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STEAM | November 2015 - Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty Never Changes

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The only games I purchase for full price these days (because I'm poor) are the Souls games and games made by people I know. That's not to say I don't like modern games; I tend to like a lot more of them than most that post in here, I just can't afford it.

Speaking of which, when the hell did the standard price for big games become $60? I was curious if Just Cause 3 had any sort of pre-release discount (expecting to see it discounted from $50 to maybe $45 or so, if anything), and was shocked to see that Steam had the base price at $60. Assuming it was a weird mistake or some sort of crappy "we've priced the game higher than usual so the 'sale' isn't really a sale" kind of garbage, I popped on over to Gamestop.com, and was shocked that all the console games were $60 new. Is that the new standard price?

I found moving around to be more than a little clunky. It's terrible. Nico has an incredibly wide turning arc. His ability to change direction, even while walking, takes forever. Everything has a huge amount of lag associated with it because of their stinking engine which renders multiple frames ahead for the post processing. Add on top of that animation priority and the game just feels terrible.

I can see that. I didn't mind it for the walking around, but there were many times in tense action sections where the character simply wouldn't do what I wanted him to do.

Thing is, though, I kind of like what they were going for. I've noticed that ever since the shift to 3d, there's been a lot less focus on how a character moves, and a lot of the characters "feel" the same. For example, I'm sure you could take a lot of the classic 2d games, replace their characters with a square or a generic sprite, and you could probably still guess which one was which. Mega Man, Mario, Sonic, etc all have a very different feeling of mass and inertia when moving around. A lot of 3d games have gone the FPS route in just having your character being a moving cursor. Sure, GTAIV didn't really get it right, but at least it felt different.

The aiming is god awful as well. The game, while Nico is in cover, will snap aim to enemies that are hidden behind cover and won't let you move off of them to enemies that are in plain view. Occasionally, the game will just lock you out of aiming while you are in cover.

Ugh, I had forgotten about that. It didn't happen every time, but yeah, it happened enough when I was in cover that it was definitely annoying. Many times I'd be dragging my mouse around repeatedly in my attempts to plead my case to the game to allow me to aim to the left.

The aim assist is atrocious in its magnetism and letting you off of it. There a hideous lag between not aiming and aiming. Most of the guns are wildly inaccurate (which is something that L&D and Gay Tony improved the most - they give you accurate and powerful guns right off the bat, which absolves the terrible shooting of a lot the problems).

I didn't notice any of that, to be honest. As long as I crouched, I was able to pull off even headshots with a pistol at a decent range.

The heinous lag between pressing the button to call up your phone and when it actually does. The terrible menu navigation in the actual phone itself. The lag to bring up the map. The buttons that switch core functions between on foot and driving (shooting changes to a totally different button). The anemic jump which is entirely worthless and just gets you hung up or stuck on geometry. Having to watch weird animation sequences that appear to be moving at half speed any time you go to get in or out of a car. Mission design that seems content to have you drive to one side of the map to start a mission only to drive to the other side of the map just to actually do that mission. Having to go to your home to save your game. Having to drive around until you find a food vendor to heal up. Having to drive around to go to a weapons shop to get armor after you fail a mission.

What system did you play the game on? I never saw some of those (or they weren't egregious enough to bother me). For me, firing was always hold-right-click-then-left-click, regardless of on-foot or in a vehicle, and I never noticed any delay with the phone. Of course, I hardly ever used the phone.

Completely agreed on the food vendor stuff, although I'd always call the applicable "gun van" friend for armor refills instead of going to the stores.

That only serves to remind me of something else that was a huge step back: money. In San Andreas, money actually served a purpose. There was tons of property to buy, and I even ran up on a wall when the game requires you to buy the airfield to progress in th story. I didn't have anywhere near enough, so I actually had a purpose to do some of the side stuff. In GTAIV, there's nothing to buy but guns, armor, and hot dogs. I had well over $50k by the end of Gay Tony, despite constantly topping off all my ammo supplies.

Every Rockstar North employee should be forced to play Saints Row 3 and told "This is how a character should control. This is how a macro design of a mission should play out."

The character control never really struck me as sublime in SR3, just "standard". Mouselook to look, WASD to move, no feeling of weight to the character or the vehicles.

Having played through Just Cause 2, GTAIV, Saints Row 3, and Red Faction Guerrilla more or less in a row, it's kind of amazing how each one has some things that it gets really right, and some things that it just completely drops the ball on. One thing that bugs me about all of them and sandbox games in general is the weird disconnect between the freedom you have outside of missions, and how much the games lead you around by the nose in missions. As much as Saints Row has the wacky "hey, do anything you want" feel, the missions are a ridiculously linear series of objectives. Go here, kill this guy, get in this particular vehicle, etc. Of course, Saints Row also had the problem of a severe lack of challenge when it came to some of the non-mission activities. At first I figured that clearing out the various clusters of gang members would present some nice little setpiece shootouts, but then I realized that from the moment you get access to the penthouse (maybe 15 minutes into the game) you have access to an unlimited supply of free VTOL jets with unlimited lasers and missiles, completely negating any challenge.

Just Cause skirts with this a bit, too, and I'm worried that JC3 will tread more towards that direction. Still, Rico's fairly fragile, and your limited supply of ammo does leave some challenge in the game.


bit late to this funstock business but is that site not reliable then?

Funstock is fine, they are an authorized retailer for everything they sell as far as I know, and I've checked on a few different things.

As with a lot of smaller retailers though, if you buy a major release from them at launch, they may run out of keys and you'll have to wait a bit. We've been through this several times with various sites.

It seems pretty obvious at this point that if it is absolutely important to you to have the game at the earliest possible instant, you should buy from steam or directly from the publisher.
Yikes -- Vermintide has some framerate issues.

You'd think it'd run at a solid 60fps for a 970, but I get regular dips to the high 40s/low 50s and depending on some other factors, I've seen it drop into the 20s.


Whoa, my goal for this year is to come up to 25% in avarage achivements done on steam, I'm at 23% now and it moves slow!

Any of you have any gaming goals for the year?


Whoa, my goal for this year is to come up to 25% in avarage achivements done on steam, I'm at 23% now and it moves slow!

Any of you have any gaming goals for the year?
I hope to actually finish more games. Haven't updated it for a while, but my 52 game challemge looks bleak either way.


I found moving around to be more than a little clunky. It's terrible. Nico has an incredibly wide turning arc. His ability to change direction, even while walking, takes forever. Everything has a huge amount of lag associated with it because of their stinking engine which renders multiple frames ahead for the post processing. Add on top of that animation priority and the game just feels terrible.

The aiming is god awful as well. The game, while Nico is in cover, will snap aim to enemies that are hidden behind cover and won't let you move off of them to enemies that are in plain view. Occasionally, the game will just lock you out of aiming while you are in cover. The aim assist is atrocious in its magnetism and letting you off of it. There a hideous lag between not aiming and aiming. Most of the guns are wildly inaccurate (which is something that L&D and Gay Tony improved the most - they give you accurate and powerful guns right off the bat, which absolves the terrible shooting of a lot the problems).

Then there are death-by-1000-cuts little control problems like the how the camera will constantly violently shift towards the direction you are walking/running, so you can't look around while you move about. The heinous lag between pressing the button to call up your phone and when it actually does. The terrible menu navigation in the actual phone itself. The lag to bring up the map. The buttons that switch core functions between on foot and driving (shooting changes to a totally different button). The anemic jump which is entirely worthless and just gets you hung up or stuck on geometry. Having to watch weird animation sequences that appear to be moving at half speed any time you go to get in or out of a car. Mission design that seems content to have you drive to one side of the map to start a mission only to drive to the other side of the map just to actually do that mission. Having to go to your home to save your game. Having to drive around until you find a food vendor to heal up. Having to drive around to go to a weapons shop to get armor after you fail a mission.

Fuck that game.

Every Rockstar North employee should be forced to play Saints Row 3 and told "This is how a character should control. This is how a macro design of a mission should play out."
GTA4 controls I feel like were designed entirely around controller and the keyboard felt like an afterthought. I never had aiming issues with a controller because you could tap RS to swap locked targets, and slight movements let you prep headshots. That and even with aim assist a half pulled LT let you free aim and stuff.

Movement still sorta sucks, but in GTA5 with first person it's generally decent, though I don't really play in first person mode too much to say anything definitive. GTA5 feels like a massive upgrade from GTA4's gunplay and movement control (although you still have similar movement controls/philosophies you have to deal with from 4).


I think they are, in the sense that one will gets its key and they will try to help but not in that they can handle huge pressure really.
Funstock is fine, they are an authorized retailer for everything they sell as far as I know, and I've checked on a few different things.

As with a lot of smaller retailers though, if you buy a major release from them at launch, they may run out of keys and you'll have to wait a bit. We've been through this several times with various sites.

It seems pretty obvious at this point that if it is absolutely important to you to have the game at the earliest possible instant, you should buy from steam or directly from the publisher.
tyty friends


Whoa, my goal for this year is to come up to 25% in avarage achivements done on steam, I'm at 23% now and it moves slow!

Any of you have any gaming goals for the year?

It took me a long time to go from 48% to 49%. I'm kinda hesitant to even start new games for fear of dropping it right back down.

No goals I expect to work on before the year's out, though.


I was supposed to just make a character and suddenly it's 2am. Having just played Fallout 3 I can say the game looks a lot better. However, I'm getting 45-70fps at 1440p on 2x 780s on high settings (it goes up one more, ultra). Compared to the way Witcher 3 looks and performs that's not fantastic. I may drop to 1080p to see what it looks like if I can keep it at 60+.

The conversation choices have not bothered me so far and the fully voiced responses are a welcome addition. I'm also looking forward to playing with all the crafting stuff. There are definitely charisma checks but I don't know if there will be other types of checks.

I was hoping to play in 3rd person but it's not a great experience when you are inside a building and trying to search/pick things up.


Not a Steam game, but a PC game

Oh my God. Are you kidding me? Kerrigan just saves the fucking world from Xel'Naga, turns into this... Fire angel, kisses Raynor and disappears. Then, she reappears in the epilogue as human Kerrigan and meets up with Raynor at the inn from the intro of WoL

I didnt clicked on it, because i dont want to get spoiled, but is it better or worse than Heart of the Swarm retconning most of itself and Wol?

If I get banned, know that I'll be banned for something stupid I didn't expect and that I love most of you whose names I remember!

Am i on the list?

After WoL, I'm not even surprised. I didn't even bother with HotS, because it's clear the story was only going to get dumber from there.

HOTS campaign is very good tho, gameplaywise, albeit rather short. I'd still recommend it.


Finished Life is Strange chapter 1 yesterday. That sure was an epic quest to return a flash drive. Good fun though, I'm enjoying the character beats.


so my friend been telling me how the character system in fo4 works

i didn't expect anything out of beth rpg design so i kind of think moving shit into perks so ppl get chunky upgrades rather than more gradual stat increases is fine for their kind of game, even if it takes away the subtlety from character making

it's kind of sad to see such a cool character system reduced to "a bit better than skyrim's" but hey, they're making an fps thing, so fine by me

just want those anti bug mods to show up soon. roaches aren't as bad as in fo3 but they're pretty bad too


A couple of alternate Grand Theft Auto Online mods have been shut down by publisher Take-Two. In one case the publisher allegedly sent private eyes to the modder's home to strong arm them into canceling the project.

Now, the founder of that mod has claimed that GTA publisher Take-Two actually sent PIs to their home to intimidate them into shutting down the project. They offered the following statement on the matter on Reddit:

"I just got a pair of PIs at my door claiming to be sent by Take-Two, handing me a phone with a person somewhere in the UK or US or whatever to 'discuss how to cease my activities with regard to Grand Theft Auto', that 'they know what happened before with Activision and want to not get the lawyers involved at this time', however they 'have tested their legal standing already and are quite certain of their point' and 'aren't willing to accept any solution other than ceasing my activities'. Oh, they also 'couldn't disclose any conversations they're having with other modification developers', didn't want to talk about general modification policy as 'it was just about my case' and admitted they 'looked through my source code.'"

More: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...ate-investigators-to-gta5-modders-home-report


so my friend been telling me how the character system in fo4 works

i didn't expect anything out of beth rpg design so i kind of think moving shit into perks so ppl get chunky upgrades rather than more gradual stat increases is fine for their kind of game, even if it takes away the subtlety from character making

it's kind of sad to see such a cool character system reduced to "a bit better than skyrim's" but hey, they're making an fps thing, so fine by me

just want those anti bug mods to show up soon. roaches aren't as bad as in fo3 but they're pretty bad too

I don't know much about the original FO character systems, but the way leveling worked in older elder scrolls games is completely terrible. I'm actually really glad to see them moving away from that nonsense. Skyrim was actually a huge improvement.
so my friend been telling me how the character system in fo4 works

i didn't expect anything out of beth rpg design so i kind of think moving shit into perks so ppl get chunky upgrades rather than more gradual stat increases is fine for their kind of game, even if it takes away the subtlety from character making

it's kind of sad to see such a cool character system reduced to "a bit better than skyrim's" but hey, they're making an fps thing, so fine by me

just want those anti bug mods to show up soon. roaches aren't as bad as in fo3 but they're pretty bad too

My wife was like "wtf are those things!? It's a gigantic roach! Turn the game off, right now!"
I hope there'll be mods to turn the roach to spiders or something so I can peacefully play the game. :/

Wow, fuck that.


By the way I played some of nightmare mode in blops 3 today and it is a very interesting concept.

Spoilers if you want to discover it on your own:
They took the existing campaign levels and just laid new voiceovers on top of it and then changed the encounters. They also reordered the missions so they could tell a new story. So in the real game where you are tracking down some rogue guys in like mission 4, you are now looking for some missing zombie hunters in what is now mission 1, and the location is now where the zombie virus was released from. The idea is pretty cool, but in practice it's not perfect, because you see the characters mouths moving in the cutscenes from the campaign, and there's not much music as at all. Also, while in the main campaign the encounters are designed so you are using your special powers, here you only get powers from occasional drops and they basically just flood the area with zombies so it doesn't flow as well. But good on Treyarch for doing this kind of experiment and providing even more content for what is already a packed game.


I don't know much about the original FO character systems, but the way leveling worked in older elder scrolls games is completely terrible. I'm actually really glad to see them moving away from that nonsense. Skyrim was actually a huge improvement.
i dont like elder scrolls games so w/e about that, but in fo1/2 your character had room for so many different builds and ideas

reducing everything to perks makes everything feel "meatier" and more readable (you get 10% more assault rifle dmg instead of having 2 points more in small arms which translate to 10% more assault rifle dmg), but it just makes everything too simple for my taste

but since beth makes lite rpg stuff i think it suits it ok

you don't wanna risk thinking too much or being creative or anything :>

My wife was like "wtf are those things!? It's a gigantic roach! Turn the game off, right now!"
I hope there'll be mods to turn the roach to spiders or something so I can peacefully play the game. :/



Already had this game

ModBot said:
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Enemy Mind -- MB-9151D4C596D24E4A - Taken by Blu(e)
Wow I know it's an old engine but Fallout's graphics are unacceptable



this war of mine is also really cheap

like $3.75 or something

i bought that


I've added it to the cart but apparently is not available to my country (aka there is no purchase button).
I'm at the office right now so I cannot do any shenanigan, nor can access half the good internet, but anyway: will I need to VPN-activate it on Steam or is it enough to VPN-buy it on Nuuvem and then I get a region free key?
Ahh I guess my joke got lost in translation. Im making jest about the Fallout 4 gamebryo stuff. It sounded better in my head I guess.

Dammit, I was going to make a "You are talking about Fallout 4 right?"-joke but recently I have ran into too many "Fallout 1 and 2 don't hold up today, start with 3" posts :D


today is suppose to be the day steam will change the prices in my region to SAR
steam maintenance every Tuesday , but what time ?


Ugh this workday is going to feel long... just want to go home and try out FO4. Also if it hasn't come in the post I will go crazy, or well maybe just finish Arkham Knight since I'm 85% done with it.XD


Those F4 concurrent peak # is crazy and its not even the weekend.

The next Elder Scrolls will destroy everything. It will probably even surpass CSGO and Dota2.
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