From UE4 facebook page: "What do you get when a group of developers who've worked on BioShock, Halo, Guitar Hero and Rock Band come together and build something beautiful with Unreal Engine 4?
Just take a moment and watch this Kickstarter video. "
Does anyone know if Evil Within runs at a dynamic resolution like Rage did?
That would explain why it's frame locked to 30; it's core to the way IDTech5 works. Wolfenstein wasn't, but i'm not sure how much they fooled with the engine.
Resident Evil in space would just be Dead Space... but better!
We don't know yet, all we know for PC version resolution is that it can go 1440p, and that you can remove the black borders and play 16:9.
Actually, that second point may mean its dynamic.
Also The Evil Within related, the opening credits (not cutscene, no spoilers in this video.
All I see here is nightmares
Nope, butdeveloping a game with an ex Gears Of War 3 Dev and an ex Crysis 3 dev and an Ex UE4 dev
All I see here is nightmares
That's a fair assement but that's why these companies pay through the nose on marketing and community engagement to shift the focus away from the contentious subjects (hahaha or not in Ubisoft's). Makes sense in my eyes, I wouldn't want to be highlighting something I know my potential customers might kick a stink up about.
But honesty and trust should always be considered.
To be fair I don't think I could play with a mouse at low refresh rates unless there was a lot of mouse smoothing going on. And then if they was I'd definitely hate it if there was acceleration too as a side effect.
EDIT: Of course, real managers use the 2D engine anyway.
Real managers use Key Commentary only, maximum speed with no highlights, Match Overview screen.![]()
Whats up with these weak Playfire rewards? Did stuff like Dead Rising cost GMG too much?
Football Manager 2015 features. One thing that's caught my ear a few minutes in was them talking about the motion capture and working with Creative Assembly for it, using their studio and such. Hopefully the 3D engine doesn't look shit now.
EDIT: Of course, real managers use the 2D engine anyway.
I would not have run across this kickstarter if you had not posted this, so thanks for the heads up! Looks like a game that's right up mine and my wife's alley. Backed.
Ok i'll let it passif you let me alpha test it
This QTE is unbeatable:
I need to set the game running on 30 fps in order to beat it, and still was hard as hell.
It seems is a known bug :\
I used to edit the commentary text files back in the days or 2 and 3. Pretty much ripped off all of Motty's and Johnathon Pierce's catchphrases. I think you can still do it now as most of the structure is xml files.
Someone that reads my posts, ask my Styx question again?
damn that price is master hype killer, 30fps has nothing on it, even 6GB VRAM can only wish to be so effective (><)
Proper logos and kits was always the priority for me. Most of the game was pretty editable in that respect, like how getting around the fake German team was a simple file delete and nothing more annoying.
Also, both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, one of the few games series involved in sponsoring teams. Can'[t think of any other gaming companies who also do it, I figured it'd be rather useful.
Oh god. I won't receive my Evil Within Steam review code before on release day.
I don't like where this is going. I usually receive Bethesda/Konami games about 1 week before release.
In all seriousness.
I'm questioining why I even bought a PS4 and XB1.
Just about everything I want to play is on PC now.
Only worthwhile exclusive thus far has been D4 on XB1.
At least I have Bloodborne for next year.
Money spent on anything console related is almost nothing at this point.
Well it's priced like that probably because...
I'd hang on for something official before getting too excited.
From UE4 facebook page: "What do you get when a group of developers who've worked on BioShock, Halo, Guitar Hero and Rock Band come together and build something beautiful with Unreal Engine 4?
Just take a moment and watch this Kickstarter video. "
All I see here is nightmares
you're welcome ;)[/QUOTE]
Hahaha Genius!
Someone that reads my posts, ask my Styx question again?
Oh god. I won't receive my Evil Within Steam review code before on release day.
I don't like where this is going. I usually receive Bethesda/Konami games about 1 week before release.
Well it's priced like that probably because...
I'd hang on for something official before getting too excited.
In all seriousness.
I'm questioining why I even bought a PS4 and XB1.
Just about everything I want to play is on PC now.
Only worthwhile exclusive thus far has been D4 on XB1.
At least I have Bloodborne for next year.
Money spent on anything console related is almost nothing at this point.
Hahaha Genius!
Why did they change it up on you. Earlier it sounded like you got confirmation your key would be here sooner.
Sounds like damage control.
just finished a 7 days of hard work in hajj this season in mecca
i have now throat pain and can barley talk
what i missed ?
There was an email that have slipped in my inbox. Thought I read "few days", but it was "on release day", so no damage control, so far at least.
you got it wrong (><)
excitement doesn't come into picture at this point even, I'm still fighting my righteous fight against 50! I don't have words for this abomination, hence fainting.
i dunno i kinda just want her to bite my arm now
just look at those perfect shiny white things
In all seriousness.
I'm questioining why I even bought a PS4 and XB1.
Just about everything I want to play is on PC now.
Only worthwhile exclusive thus far has been D4 on XB1.
At least I have Bloodborne for next year.
Money spent on anything console related is almost nothing at this point.