... or a new DC game![]()
I just imagine every game I play has Dinosaurs to make up for that loss.
... or a new DC game![]()
RER was a fun, but flawed, game. I enjoyed it but I can see where others might not. The shooting was squishy and had no impact to it, but then it was balanced out by being the first resident evil in years that had that old school feeling of finding keys and backtracking to explore new areas.That Resident Evil Revelations 2 has me excited.
But then i'm always excited for a new RE game.
I'm still very hopeful for SteamOS. Always glad to hear about progress.
When it comes to each publisher having their digital publishing platform. I think it's okay but I'm not sure how much I like making games exclusive to one platform. This goes to Valve too since you don't see their biggest products on competing platforms (although you could argue the economy behind the games would make it hard).
Backlog blues. It's saturday and I have no clue what to play.
Just haven't got that drive to sit down and start some big epic game.
Valve sells its games on GameFly, GameStop, GMG and Uplay (yes, Uplay).
They do indeed. I was talking about their biggest products right now. Important distinction to make. Portal 2 is small time.
They do indeed. I was talking about their biggest products right now. Important distinction to make. Portal 2 is small time.
After upgrading my drivers to the recommended version, I finally got a loading screen to popup.
It stays at Dead Rising 3 splash page for 10 minutes, then the text loading appears, and it crashes 5 secs later.
A cursory google search tells me DR3 hates gaming laptops.
They do indeed. I was talking about their biggest products right now. Important distinction to make. Portal 2 is small time.
legacyzero said:I gotta stop reading GAF, and play some fuckin games. I do this shit every weekend.
Stop looking at Korean popstars on Minus, too.
You definitely won't ever want to check Tumblr or Pinterest, then...
Hey here's a thing. Has Capcom said any thing about that ludicrous DLC for Dead Rising coming to PC yet? Checking the DB there's 4 named items of DLC and a 5th unlabelled and unreleased.
How many packs were there on Xboxo Uno? Could be a good omen.
Hey here's a thing. Has Capcom said any thing about that ludicrous DLC for Dead Rising coming to PC yet? Checking the DB there's 4 named items of DLC and a 5th unlabelled and unreleased.
How many packs were there on Xboxo Uno? Could be a good omen.
Hey here's a thing. Has Capcom said any thing about that ludicrous DLC for Dead Rising coming to PC yet? Checking the DB there's 4 named items of DLC and a 5th unlabelled and unreleased.
How many packs were there on Xboxo Uno? Could be a good omen.
Does anyone have any impressions of The Escapists yet? A game about breaking out of prison is something I have always wanted to get made.
Mobile hardware is still a ways off even what last-gen consoles could do.Mark my words. MS and Sony will probably use a digital platform rather than a physical platform to sell their services to people. You'll probably see games exclusive to their digital store just like EA is doing now. IF they end up doing another physical platform cycle I'd be VERY surprised, especially with scale-able engines like UE4 along with Mobile Processors like the K1 already available now. You'd have to be crazy to pump money into R&D for closed platform hardware when there are pieces of hardware out there already capable of running games just fine. It's not like they make a profit on units sold anyway. I don't know if people are afraid of piracy or if they have some sort of misguided pride, but if they don't change they are going to get left behind.
WB looks like they want to go for a piece of the pie before the Market becomes over saturated... That is if this is a storefront that they are trying to set up.
On a side note, I don't see Nintendo jumping over any time soon.
I think that worked to connect it yeah.I'm not sure if things are different on Windows 7, but shouldn't you just have to press the home button if it's already paired?
Does anyone have any impressions of The Escapists yet? A game about breaking out of prison is something I have always wanted to get made.
Juicy Lucy, lol
Hey here's a thing. Has Capcom said any thing about that ludicrous DLC for Dead Rising coming to PC yet? Checking the DB there's 4 named items of DLC and a 5th unlabelled and unreleased.
How many packs were there on Xboxo Uno? Could be a good omen.
Is there any way to still get that game on PC?Escape From Butcher Bay?
Thanks, just looked at your impressions and now I'm excited to try it. Going to be the first EA game I've ever bought.It's awesome. I posted impressions awhile ago.
Is there any way to still get that game on PC?
Is there any way to still get that game on PC?
What skin are you looking for? asimov?
Looks decent..whats the third party DRM though? Says it uses something.
I've been following Raven's Cry for a while and I still have no clue what the moment to moment gameplay is supposed to be like.
Going to guess it'll be some horrible Frankenstein of Black Flag and Risen.
25$ russiabucks? that's alright
Reality Pump DRM the hell?
Oh wow if it's the Two Worlds guys, didn't their DRM for TW2 ask for frigging phone numbers?