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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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Oh good. Another chance to share my Uplay Nightmare being. He represents what I think of Uplay. Sandals, shorts, and the color and consistancy of a Cheeto, on a journey from bag, to staleness.

Friends don't let friends Uplay. My creation stands as a warning to all those that say "Yo HAWX 2 is only a buck on Uplay. this seems like a good idea.". Don't do it.


Arthur from Ghouls 'n Ghosts called. He wants his beard back.

(Seriously, that's a disturbing avatar. The steak knife he's clutching isn't helping matters, either. It's doing a very good job of making me want to avoid Uplay, so I'd say it's working as intended. :p)


Unconfirmed Member
So it looks like it's a choice between Prototype or the Jedi Knight collection, then. Guess it all comes down to whether I feel like running around as a Jedi or a dark superhero (antihero?) I'll have to ponder that a bit and then decide. Thanks, guys! : )
Have you played any of these games before? I'm a big fan of the Jedi Knight games, but I never finished Dark Forces (I plan to; I got to the sixth level a while ago and got stuck there, and yesterday I gave the Steam version a try and reached the third one) nor Mysteries of the Sith (played the first few levels at a friend's house). Bear in mind that JK1 has a very rudimentary lightsaber combat system, and Force powers aren't too intuitive or well implemented, but I still think it's worth playing. As far as I remember, weapons feel good and the story is entertaining. Level design can be a bit too confusing, but that's expected given the game's age. The music is what you expect from a Star Wars piece of media, which is to say nice orchestrated goodness (I hope John Williams got a nice paycheck out of this, because his songs will be forever burned in my brain).

Jedi Outcast and Academy are masterpieces in my opinion, especially the former. They are unforgiving, and even the most basic of enemies (plain ol' stormtroopers) pack a punch and don't go down easily. Until you get your saber, be prepared to die several times unless you play it very carefully (and even then it won't be easy). But you'll feel so good once you get hold of it and start obliterating all these guys that gave you so much trouble before. And to this day I haven't found a game where superpowers felt better. I don't know what it is, but shooting lightning from your hands or choking enemies to death after pulling their weapons towards you feels fantastic, not to mention the saber handling (different attack stances, with several combos each). I prefer the story and campaign of Jedi Outcast, but Academy is a worthy successor and a must-play if you liked the former. Level design in Outcast can be a bit hit-or-miss, with some levels being incredible and others feeling like a maze where you have no idea where to go, but overall I'd say it's strong. Jedi Academy fixed this for the most part, and you rarely get confused in this sense. The multiplayer part in both is also excellent, and I lost plenty of hours of my life to JK2's bot matches (yes, both games have bots, which is a good thing in my book).

Regarding Prototype, I found it to be an okay game, but not much more than that. It starts promising, but later on loses steam and becomes repetitive. What at first was "Whoa, this game is incredible" turned to "Oh, another one of these missions?" not much later, only to be followed by "What? The stats menu says I still have 6 missions to beat? I hate my life". Besides, what's probably the worst thing (yes, even worse than constant repetition) is that enemies seem to scale along with you. But it doesn't feel balanced, so in the end, when you're supposed to be extremely powerful, you end up feeling weaker than when you first started the game, because the enemies are much stronger than you and take forever to die. That's something that completely killed my enjoyment of it, and instead of playing an epic ending with an unstoppable Alex Mercer destroying everything he touched, I went through a miserable experience where every single enemy was potentially lethal to me. Of course, you may enjoy this kind of games that get more and more challenging as they go, but this is NOT what I want from a superhero sort of game. In that sense, I feel the Jedi Knight games capture much more accurately the feeling of becoming ever more powerful, and despite pairing you with equally-leveled lightsaber-wielding enemies, you never stop feeling like the living weapon of mass destruction you are.

Anyway, I hope these opinions of mine can help you, if not make up your mind, at least have an idea of what a fellow GAFfer thinks of these games. I'd go with the Jedi Knight franchise pack, but Prototype isn't bad at all, and may be worth a try if you are interested. I wouldn't recommend it myself, but I can certainly see how others could enjoy it more than I did.
Have you played any of these games before? I'm a big fan of the Jedi Knight games, but I never finished Dark Forces (I plan to; I got to the sixth level a while ago and got stuck there, and yesterday I gave the Steam version a try and reached the third one) nor Mysteries of the Sith (played the first few levels at a friend's house). Bear in mind that JK1 has a very rudimentary lightsaber combat system, and Force powers aren't too intuitive or well implemented, but I still think it's worth playing. As far as I remember, weapons feel good and the story is entertaining. Level design can be a bit too confusing, but that's expected given the game's age. The music is what you expect from a Star Wars piece of media, which is to say nice orchestrated goodness (I hope John Williams got a nice paycheck out of this, because his songs will be forever burned in my brain).

Jedi Outcast and Academy are masterpieces in my opinion, especially the former. They are unforgiving, and even the most basic of enemies (plain ol' stormtroopers) pack a punch and don't go down easily. Until you get your saber, be prepared to die several times unless you play it very carefully (and even then it won't be easy). But you'll feel so good once you get hold of it and start obliterating all these guys that gave you so much trouble before. And to this day I haven't found a game where superpowers felt better. I don't know what it is, but shooting lightning from your hands or choking enemies to death after pulling their weapons towards you feels fantastic, not to mention the saber handling (different attack stances, with several combos each). I prefer the story and campaign of Jedi Outcast, but Academy is a worthy successor and a must-play if you liked the former. Level design in Outcast can be a bit hit-or-miss, with some levels being incredible and others feeling like a maze where you have no idea where to go, but overall I'd say it's strong. Jedi Academy fixed this for the most part, and you rarely get confused in this sense. The multiplayer part in both is also excellent, and I lost plenty of hours of my life to JK2's bot matches (yes, both games have bots, which is a good thing in my book).

Regarding Prototype, I found it to be an okay game, but not much more than that. It starts promising, but later on loses steam and becomes repetitive. What at first was "Whoa, this game is incredible" turned to "Oh, another one of these missions?" not much later, only to be followed by "What? The stats menu says I still have 6 missions to beat? I hate my life". Besides, what's probably the worst thing (yes, even worse than constant repetition) is that enemies seem to scale along with you. But it doesn't feel balanced, so in the end, when you're supposed to be extremely powerful, you end up feeling weaker than when you first started the game, because the enemies are much stronger than you and take forever to die. That's something that completely killed my enjoyment of it, and instead of playing an epic ending with an unstoppable Alex Mercer destroying everything he touched, I went through a miserable experience where every single enemy was potentially lethal to me. Of course, you may enjoy this kind of games that get more and more challenging as they go, but this is NOT what I want from a superhero sort of game. In that sense, I feel the Jedi Knight games capture much more accurately the feeling of becoming ever more powerful, and despite pairing you with equally-leveled lightsaber-wielding enemies, you never stop feeling like the living weapon of mass destruction you are.
Got to agree with this. I'm playing Outcast and Academy for the first time and they are great. Easily the best lightsaber combat every and with the dismember mod, you feel unstoppable. The gameplay is really fun

Prototype, I enjoyed but it did get very repetitive and the only reason I finished is so I could play New Game + with all my powers. The final missions were all slogs. What I played of Prototype 2 on PS3, the sequel was a big improvement

But I'd go with the Jedi games over Prototype


Unconfirmed Member
Mysteries of the Sith seems kind of, I dunno, ghetto. They got rid of the live-action FMV's, which were cheesy but at least well done, and replaced them with in-game cinematics that aren't exactly great. The sound quality of the voice overs is particularly awful. It sounds like the recorded everything at one guys desk with whatever piece of crap headset and mic combo they had lying around. It doesn't even sound like they got the same voice actor for Kyle Katarn.
The whole game has worse sound quality than JK, and you can tell by comparing both games' main menu sounds. From what I've read somewhere on the internet (citation needed, of course), they had to reduce it in order to make it fit a single CD.

And from what I've read on Wookieepedia (yup, that's a thing), each game Kyle Katarn appeared in featured a different actor, except for Jedi Outcast and Academy (both shared the same guy). So you're right about the voice being different!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
No I didn't...ugh, you have got to be kidding me. Is there any links with more info?

There's not much but it's quite obvious.

Bitmap Brothers' Z is coming to Steam? http://store.steampowered.com/app/275530/ Awwwwyiisss. Looks like as barebones as it gets and I never got too far due to the relentless and often luck-based difficulty but I'd love giving it another shot.

The sequel is on its way, too. I realise the game's not actually named Z2, but it couldn't be anything else, especially considering Z is 277530 and 277510 immediately precedes it (uploading a game reserves 20 apps in total so there's ample room for depots).


We doing uPlay avatars again? Here's mine...
Nar Shadda is the most hit-or-miss map I've played in Dark Forces so far. The biggest problem is that the weapon it introduces, the Concussion Rifle, is itself not fit for the level design pervading the game. In Doom, the BFG's both very powerful but requires genuine skill to utilize—and it doesn't throw blast damage in your face should you mistakenly shoot at a wall in front of you (which happens a lot in these early FPSes, there's not much way around the trial-and-error corridors). The Concussion Rifle's basically a long-range shotgun yielding blast damage, meaning that I either hit the guy in front of me or do way too much damage to myself. Couple this kink with the enemies carrying this gun, who can fire at me and land a shot even once I've skipped behind a wall (so it homes!...not), and I can't help but get very frustrated.

Still, the map's awesomely vertical and, by nature of it having a few bottomless pits, encourages a stealth-based, peekaboo approach. The problem I have with this is that there's no way to lean in and out of corners, which makes stealth a matter of being behind the enemy and hoping they haven't heard from several rooms over. This gun's also buggy, since the autoaim does not work well above a certain vertical range, and it can't easily tell if I'm shooting a high wall or the enemy standing on top of it. Overall, what should be an atmospheric, wave-to-wave dive into scum and villainy ends seeming half-assed. I hope none of the later maps have this problem, or that fisting Kell dragons will be as ridiculous. All the maps beforehand at least provided good amounts of shields and medikits in areas where weapons new and old would exercised in very new ways; taking out a turret's gotten easier with mortars and therm-dets everywhere. But I'm not happy with the Concussion Rifle, and the map's focus on it isn't working well.

(I'm playing all maps on Hard (some turn out to be pretty easy) and with remapped controls sans mouselook).
I regretted not getting Vampire during the Amazon sale so I decided to listen to all the praise here and I am not disappointed. Installed the Unofficial Patch and just finished the tutorial and the game is excellent. I'm already fascinated and intrigued by the world. The atmosphere is great, the world is interesting, the gameplay seems pretty fun and varied, and honestly the visuals are not half-bad.

Having put a little time into both KOTOR and Vampire, I think Vampire is the RPG that is the most engaging and interesting to me so far.
The mansion is one of my favorite gaming levels. Amazing how well the Masquerade holds up. Really wish we would have gotten a real sequel, and it seems nothing of its sort will come out now that the mmo got canned :/ Such a heart breaker.


dks2 spider cave is as bad as advertised, but at least it's short

been couch "co-oping" it with my brother just like taking turns and it's going along somewhat fine.

still gotta look over my shoulder every 10 minutes tho lol
Did any of the PC CoDs after CoD W@W put back in server browsers and stuff?

I know MW2 removed them in favour of terrible P2P, but did the Treyarch BLOPS games put them back in? Treyarch seemed to be better about all that stuff.


Did any of the PC CoDs after CoD W@W put back in server browsers and stuff?

I know MW2 removed them in favour of terrible P2P, but did the Treyarch BLOPS games put them back in? Treyarch seemed to be better about all that stuff.

Pretty sure Black Ops did. MW3 had a server browser too, but IIRC it was only for unranked games.
I got about an hour into Mysteries of the Sith and then stopped. I wasn't enjoying the game, at all, but I at least gave it the hour I plan to give every game in my Steam library. Started playing Jedi Outcast and it's basically a larger leap over Jedi Knight than Jedi Knight was over Dark Forces. It also took the least amount of fiddling, just a few console commands to enable a custom widescreen resolution.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only person who uses the cards (and Playfire rewards, etc.) as motivation to actually play some of these games for a couple of hours, particularly the more arcade-y ones.
Nah, I do that too, it's a good motivator and I wouldn't play a lot of the games I gave otherwise.

And to this day I haven't found a game where superpowers felt better.
I agree with what you said, but regarding that sentence in particular both inFamous 1 and Saints Row IV (by about 3/4 into each game) are vastly superior in that respect... and I love the JK games to death.
Nah, I do that too, it's a good motivator and I wouldn't play a lot of the games I gave otherwise.
Same here.
I've played a few games just because they had cards and I want that steam wallet $$$, lots of good games that only really clicked for me once I started playing again for cards, I like the incentive to play games that cards bring.


Did any of the PC CoDs after CoD W@W put back in server browsers and stuff?

I know MW2 removed them in favour of terrible P2P, but did the Treyarch BLOPS games put them back in? Treyarch seemed to be better about all that stuff.
MW3 and Black Ops 1 have, Black Ops 2 doesn't, but Treyarch did its homework for the game, and the experience isn't TOO damaged.


So if Blacklist is $4.62 on Gamersgate, can we expect a similar price on Steam? I'm tempted to get it now, but I'd prefer to have it on Steam and not download Uplay

Do people not realize that you will HAVE to download Uplay regardless since ALL new Ubisoft games use it even if you bought the game off of steam?

After you launch the game through Steam, it will launch Uplay and in-game, you will have steam overlay AND Uplay overlay.
Do people not realize that you will HAVE to download Uplay regardless since ALL new Ubisoft games use it even if you bought the game off of steam?

After you launch the game through Steam, it will launch Uplay and in-game, you will have steam overlay AND Uplay overlay.

Don't you just get a steam key for it?

And it's warner bros. not ubisoft.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Do people not realize that you will HAVE to download Uplay regardless since ALL new Ubisoft games use it even if you bought the game off of steam?

After you launch the game through Steam, it will launch Uplay and in-game, you will have steam overlay AND Uplay overlay.

Well, this isn't entirely true of Rocksmith 2014 any more and it's rumoured that Watch Dogs will be the same -- when running a game for the first time you'll need to activate your key using the client, but future instances ignore the client entirely, with only the in-game overlay being present. I wonder if Ubi will eventually patch this behaviour into its other games.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
On another note, how the market works with TF2/CSGO/DOTA2 keys and refs is quite interesting, and does help to save quite a bit if used right (just got BF2, ASM+DLC and CoD Warchest for pretty cheap).

I still don't quite understand how dispenser.tf actually works with refs though XD


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yeah forgot about that one.

There's a distinction to make between internally-developed Ubi titles and those developed by a third party. Beginning with AssCreed 2, all of Ubi's own titles have used Uplay as it's corporate policy (Rayman Origins being the one and only exception), whereas external partners are free to choose whichever DRM method they prefer. South Parks falls within the latter category.


Clicked around on GameMaker's site and was pretty surprised by the portfolio. I knew about Hotline Miami since cactus makes all his games in GM, but had no idea about Risk of Rain, Nidhogg and Valdis Story. Seems like it's a much more powerful tool than when I messed around with it like 10 years ago! Kinda want to grab the cheapest license and mess around with it now...

Uplay licensed MS's avatars? They look the same.
You should probably visit an optician.


MS avatars have 100 times the charm and nearly as much more detail and attention paid to them. Uplay avatars are like horrible mannequin nightmares.
MS avatars are still creepy, but not as scary
my uplay one (><)

edited: also uplay is slow today
or any other day

there is Grid sale on gamersgate. The weird thing is that only Grid2 base game isn't discounted, everything else is -66%, Grid 2 Reloaded Edition -50%, though.
I have stopped myself posting about these uPlay avatars several times now, not because they are creepy and aesthetically irredeemable [although they are] but because it is distinctly off topic and this thread has enough of that crap as it is.

However since this conversation is Mod instigated approved...

As you can see, my uPlay avatar is a generic nothing. When I set up my uPlay account because Zombi U forced me to I just ignored all that avatar and personalise your profile crap hence the avatar you see there.


the uplay talk reminded me I had some uplay codes I didn't try redeeming because I never installed the client, guess i now have pop forgotten sands to play!


Since we have uplay talk, as well I may ask. I already tried to get uplay to give me uplay game for retail copy (CD keys) once, it didn't work. Are there any retail games that uplay acknowledges like steam does?

and wth is with Watch Dogs 100&#8364; price?
edited: oh, it's some special edition
also uplay don't believe in discounts, do they? There is not even option to check for discounts and deals (><)


Since we have uplay talk, as well I may ask. I already tried to get uplay to give me uplay game for retail copy (CD keys) once, it didn't work. Are there any retail games that uplay acknowledges like steam does?

Nope, I got my physical Anno 1404's here before uPlay got introduced and the support wouldn't honor it at all for a uPlay version. Mind you, I asked this like over a year ago. Twice.

Same for the 1404 Gold edition which was introduced after uPlay.

EDIT: So any new title past 1404 is completely fine.
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