Blue Flamingo looks interesting. Anyone tried it yet?
I got code in this morning. I can report back later tonight.
Blue Flamingo looks interesting. Anyone tried it yet?
Apparently Escape Dead Island stinks.
Snake got a new GPU. Hes just testing it out on Mordor, trying to get it to run better.
And sir that is an excellent avatar. I love it!
Game Dev story really taught me that you have to be pretty dirty to survive as a big gaming company. I was spurning sequels and generic crap to get good money.
I got code in this morning. I can report back later tonight.
I sold 16 million copies of FPS Shooty RPG 2 and at the time there wasn't even enough consoles for it to have a 100% attach rate, which means that either people loved it so much that they bought multiple copies or that some people were purchasing it for machines they didn't even own.
If that's not success i dont know what is.
Can't you run the game offline without installing patches on uplay though? I've always been given the option. I know I did with Unity when they released the 1.02 patch or whatever the ver number was.
I'm not the only one with Mordor stuttering:
Can't you run the game offline without installing patches on uplay though? I've always been given the option. I know I did with Unity when they released the 1.02 patch or whatever the ver number was.
So, I'm doing other tests, this is what I got now by putting PhysX on GPU instead of CPU.
Ultra setting, all details maxed out, 200%.
Should I get Batman Oranges w/ Season Pass or w/ Blackgate Deluxe? Just trying to get rid of my coupon over at Gamersgate.
The latter looks like a decent Metroidvania romp, which I'm rather fond of but it had a rather mediocre reception.
Thanks for the heads up!I found this weird Dragone Age: Inquisition browser game. If you finish it you get the Red Lyrium Weapon Pack in the game:
Just to double check, there is no discounted Steam version (yes, I know it still uses Uplay) of Far Cry 4 that anyone is aware of is there?
If you liked the other Batman Arkham games, you'll probably like Oranges. I got it and enjoyed it. Maybe even a bit more than City. I haven't played Blackgate though. How much are each of those?
Yes. I think the only way to get it on Steam is to buy it on Steam, so that'll be tough one to get a discount on.
I found this weird Dragone Age: Inquisition browser game. If you finish it you get the Red Lyrium Weapon Pack in the game:
For the love of god avoid Blackgate. Only get it if you have money to spare and its less than $5. Get Origin.Should I get Batman Oranges w/ Season Pass or w/ Blackgate Deluxe? Just trying to get rid of my coupon over at Gamersgate.
The latter looks like a decent Metroidvania romp, which I'm rather fond of but it had a rather mediocre reception.
Quick guide.Thanks for this doing it now.
I found this weird Dragone Age: Inquisition browser game. If you finish it you get the Red Lyrium Weapon Pack in the game:
My laptop freezes randomly. At first I thought it was overheating but sometimes it freezes shortly after turning it on and other times it goes a whole day without issues. Can't find a pattern for it.
^I need to get around to checking out Arkham Origins, Asylum and City were great.
Maybe 5 minutes ? Dunno, didn't stop the long does it take?
how long does it take?
I found this weird Dragone Age: Inquisition browser game. If you finish it you get the Red Lyrium Weapon Pack in the game:
Should the OG Dragon Age be played before Inquisition? The new one has me interested, but even with a free copy of Dragon Age it just seems so bland from watching a bit of some playthroughs.
If anyone is interested about graphics and rendering and stuff, you should read this blog post "Physically Based Deferred Rendering in Costume Quest 2" by Double Fine's David Farrell.
The second style of rendering is for the rest of the world, which uses an energy conserving Blinn-Phong BRDF lit by a primary shadow-casting sunlight, additional point lights, and a hemisphere light for ambient lighting. All lighting was dynamic, except for prebaked per-vertex ambient occlusion.
Skip the first trailer for every page btw!Wow, that's an incredibly tedious "browser game".
It's basically "watch four trailers at least two times and then click on stuff"
Eh, whatever.
still not flatteringI can only assume he meant to say "It's like Skyrim, but good."
no i get people liking it, i just can't understand anyone having any sort of loyalty to that franchiseI actually liked Dead Island :>>
Not sure what to think about DI2 tho...
lol agin looks like cool suikoden stuff but srs chinese only? wtfgreenlight update: 33 games were greenlit yeasterday (if counter is still working (><)
Among those Flamberge,TitanfallOverride,ZeldaWarden that I can see.
Eternal Forest still not greenlit (._.)
this game would be nice to have, but it seems devs don't plan to translate it, and I don't see many of us playing a game in traditional Chinese
is it just me or does that not sound any different -_-changes for early access
Dragon Age has never fully connected like Mass Effect did.
If you read the description in the OT and recall some of the stuff from older games you'll be fine.
Like most DRM-linked anti piracy implementations, this sometimes fucked up even for legit copies.I thought Batman AA anti piracy was pretty funny too. If you have a pirated copy, Batman's cape would never open so you can't even glide.
That sounds good and time-saving. I got my PC copy of Dino 2 btw, and will be installing later. Hope I have no issues.
So, I'm doing other tests, this is what I got now by putting PhysX on GPU instead of CPU.
Ultra setting, all details maxed out, 200%.
Nice. Mine should be here today.
But once again the snow is so bad i'm not gonna bother.
Still searching for a box of DC1. Apparently only PAL collectors kept the box intact.
morning. any keys added to bundles today, since the wiki site is terribly outdated again?
DC1 I have on PSOne(Greatest Hits, ugh), but I'd like to have a new/mint PC copy if they weren't so expensive. Really want these games digitally, and the Resi trilogy as well.
Checkwell I did that thingie, it said they were added to my origin account and I dont have them so fuck it
Why are you wasting your time with the Mordor benchmark?