I still cant deal with that ending.Damn man at that ending to LiS Ep 3, damn :-S

I still cant deal with that ending.Damn man at that ending to LiS Ep 3, damn :-S
I just went back and played Remember Me (I got about 50% done when it released) a couple of weeks ago. In the pantheon of actiony/platformy games Uncharted 2 is at the top for me. Enslaved is like a melee Uncharted with a crappy camera and less polish, but fun overall. Remember Me is a step below Enslaved because of its tiny environments. Combat is kind of simple, but the story and world is pretty good and the memory remix idea (eventually to be LiS) is cool. Recommended if you like the genre, but not a must play.
No. Remember Me is handily superior to Batman Arkham Origins.
Spread the word.
I really enjoyed Remember Me and Batman Origins.
Uncharted 2 is at the top for you? Enslaved getting praised? Welcome to my ignore list.
But was Remember Me HANDILY SUPERIOR to Batman Origins?
No, no, no! You have to choose a side!I really enjoyed Remember Me and Batman Origins.
As long as I'm making an enemy, I liked Thi4f as well.
I really enjoyed Remember Me and Batman Origins.
As long as I'm making an enemy, I liked Thi4f as well.
But was Remember Me HANDILY SUPERIOR to Batman Origins?
GTAV, LIS ep 3 or The Witcher 3. I got 2 hours to game. Decisions decisions
Make it 3 and you can play LiS Ep 3 fullyGTAV, LIS ep 3 or The Witcher 3. I got 2 hours to game. Decisions decisions
GTAV, LIS ep 3 or The Witcher 3. I got 2 hours to game. Decisions decisions
GTAV, LIS ep 3 or The Witcher 3. I got 2 hours to game. Decisions decisions
Still don't like the character designs at all.
Have you played Heavenly Sword on the PS3? The combat is reminiscent, in that it battles are slightly repetitive, go on for too long, and lack visceral impact.
LiS hands down with that amount of time.GTAV, LIS ep 3 or The Witcher 3. I got 2 hours to game. Decisions decisions
Yeah, they're a bit too bright.Still don't like the character designs at all.
Still don't like the character designs at all.
Eh. Remember Me is another game where I just tell people to get good. They give you so many tools to deal with the enemies, it's your fault if you don't use them.
No. Remember Me is handily superior to Batman Arkham Origins.
Spread the word.
As long as I'm making an enemy, I liked Thi4f as well.
Heh. Origins was better (and my favorite in that series), but Remember Me was just fun for what it was. I even enjoyed the combat system. I just wish they didn't limit us so much with the combo creator.
What the heck is this bootsy-ass Animal Crossing garbage?
Witcher 3 is £49.99 now?! What?!
Can any US-Gaffer gift it to me?
Add me on steam. You got PayPal?Anyone?
I liked Thi4f too, so that doesn't help further your case.
I expect Remember Me to be solid, but I do not expect it to trump any of the Arkham games. Especially since people complain that the combat is like a shallow version of the Arkham system.
I have them in my DLC tab
so last weekend during a garbage sale i discovered a copy of Red Alert 3 which my aunt was selling and decided to gift me it for free .
Any opinions on this ?
Side note to those who care about this sort of thing- the steam version of Witcher 3 seems to be DRM free, it plays fine without steam.
Haven't had a chance to attempt the folder backup and see if it can be moved to another pc and installed without steam though.
I still remember the chuckle me and me friends shared when we read about the horse armor in the printed germanic herold of games. We called the company fool, but now it's us who are the fools. Crippled idiots who dance, get hurt and die for a feint grin on the face of our masters. We could've ruled the earth, but now rule neight but the dirt on our nose and tears on our cheeks.it really is amazing how far Horse Armor DLC has come
Yeah, they were re-added to the game's subs. You're back in my good books, CDPR!
Free +1 game: Victory Command (will go F2P later)
Limited Time Offer!
This edition includes:
Early Access to Victory Command
3 starting Companies
Is it too soon to know if TW3 is plagued with the same filler quest issues that DA:I recently had?
I just tend to wait till real people play RPGs like this one instead of reviewers, who for whatever reason seem to overlook some incredibly glaring issues that are seemingly obvious to just about everyone else.
I honestly think that's an oversight. The first two games both use CEG.