiasco.
I also have an i7, let me know how it runs if you try it, if I can run it at 720p with high settings I'll be happy.
hmm I'm impressed by the number of SG GAF here in SteamGAF :O
Well the only way I could is if I pirate the game. Not gonna touch uPlay with a 10 metre pole
The game is sloppy controls which cause you to constantly do the wrong thing accidentally with disastrous consequences; is inconsistently interactive world design; is a cover system whereby you get stuck on scenery or it guesses incorrectly where you want to move. The game is insta-fail stealth missions, wave-defense missions, escort missions, missions where what the character’s say and what the objective is don’t match up. The game is restrictive objectives which don’t make use of the possibilities provided by the open city or the hacking mechanics, and checkpoint positions that force you to re-watch short cutscenes or re-perform rote actions after every death.
I found this video on youtube, seems to be barely playable, I'll wait for a lower price.
And yet I see lots of reviews with opposite opinions on these aspects.
And yet I see lots of reviews with opposite opinions on these aspects.
Not trying to defend Watch Dogs necessarily, but cherry picking the worst bits of reviews seems a tad unfair.
And yet I see lots of reviews with opposite opinions on these aspects.
Not trying to defend Watch Dogs necessarily, but cherry picking the worst bits of reviews seems a tad unfair.
And yet I see lots of reviews with opposite opinions on these aspects.
Not trying to defend Watch Dogs necessarily, but cherry picking the worst bits of reviews seems a tad unfair.