We could always talk about Dino Crisis.
But no one in SteamGAF has played it in ages.
noooI'm too young for that.
We could always talk about Dino Crisis.
But no one in SteamGAF has played it in ages.
I actually play the demo lol.
My avatar is now an avatar.nooo
i really liked that era of survival horror games
resident evil 2, dino crisis, parasite eve 1 and silent hill 1
those were the days
why aren't any of those on steam
I would pay full price for Parasite Eve on Steam. It probably wouldn't hold up too well, but whatever.
We could always talk about Dino Crisis.
But no one in SteamGAF has played it in ages.
i really liked that era of survival horror games
resident evil 2, dino crisis, parasite eve 1 and silent hill 1
those were the days
why aren't any of those on steam
i really liked that era of survival horror games
resident evil 2, dino crisis, parasite eve 1 and silent hill 1
those were the days
why aren't any of those on steam
I played Parasite Eve for the first time over a year ago and it held up pretty well IMO...
I played the 2nd one too but that wasn't as enjoyable/memorable
My avatar is now an avatar.
I would pay full price for Parasite Eve on Steam. It probably wouldn't hold up too well, but whatever.
yeah, it's really strange that publishers haven't cashed in on all this free moneyIt's a tragedy no having them up for sale. Those would be instant purchases.
hey we're in community nowThis truly is the era of high tension, high stakes posting.
yea i know -_-Because Capcpom, Capcpom, Square Enix, and Konami, respectively.
This is stuff I never even remembered when I played this like once ages ago on PC.
I never knew this had a PC version.OH MAN AND THIS OLD SCHOOL LAUNCHER
This is stuff I never even remembered when I played this like once ages ago on PC.
jaw do you have dx6 dunno if you can run this
Is there a possibility to bring these games on Steam if fans organize a petition just like the Sega one?
Or is just a plain No because of Capcom, Square-Enix and Konami respectively?
This is stuff I never even remembered when I played this like once ages ago on PC.
Also the Settings are
Hardware Accelerate On or Off
Rendering On or Off
Filtering On or Off
Sound On or Off
Movie On or Off
Stereo or Mono
Simpler times indeed
Also 640 x 480
yea, aya was a pretty cool character too. it was like the first time i ever saw a videogame character be on a date and then she's like a kickass cop that fights demons and can use magic and takes sexy showersI played through Parasite Eve again a couple of years ago, and I felt it held up pretty well. I mean the character models were low poly, and the pre-rendered environments were extremely blurry, especially on an HDTV. But it was still fun to play even a decade plus later, and the story was the perfect balance of intriguing and bat-shit insane.
Then I played The Third Birthday right after. That game is ass. What a tragedy that the series disappeared for such a long time, only to come back with that garbage.
Square Enix needs to port the first two games to PC, and pretend the last one never existed.
Honestly I'd much rather have a DC1&2 Remaster over RE. I wasn't a big fan of RE before 4.
I never knew this had a PC version.
Capcom pls
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Whoa. I thought the Turok games were N64 exclusive.Part 2 also has a PC version. So many ports exist that I've only discovered recently(like Grandia 2 and the OG Turok games).
Part 2 also has a PC version. So many ports exist that I've only discovered recently(like Grandia 2 and the OG Turok games).
When does the Autumn sale usually take place?
Jawmuncher the sound wont work because of the type of file they are and how older dx versions used weird formats, there's a way to mod it to get them to work
max payne 1 had the same issue for me and was easily fixed
Look at those new prices. Yeesh!
sound works fine for me.even in 1080p in the option menu.Jawmuncher the sound wont work because of the type of file they are and how older dx versions used weird formats, there's a way to mod it to get them to work
max payne 1 had the same issue for me and was easily fixed
The sounds worked though just not the video.
Honestly surprised just how easy it ran.
Still holding out for a boxed copy.
Yo jaw, you should post in the Capcom Unity forum about the PC ver.
...and mention BoF4 PC too while you're at it.
Why does Rebecca look so weird in DC2?
make a suggestion to capcom.i told grief to do one like he did for sega.or us here we can set something up and get something going.if a working PC version exists then why doesn't CACPCOM put it on outhttp://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xOhRj-3jFFI Steam or even, dare I say... GOG
Look at these wallpapers from back in the day.
I can't believe capcom/port team had the time to make a windows theme, this is nuts.
It's like christmas right now.
As I have said before this is all stuff I have never seen before.
if a working PC version exists then why doesn't CACPCOM put it on out Steam or even, dare I say... GOG
interesting.never noticed those.they are nice too , especially the middle one.Look at these wallpapers from back in the day.
I can't believe capcom/port team had the time to make a windows theme, this is nuts.
It's like christmas right now.
As I have said before this is all stuff I have never seen before.
I'll make a thread here and on capcom unity in the morning.
Just going to finish digging out the goodies.
They wanted her more american.
Is there a possibility to bring these games on Steam if fans organize a petition just like the Sega one?
Or is just a plain No because of Capcom, Square-Enix and Konami respectively?
if a working PC version exists then why doesn't CACPCOM put it on out Steam or even, dare I say... GOG