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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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I didn't even know there was a new game, let alone coming soon

Nope, I got my physical Anno 1404's here before uPlay got introduced and the support wouldn't honor it at all for a uPlay version. Mind you, I asked this like over a year ago. Twice.

Same for the 1404 Gold edition which was introduced after uPlay.

It's odd why would they do this, not like uplay is so popular that people would rebuy a game they already have. Then again, who understands Ubi.


I regret posting that (now btw dead) Uplay deal. What have I done, what happened in here?

As you can see, my uPlay avatar is a generic nothing. When I set up my uPlay account because Zombi U forced me to I just ignored all that avatar and personalise your profile crap hence the avatar you see there.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to delete an avatar and go back to the good old avatar-less time once you created one.


I sold three for almost 4€ combined. Guess I got lucky someone really wanted them but there are still very few on the market so combined with the 30% off the game can become really cheap.

Dr Dogg

Nope can unsee that now, I imagine you all as your Uplay avatars.

Uplay is a service (if you can call it that) with an identity crisis.

I've sadly been there from the beginning with AC2 on 360 and then a month later on PC for the same game. AC2 just acted like a silly gated DLC scheme on consoles for playing the game with all preorder and bonus DLC also unlocking through it and not the draconian DRM on PC that severely affected those without stable internet connections. The same with SC Conviction except on PC you used that system for multiplayer as well. Co-op wasn't a problem if you had found another poor soul who signed up for a Uplay account and added them to your list but the other game modes seemed massively unpopulated even at around launch.

A trend then continues with each games integration of Uplay doing something different. AC: Brotherhood added guides that were rubbish, AC: Revelations had a community feed that told you what your Uplay chums had done in game, PoP Forgotten Sands went back to barebones but had tie in videos with the film and behind the scenes, AC III was basic awards and multi but added purchasable DLC right from the client, Far Cry 3 had a news ticker on the main menu with updates of what your Uplay friends list was doing but never really seamed to work, Driver SF I can't remember much but I think it's pretty basic, Rayman Legends deals with leaderboards maybe online coop ( don't know only played it local) as well as the usual guff and AC IV adds community challenges and shareable events that were a bit messed up for a very long time. Now this isn't necessarily an addition on top of each other, some of these features only appear in each respective game. This isn't even touching on the separate friends list dilemma (good and bad in it's own right).

The avatars thing Is really baffling as you next to never see them in a game. I don't think I even had one until I had to go to their site last year after they got hacked, forcing me not only to change my password but thrusting a gaudy avatar on me as well. The first few implementations on consoles haven't been patched and still shows me with one avatar whilst the later has a playdough representation of me and the AC IV companion app another completely different avatar all together. The amount of times they have been careless with user credentials I'm quite glad my username and email address on Uplay is completely unique to anything of substance to my other online accounts.

What's more even, games you redeem and download for Uplay have different ways of installing and patching. I'm not going to go in about Blacklist too much as I'm still having nightmares but the mere fact that a content delivery system in this day and age uses package files to install that carry no method to verify when it is missing packages (and it will be unless you have a perfect connection) is baffling. Couple that with a broken patching system that downloads the most recent patch which can't be installed due to needing the previous versions. You end up having to manually patch the game to have any chance of it running. Then a game that was released a month later, AC IV, uses a system more akin to Steam's. It does away with Blacklists late 90's era system and creates a file system structure and downloads self extracted packages with no fuss at all. Why was that so hard for a game the month before to use? Patching is still a little off as it only checks on start up of the client and was about 2 weeks behind Steam's patches. Child of Light had been absolutely fine so far (touch wood) and checks for updates before you launch the game not just at the clients start.

All in all I have no idea why the service still exists on Steam. Maybe it's too much hassle to rip it out for UbiSoft and far too entrenched into the MP and DLC systems for each game to be anything but a pain for their engineers to rework Steamworks into (pass the pain to us eh folks?) but it's just another layer getting in the way. The offline mode implemented at around Revelations time has had nary an official mention (go to the cog on the client and select it there) and after activation Uplay is pretty much made pointless. Watch_Dogs is meant to doing something different and I believe them in the many guises I've experienced over the years but let's hope it's for the best and stays well out if the way on Steam.

I guess someone at UbiSoft is a massive control freak. Sorry for the monumental rant.


Nope can unsee that now, I imagine you all as your Uplay avatars.

this is why i put a big ass beard on my dude, so everyone would think i'm hunky

I guess someone at UbiSoft is a massive control freak. Sorry for the monumental rant.
everyone at every publisher is

some just go to therapy a couple times a month and get told to just man the fuck up and release their games with steamworks :)


We should have a uPlay avatar week in the Steam threads. Everyone changes to their uPlay avatar and act like nothing happened.


Nope can unsee that now, I imagine you all as your Uplay avatars.
I guess someone at UbiSoft is a massive control freak. Sorry for the monumental rant.
or completely mad (><)

Dr Dogg

this is why i put a big ass beard on my dude, so everyone would think i'm hunky

everyone at every publisher is

some just go to therapy a couple times a month and get told to just man the fuck up and release their games with steamworks :)

or completely mad (><)

Well it would have been a lot less time consuming to say Uplay is GFWL 2.0 with avatars.

Still now that's off my chest I can have a lovely, happy bank holiday :)

Huh? So we all wear glasses.

EDIT: Except Stumpokapow, who apparently is a girl.

And has the angriest avatar I think anyone has every created. Maybe Uplay captures your soul as you make one.


Thinking of picking up Jedi Academy, any others in the star wars collection worth looking at?

I've already got KOTOR 1 and 2, and only in the mood right now for one Jedi Knight game. Heard good things about Republic Commando, how is that?


but do you have moustache?

to hide insane eyes, yes. (><)
not that you need them or anything

edited: I couldn't include Stumpokapow's eyes, too small :\
no mustaches

bro pls

i know that it's hard to believe but i'm actually not the raw untameable manliness i portray in this thread, it's all an act

Dr Dogg

Do any of us here even have uPlay friends? I know I don't.

On 360, PS3 and WiiU it uses your friends list there so lots on those but on PC I have 3. And those were only because I know these people and badgered them to one buy a Uplay game and two add me after the painful account creation process.

i thought Steam being flooded with shovelware was overblown, but..


Well back in the day Actua Soccer was going toe to toe with FIFA and ISS Pro (I think the wheels feel off after 3) plus had commentary by Barry Davis, who 99% of this thread won't have a clue who he is.


i think this is the first time i've seen a game go for 7 bucks

saoirse will prolly remember tho


this looks all kinds of hot tho


oh man remember when croatia was a super team!

Dr Dogg

IDK man, Argentina can't score against UK? Isn't that ridiculous? (><)

The UK? Don't you know we're all a bunch of tribalistic yobos over here that fly under the different flags of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We even get players poached from Guernsey (not exactly a might international team mind).


The UK? Don't you know we're all a bunch of tribalistic yobos over here that fly under the different flags of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We even get players poached from Guernsey (not exactly a might international team mind).
honest mistake, out of habit.

it's kinda cute how you don't know anything about soccer lol

it was supposed to be funny, not cute :\
also, you said the word... you really shouldn't even as a joke.

Dr Dogg

Man The Force Unleased gets way too much undeserved stick. Yeah it isn't perfect and I may be biased in being a massive Star Wars fan but you can't deny there's something cathartic about wrecking up a whole room of guys with force powers. Those Jedi Holocrons can fuck right off mind.

honest mistake, out of habit.

Hahaha funnily the better half of my geography knowledge comes from football. If a town or village has a football team I can probably tell you where it is otherwise I'm pretty clueless.


Man The Force Unleased gets way too much undeserved stick. Yeah it isn't perfect and I may be biased in being a massive Star Wars fan but you can't deny there's something cathartic about wrecking up a whole room of guys with force powers. Those Jedi Holocrons can fuck right off mind.

I loved the 360 version when it first came out. I tried like the dickens to get it in the giveaway.


Bitmap Brothers' Z is coming to Steam? http://store.steampowered.com/app/275530/ Awwwwyiisss. Looks like as barebones as it gets and I never got too far due to the relentless and often luck-based difficulty but I'd love giving it another shot.
I remember playing a demo of this on PlayStation back in the day. Might pick it up depending on how they price it.
I made this creep as my Uplay avatar.

Looks like Commissioner Gordon.
Man The Force Unleased gets way too much undeserved stick. Yeah it isn't perfect and I may be biased in being a massive Star Wars fan but you can't deny there's something cathartic about wrecking up a whole room of guys with force powers. Those Jedi Holocrons can fuck right off mind.
I thought the first one was pretty well received? Huh, oh well, I liked it as well, it just feels really good to attack people, I want to replay it but the whole 30GB thing or however large it is makes me go "Yeah, nevermind"

Shame the second one was meh, never bothered to finish it.


I actually did that today. It felt pretty great.
The only time I ever griefed someone online was in Red Dead Redemption, while my friend was talking and I slowly pointed a gun on his head to try to blow off his hat but took off more than that. He then proceeded to hunt me down the rest of the game.


uPlay is nothing but an inconvenience. It's literally the only gaming 'social network' that I don't have a friend on... This is on purpose.



oh man remember when croatia was a super team!

Ma to te ja pitam :D

Did the third one have "Shearer? Shearer!" intro?

Dr Dogg

I loved the 360 version when it first came out. I tried like the dickens to get it in the giveaway.

I thought the first one was pretty well received? Huh, oh well, I liked it as well, it just feels really good to attack people, I want to replay it but the whole 30GB thing or however large it is makes me go "Yeah, nevermind"

Shame the second one was meh, never bothered to finish it.

I played it twice on 360 and outside of a few wonky traversal sections had a blast. There has been a lingering cloud over the game as trying to marry the prequels to the original trilogy. A couple of my friends would baulk at me just trying to talk about it as they had made their mind up without ever playing more than the demo. Considering I've heard the PC port is bad it's running like a charm for me, even has an SLI profile off the bat.

uPlay is nothing but an inconvenience. It's literally the only gaming 'social network' that I don't have a friend on... This is on purpose.

You don't get to zero friends without having overbearing DRM


Any recommendations from the star wars sale?

I've got KOTOR 1 and 2, and am interested in jedi academy, also interested to hear if republic commando and the other jedi knight games hold up.
amazon.com has Modern Warfare 2 for $9.99 which could be interesting for EUGAF.
I'm not sure how Amazon works with its sales(Don't visit it that often) but how long is that sale lasting?

I'd love to pick it up at that price but I don't get paid for another few days, and considering the lowest I've seen it go on Steam is $45, I don't want to miss it(Even if the game isn't that great, I'd like to have it in my library since I've got a lot of good and bad memories attached to it)
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