Maybe I'm missing something about Monster Hunter, but I was never able to get into that franchise. I remember playing one of them on the PSP (Freedom Unite?) and it felt to me like a plodding, clunky take on stuff like PSU:AotI and Phantasy Star Portable 2. Is that something that changes the more you play, or is it just one of those series that's not going to click with me?
Its not going to click with you. MH is clunky and slow. That game is also a multiplayer-game through and through.
If you play it in SP, its not really fun.
Toukiden or God Eater might be better for you, though the first one also gets boring after 15-20 hours because compared to MH its far too easy. The later bosses are just color swaps of earlier bosses but while in MH those have new attack patterns, new strategies etc. they are just the same boss but with more health.