What are you even doing here, Flarz?im too busy to check this thread rip
What are you even doing here, Flarz?im too busy to check this thread rip
What are you even doing here, Flarz?
ye i'll give it a shotIt's not really disturbing imho. I mean, sure, the premise and the, eh, dungeoneer segments are a bit extreme, but the actualy narrative is a lot more grounded. It also got that song about worn out places, worn out faces playing in it.
It's made by an psychologist, altho i forgot his name. He's made quit a few games, like polymorphus perversity.
They're like not really good games mechanically, but somewhat fascinating and unique.
319 card drops remaining
Think that might have to do with scammers. A lot of people use Alipay to scam.
Last time we wrote you was in November. We were feeling pretty confident about the way Act 4 was shaping up at that point. Then some personal and creative curveballs tripped us up a little & we didn't get it done as quickly as we thought we would at the time. Now we're feeling confident & "almost done" again ... but let's be a little more concrete this time:
We have basically one-and-a-half scenes left to make in act four. Those 1.5 scenes are on the smaller side of the KRZ spectrum in complexity. Ben has some recordings to edit together into a piece. We have a final pass of dialog proofreading & editing left to do. And we have to play through the whole thing a few more times looking for bugs.
They only want reputable non shady ways of payment...like Bitcoin.
They only want reputable non shady ways of payment...like Bitcoin.
This Panda Kart ride never ever stops my friends:
It's kind of funny how my little brother remembers a game he haven't played for a long time and the ask to play it again, the game in question is Contraption Maker or as he call it "The game to build things". Any game where he can build things seems to grab his attention.
The fuck is panda doing here? I thought I was in the funny pictures topic for a second
The fuck is panda doing here? I thought I was in the funny pictures topic for a second
So tempted by Doom right now.
Doom is one of the most fun badass games in years. I feel like i got injected with adrenaline every time i play it. Play it on Ultra Violence or Nightmare though cause anything less feels different.
So tempted by Doom right now.
I'm waiting to see how those Asus Doom codes fair. Like, what if the steam codes are magically not region-locked or something I don't actually know how this works.
Damn, if I can get a Bethesda shooter from Id or Machine Games on par with Doom/Wolf TNO each year I will be very happy.
Damn, if I can get a Bethesda shooter from Id or Machine Games on par with Doom/Wolf TNO each year I will be very happy.
Has there been news of another Wolfenstein game?
Has there been news of another Wolfenstein game?
Cool, I hope BJAccording to a voice actress, they are indeed working on a new Wolfenstein.
From last September: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...ly-suggests-a-new-wolfenstein-is-in-the-works
Bethesda really has a good catalog of FPS games. Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dishonored, Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake. All of which (except Quake), are doing really well.)
Cool, I hope BJ.doesn't stay dead
Based on the opening they could all be canon- that's how little it matters. All that matters is that hell is a real place in all of the games and is tied to the plot shenanigans.I've never finished a doom game before so I'm not in tune with that deep lore. Which games does the new game consider canon? From what I played of doom 3 it seems it might not fit in.
I really want to play Doom but I bought Uncharted 4 instead (still haven't received it either). But oh well, apparently the game isn't really well optimized for AMD cards and I have a R9 270. Might as well wait for more patches and updates.
It's been 2 years since the last episode, I'm bloody floored they haven't shut down yet tbh
Current tier ranking is Stellaris > Doom > Uncharted 4.
So tempted by Doom right now.