Ain't crap if it is true.
all the things you're posting here are super dated, uninformed or just not representative of what the game actually is
nothing you just said makes any fucking sense when put against the real game
sorry but you're talking out of your ass
it's either because doto agenda or plain ignorance and i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say ignorance and get through your points one by one just so you can get some information about how the game really is, because what you're saying is making you look bad and is making league look bad and that's not good no sir
so, essay ahead
a) enemy team has janna and sona. you ban one, pick the other
to play draft pick every player needs a minimum of 16 champions, so that's 80 per team at max. i'm gonna round it down to 40, but we're assuming ppl playing the absolutely bare minimum of 16 champs, not even one more. so out of those 40 you gotta quickly look into the list, figure out they have only 2 supports (VERY unlikely, considering how huge the support pool is, but pretend it's adc instead of support if it helps your case), and then ban one. your team ofc has to not want to play that champion, and also own and be able to play that other champion. and you also have to choose to opt into this weird shutdown strategy over you know banning strong champions that are worth banning
it's such an impossible scenario i've never seen anything like that in my 4 years of playing league (and i've seen some messed up shit). when you consider some champions are free for everyone (tristana, alistar), a large number of champions are just really cheap (annie, ashe, soraka, amumu, ryze, etc. etc.) and ppl can buy champions any time, the probabilities of that scenario happening are just extraordinarily rare
it's just not real dude. and the idea that this is "another layer of strategy" is just insane. ppl ban lucian, they ban zed, they ban azir, they ban champions that are strong and annoying, they don't give a shit about this weird shutdown strategy of yours
also before u say anything, cheap champions are actually really strong. alistar is one of the top supports, so is soraka, ashe is a strong curveball adc in competitive, ryze is a contested pick for both mid and toplane, poppy is one of the strongest tanks, etc.
b) meta and character tiers
yeah, some characters are stronger than others. afaik that's true for all mobas and strategy games and fighting games and all kinds of genres. but check any
league stats site. lots of high winrates on non-meta champions. highest winrate in the game right now is top lane karthus ffs. ahri and lux have been queens of midlane forever (right now they're a bit lower since they got nerfed) and they've been considered weak or out of meta for as long
c) early game runes and champions requiring runes to function
runes for jungling is mostly a s1 and 2 concept that crept a bit into s3. we're in s6 and this is not a problem. i think some champions like yasuo are pretty bad without a specific runepage, but they're the exception rather than the norm
d) players with t1 runes vs t3 runes
t1 runes are not even in the game anymore lol but ok for the sake of argument let's say t2 runes. you see, the game actually has the essential t3 runes at a significant permanent discount so ppl don't even have a reason to go with t2s. it's true that you'll be missing the specialized runes and maybe you're not playing the optimal azir runepage but the cheap tier 3s make up for more than half of my runepages (flat ad and ap, mpen, flat mr, flat armor, i use these all the fucking time). they're not free, but they're pretty cheap. i won't lie, i don't like runes and i'd rather there weren't any, but again, this is not an existing problem in the game
e) player that has played the longest or paid the most has an advantage
you can't buy runes with real money and we've already established that having more champions isn't really that big of a deal cos there are no hard counters and you know, it's a team game and shit, so idk
sure, me having played 2k hours vs you who played 5 or whatever is gonna be tilted in my side since i have all the runes and you're probably not even level 30, but that's what matchmaking is for
i never run into people without runes or masteries or with like 2 champions or whatever, i run into people that have like 80 champions like myself and that like myself stopped buying them because they don't wanna play them
x) bonus for ppl that claim riot releases champions in op states
check that site if you want to see the winrate of the latest champion released. yup, released weak because her skillset was weird and they wanted to be on the safe side while they slowly buff her to a more competitive state. yup, that's her having the lowest winrate in the entire game (and also ppl are silly and try and play to her in every position for some reason lol)
hope this clarifies whatever misconceptions you have of the game and you can go back to playing doto without the need to shit on other games of which you know little about