I still cant believe Persona 5 is coming out on PS3
Why not?
Anime games tend to not have ridiculous system requirements.
It's amazing that people at Gematsu are still salty about PC getting more console RPGs these days. There's always similar arguments on each new PC announcements. I remember that the admin had to lock the comments section for certain franchise in the past, not really remember it.
And it seems people on gaf actually hold the similar sentiment as well if you look at the that 'pathetic' Persona 5 thread bump.
it made more sense when it was announced, now that it's taken so long it just feels weird
I mean, cool and all, im much more likely to get a busted PS3 from someone or have it lent and play it
are PS3s still in production?
Because those people lost its reason for a console. I mean I had consoles before for all the JRPGs and japanese developed games. In the 360/Ps3 era it became less and less and more and more of those on PC.
It's just that why can't people accept that the more people play JRPGs the better?
Consoles alone can't support these third party Japanese devs. History has proven it with lots of dead JRPG franchises in the past. Lots of franchises even dead after the glorious PS1/PS2 era.
i still think they ditched the ps3 ver by now then again i mean this in terms of japanWhy not?
Anime games tend to not have ridiculous system requirements anyway. And Japanese folks actually still have their PS3.
could I possibly be more excited
fucking shit there's nothing like it anymore fuck waiting till November ugh
Because they think they spent 400$ for "nothing" if their laptop can play those games too...
They dont care about that. Its not really JRPG specific. Imagine if Uncharted would come to Xbox One now. We would have meltdown threads here on GAF, because people wouldnt want other people to play a great game.
i still think they ditched the ps3 ver by now then again i mean this in terms of japan
If the ps3 ver is still going well whatevs
i wonder what changes they'll do but yeah, disho1 was already a really good game and whatever needs fixing is kind of smallcastin Garrett from the original Thief games as Corvo is like the ultimate "fuck you this is THE GAME NOW"
Do we know wether severed is going to have a steamrelease or not? Since the game is very much bult around touchscreens. otherwise i'd have to buy it for Vita.
http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articl...al-challenge-forces-indie-dev-to-rebrand-gameA lone developer has changed the title of his game following the threat of legal action from Wasteland 2 developer inXile Entertainment.
In a post on The Alien Wasteland's Steam page, Devdan claimed that he attempted to "calmly" explain to inXile that no infringement had taken place due to the games' fundamental differences: one a frenetic first-person shooter, the other an unforgiving tactical RPG.
"But I finally ended up receiving a cease and desist letter from their lawyer asking to either stop using 'Wasteland' or to prepare facing legal actions against me," he said.
"Since I don't have the time or the strength to deal with legal actions from this developer and its lawyers, or even taking the risk of having my game to be took down [sic] from Steam, I decided to change the title to solve this issue, even though this has been a great loss in time and efforts for a very questionable complain [sic]."
The Alien Wasteland is now called Action Alien
Dishonored 2 should have a 3rd person view option
I liked dis1 but looking back at it i prefer 3rd person giew more
RPS gives further explanation for why this might have happened in their article, but it basically boils down to the broken copyright system. So meet the newly-christened Alien Action!RPS said:In this instance, the Wasteland 2 devs have, after attempted amicable resolutions failed, done a legal frown at one man studio Dan Games, developer of a shooter named The Alien Wasteland. Or Action Alien, as it is now unhappily named. They do claim they will help to promote the game if Dan so wishes, however.
The cease and desist bomb was dropped because their most recent completed game was, of course, the post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland 2, and they have registered the trademark wasteland as part of that. I.E. they are attempting to claim ownership of the common English word Wasteland. Oi, Fargo, T.S. Eliot wants a word.
Megadimension Neptunia VII coming to PC via Steam this summer
Odd thing is that it was 60 FPS for PS4 too no idea why they're claiming it as new lol
and can we stop with Nep hate agenda around these parts, pls?
I don't know of the PS4 version didn;t have stable 60 FPS, so you might have a point.Locked 60fps maybe?
The hate will never stop. It's as likely to stop as my middle finger is to go down.
Stellaris battle in potato form
and no, I have no idea what's going on either. It's from one of the recent streams, haven't seen it in action yet.
get hype
Today in weird news:
inXile Studios (creators of Wasteland 2) C&D'd a one-man indie team's "The Alien Wasteland" due to the name.
RPS explains:
RPS gives further explanation for why this might have happened in their article, but it basically boils down to the broken copyright system. So meet the newly-christened Alien Action!
As an aside, how long until the Wasteland Angel devs realise that inXile has been profiting from their IP and take action?
They did the same thing to Vlambeer's Wasteland Kings (now Nuclear Throne) a couple of years ago. But they're apparently not going after Bethesda's Wasteland Workshop, hm?
Dishonored 2 moving from Unreal to modified IdTech5...
I just found out one of the guys I worked with on a TV channel worked with Babymetal on some US tv appareance thing
I'm so conflicted on Cease and Desist letters.
I mean, the very, very basic concept is to identify an issue with legal consequences and say "EVERYONE PUMP THE BRAKES until we can sort this out through the judiciary process." This is a good thing. You don't want something adverse to get a free pass to keep on keeping on while things get drug out.
And then you have these preemptive C&D's with tenuous intellectual property claims that get fired off as quickly as the ink can hit paper because, from a business perspective, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your brand.
I'd like to see inXile's side of this. If there's not better explanation than its appearance, hopefully they take a big enough PR hit to back off of this apparent bullshit.
EDIT: Saw LurkerPrime's post.
I wonder what "amicable resolutions" were presented.
That's exactly what I said on the Dishonored 2 thread yesterday.
People don't seem to like the idea though.
Dishonored 2 moving from Unreal to modified IdTech5...
Dishonored 2 moving from Unreal to modified IdTech5...
Instructions for participants:
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The Body Changer --MB-0F60F529CC37FFCD- Taken by Henry Swanson. 7 entrants total.
I don't think it's been confirmed that Void is a fork of id Tech 5. One of GI's articles diving into technological advancements seems like a safe bet, though, which should some light on the engine's ancestry.
Edit: Oh, hey, Dishonored 2 and Styx 2 in the same year. One is going to the better stealth game and the other more fun to play.
Edit edit: Ah, "id Tech" is mentioned in the GI magazine feature.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.
ModBot Basics:
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ARMY OF TENTACLES: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim --MB-A29B2831783CFCC4- Taken by electroflame
ARMY OF TENTACLES: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim #2 --MB-51B1F06E541CC2A9- Taken by Hektor
ARMY OF TENTACLES: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim #3 --MB-7E1CD40671A88450- Taken by Kurt Russell
battleborn sold only ~48k copies lmao
battleborn sold only ~48k copies lmao
battleborn sold only ~48k copies lmao
Because its a bomba, its a multiplayer title that is going to die very soon. 48k isn't good at all for this type of release.I decided to knock off the final three codes.
Revel in the Official Cthulhu Fucking Simulator 2016.
Having been sale-shamed a while ago, this isn't cool, dude.
Wait, are you saying "only"?
Steamspy numbers only become somewhat accurate 3 days after release.
Steamspy numbers only become somewhat accurate 3 days after release.