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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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thank fucking goodness. when i read about people's complaints in regards to that game, i was just putting it off as people having terrible internet.

naw, that game was broken as fuck online. I never had a match that didn't play out like someone broke the entirety of the internet during my attempts to play that game on PC. It worked perfect fine on the ps3, too, so who knows what they fucked up.
Mortal Kombat was even worse, and that's saying something. I thought it wouldn't be as bad as people make it out to be, since that's usually the case, but no.
I was wondering, if you trade with someone and it gives you a steam gift, is it 100% safe? Or there are cases where the gift/games were removed due to , idk, credit card fraud?

Dynaman looks like a rather jolly fellow.


I never liked the Resident Evil franchise. The last I played was 4 on PS2 and I thought it was bad. Yet I'm sorta thinking about grabbing Revelations. Please tell me it's just like the other games so that I can keep such an indecent thought at bay.

You're an indecent thought.
I was wondering, if you trade with someone and it gives you a steam gift, is it 100% safe? Or there are cases where the gift/games were removed due to , idk, credit card fraud?

There are occasionally chargeback scams, but on the whole Steam trading is safe. Check the seller's reputation before you make a purchase.
That's crazy. It sounds like they're worse than Activision when it comes to price degradation.

well, they tend to take longer than average to drop the MAIN price but they're willing to discount their games at a good rate. If DmC was an activision game, it would've been $60 at launch, with at most 50% sales for the first 2-3 years until you forgot you were even interested in the game, and then you might get lucky and they'll drop it down to a reasonable price in the year 2018.


So how good is Res Evil 6 nowadays? I remember it getting some hate when it was released, but how much of the bad stuff has been patched at this point? I haven't played a Res Evil game since 4. I'm mostly a fan of the older style of Res Evil, but enjoyed 4 a lot as well.


For you.
I've been complaining about DmC's seemingly permanent $50 price for almost a year now, good lord.






I think I'll buy Remember Me for $6 and keep on waiting for DmC to fall lower. I have no earthly idea as to why Capcom refuses to drop the MSRP on it.
Embrace Putin and get DMC for 7$?
Hey guys, I went to go purchase Ultra SFIV dlc but my account says I already have it. I don't have AE edition installed, which is the one I bought, but my avatar does say I have Ultra!

Was this a free upgrade? I did buy the AE complete edition awhile back.

damn went to the dentist today and she did nasty things to my mouth and now is all numb :(

Some people would pay a lot of money to be able to say that.

So how good is Res Evil 6 nowadays? I remember it getting some hate when it was released, but how much of the bad stuff has been patched at this point? I haven't played a Res Evil game since 4. I'm mostly a fan of the older style of Res Evil, but enjoyed 4 a lot as well.

It's always been good?
It's not like it was DR3, as far as I know, so everything people bitched about was more in terms of game "design" than real problems (and while the game has it's problems, I still think it's really good and if you're into co-op, it's probably has the potential to be a better game for you than RE5).


Remember Me or Amalur? Decision-making is hard.

Depending on who you ask, one is amazing and the other is a piece of shit.

Sans hyperbole, Remember Me is generally regarded as a game with great potential but disappointing execution, and Amalur is a game with great execution of a disappointing genre.


Gosh, I am so hot for Advance Wars right now. Is there a similar game on PC and possibly on steam? I just want my tactical skirmishes, not epic stories that restrict me. Would love to see something so simple, yet fun in turn-based strategy with generic units rather than unique heroes.

Try these two for starters:

If any of you guys is gonna play RE6, don't start on Normal. Choose Veteran or Professional. Veteran has the right balance, not too easy and not too hard. Don't start on No Hope since you can't equip skills and you won't restart at full health after a game over. Also I think stamina regeneration is slower.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hey guys, I went to go purchase Ultra SFIV dlc but my account says I already have it. I don't have AE edition installed, which is the one I bought, but my avatar does say I have Ultra!

Was this a free upgrade? I did buy the AE complete edition awhile back.


You're being told you own Ultra already because Capcom changed the name of SSFIV:AE, but you won't have access to the new content without purchasing the upgrade.


KoA is an empty single player MMO with stupid fetch quest after stupid fetch quest.

Just for reference, what would you consider a good ARPG? I'm asking as someone who's been enjoying KoA for what it is - combat's fun and varied, and the story's been decent so far (which is to say that it's interesting enough to hold my interest despite being pretty traditional fantasy, and it's giving me adequate motivation to roll up on monsters, jack them, take their stuff, and use it to forge sweet weapons and armor for myself >.>).
So how good is Res Evil 6 nowadays? I remember it getting some hate when it was released, but how much of the bad stuff has been patched at this point? I haven't played a Res Evil game since 4. I'm mostly a fan of the older style of Res Evil, but enjoyed 4 a lot as well.

try it if you like third person shooters with good mechanics and have come to terms with the fact that the RE series is a TPS since RE4, you'll have to look for the move list though because they aren't explained at all in the game

the RE6 PC official thread is a good place to look for opinions, people already knew how the game was meant to be played by then and most people were surprisingly positive towards the game


Rolling Girl
If any of you guys is gonna play RE6, don't start on Normal. Choose Veteran or Professional. Veteran has the right balance, not too easy and not too hard. Don't start on No Hope since you can't equip skills and you won't restart at full health after a game over. Also I think stamina regeneration is slower.

Alright I'll keep it in mind if I ever find a co-op partner anytime soon.
Alway nice to see more quality Hidden Object games, will get this one for sure before the discount runs out :)

Speaking of quality *ahem* hidden object games...here are my impressions for Lost Civilization:

The setting and story: The year is 2003. You are Suzanne Kheer, an archaeologist studying in Britain. Your fiance, Michael Petrowski, is also an archaeologist. You get a call from your uncle regarding an archaeological discovery your fiance made in Prague. Long story short, his discovery leads to his kidnapping, and it's international intrigue featuring Mayan statues, Nazi Germany (what story with history would be complete without it?) and the discovery of a twelfth(!) planet. I can only assume given the year that the 11 they're referring to Pluto, as well as - I can only assume - Eris and Sedna, with Ceres still classified as an asteroid. Your job is to save your fiance and prevent the baddies from using the discoveries for evil.

The story is relatively simple as most hidden object games tend to be. I do wish they wouldn't fall back on old tropes like how Nazi Germany seems connected to all old mystical things, and the old chestnut about old civilizations being given some "outside help."

The graphics: The environments look nice, and the hidden objects are rarely unclear. The worst part of the graphics is the characters. They were definitely rushed. They put in one extra open-mouth frame of animation for talking, so the characters look almost like digital marionettes. I'd argue it would have looked better if they didn't even bother.

The puzzles: Like most modern hidden-object games, there's a point-and-click adventure component to them where you use items found either in the hidden object screens or outside them to achieve goals. The hidden object games themselves are half "find this object" and half "apply one object to another, then find the object you made." So to find a cork, you may have to use a corkscrew on a wine bottle. The other puzzles are dead simple, almost trivial. Nothing tripped me up in the slightest. In some places they made bizarre leaps of foreknowledge just to aid the player. "To make a trap, I need to prop up this box. Maybe with a ruler." Who thinks like that? "Maybe I can wrap a cloth around this rake." Why? What are you planning to do?

The length: Two hours. If you're not good at finding hidden objects, or you're new to point-and-clicks, you might stretch it to three, but if that's the case you can set a "casual" mode that allows you a hint every 20 seconds if you choose to use it. There's not much replayability (no record of time like the Mystery Case Files so you don't want to try and beat your time, no achievements,) either.

The verdict: It's okay. It was better than the last hidden object game I played, that being Where Angels Cry, but it's not in the league of Mystery Case Files, I'll tell you that much. If you get it in a bundle, give it a go. Otherwise, ten bucks is a steep asking price for a game of this length and quality.
So how good is Res Evil 6 nowadays? I remember it getting some hate when it was released, but how much of the bad stuff has been patched at this point? I haven't played a Res Evil game since 4. I'm mostly a fan of the older style of Res Evil, but enjoyed 4 a lot as well.

I'm playing it atm. I'd say try R.E 5 first, 6 is even more of a linear action game.
After the initial disapointement, I can't say I hate it. It has quite a lot of content, and gameplay mechanics do work well.
It's just nothing like the classics (pre 4) R.E, think of it more as a mercenary mode with a story.


since resident evil's on sale

can ppl remind me which ones have spiders in em -_-
RE1, 2, 5, 6. I don't remember if 3 or 4 or Code Veronica had them though. Never played Zero or Revalations so can't comment on that. It's funny since I am also terrified of spiders but RE is like one of my most favorite series. Lol
I like Remember Me and prefer it to KoA.

KoA requires too much commitment to play. The story and narrative isn't as interesting as other RPGs, IMO, although the combat is spectacular. Gameplay first with KoA.

As for Remember Me, it has flaws but I think it's still fun. I really like the main character. If the combat was better, it would've fared better.
I just want you to know that Poison is Glorious.
I got the PS3 version so I'm good! But having it on PC would've been better!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So Steam will be supporting more currencies next week - has anyone here got an email from Steam about their wallet balance being converted? I've already got confirmed reports of Malaysia and Japan going live on the 16th, anyone else?

In the Steam Developers group they listed the rest as "mid-September" which made some people think they would do the rest all at once.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ahh thanks for that. Is Resident Evil 5 the best one so far in the series? i never play any before.

No. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo where close.

That's REbirth, Biohazard 2, Biohazard 3: Last Escape, and Biohazard 4. Series has been on a decline past 4 it seems. Though 0 and Code Veronica were also mis-steps among the other spin-offs that aren't "Outbreak."

5's a decent game though. Better than the piece of shit that is Bio6.
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