GAF is surpringly stable
Are you on the same GAF as I am?
GAF is surpringly stable
GAF is surpringly stable
Monster Hunter on the big screen and the ability to play it portable too.
Nintendo Switch looks great but simply isn't portable enough for me. Still good enough for a whole bunch of uses, but where Nintendo traditionally falls on its arse for me is lack of perpetuity, lack of good online / digital distribution infrastructure etc etc
This at least appears to be no different, which probably rules me out.
Meanwhile, the RDR2 trailer, while very pretty, was kind of a crap teaser; nothing particularly exciting or interesting to me, but perhaps that is since I never played RDR to note returning characters etc. As usual, the PC version is what I will get if it come out eventually, otherwise I'll just miss it as I have RDR
We're still waiting for that Monster Hunter HD collection on Steam, you hear us wbacon?!Monster Hunter on Steam would be HUGER. No need to deal with underpowered hardware and silly online infrastructures.
But I'm sure Capcom has other plans for us. Soemthing with zombiez.
A later coming Switch XL might fix that.
We're still waiting for that Monster Hunter HD collection on Steam, you hear us wbacon?!
Nintendo switch it off and never play it again.
Available March 2017
Nintendo's funeral beginning 1 fiscal year later.
Huh why are some Switch threads closed?
Heh I look forward to the 'Nintendo is doomed' posts down the line :V
A bunch of people posting hot takes about the same info, the mods probably just wanted to clean it up and focus it on the 3 dozen threads already open.
All I asked was about the account system @o@
All I asked was about the account system @o@
EDIT: Reading the RDR2 PS4 exclusive online content thread is pretty funny, everyone lost their minds and talked complete shit about the online aspect a day ago now that Sony money hatted some horse rims DLC everyone is shouting from the mountain tops how awesome it's going to be and what a big deal it is lol.
Civ VI Reviews:
PC Gamer - 93
PC Games N - 9/10
Are we reading a different thread? And since when is GAF a homogeneous mass with only one opinion? Maybe these are different people you talk about.
Anyway, RDR2 looking good, probably PC footage.
There's no information on that right now. We don't want the entire front page to be 5 second "Yeah well do we know XYZ about Switch? No? Oh. Ok." threads. If there's news on the account system, there'll be a thread.
Civ VI Reviews:
PC Gamer - 93
PC Games N - 9/10
Why are you bringing up Beyond Earth?
Why are people even thinking of playing a Civ game before at least the second expansion?
Didn't they learn anything from Civ4, Civ5 and Civ:BE?
2nd expansion will make the game good. Believe!
I don't care if the Switch sells awful, I'm getting one. As long as Japanese third parties stay on board everything will be fine with me. It should be a great thing to pair with my PC.
Anyway, RDR2 looking good, probably Pro footage.
Are you on the same GAF as I am?
Doesn't really look very portable though does it?
Desktop version is dead for me, only works on mobile.Well, it was - at least for me - until I posted that, then I couldn't access the site at all anymore.
Ya'll motherfuckers tripping ovet yourselves to make Nintendo Switch threads but none of you have the intuition to see the best feature:
The return of the split controller.
Did Rockstar say anything about PC GTA V when GTA V was announced?
The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions were released on 18 November 2014.The PC version, initially scheduled for simultaneous release with the console versions, was delayed until 14 April 2015.
No, not on its first announcement for PS360Did Rockstar say anything about PC GTA V when GTA V was announced?