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STEAM | October 2014 - Proper PC gamers buy a Wii U and Bayonetta 2

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I promise to be proper soon. I'm just holding out for Black Friday sales to buy a Wii U. Please don't revoke my PC gamer card.


You mean took advantage of a chocolate based promotion?

Maliciously used the language of mathematics to take terribly immoral advantage of a store in a successful effort to amass both high quantities of chocolate and a Wii U.

Also stump hates Bayonetta. Throw stuff at him.


Iwata will starve if you don't buy one right now. Do you hear me? Starve.

Then he should probably put the console on sale right away.

Maliciously used the language of mathematics to take terribly immoral advantage of a store in a successful effort to amass both high quantities of chocolate and a Wii U.

Also stump hates Bayonetta. Throw stuff at him.

I was gonna forgive him for the other stuff, but I can't let that slide. Boo-urns
Maliciously used the language of mathematics to take terribly immoral advantage of a store in a successful effort to amass both high quantities of chocolate and a Wii U.

Also stump hates Bayonetta. Throw stuff at him.
I can go get a bunch of copies of the PS3 version of Bayonetta for 5 bucks a pop to throw at him, will those suffice?
Then he should probably put the console on sale right away.
He may be hungry, but he still has his pride.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Seems silly to buy a console and not even rent games for it, but whatever.

you cant rent games here. And I bought it because I used to buy every console. I say used to because the XBONE broke the cycle

I also bought it for the eventual Zelda, and its still good for that :p


For you.
Yes, thats what I want to do, play another Mario Kart game. or another Mario game in general. Good lord...

You could have at least suggested Wonderful 101 or something

I have no interest in playing any of those games. In fact, some of them I have negative interest in, if thats possible. Except Bayo2, and even that im not dying to play or anything. Sorry :/

...wait, why did you buy a Wii U then? :p


Unconfirmed Member
any comments on the latest
Blink Bundle
and Humble Bundle

Good selection of games in both bundles, but many of the titles have appeared in previous bundles. So people may have the majority of them already. If you see games that you want go for them :).
Killer Instinct should be the next game MS chucks over to Steam. That would be an instant 40 bucks from my pocket.

Yup. That's something I'd buy outright and feel good about...

I thought it was more boring than anything I played on Steam this year, so I'm just glad I didn't buy the system for it.

I think I love you...

Yes, thats what I want to do, play another Mario Kart game. or another Mario game in general. Good lord...

You could have at least suggested Wonderful 101 or something

edit: so not to derail this thread even more (even tho a MOD is doing it now of all people, further proving that he is a demon that just wants to see the world burn), how excited should I be to play Batman Oranges if:

A) Arkham Asylum is one of my favorite games ever and B) Arkham City did little for me and I struggled to finish it?

based Rhaknar

Batman Oranges is a tighter version of City, IMO.
The combat timing is a bit different though, so expect a little turbulence getting up to speed there.
I still like Asylum best... but while I thought Oranges was going to be a phone in sequel using all the assets made from City by another studio, I actually liked it more than City. The Riddler challenges are better designed, I like the story better, I liked the inclusion of the detective parts into the story...


Yes, thats what I want to do, play another Mario Kart game. or another Mario game in general. Good lord...

You could have at least suggested Wonderful 101 or something

edit: so not to derail this thread even more (even tho a MOD is doing it now of all people, further proving that he is a demon that just wants to see the world burn), how excited should I be to play Batman Oranges if:

A) Arkham Asylum is one of my favorite games ever and B) Arkham City did little for me and I struggled to finish it?

I have no interest in playing any of those games. In fact, some of them I have negative interest in, if thats possible. Except Bayo2, and even that im not dying to play or anything. Sorry :/



Unconfirmed Member
...and only played ZombieU on it >_> At least it was awesome :(

It's awesome now that the plethora of game breaking bugs have been patched. I'm still salty about encountering one around 12 hours in, and that the specific bug I encountered wasn't fixed until long after launch :|

This week in "wait, where did this games come from and what did I pay for it":

Sep 27th, Borealis

Did I get this in a bundle?

Well, considering that the bundle it was in was automatically free if you had bought a bundle from Groupees in the past, it's understandable why you wouldn't really know where it came from.

Since this seems to be the secret WiiU thread, is Nintendoland worth $10 (used)?

Ehh, look up a few videos and decide based on that. It's a decent collection of minigames, but it's nothing amazing or anything. Even if it does have the only F-Zero racing related thing to be released in years ;_;

In my opinion, there are better things to spend $10 on.

Thinking about it, the best way to describe it is that it's one of those things that you play once just to show off your new cool thing to people, and then most likely never touch again.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
All the cool kids were doing it.

i already said I got the WiiU on release, and why 3 or 4 posts above. Mostly new-tech lust. Same for the PS4 really (I havent bought any PS4 game since the ones at launch either, and of those, I barely played any)

Like I said, thankfully Ive seen to broken the cycle with the xbone (and thats probably because it didnt come out here until...recently? I think? I actually dont know if its out here yet) because its a silly silly thing to do. I used to play games on all systems and never wanted to not be able to play something I want, but these days, I really just want to sit in my desk chair, launch some steam game, tab out and look at some site if needed, OCD out of the game into another one, etc.

I know that technically I can do all that with a console game also, but its not the same and I cant explain it.

edit: the best part? I only started seriously playing on a PC about...5-6 years ago? longer ifyou count WoW. I was always a "console only" kid into my mid/late twenties. Things change I guess

Still buying the shit out of Bloodborn tho


I'll most likely won't even consider buying a Wii U until the next Zelda mothership title come out.

Why? The last great Zelda game was Wind Waker (possibly excluding the new 3DS one, I haven't gotten around to that yet), meanwhile they've had several awesome titles in their other franchises.

From what they've shown of the upcoming one, it might be incredible, but Zelda certainly isn't what will make or break a Nintendo system for me at this point.



[12:38]  [stump] zellie-chan: two months before wii u release i spent $90 on $200 worth of chocolate bars, which due to a mishandled store promotion got me $200 worth of store credit; the store later had a promotion making the $200 equal to $250 in store credit for one day only.
[12:39]  [stump] no dishonesty at all
[12:39]  [stump] just stacking promotions
[12:39]  [stump] they had $4 chocolate bars on for $2 and had 100x the store loyalty points the same day
[12:39]  [stump] that's not my fault.
[12:40]  [stump] they then had a promotion that redemption levels for store loyalty points were boosted
[12:40]  [stump] that's not my fault
[12:40]  [stump] and they put wii u on sale
[12:40]  [stump] that's not my fault
[12:40]  [stump] i did have to buy all of the chocolate bars they had, though.
[12:40]  [stump] so it was a weird experience


"Not my fault."

That's what the Nazis said.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Metal Gear Rising Impressions:
This is surprisingly lackluster for a Platinum game. I think back through Capcom's big action games and pretty much everything had a better combat system for high-level play. Onimusha, DMC, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, Bayonetta, Monster Hunter, RE6, etc. They are all better.

What went wrong here? First off, there is almost no dodge mechanic, let alone a proper one at the very core of the controls. In real life, you can see something and move, so for an action game to feel like an extension of your reflexes, this should always be an option ready to go. What is does have is a parry, except it is fairly weak and broken for the purpose that parries usually serve. Yes, it is absurdly strong at stopping anything that comes at you, but parries are meant to create an opening, and it doesn't always do that.

For the parrying, there is first the problem with the initial parry being very slow. This is because there is an upgrade to increase your attacking speed, but until you unlock that, you have to begin your parry way ahead of time. That's fine, since every enemy attack gives a tell about a full second ahead of when they'll hit you, but if you wait until the moment you actually want to strike their attack, you'll get hit because your strike won't come out fast enough. It's unintuitive for gameplay and feels really sluggish for a cyborg ninja.

Second, even after the upgrade when it is instantaneous, it really works more as a block than a parry. You'll have a slight pause where you can't do anything, and enemies often bounce off of you rather than truly being made vulnerable like a parry is supposed to do. The special slowmo vision you are supposed to use as a counter is not always available, and even when it is, there are some issues with that as well.

When you use slowmo, you have an energy bar that depletes, marking your time to use it, however, sometimes the slomo will end before the bar is depleted because the game decides the enemy is "dead enough" but that doesn't make sense when the slomo is supposed to be your cyborg reflex power active, not the amount of time you have to affect the enemy in the ideal way. This ambiguous timing for the slomo devalues high level play because you don't know how much you can combo them before you do the spine-grabbing finisher for your bonus. Miss your chance and you lose the bonus and also your combo for the group of enemies.

This problem is exacerbated by incredibly inconsistent auto-camera. The camera likes to keep CLOSE to you, and sometimes when you enter the slomo it will automatically turn to where you need to face to slice up the enemy and cut to their "bonus box" innards, but other times it will face completely the wrong direction, wasting your opportunity on that enemy and your power bar. This especially happens often if you slomo after sliding into an enemy, which is a handy way to make them vulnerable (especially if they have a gun/rocket launcher), so it is a real shame the move makes a slomo followup nearly impossible almost every time.

Of course, that isn't the only time the camera is an issue. It is very often way too close in on the action and not behind your back, so even 4-5 enemies may be out of view if you did a finisher on another enemy. The camera really likes to linger on you after you do cool moves rather than getting back into the action, and even manual control is sluggish. This actually works as a detriment to doing special moves in the most intense situations when you would otherwise most want to use them to clear guys out of the way.

Of course, that is true not just because of camera positioning, but looking back at the lack of a dodge mechanic. Even while in slomo ultra ninja mode, you can get hit by other enemies. Most-often guns, rockets, grenades, or other "real cyborg" enemies, so you want to be efficient and not stay in it too much, but that is impossible with all the extravagant poses and lingering camera views. So then you think okay, well at least I can be aware of those enemies and act on my own despite the camera, but really you can't because parries require more exact awareness of timing and direction than a dodge would.

So really I'm pretty surprised that PG would release something with such blatant flaws in the core gameplay mechanics. Usually they have many incentives for high skill gameplay and even design the gameplay so it is all the more seamless the more skilled you become. Unfortunately for this game, it only becomes more clunky the more of the high level stuff you want to do. The notion of keeping a perpetual combo and getting high ranks on runs seems very burdensome rather than something to enjoy progressing in like their other games.

Likewise, the story is very clunky and tiring. This is basically trying to do what MGS games do but in 1/3 the time, and it comes off like paint-by-numbers Metal Gear rather than a true plot with fleshed out characters and concepts being explored and emotional/philosophical responses to the events and declarations that transpire. I just finished the 3rd chapter and I'm already finding myself wanting to skip through conversations as quickly as I can get the point rather than letting the characters speak it out. So far the one good thing that came out of the story is the line:
How about "full of shit"? Is that a meme?

Given how wonky the slowmo stuff is, I don't think I'll ever bother with that "collect their left hand" stuff, and the bosses so far have also been pretty lame aside from the first one. I was going to use this to control my character action craving waiting for Bayonetta 2, but as it is...



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Apparently those who owned Eufloria prior to the release of Eurfloria HD received not only the latter but also the OST DLC. What a nice surprise.


Why? The last great Zelda game was Wind Waker (possibly excluding the new 3DS one, I haven't gotten around to that yet), meanwhile they've had several awesome titles in their other franchises.

From what they've shown of the upcoming one, it might be incredible, but Zelda certainly isn't what will make or break a Nintendo system for me at this point.

Because Zelda is the only Nintendo game I'm interested in for the Wii U. Unless they release something Pokemon, Fire Emblem, or anything JRPG related.

I'm over Mario.
so not to derail this thread even more (even tho a MOD is doing it now of all people, further proving that he is a demon that just wants to see the world burn), how excited should I be to play Batman Oranges if:

A) Arkham Asylum is one of my favorite games ever and B) Arkham City did little for me and I struggled to finish it?
Not very, Oranges is VERY like Arkham City, in fact I feel like it's essentially just Arkham City but not as polished.


i have now played over 6 hours of Divinity: Original Sin

I really like it. still disappointed at the lack of ability to fish, but whatever. aside form 15 minutes of the original Fallout, this is my first CRPG in that style, even though it's only battles that are like that.

of course, i'm still in the Starter Town. there are 4 more big areas if i am correct?


I did, and it blows. My phrasing was very intentional.

Whaaaat? It's got like a bajillion i-frames. Defensive Offensive is great. It's just not designed to replace parrying, because parrying is the thing you are supposed to be doing instead of dodging.


... how excited should I be to play Batman Oranges if:

A) Arkham Asylum is one of my favorite games ever and B) Arkham City did little for me and I struggled to finish it?/

I myself prefer Arkham Asylum more than Arkham City but still liked the latter enough to finish it. Origins, I had to drop after a few hours. It's very much like Arkham City but without the shine of Rocksteady. Combat is faster, which in itself is not a negative, but the camera gets caught in awkward locations. Traversing the city in Origins was not as smooth: there seems to be less "lock on" points for the Batclaw. Among other things, it just didn't catch my interest.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Whaaaat? It's got like a bajillion i-frames. Defensive Offensive is great. It's just not designed to replace parrying, because parrying is the thing you are supposed to be doing instead of dodging.
It isn't about usefulness in defense, but responsiveness to command your character in the flow and direction of battle you desire to orchestrate the encounter into a high-scoring one creatively to keep it fresh and driven by your own intuition, to feel yours. The point is that high-level play limits your options rather than expanding them because the execution is so clunky. There is one way to consistently get high scores, and that is by being aware of and working around all the major flaws in the combat system. PG has done way better, and other devs have done way better. In my view it is very low-ranking for the genre.

It's like every of your points is missing the actual point
Nice passive-agressive post, laughing at me and referencing something I am apparently missing while being too lazy/cowardly to explain what that "point" is and have a real conversation. I'm not looking to "hate on" the game or tell other people they are dumb for liking it. I'm just sharing my impressions.

Edit: \/ Same to you down there. \/
Second, even after the upgrade when it is instantaneous, it really works more as a block than a parry. You'll have a slight pause where you can't do anything, and enemies often bounce off of you rather than truly being made vulnerable like a parry is supposed to do. The special slowmo vision you are supposed to use as a counter is not always available, and even when it is, there are some issues with that as well.
The reason your parry is acting more like a block is because your timing was off, if you activate the parry too soon it'll just block, but if you parry at the last possible second it'll act like you expect it too and Raiden will swing at the enemy leaving them vulnerable and you able to kick their ass.

The parry system is REALLY poorly explained, probably the biggest downfall of Metal Gear Rising, I assume something got lost in translation because the way it is explained in game is just terrible.

the manual explains how to parry much better than the actual game does.
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