Well yes, I did. I even posted a PSHash in the topic. Or here. I can't remember.Anybody got GeDoSaTo working with zesty?
Why wouldn't he? It's worthy of criticism.You criticized the game for being 30fps.
Well yes, I did. I even posted a PSHash in the topic. Or here. I can't remember.Anybody got GeDoSaTo working with zesty?
Why wouldn't he? It's worthy of criticism.You criticized the game for being 30fps.
one hour 15 minutes for the capcom bundle extras
Why wouldn't he? It's worthy of criticism.
I posted my quick look previously but this time I have an a written impression:
How cool would it be if Dead Rising 3 was in there.one hour 15 minutes for the capcom bundle extras
What did I do to deserve this.
Bullshit. How is it not? Especially for an action-based game.No, it's not.
Of course it won't, it will either be RE4 or REmakeHow cool would it be if Dead Rising 3 was in there.
I know, I know, it won't.
one hour 15 minutes for the capcom bundle extras
No, it's not.
How's ducktales remastered?
I really hope they add that one
What a treat, then, that Ducktales Remastered (a port/remake developed by Wayforward Technologies) is light-years ahead of the original version. I don't think it's hyperbole to say that this is a faithful remake that does justice to the license while throwing a boatload of extra content for longtime fans.
The original game had what can best be described as an "excuse plot" - you journey around the world to find five treasures, and at the end Flintheart Glomgold and Magica de Spell show up to ruin your party and force you to lose them again. The remake goes much, much further than this, to the point that I would characterize it as a "mini-season" of the series. There's an honest-to-God story this time, which ranks up there with some of the best episodes of the show.
You begin the game as Scrooge McDuck, racing to the scene of an attempted break-in by the Beagle Boys at your Money Bin. Once you take care of the intruders, several things open up to you - a gallery where you can purchase unlockable content (ranging from character sketches to a sound test, complete with the 8-bit retro soundtrack), the legendary Vault - yes, you can go swimming in it, complete with "gold-spewing" animations - and your choice of levels from the computer, just like the original.
The best thing about the game is that it is filled with continuity nods and nostalgia galore. Everything from unused items in the prototype version of the original game, to nods to various episodes and character concepts, to little in-jokes based on the level design of its predecessor, is on full display here. Pogo jumping on enemies and racking up as much treasure as you can still feels as great as it did before. It's a game that was clearly made by fans of the series, and it shows in spades.
I could spend an hour rattling off all the ways I love this game. Running away from a giant boulder as Scrooge yells "Children and billionaires first!" at the top of his lungs. The lampshade hanging of why you can breathe on the moon. The way all of the supporting characters get much more screentime and characterization, and how their jokes fit so seamlessly with the lore (Glomgold and Scrooge's rivalry, anyone?). The way they still managed to capture the tight controls of the pogo stick from the original. Alan Young seamlessly jumping back into the Scrooge character, despite being 94(!) at the time of recording his lines. The extra Money Bin/Vesuvias levels. The New Game Plus mode. The "light muzak" version of the Moon theme that plays over the end credits. Mega-Dracula Duck trying to chomp you. Gizmoduck is a bro that kills anything in your path.
You get the idea.
I don't say this lightly. This is an incredible tribute to the series. I'd even go so far to say that this is one of the best Disney products ever made. We're taking "Legend of the Chaos God"/Castle of Illusion-tier quality, folks. It was made by people who poured their heart and soul into making it as good as it can be.
From a difficulty standpoint, this game isn't for children. Even on the Easy difficulty level, there are level portions and boss battles that are much more taxing than the original incarnations. The Amazon/Incan relic boss fight in particular has you using near split-second timing to avoid crushing walls that come in from all sides.
The quality of the port is also somewhat lacking. You can clearly tell that this port was a rush job to get it out to PC audiences - the command prompts at Scrooge's office have an "A" button prompt (you have to press Space to activate it by default), and I experienced slowdown at a couple points in Transylvania and the Money Bin.
I didn't experience the dreaded "end boss crash" others have reported. Rather, the game locked up when I was near the end of the Moon level, causing me to lose a half-hour of playtime. All things considering, a few technical glitches are a moot point.
Ducktales Remastered is an amazing achievement. It makes me wonder what Wayforward could do with other franchises. You can't tell me that a Talespin or Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers remake wouldn't be awesome. Hell, this game makes me excited to see what they could do with Ducktales 2, the more technically advanced NES sequel that made a lot of changes to the formula.
If you value your childhood and love this series, go out and get it now.
What did I do to deserve this.
What did I do to deserve this.
It just hit me that the next Steam sale is only about a week away now...I'm going to try and exercise some control though, and at least hold back until the end of the year. >_> (Do Halloween sales tend to go as low as the winter and summer sales? I can't remember what the discounts were like last year.)
I'm hoping they add one of the Dead Rising games, RE4 HD and/or Lost Planet 2. Maybe DMC4 (original version) as a stretch.
If Steam had a Halloween sale last year, I don't remember it at all.
Hope it's one of the Dead Rising games or SFxT.
He's not arguing that higher framerates are redundant for games, especially fast action games.Bullshit. How is it not? Especially for an action-based game.
It's making the game objectively worse for no good reason.
You serious? Both of those would be cool still.Of course it won't, it will either be RE4 or REmake
Hope it's one of the Dead Rising games or SFxT.
Bullshit. How is it not? Especially for an action-based game.
It's making the game objectively worse for no good reason.
I don't think they're going to give out games with GFWL on them.
They haven't even been putting those on sale.
GFWL game don't exist as far as Capcom is concerned.
You guys are really going to be let down when those extra games hit. Expectations are far too high in here.
You guys are really going to be let down when those extra games hit. Expectations are far too high in here.
You guys are really going to be let down when those extra games hit. Expectations are far too high in here.
This port does only support 30fps apparently.
But that doesn't mean that we should complain less.He's not arguing that higher framerates are redundant for games, especially fast action games.
It's that there is little sense in "whining" for Zestrtia in particular since devs stated initial deving was with 30fps in mind, thus systems like physics, combat etc. can't just be unlocked easily.
I'm expecting Dark Void, Age of Booty and Ecco The Dolphin
It's not 29. It's 30. Well, 29.9 or so which might as well be 30.
But that doesn't mean that we should complain less.
I used to go easier on devs but apparently complaining loudly and continuously is the only way to drag some of them into the 21st century.
If that's the only way to get idiotic development practices eradicated, then yes.So you support all those ignorant bottom score reviews that people are leaving on Steam simply due to the framerate?
RE6 would work out perfect for me personally, but there are so many viable options.
Mega Man or DMC4 would be excellent, but they may be a bit too recent.
So you support all those ignorant bottom score reviews that people are leaving on Steam simply due to the framerate?
If that's the only way to get idiotic development practices eradicated, then yes.
I'm expecting Dark Void, Age of Booty and Ecco The Dolphin
IDK, we became a small community after we have been moved in here, it's much harder to badmouth AssCreed, when there are at least 4 die hard fans of it in here. I decided just to let them have their fun and not comment on series at all.
I'm not entirely sure you intended to post this
If that's the only way to get idiotic development practices eradicated, then yes.
That's entirely the wrong way to think about it. If it's not a trivial matter to unlock the framerate, then there should still be criticism. Not of the port, but of the original development process which lead to that outcome.But as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to criticize here since it's not a trivial matter to unlock the framerate;
I 'm not jaded enough to believe that, for Namco-Bandai as a whole, it would not make a difference at all if everyone acted perfectly happy about an FPS lock or if everyone complained.I mean, those ain't gonna do shit. The initial development team doesn't give a shit about those reviews, and the port team did a fantastic job working with the limitations with the original product. They can't make the game run at higher than 30 fps(without issues), and that's it. Complaining will accomplish basically nothing and is ultimately useless since the new game in the franchise is already confirmed to be 60fps.
So you support all those ignorant bottom score reviews that people are leaving on Steam simply due to the framerate?