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STEAM | May 2016 - VAC to life, VAC to reality

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Refunded Shrouded in Sanity. Fighting with the controls and no feed back on take damage at times just kinda made it annoying. I like the idea but it's rough in other spots too. UI elements go into negative numbers, fonts that escape boxes etc.


Ain't crap if it is true.
all the things you're posting here are super dated, uninformed or just not representative of what the game actually is

nothing you just said makes any fucking sense when put against the real game

sorry but you're talking out of your ass

it's either because doto agenda or plain ignorance and i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say ignorance and get through your points one by one just so you can get some information about how the game really is, because what you're saying is making you look bad and is making league look bad and that's not good no sir

so, essay ahead

a) enemy team has janna and sona. you ban one, pick the other
to play draft pick every player needs a minimum of 16 champions, so that's 80 per team at max. i'm gonna round it down to 40, but we're assuming ppl playing the absolutely bare minimum of 16 champs, not even one more. so out of those 40 you gotta quickly look into the list, figure out they have only 2 supports (VERY unlikely, considering how huge the support pool is, but pretend it's adc instead of support if it helps your case), and then ban one. your team ofc has to not want to play that champion, and also own and be able to play that other champion. and you also have to choose to opt into this weird shutdown strategy over you know banning strong champions that are worth banning

it's such an impossible scenario i've never seen anything like that in my 4 years of playing league (and i've seen some messed up shit). when you consider some champions are free for everyone (tristana, alistar), a large number of champions are just really cheap (annie, ashe, soraka, amumu, ryze, etc. etc.) and ppl can buy champions any time, the probabilities of that scenario happening are just extraordinarily rare

it's just not real dude. and the idea that this is "another layer of strategy" is just insane. ppl ban lucian, they ban zed, they ban azir, they ban champions that are strong and annoying, they don't give a shit about this weird shutdown strategy of yours

also before u say anything, cheap champions are actually really strong. alistar is one of the top supports, so is soraka, ashe is a strong curveball adc in competitive, ryze is a contested pick for both mid and toplane, poppy is one of the strongest tanks, etc.

b) meta and character tiers
yeah, some characters are stronger than others. afaik that's true for all mobas and strategy games and fighting games and all kinds of genres. but check any league stats site. lots of high winrates on non-meta champions. highest winrate in the game right now is top lane karthus ffs. ahri and lux have been queens of midlane forever (right now they're a bit lower since they got nerfed) and they've been considered weak or out of meta for as long

c) early game runes and champions requiring runes to function
runes for jungling is mostly a s1 and 2 concept that crept a bit into s3. we're in s6 and this is not a problem. i think some champions like yasuo are pretty bad without a specific runepage, but they're the exception rather than the norm

d) players with t1 runes vs t3 runes
t1 runes are not even in the game anymore lol but ok for the sake of argument let's say t2 runes. you see, the game actually has the essential t3 runes at a significant permanent discount so ppl don't even have a reason to go with t2s. it's true that you'll be missing the specialized runes and maybe you're not playing the optimal azir runepage but the cheap tier 3s make up for more than half of my runepages (flat ad and ap, mpen, flat mr, flat armor, i use these all the fucking time). they're not free, but they're pretty cheap. i won't lie, i don't like runes and i'd rather there weren't any, but again, this is not an existing problem in the game

e) player that has played the longest or paid the most has an advantage
well, you can't buy runes with real money and we've already established that having more champions isn't really that big of a deal cos there are no hard counters and you know, it's a team game and shit, so idk

sure, me having played 2k hours vs you who played 5 or whatever is gonna be tilted in my side since i have all the runes and you're probably not even level 30, but that's what matchmaking is for

i never run into people without runes or masteries or with like 2 champions or whatever, i run into people that have like 80 champions like myself and that like myself stopped buying them because they don't wanna play them

x) bonus for ppl that claim riot releases champions in op states
check that champion.gg site if you want to see the winrate of the latest champion released. yup, released weak because her skillset was weird and they wanted to be on the safe side while they slowly buff her to a more competitive state. yup, that's her having the lowest winrate in the entire game (and also ppl are silly and try and play to her in every position for some reason lol)

hope this clarifies whatever misconceptions you have of the game and you can go back to playing doto without the need to shit on other games of which you know little about
Man, Doom's multiplayer is a bummer. It would be so good with some changes, but I doubt they'll fix it.

There's a small chance id could take control of the multiplayer and try to fix it themselves but I think the damage has already been done. Plus I have this really bad feeling that the game is not selling well enough for them to work on it outside their pre-existing commitments of delivering the season pass. I'm still going through the single player portion of the game so I haven't checked out the multiplayer yet but I expect it's a ghost town on PC by now.

On the subject of Dota vs League vs Heroes of the Storm, all the differences/pros and cons of the games come down to personal preferences and priorities, but it is always amusing to read impassioned defenses of an objectively worse business model by trying to pretend it's a good thing for players to have less choices so that their pretty little heads aren't confuzzled by all the options that Dota offers. And then the next line of defense is always "Valve can afford to be generous because Steam" while conveniently ignoring that Riot claims to have a userbase of something like 70 million people and Blizzard is one of the richest gaming companies around. Just admit that your favorite game has a less consumer friendly business model than Dota even if you think it's fine and fair.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I just finished the Jurassic Park level of LEGO Jurassic World. I forgot how much I enjoy LEGO games. There are still three more movies worth of material to go through plus finding all the various unlocks and whatnot, but I'm already liking this one quite a bit.
I just finished the Jurassic Park level of LEGO Jurassic World. I forgot how much I enjoy LEGO games. There are still three more movies worth of material to go through plus finding all the various unlocks and whatnot, but I'm already liking this one quite a bit.

I really should buy that Bundlestars bundle for Jurassic Park and Batman 3 though I'd need to work out what the 3rd one would be as I have the rest!


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
LEGO games would be fun if there were any stakes
I keep trying to get them to make my Lego Van Helsing starring Lego Hugh Jackman game but they refuse.

"No," they tell me.

"Please," they say.

"I have a family," they beg.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
It seems MGSV won't boot anymore for a lot of users.

It's not the first time I'm posting this, but if you check the community hub really is plenty of similar threads. This is the final move of Konami, selling you a game which doesn't even boot.

I wonder if Konami will present a new MGS game the next month (I hope they won't).

Works fine for me and I only beat the game in the last week or so.


On the subject of Dota vs League vs Heroes of the Storm, all the differences/pros and cons of the games come down to personal preferences and priorities, but it is always amusing to read impassioned defenses of an objectively worse business model by trying to pretend it's a good thing for players to have less choices so that their pretty little heads aren't confuzzled by all the options that Dota offers. And then the next line of defense is always "Valve can afford to be generous because Steam" while conveniently ignoring that Riot claims to have a userbase of something like 70 million people and Blizzard is one of the richest gaming companies around. Just admit that your favorite game has a less consumer friendly business model than Dota even if you think it's fine and fair.
i never defended league's business model (i did mention some of the side effects can be beneficial to avoid overwhelming new players, and not in that condescending tone you're assigning it for whatever reason), i merely corrected a very misinformed shintoki

for the record, i think both business models are bad: league's cos you have to pay for champions and because they'll sink as low as to sell you freaking avatars for real money and doto's cos it's got awful gacha system chest crap

league is more bad but gacha systems aren't cool or acceptable and shouldn't be regarded as "good models" whatsoever


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
There's a small chance id could take control of the multiplayer and try to fix it themselves but I think the damage has already been done. Plus I have this really bad feeling that the game is not selling well enough for them to work on it outside their pre-existing commitments of delivering the season pass. I'm still going through the single player portion of the game so I haven't checked out the multiplayer yet but I expect it's a ghost town on PC by now.

Before details of Doom's MP component were released, I'd thought Bethesda was prepping to have Doom replace Quake Live as the go-to arena shooter, with some more "casual" modes included so as to not alienate those not interested in competitive play. QL was essentially a non-starter, in no small part due to the fact it was little more than reskinned Q3 (newcomers and those returning to an old favourite aren't exactly chomping at the bit to play against people who've been playing the game for years), and the game is on life support these days.

It's quite likely that Bethesda feels e-sports isn't even worth partly chasing after, however I'm nonetheless hoping that there's a Quake reboot in the works and the MP component will at least be somewhat QuakeWorld-inspired.


Isn't Heroes of the Storm supposed to be a lot less complicated than most MOBAs? Might want to give that a shake.

When I play HotS, I feel like I am playing an arcade bullet shooter. No kidding, it is like pew pew pew. The mana cost and cooldown of spells are so low that I am just mashing the keyboard.

I usually dislike bullet shooters though. The one that I most played was Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony, it made the genre acceptable to me.


some sales numbers:
Total WarHammer - almost 500K (I said wow)
DOOM reached 500K
FFX-X-2 dropped bellow 170K? WTH? why are people mass refunding it?
Stellaris - 413K

Modding Witcher 3 doesn't affect achievements.
cool, thanks!

I remember reading that the best way to play TW3 was to NOT go collect everything.

now, let's not go insane here

edited: Dang2 is at 17K sold, while Dang was at 40K


I remember reading that the best way to play TW3 was to NOT go collect everything.

In so much that practically everything you find is shit and you should just craft the Witcher school gear.

But you do need to find a lot of shit for the crafting recipes, so I would say the best idea is to just not collect gear, as it is what causes the majority of weight anyway.


In so much that practically everything you find is shit and you should just craft the Witcher school gear.

But you do need to find a lot of shit for the crafting recipes, so I would say the best idea is to just not collect gear, as it is what causes the majority of weight anyway.

They made crafting materials weigh nothing didn't they? You also have a storage box at inns now.

Don't think the weight mod is really needed anymore.


They made crafting materials weigh nothing didn't they? You also have a storage box at inns now.

Don't think the weightless mod is really needed anymore.

really? mhmmm, maybe I won't use that mod then

Regarding Witcher 3, I booted it after months because I had two pieces of armors to collect, I triggered a random event and I was like "Wow, a new quest I missed!", instead was a random event. Well, at least now I have all quests done, all Gwent cards and everything on the map cleared.

how many hours it took you to do everything?


Regarding Witcher 3, I booted it after months because I had two pieces of armors to collect, I triggered a random event and I was like "Wow, a new quest I missed!", instead was a random event. Well, at least now I have all quests done, all Gwent cards and everything on the map cleared.


They made crafting materials weigh nothing didn't they? You also have a storage box at inns now.

Don't think the weight mod is really needed anymore.

Most do, though the junk you collect that can be turned into crafting materials (or just sell) does weigh something.

But yeah, generally speaking the only times I've hard to clean house was when I was hoarding a bunch of extra gear I was meaning to vendor.


FFX-X-2 dropped bellow 170K? WTH? why are people mass refunding it?

Steamspy's numbers aren't 100% accurate, they're more of an approximation, so there's always some fluctuation, especially for games with big swings in sales numbers.

Honestly I suspect the number of people who actually refund games is fairly insignificant.

I got pissed at trying to do a collect-everything run and the game inadvertently locking me out of areas where I missed stuff. that's bullcrap

I heard the definitive edition (or a patch or something?) maybe took care of that

but something else I wanted to play came out

Yeah, they fixed that in the Ori definitive edition, it has several quality of life improvements like that, like how you can fast travel between the save wells now.


If you look at Steamspy you'll see most games have a "loss" once their sales start levelling off, and it eventually evens out. If you look at a bunch of games their dips actually look similar.

But really, just look at 5/26-5/28 for FFX.

5/26 is 170k, 5/27 is 160k, 5/28 is 166k. 10k people aren't refunding it and then 6k people aren't buying it in a day. It's just hiccups of the system.


If you look at Steamspy you'll see most games have a "loss" once their sales start levelling off, and it eventually evens out. If you look at a bunch of games their dips actually look similar.

But really, just look at 5/26-5/28 for FFX.

5/26 is 170k, 5/27 is 160k, 5/28 is 166k. 10k people aren't refunding it and then 6k people aren't buying it in a day. It's just hiccups of the system.

It could be, I just never noticed before


so the A button on my 360 controller turned to fucking mush

it doesnt click anymore, it kinda just sticks

RL feels awful

send help

but forreal any idea what to do?


This talk about doto and league makes me wanna download a bunch of old ass mp games that I haven't played in years like league, Warcraft and quake to try and look if I still have it in me.

This is going to be such a mistake.


so the A button on my 360 controller turned to fucking mush

it doesnt click anymore, it kinda just sticks

RL feels awful

send help

but forreal any idea what to do?

Open your gamepad and check if rubber contact is broken. If it is replace it. If it is not clean both rubber contact and board contact with alcohol and see if it will help.
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