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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I half forgotten about Divinity: Original Sin. I think it's an excellent game but without the big marketing exposure that most other games has I think it will have a tough time making GotY. Though I do see it having an excellent chance making SteamGAF GotY though.

It'S definitely my GotY so far


tempted to jump in on Dark Void and/or Remember Me

somebody confirm I should get these or tell me why I shouldn't
Capcom's disinterest in putting Lost Planet Colonies and 2 on Steamworks is depressing.

Shame, they're such great games.

Does RE4 require any mods/fixes? That looks to be the only game I'll grab this sale.
(Talking about the newer release of course)


So many games that i want to buy, must... resist...
I will settle for RE6 Complete, thinking about usfiv upgrade as well although i was hoping for a discount, guess it is too soon.
I hope all those RE6 dlc modes are fun to play solo.


Really do need to get around to Divinity: OS. Won it (thanks again Shadownet!) but need to clear a few more games from the backlog first >_<


Boss fights were good IMO.

Final boss was pretty good. It's basically a toned down version of the final boss of DMC3, but that's one of the greatest boss fights of all time, so it's a bit unfair to hold that against the DmC boss.

The rest were bad in comparison to bosses in the DMC series (2 excluded). I'd say most are about on par with the Savior fight in DMC4 (a few I'd say are pretty similar to that actually), which is largely considered the worst boss fight in the series (again, outside of 2).


It'll probably be overshadowed by the Capcom and Elder Scrolls weekend deals, but I just want to toss out a recommendation for Kingdoms of Amalur. It's got a lot of smart design choices, it has a ton of content (none of which is "kill 10 bears/collect 10 bear asses"), and it's really fun to play.

The DLC/Collection is worth it, too.
Hmm I made a post but I guess it didn't go through cause I don't see it. Anyway is the sale price for revelation $5? Only game from capcom I want but not worth more than 5 IMO since chances are I won't even like it, I just wanna try it


Everybody says buy it, nobody has said why.
It's visually stunning, atmospheric and has one of the best soundtracks of the last few years.
The story is also interesting, and the memory remixing mechanic is something never displayed before.

Hmm I made a post but I guess it didn't go through cause I don't see it. Anyway is the sale price for revelation $5? Only game from capcom I want but not worth more than 5 IMO since chances are I won't even like it, I just wanna try it

It's 10€ at 75% off, so i doubt it.
Capcom's disinterest in putting Lost Planet Colonies and 2 on Steamworks is depressing.

Shame, they're such great games.

Colonies will likely be removed since Extreme Condition is already Steamworks.

The lack of LP2 in this sale is saddening though. I feel you. Welcome to the club.

Does RE4 require any mods/fixes? That looks to be the only game I'll grab this sale.
(Talking about the newer release of course)

Nope, not really. It works fine in it's vanilla state right now and has all graphics effects included (except for the cutscene DOF).
There are some mods out there that tweak the specular highlights for some objects. Don't know where to find though.
That and there is this very impressive and true to the source HD texture project which is still in development.

Why Lost Planet 2 is never on sale?

We will nevah get LP2 on sale again. ;_;


It's visually stunning, atmospheric and has one of the best soundtracks of the last few years.
The story is also interesting, and the memory remixing mechanic is something never displayed before.

But more interesting as an idea than actually playing it, takes forever to rewind and some of the changes have very arbitrary results so you're just trying everything. Still a great game overall that strikes a good balance between exploration, fights and story.

Isn't DR2 known as a poorly optimized piece of dogshit?

Maybe it was but OTR runs very smooth for me. Only issue is that sometimes keys stop working but tab-in/out solves that.


It'll probably be overshadowed by the Capcom and Elder Scrolls weekend deals, but I just want to toss out a recommendation for Kingdoms of Amalur. It's got a lot of smart design choices, it has a ton of content (none of which is "kill 10 bears/collect 10 bear asses"), and it's really fun to play.

The DLC/Collection is worth it, too.

I'll second this. Picked it up on Origin during the dark period when it looked like it'd never get another Steam sale. Started it not too long ago, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it so far. Combat's diverse and fun, skill trees let you spec your character out in a variety of different ways (that actually feel different), and the stylized art style and saturated pallette are a nice change from the usual "realistic" look.


Man, not playing Dota 2 for a while now and my backlog is shrinking quite fast, finished another 2 (short) games that would have taken me much longer otherwise :D

Finished The Darkness 2 and enjoyed it for its really cool look and well presented story however its technical problems were a bit annoying. With VSync off the collision detection was rather glitchy for me and it failed to register certain checkpoints which required me to replay some levels because events wouldn't trigger. Turned on the inputlag was way to much for me to play the game with mouse and keyboard so i actually finished it with my controller and vsync turned on. I just wish the levels itself were better constructed. I don't really dislike linear level design but with this game it was way to apparent that you are running along one corridor after another. Plenty of games do a better job at this.

Steamworld Dig was nice for a while, but overall it was really repetitive and there wasn't that much to do. For this reason I actually like that it was a rather short game because i doubt i would have wanted to play what it had to offer for much longer.

Also just started Brütal Legend and played it for a few hours but I'm not sure yet if I actually want to finish it. Neither the combat itself nor the RTS elements feel that rewarding to me.


Getting Remember Me for sure, RE6 is tempting for Mercs but I was not a fan on console when I borrowed it (and the negativity didn't help), being a classic RE1/REmake/RE2/RE3/CV guy, though I loved RE4 and Revelations for what they are. I can appreciate action RE though I want my REmake style horror back (the Remastered version will be my full price purchase).
So if I were to get a Capcom game from the sale which one should i pick up? Dead RIsing 2?

Which do you own already? If I had to recommend one of those games it would be RE4.

Kinda ridiculous that the version with more content is being left to die.
But whatever, I already own the game (along with LP2)

I still hope that RE5 and DR2 aren't the only games to receive an overhaul. But that's not very likely I fear.
Why Lost Planet 2 is never on sale?

Huh... I could swear I just wrote a post about this a little while ago.

It seems Capcom no longer discounts titles with GFWL which they have no plans on updating.
RE:ORC was absent from the summer sale (and maybe the last winter sale too?) and now you have the Colonies edition of LP undiscounted as well as games like SFxT (which was on sale during the summer sale, so I was holding out some hope there). If it holds true, LP2 will also not be on sale this weekend.

Yup, I definitely did.
Speaking of weird Cacpcom BS:
I wonder why Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 never made it to PC... I never cared enough to buy the x360 version as I preferred my PS3, and the PSN version has that crazy ass DRM...
Probably the same reasons they never ported the Final Fight/Magic Sword collection.

And don't even get started on the Iron Galaxy fighting game HD ports that would sell like wildfire, but they must have a different reasons behind not trying to port those (Marvel Origins, SF3, Darkstalkers... screw JoJo because that didn't have GGPO).

is DR2 off the record worth it if i already played DR2?

I never felt compelled to play it. I'd guess it's sort of DR2.5... mainly aimed at:
(1) People who bitch about the timer mechanic
(2) People who can't get over Frank West even though he's gone through some sort of elective cosmetic surgery to look like a balding mel gibson impersonator... cause he covered wars, y'know?


If I buy RE5 now and the Steamworks version ends up including the Gold content, what are the odds that I'll be getting the Gold content for free? Or am I better off waiting for a better sale?

And for those of you considering RE6, note that the online community on PC is practically dead. Don't expect to find any random games in the online lobbies (although this sale might boost the online community for a bit). So think about that before buying the multiplayer DLC.


Any DLC worth getting for RE6?
Bought base game on a previous sale, but no DLC yet.

I ended up picking up the complete DLC pack with card money. :p Still haven't started the game yet, but I figure that if there is some DLC I'm going to want when I do, I might as well just get it out of the way now.

Just wish DR 2: OTR would drop further, though. Wonder how long it'll take before they finally lower that base price or bump up the discount to -75% during a sale. >_<

And for those of you considering RE6, note that the online community on PC is practically dead. Don't expect to find any random games in the online lobbies (although this sale might boost the online community for a bit). So think about that before buying the multiplayer DLC.

Don't tell me that now. :p

Ah well, I'll just have to grab some SteamGAFfers and
try to
drag them into multiplayer with me when the time comes, then. >.>
Remember Me or Amalur? Decision-making is hard.

If you want to play an action RPG with good combat, good amount of quests and generic plot get Amalur. Also get it if you value games according to the time it takes to complete them.

Otherwise get Remember Me, it has a really awesome aesthetic, nice soundtrack and a cool plot, but the gameplay isn't as good as the rest (and it's a short game)
is DR2 off the record worth it if i already played DR2?

90% of the game is the exact same thing than DR2 (same cases, same cutscenes except for a couple of one liners). The only knew additions are : a new psychopath, a new area, a new final boss and a sandbox mode.
I am a complete fanboy of the series and even I didn't really see a lot of reasons to play it if you've already played DR2
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