DNF was better than Bioshock Infinite.
I almost want to agree with this.
DNF was better than Bioshock Infinite.
Another PC vs console thread, the year is 2014, and there are still "updating drivers" "but comfy couch" posts.
damn, BioInf hate is still rampant in this thread (><)
It's like buying oneself Bad Rats, you are not supposed to do that!All these Duke Nukem Forever talk made me redeem my DNF key that I have had since 2013
Oh please.I almost want to agree with this.
Stop right there criminal scum!
The hyperbole gotta stop somewhere!
All things considered...DR3 should've been made on MT Framework @o@
I remember back when it launched, people were throwing "Game of the Generation" around in unsarcastic ways.damn, BioInf hate is still rampant in this thread (><)
Suddenly they are all multiplayer only gamers.The new main concern seems to be that PC gamers are terrible human beings which makes it impossible to enjoy playing there even if you never meet and only hear about them on GAF in those console vs PC threads. Weird.
My GOTY in 2013 and I regret nothing.
Capcom said it doesn't work properly on gimped CPUs curgen consoles use.
The new main concern seems to be that PC gamers are terrible human beings which makes it impossible to enjoy playing there even if you never meet and only hear about them on GAF in those console vs PC threads. Weird.
DNF was better than Bioshock Infinite.
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yet it worked on the ps3, 360 and 3ds?
cacpcom pls
It's Infernal Affairs(無間道So sleeping dogs main story was just okay.
But..nightmare point (or w/e its is called) is gold..since I know the references to Chinese horror lol.
meh, Bioshock Inf was a game that left me utterly indifferent.
not great, nor terrible
It has some stunning visual presentation though!
It's Infernal Affairs(無間道without the awesome.
It's Internal Affairs(無間道without the awesome.
Oops, I had to look up the English title, and I misread.Corrected for you
Dude! It's a very famous HK undercover cop drama. Scorsese's The Departed is a western remake of that.I have no clue what your referencing!
b1>bi>b2My GOTY in 2013 and I regret nothing.
In this day and age to proclaim a game bad there has to be something fundamentally broken, either mechanically or systemically. Sure some games might not live up to a set of standards someone would expect but if others can gain some enjoyment from it then I would find it hard to label something as bad, awful, The Worst Game Ever! etc. You just didn't enjoy it but oh well never mind you can't please everyone.
I've played some truly busted games that are nigh on impossible for anyone to enjoy unless they are a masochist. That for me is the bad category which with the massive emphasis on focus testing and QA these days are few and far between.
DNF was good. Not amazing, not perfect but definitely good. It was very diversed and I found gunplay to be vary satisfying and that's two things that matter in FPS. I was big Duke3D fan back in a day and Forever wasn't disappointing for me because I knew what I was getting into, I knew that there won't be collecting keycards, finding secrets and all that stuff. What I was hoping for was Duke's specific humor and his style - and after so many years of waiting I finally got it and was very happy.
In this day and age to proclaim a game bad there has to be something fundamentally broken, either mechanically or systemically. Sure some games might not live up to a set of standards someone would expect but if others can gain some enjoyment from it then I would find it hard to label something as bad, awful, The Worst Game Ever! etc. You just didn't enjoy it but oh well never mind you can't please everyone.
I've played some truly busted games that are nigh on impossible for anyone to enjoy unless they are a masochist. That for me is the bad category which with the massive emphasis on focus testing and QA these days are few and far between.
Oops, I had to look up the English title, and I misread.
Dude! It's a very famous HK undercover cop drama. Scorsese's The Departed is a western remake of that.
Ah, bloody hell, the PasteBin page I made to keep track of my Fable: TLC collectable hunting wasn't saved to my account, so it's been deleted. That means I have to make a list of everything and go through it one by one to ensure I don't miss anything... which isn't my idea of a good time.
Well put. And yet you are not a professional gaming journalist. But this dude is: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/dead-rising-3-apocalypse-edition-review/1900-6415861/
I could get behind that if his negatives included crashes and shitty performance, but nope.
Bioshock Infinite was fantastic, yo.
Meet me somewhere.
don't lie to yourself, you enjoy that stuff, or you wouldn't do it. You even have some spreadsheet for all licensed games, then for all greenlight games that have been in a bundle, then for all games that were and weren't on sale and when. Am I forgetting anything? oh yes, all Ronan appearances and endeavours, not to mention gifs.
and it's sorta admirable, you know
For the past decade, most editors have chosen to value writing style and political opinions (i.e. must be feminist) in employees, over actual knowledge and analytical ability. It's pretty much why I dropped that job and switched over to IT. Hell, it's why I even stopped reading games media completely, let alone write it myself.Well put. And yet you are not a professional gaming journalist. But this dude is: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/dead-rising-3-apocalypse-edition-review/1900-6415861/
If Burial at Sea hadn't come out, Infinite would have been in the 'worst games I have played' category.
Funnily enough, in the time it took for Heavy Rain to install I managed to fold the origami that comes with the game (with some help from my family) and read the manual. I didn't have to do anything, that's true, but it's not as straightforward as before anymore.It is nice to just be able to download or place the CD into the tray and have the game work without fiddling with settings. Mostly I'm just disappointed because of DR 3 right now though.
I call it 1080p out of convenience; I know pretty well I'm talking about 1920x1080.And we still get people arguing over image quality when they are more than likely using uncalibrated screens and TV's with horrible pixel density and masses of input lag to boot let alone a lot of people being suckered into the TV marketing speak and still calling out resolution as 720p and 1080p like they're comparing it to an interlaced variant. Completely forget the horizontal aspect to the resolution and can't fathom why 1920x1080 is a damn sight harder to run than 1280x720 thinking it's only 50% more demanding instead of 125% more.
All these Duke Nukem Forever talk made me redeem my DNF key that I have had since 2013
Another PC vs console thread, the year is 2014, and there are still "updating drivers" "but comfy couch" posts.
I believe in reviews without scores. It's inane.
For the past decade, most editors have chosen to value writing style and political opinions (i.e. must be feminist) in employees, over actual knowledge and analytical ability. It's pretty much why I dropped that job and switched over to IT. Hell, it's why I even stopped reading games media completely, let alone write it myself.
Doesn't help that every time I check back in, it's still the same load of bullshit and my eyes roll so hard that I get seizures.