Even with all this BS, people'll still buy nINTENdo's ish and turn a blind eye to such things. As an EU 3DS owner, I gotta suffer through this shit along with having to wait a year for Atlus games.
It's also ridiculous in reverse: EU could get a game 3+ months BEFORE US owners could get it.
Now come and look at Sony systems: REGION free, no restriction on content on the store, an a PS4 game that's cheaper than UK? Hop onto US PSN and oh look it's on sale for lie 75% less than what you'd normally find in the UK.
I get on th 3DS eShop and I find Code of Princess for like 18 Pounds...on sale.
What can we do about it? We let Nintendo know that it's a garbage practice daily, but it would be extremely difficult to ignore their consoles at this point. 3DS is an absolute powerhouse and the WiiU is about to be the most desirable current-gen console from my perspective.
Now, we can continue to cross our fingers that the pirates develop a way to get around the region lock. Then we can import games,at our leisure.