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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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Unconfirmed Member
Ah, thanks.

Utterly irredeemable campaign, especially the level design. Literally the worst single player campaign I played that year. It was so bad that I was actually mad my time had been wasted.

Really ? I really enjoyed the single player campaign of BLOPS 1 tbh. A lot more so than say MW3 or Ghosts for example.

Dr Dogg

Both Blops 1 and Blops 2 campaigns are pretty good, Blops 1 being the better one IMO. Blops 2 gets a bit batshit at times.


Funnily despite me giving Military Shooters the cold shoulder (and a rant at earlier in this thread) Black Ops II at least tries something a little different than mass genocide.


Unconfirmed Member
The ran out of talent looking on final product reviews

Oh, that's unfortunate.

Really ? I really enjoyed the single player campaign of BLOPS 1 tbh. A lot more so than say MW3 or Ghosts for example.

It killed any interest I had for further titles in the series. But friends who have played MW3 and Ghosts do agree with you that it was at least better than the later games. I've watched a fair bit of the two...what I saw wasn't encouraging.

I do apologize for being brief though, as I'm currently on Mobile so it is a bit difficult to fully articulate my issues with the game.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
JaseC what was evopolution a spare from?


Unconfirmed Member
I do apologize for being brief though, as I'm currently on Mobile so it is a bit difficult to fully articulate my issues with the game.

That's cool, I just find the COD campaigns to be 6 hours of linear stop and pop fun. I don't really look at them in any depth tbh which is very likely why I enjoy them all but don't feel too strongly about any of them.


That's cool, I just find the COD campaigns to be 6 hours of linear stop and pop fun. I don't really look at them in any depth tbh which is very likely why I enjoy them all but don't feel too strongly about any of them.

MW3, the worst of the worst imo (haven't played Ghosts) was barely over 4hrs, I think I had 4:24 on the clock at the end. 6-8 hours I can live with and Blops2 gets my recommendation for feeling somewhat fresh and ambitious but 3 was ridiculous. Can't remember much from Blops1.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Their key redeem method is awful. Name address postcode, phone number?

Just as well they didn't check that I live at Stayoutofmylife cottage in Narnia. or that my name was really Captain Barnacle-Boobies.

More annoying still is that you can't make an account and so you have to input the info every time. The guys really ought to make their own billing system... but then again they are lazy. :p

Speaking generally, though, I never provide my actual phone number since it's not a component that's cross-checked, and I stay away from stores that demand a legitimate number for the purpose of phone/SMS verification under the guise of fraud protection. Even on Steam it's just 0000000000.


I need the hexen + heretic pack and the unreal pack to make my steam folder complete with the games of my childhood.

Is there a way to get notified once they go on sale ?

30€ for the unreal pack and 10€ for hexen and heretic is a bit too expensive for me.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Decided to strike another Steam review for the early morning.


I had originally played Deadly Premonition on the 360 during May of 2010. I was visiting my grandmother and was out with the family at Best Buy, where an uncle of mine was considering getting a printer. Being the dork I am, I went to go check out the video game section, and there were a few copies of Deadly Premonition lined on the shelves. The cover caught my interest as a horror fan, and the cheap $20 price tag sold me on it to make a blind purchase. When we got back from our day out, I put it into the 360 and started to play.

The first thing I noticed about Deadly Premonition, and something that has remained true, is that I love its soundtrack. A few select tracks are used maybe a little too often, but the music perfectly fits the odd tone of the game, and is pretty damn catchy. Even as I am writing this review, I find myself humming a few of its tunes. This is a case where the soundtrack isn't just good, but is a big part of this game. I am convinced the game may not have been as well received by as many if it didn't have this off-kilter soundtrack that really gets you into the mood for the oddness the game throws at you.

The next thing I and about anyone else will notice is that this game looks dated. It's something of a miracle that a game in this graphical condition was released as a published disk-based console title in this day and age. It looks dated, but then controversially I would say the look fits the game. It sort of sets you into a set of expectations for the sort of game you're about to play. This may be backwards logic, but if the game had looked amazing I feel a lot of people would of found the actuality of the game to be lackluster to its looks. And as the game goes on, the odd facial expressions and clunky animations become very amusing. Notably, the Director's Cut does update the graphics some, but honestly its hardly noticeable.

The rest rolls from there. The controls are a bit awkward, but you adjust. The first chapter isn't all that great, but it gets better. And before you know it, you start getting hooked into the game. I know I did. And it's the type of game you want to talk about.


Heavily inspired by Twin Peaks (to a point in development the game got in legal trouble for far too many similarities that they had to change it, back when the game was known as Rainy Woods), the story follows the same basic premise; An FBI agent goes to investigate the homicide of a local high school beauty in a small pacific-northwestern town, but the town has a darker side the FBI agent discovers as he gets deeper into the case. The town is Greenvale, and our character in Deadly Premonition is Agent Francis York Morgan (but just call him York, that's what everybody calls him), an offbeat FBI agent who solves cases through odd measures, particularly of note in the fact he uses a system he calls profiling (that basically results to magic to figure out what happened by collecting clues), and see's shapes and messages in his morning coffee and newspaper that gives him clues to things to investigate. He also talks regularly to some unseen person named Zach. Many will quickly put together that 'Zach' is actually York's way of talking to the player, who only he seems to realize is watching everything, and who only he interacts with.

Deadly Premonition has unforgettable characters. York stands out, as the player really begins to form a connection with their odd agent, but the rest of the cast are just as good. The likes of Emily, George, Thomas, Mr. Stewart, Polly, and the rest of the colorful cast will last with you long after the game has been completed. And the story legitimately begins to get gripping. Like the rest of the game, Deadly Premonition tells an odd tale, and honestly some of what occurs in the game is absolutely ridiculous, but somehow you'll legitimately care what's going on. That is when you're not laughing your ass off, as the game is somehow both intentionally and unintentionally hilarious at the same time.

But it's more than just that, this game manages to actually be touching, and I found myself more emotionally involved with this game's story and characters than most any other game I've played in the last few years. And while I don't want to get ahead of myself, the last few hours of the game's story are unforgettable. Saying bye to York and the rest of Greenvale is up there as one of the hardest things I had to do as a gamer upon coming to the close of the game.

Deadly Premonition is not just, 'so bad it's good' (though definitely parts of the game are just that). The game does some things absolutely wonderfully, really stellar and uniquely. But it does other things terribly, absolutely horribly. It has flaws, a lot of them. But somehow most of these flaws become strangely part of the whole experience. They sort of blend in with everything else and become part of the overall experience of Deadly Premonition. Not everyone will like Deadly Premonition, but the title since I've played it has taken on a fairly big cult following, and for good reason.

Deadly Premonition is more than the sum of its parts. The game has obviously a lot of heart in it, and it shows. But it also is loaded with flaws, and that also shows. But somehow, the heart put into this game and the elements that make it amazing shine above the cumbersome driving, or the glitches the game has, or fact the game has a few annoying QTEs. The term, 'experience', in games gets thrown around a lot these days, but this truly is what Deadly Premonition is. An experience.

And it's not a short one either. The game should take someone 15-20 hours to complete the first time. To do the side-quests easily adds another 5-20 hours (and you should do the side-quests, they're rather fun and most all of them add additional cutscenes and character depth, plus some of them reward you with handy items, like quick-travel or a weather doll or infinite ammo weapons, or even just new cars and suits).


The PC port has flaws. There are many fan-made work arounds and patches made to help, but these still exist. I was lucky that I didn't run into much, but the game did crash a couple of times for me, and there's this weird thing with the game where the longer you play it without closing it and re-launching it, the slower over time the FPS will get. It's hardly a perfect port, and some will definitely be turned off by this.

But it's also definitely the best version of the game. And if you haven't experienced Deadly Premonition before, you definitely ought to at least give it a try, maybe stick around for the coffee.

Deadly Premonition is not a masterpiece in a traditional sense, and it's too flawed in ways to be named a good game (maybe okay at best). But Deadly Premonition is probably one of the best gaming experiences you could have that's released in the last few years. You'll laugh, you'll cringe, you'll be hit with feels, and you'll panic. When all is said and done, we need more games like Deadly Premonition. It's the mid-tier game in one of the purest forms, flawed and arguably bad, but with so much heart and enjoyable elements you may not care, and hardly any game will put a smile on your face as much as DP does.


There's no RU-specific version so you can pick it up from a trader for about 66% less.

Cool, I'll get it then... can't be bothered to wait for a base price reduction. Honestly I've liked every CoD campaign especially 2, MW and MW2. MW2 was a bit frustrating because it was so damn difficult though and the checkpoints were terrible.

Is http://www.steamtrades.com/ down for you as well?

Dr Dogg

I need the hexen + heretic pack and the unreal pack to make my steam folder complete with the games of my childhood.

Is there a way to get notified once they go on sale ?

30€ for the unreal pack and 10€ for hexen and heretic is a bit too expensive for me.

IsThereAnyDeal allows you to set up alerts, which might help. Realistically outside of a daily or weeklong out of the blue they probably will go on sale, as always during QuakeCon around August. Well unless things have gone completely to shit at iD.


I can have them dling all day long and get the rewards as early as tomorrow!

Hopefully they register in time for me to use them on Wolfenstein NO.

I get the feeling it may take me 7 days to download them all.


Decided to strike another Steam review for the early morning.

I really want to play this, but for some reason the game and my PC don't get along. Tons of crashes, and a while back I finally got past a certain point without it crashing but then it switched to ~5 FPS and it became unplayable yet again.

And I feel kinda bad about not being able to play, since someone gifted it to me when it just came out.


Finally finished the main story in Diablo 3 + Reaper of Souls. What a boring game. Could not have finished it without help from some people.

Dr Dogg

Probably the easiest ~$4.70 I'll ever make, haha.

Edit: Aw, make that ~$4.40 since I've played three minutes of KOTOR.

Hahaha yeah I've played a bit of 5 of them so won't get the full quota.

Considering none of these are on sale on GMG at the moment it's quite good of them to be essentially rewarding people for spending money on Steam. I wonder if later on down the line rewards will be closely linked to games that are currently or recently been on sale on GMG to drive custom to them. Still either way can't complain.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hahaha yeah I've played a bit of 5 of them so won't get the full quota.

Considering none of these are on sale on GMG at the moment it's quite good of them to be essentially rewarding people for spending money on Steam. I wonder if later on down the line rewards will be closely linked to games that are currently or recently been on sale on GMG to drive custom to them. Still either way can't complain.

Yeah, I think once GMG has ironed out the kinks the program will be scaled back a bit, with focus shifting to games that are currently discounted on GMG itself. I just hope that doesn't happen before Murdered: Soul Supect's release as taking into account the Star Wars credit and assuming a 25% discount code shows up closer to release, I'll currently only be paying $12 for it and I'd like to get that down into the $9 ballpark. ;)


and here i am playing child of light on uplay like a sucker

game is awesome

I should go pick that game up later today if not tomorrow =3

Seems I can idle or play maybe half the games on the list once I've got them downloaded today at least. Gonna do that then jump back into Gunhound EX and Kung Fu Strike.

I swear KF Strike is needlessly hard.


KF strike is a bad game IMO. Went for the triple S rank achievement but couldn't be bothered with the one that you get for completing the game. The combat just isn't any fun.

From an aesthetic view, it looks nice and the fighting animation is cool IMO, and the combat system has merit, I'd say its execution of its gameplay concepts is not well done



Dr Dogg

What I find great is that after Dusk writes some thoughts about a game on Steam about an hour or so later I see some peeps on my friends list playing it.

Yeah, I think once GMG has ironed out the kinks the program will be scaled back a bit, with focus shifting to games that are currently discounted on GMG itself. I just hope that doesn't happen before Murdered: Soul Supect's release as taking into account the Star Wars credit and assuming a 25% discount code shows up closer to release, I'll currently only be paying $12 for it and I'd like to get that down into the $9 ballpark. ;)

Yeah makes perfect sense. Have a wider scope early days to attract interest then when people are invested in your scheme narrow the focus to your own storefront. It's what a lot of the affiliate link cash back sites do. In fact everyone wants to give me money back these days. My bank give me money back on debit card purchases, places like Quidco and TopCashback give a certain percentage for select retailers, GMG give their own credit back and PlayFire give rewards in credit for playing games. When all these things align I can end up spending half as much as I expected sometimes. One plus for a battered economy I guess.

Some guy posted screenshots of a nice looking skin he's working on over at Reddit.


Looks really great IMO. Currently using Metro, will most likely be using that one when it's available.

Yeah that looks very clean and a great use of space. Will keep an eye out, thanks.


Star Wars Dark Forces 2 refuses to run on my WIndows 8.1...
I followed a guide on the Steam forums but that doesn't fix it either =_= Game keeps crashing.
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