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STEAM | November 2015 - Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty Never Changes

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Ban Puncher


Steam GAF?

Sliders GAF.


Crazy times when such a usual console franchise like DQ comes to PC. Definitely more interested in the main new game rather than heroes but it bodes well for that coming in the future as well.

I don't think so, I mean one thing I don't believe in it's mainline DQ game on PC, like at all (not economically plausible), although it would be nice to be wrong about it.
I find it extremely strange that we are getting DQH too.
DQ has the problem of Trails games to the lesser extent, a lot of text for one, the gameplay isn't particularly popular in the west too, games are long, some extremely long as DQ7 for example.

I find Atelier on PC more believable than DQ and even that will never happen most likely.


Just like Type 0 HD am i right

as a Console port, it was the straightest of straight ports with only 2 real changes, Motion Blur (in comparison to original release) and Color Blind stuff. and maybe photo mode, can't recall if consol had that. it gave us the same experience as console, just smoother. Solid 30 vs occaisonal dips. as a Console port, it's great, but as a PC version, it's left people wanting more improvments
I don't think so, I mean one thing I don't believe in it's mainline DQ game on PC, like at all (not economically plausible), although it would be nice to be wrong about it.
I find it extremely strange that we are getting DQH too.
DQ has the problem of Trails games to the lesser extent, a lot of text for one, the gameplay isn't particularly popular in the west too, games are long, some extremely long as DQ7 for example.

I find Atelier on PC more believable than DQ and even that will never happen most likely.
Since this newfound love for PC from Japan is relatively new, I'm also a bit skeptical - especially for big renowned franchises like FF to bring their big new games to PC on time but hey, dreams are free ( ._.)


AS a Consol port, it was the straightest of straight ports with only 2 real changes, Motion Blur (in comparison to original release) and Color Blind stuff. and maybe photo mode, can't recall if consol had that. it gave us the same experience as console, just smoother. Solid 30 vs occaisonal dips. as a Console port, it's great, but as a PC version, it's left people wanting more improvments

Thought they fixed the dips.
Also 30fps was game logic fault can't really blame them on that. No one is gonna rework the entire engine for 60fps.

Id rather a port of a game stuck at 30 then nothing at all.


as a Console port, it was the straightest of straight ports with only 2 real changes, Motion Blur (in comparison to original release) and Color Blind stuff. and maybe photo mode, can't recall if consol had that. it gave us the same experience as console, just smoother. Solid 30 vs occaisonal dips. as a Console port, it's great, but as a PC version, it's left people wanting more improvments

What people want actually is impossible, so yeah
Other than that that port was fine and SE even fixed what was fixable.
Even in HD it was obvious it'll show its roots.

Since this newfound love for PC from Japan is relatively new, I'm also a bit skeptical - especially for big renowned franchises like FF to bring their big new games to PC on time but hey, dreams are free ( ._.)

Our best bet is getting games that are somewhat popular in the west, like FF games or maybe even Kingdom Hearts 3. IF kinda came out of nowhere and it's great that coming to PC worked for them, but so far we got only heavily discounted late ports, I doubt that their games would sell day one full priced if they ever decide on simultaneous releases.
Tales has actiony gameplay, so if they get that 60 fps they used to have it still could do good on PC.
Even if it pains me, I don't see more traditional games having much future on PC, you guys convinced me that it's niche now.
Still until PC love lasts, would be nice to get some more, like RoF or SO5 or maybe even some Atlus games, let's not to forget Atelier too.


Oh wow...

like we didn't know already...
as I said, the dream is deader than dead now.

I blame all you kids who bought every Nep Nep game and Mugen Souls.
You could've saved some of that cash for 2nd Chapter but noooooooooooooooo, had to have more Nep Nep.

no Nep could stop me from buying Trails SC, so I'm not sure what you are on about. Also those games are very different, not necessary someone liking Nep will like Trails, so there is that.
Still for such a good game not to sell at all... yeah, doom and gloom.


like we didn't know already...
as I said, the dream is deader than dead now.

I blame all you kids who bought every Nep Nep game and Mugen Souls.
You could've saved some of that cash for 2nd Chapter but noooooooooooooooo, had to have more Nep Nep.


I said this a few days ago as well, but expecting TitS SC to sell more on Steam would have been foolish, considering how few people seem to have finished TitS FC. I'm sure XSEED is well aware of this as well.
So SC has a similar lauch to FC, which only became successful through the long tail of the PC market and sales.

I dont get the problem

I said this a few days ago as well, but expecting TitS SC to sell more on Steam would have been foolish, considering how few people seem to have finished TitS FC. I'm sure XSEED is well aware of this as well.

They are aware

With a "long-con" game like SC, I don't think the time it drops matters nearly as much as it just... being out there. We know not to approximate the success of this game on first-week sales alone as game companies (sometimes ourselves included) are often wont to do, since SC is a special case in pretty much every way -- so I wouldn't worry about sales figures just yet. I think we're all pretty confident that SC will do just fine in the end, and none of us are naive enough to make future decisions about the series based on anything frivolous.


no Nep could stop me from buying Trails SC, so I'm not sure what you are on about. Also those games are very different, not necessary someone liking Nep will like Trails, so there is that.
Still for such a good game not to sell at all... yeah, doom and gloom.

I think a big part of that is XSeeds Release policy about that. Not the delays, but releasing it out of nowhere when there was just Tales of releasing and shortly after NepNep which people know would get a 40% sale for the first week.

Then they released it without even a 10% discount.

They should have released it somewhere in december I think when there is not much competition, announce it earlier than like a few days before, give existing owners of FC a discount and it would have sold more I think.


as a Console port, it was the straightest of straight ports with only 2 real changes, Motion Blur (in comparison to original release) and Color Blind stuff. and maybe photo mode, can't recall if consol had that. it gave us the same experience as console, just smoother. Solid 30 vs occaisonal dips. as a Console port, it's great, but as a PC version, it's left people wanting more improvments
That's not really correct, the PC version had a few more improvements than that. (shadows, downsampling AA, "super speed")

What was inexcusable were the M/KB controls.
Pretty sure FC had a better launch.
But yeah legs should help.

It also didn't have a troubled development and released at a better time, cheaper, and with a launch discount. It also had people who owned it on PSP double dipping. First week or even month sales for a game like this mean jack.


It also didn't have a troubled development and released at a better time, cheaper, and with a launch discount. First week sales for a game like this mean jack.
Yeah, when FC released there was what felt like one JRPG on Steam a year. Now we have one every other week.

Not everyone can be expected to buy all of them at launch (like me :p).
Well, the fact (yeah, I know Arthea will say the game is double the size than the first one, much stuff to translate etc) is the price is also twice expensive than the first one, so probably people are waiting for a discount.

A lot of people were probably waiting for a discount on the first game too. I think 50% off is the lowest it's gone (during the sale for the launch of SC) and that probably marks the first time the game was under $10.

Add in the $30 price point, justified or not, as well as some other things like the strong anime vibe, the dated graphics style, etc. and it's no wonder that the sequel didn't sell well.

The thing to note would be "how many people bought Trails FC during the sale, as those that did and liked it will be more interested in buying SC down the line.

I'm sure XSEED knew this wasn't a quick cash grab and are in it for the long haul. What's hard to predict, however, is how the sales are going to look in the long term and if XSEED will be happy with them further on down the line.


So SC has a similar lauch to FC, which only became successful through the long tail of the PC market and sales.

I dont get the problem

They are aware


you will see the problem, when we will get nothing more on PC and it will totally happen, unless SC miraculously starts to selling like Fallout or something.
We had our chance, we don't have benefit of a doubt anymore and reasons doesn't matter. Only SC selling very good would have gave us TC announcement and later games, and from announcement to game releasing there is very long time as we know. Now if even SC will sell discounted somewhere around FC numbers in years to come, it won't do us any good. You have to understand that much, haven't you?

Not trying to be a dick, but you have poor understanding of how this works. And thankfully you're not running XSEED. Did you even read the quote that is coming directly from XSEED?

let's talk about it in two years from now then.
kindly don't forget it, deal?
Yeah, when FC released there was what felt like one JRPG on Steam a year. Now we have one every other week.

Not everyone can be expected to buy all of them at launch (like me :p).

I try to do my best but I also need to support the Vita and at some point food > supporting struggling niche devs
you will see the problem, when we will get nothing more on PC and it will totally happen, unless SC miraculously starts to selling like Fallout or something.
We had our chance, we don't have benefit of a doubt anymore and reasons doesn't matter. Only SC selling very good would have gave us TC announcement and later games, and from announcement to game releasing there is very long time as we know. Now if even SC will sell discounted somewhere around FC numbers in years to come, it won't do us any good. You have to understand that much, haven't you?

Not trying to be a dick, but you have poor understanding of how this works. And thankfully you're not running XSEED. Did you even read the quote that is coming directly from XSEED?
From some of the stuff I read (articles linked here, at some point, I believe), it seemed unlikely that TC would ever get greenlit for translation and release on Steam. Y'know, unless SC did Call of Duty numbers... which considering the size of the fanbase, was never going to happen.

The game only needs to be profitable and XSEED is a company of 15 people maximum. I know you both are exaggerating but even mentioning Fallout or CoD is absurd.
you will see the problem, when we will get nothing more on PC and it will totally happen, unless SC miraculously starts to selling like Fallout or something.
We had our chance, we don't have benefit of a doubt anymore and reasons doesn't matter. Only SC selling very good would have gave us TC announcement and later games, and from announcement to game releasing there is very long time as we know. Now if even SC will sell discounted somewhere around FC numbers in years to come, it won't do us any good. You have to understand that much, haven't you?

From some of the stuff I read (articles linked here, at some point, I believe), it seemed unlikely that TC would ever get greenlit for translation and release on Steam. Y'know, unless SC did Call of Duty numbers... which considering the size of the fanbase, was never going to happen. At least that was the impression I got from reading about FC and SC releases (and looking into seeing if there was a Fan Translation project, like some other games had prior to being localized).

I try to do my best but I also need to support the Vita and at some point food > supporting struggling niche devs

Not trying to be a dick, but you have poor understanding of how this works. And thankfully you're not running XSEED. Did you even read the quote that is coming directly from XSEED?

Supporting Vita is a tricky situation. I love that little handheld and will buy anything I can and would enjoy playing on it... but it's hard to believe with the install base and current offering (combined with the lack of first party support and shit like the Type-0 fiasco) that supporting the Vita does any good at all in the end. Oh well, at least we can enjoy it while it lasts.
let's talk about it in two years from now then.
kindly don't forget it, deal?

I'd be willing to take a bet if we can come up with some good terms!
Supporting Vita is a tricky situation. I love that little handheld and will buy anything I can and would enjoy playing on it... but it's hard to believe with the install base and current offering (combined with the lack of first party support and shit like the Type-0 fiasco) that supporting the Vita does any good at all in the end. Oh well, at least we can enjoy it while it lasts.

As long as releases keep happening at the pace they are right now, I couldn't ask for more. I'm happy with what we're still getting.


Is there a guide to the JRPGs on Steam? I asked about Trails in the Sky a little while ago, and I'm still considering it, but I don't want to miss out on something else. I have little experience with the genre outside of Chrono Trigger, FF 2, FF X and Tactics.

Dr Dogg

Sooooooooooo Season 1+2?

Of course silly.

I'm down. Sliders was fantastic, I really enjoyed the show. Hell, that whole timeslot in the late 90's/early 00's where you'd switch on BBC2 at 6pm and get the Simpsons, then Sliders, Buffy, Star Trek, Robot Wars, Farscape and other geeky shows was pure bliss.

Another fine institution ran in to the ground. Well that and BBC Three became the home of Yoof TV and promptly ran it into the ground. And it still bloody lives on in zombie form online. Just kill it off already. Saying that I haven't paid a licence fee in years due to not watching live tv so I probably don't get a say.

Is it still laden with torture porn?

That being said, I really enjoyed Tomb Raider. It was a pretty pleasant 100%
of the SP content.

Only died a couple of times but I inadvertently dropped Lauren in a spiked pit with one through her neck and another through her ankle and as she slowly sunk down on them you could see her eyes rolling over. So yeah pretty disturbing death scenes are still in there I guess.

Damn Fallout 4 framerate is really bad on consoles.


It's perfectly playable, there are no bugs, it's fine! To be fair though that isn't that bad for a Bethesda console game going by that footage. What Gertsmann was saying on The Lobby, grinding to a halt towards the end game, and what he said on twitter 'running at a couple of seconds a frame' sounds horrible.


Is there a guide to the JRPGs on Steam? I asked about Tales a little while ago, and I'm still considering it, but I don't want to miss out on something else. I have little experience with the genre outside of Chrono Trigger, FF 2, FF X and Tactics.

Depending on your definition of JRPG, either get Dark Souls, Trails FC or Skyborn.

All three have been cheap, are great and should give you at least a dozen hours of gameplay.

Or get The Last Remnant.

Or even better get Valkyria Chronicles if your "JRPG" definition includes SRPGs (which I deduce from listing FF Tactics).

Those two as well, yes.
Or if you have a very broad defintion of SRPG - get Divinity: OSEE


Or get The Last Remnant.

Or even better get Valkyria Chronicles if your "JRPG" definition includes SRPGs (which I deduce from listing FF Tactics).


I've been meaning to start Last Remnant for like 9 times, and then never do.

I played the demo way back when, and it didn't leave a good impression so that thought in the back of my mind always pushes me away from it.


Depending on your definition of JRPG, either get Dark Souls, Trails FC or Skyborn.

Or get The Last Remnant.

Or even better get Valkyria Chronicles if your "JRPG" definition includes SRPGs (which I deduce from listing FF Tactics).

I just checked and I already have Last Remnant, somehow. I also started Valkyria Chronicles recently so maybe I should go with those two. Dark Souls was not for me; I gave it around 12 hours and got too frustrated.


Is there a guide to the JRPGs on Steam? I asked about Trails in the Sky a little while ago, and I'm still considering it, but I don't want to miss out on something else. I have little experience with the genre outside of Chrono Trigger, FF 2, FF X and Tactics.

Most that we got on PC are very different, so it depends on what you like. Trails is all around great, but it's by no means a "fast" game. Nep games are parody-comedy, not everybody is into that. FF7 and Trails are the best JRPGs on steam in my opinion.
Then there are Tales games that are some strange mix between ARPG and JRPG, very animeish too, extremely so even.
Then there are tactics like Valkyria Chronicles or Agarest and some smaller games. Of that bunch VC is the best.
I would recommend FF5, as it has great gameplay, but then again a version we got not everybody can stomach.

edited: oh yeah, the Last Remnant is great but really long.

I'd be willing to take a bet if we can come up with some good terms!

It depends on what you are willing to bet
I never do bets, remember my horrible luck? Although... in this case I totally should if my bad luck will give us TC and the rest, so I'm all years


Hey my good GAFfers, I just finished Go Home Dinosaurs!


Steam small Review: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043835726/recommended/216090

Your objective is to protect your steaks at all costs from several types of dinosaurs and send them home once and for all. Go Home Dinosaurs! is a simple tower defense game with 3 different worlds. Each world has around 20 levels with different paths and while some of them might prove a challenge it’s all up about finding a decent strategy in order to complete the level. As you advance in the game you will unlock different cards that gives you other types of defenses, some are used to slow down the dinos while others can put them at the starting point or even make them smaller and therefore, weaker.

The game is pretty much violence free and the bright colours are inviting if you want to play this game side by side with a younger player. In order to promote their own creativity and their decision making skills. The strategy in which tools to choose as well finding the best alternative when spending your coconuts to buy more allies can be a good incentive to play and there’s a decent amount of levels and hours to be spent specially considering the low price (if discounted).

By the end of each world you will have a final Boss. Each boss is bigger and while slow, he doesn’t stop. Right before your enemies reach your precious steaks you have two sets of dinomite (eh!) that will prevent them from reaching them, however you will lose one steak. If you no longer have this final defense with you it’s game over and in the final bosses this won’t stop them. I finished all the levels while repeating some of them for a perfect level (or because I was failing them) in around 10 hours and I had a fun time with the game. I believe it’s a good choice to play between those heavy AAA titles or just for a quick-short distraction.
I just tried to play Trackmania Stadium 2. What is this Maniaplanet shit? As soon as I start a race, the game runs like shit and I think because of that Maniaplanet thing.
What gets me is the prices of the machines despite this, l o l.

OS performance doesn't have anything to do with the price of the hardware, generally speaking.

That said, yeah, they're expensive as fsck. But that's always been the case with pre-built gaming PCs from my experience. You could get the same or better for much less if you build it yourself.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF

While these are two AAA games ported to Linux by respected publishers, it's possible the developers simply weren't able to extract the best performance from the less familiar OpenGL and Linux environment. We figured that Valve's own games wouldn't have this problem; if anyone could get the maximum performance out of its Linux ports, it should be the company behind SteamOS itself.

Unfortunately, Valve's own Source engine games showed the same performance hit when compared to their Windows versions. Portal, Team Fortress 2, and DOTA 2 all took massive frame rate dips on SteamOS compared to their Windows counterparts; only Left 4 Dead 2 showed comparable performance between the two operating systems (though there's no sign of those SteamOS frame rate improvements Valve cited years ago).

We put Valve's new OS, controller, streaming box, and TV console to the test.
Since the Source engine games we tested were on the older side, the frame rate performance wasn't the difference between "playable" and "unplayable" in any case, even on maxed-out settings. For games like these, which don't push the upper limits of our hardware, most gamers wouldn't even notice the difference between the frame rates listed here. Still, it's not a good sign that Valve's own porting efforts generally couldn't get comparable, Windows-level performance out of a SteamOS version.
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