Baron von Loathsome
I just realized that I'm already able to redeem my Wasteland 2 code.
Ah well, I'll download it in the morning.
Ah well, I'll download it in the morning.
For Dishonored versus Walking Dead Season 1, I'd have to say Dishonored, mainly because Walking Dead only has story and characters ( and while they're fantastic),
Dishonored has great gameplay, atmosphere, graphics and great levels and story as well as characters.
Do you not have like a debit or credit card? :/
- iosefe
- Deitus
- ozium
- shadownet
- salazar
- Bernardone
- Tzoyld (tmarg)
- Fish
- Marco
- Colin Mochrie
Wow, that sucks, it's such a great game. I played it recently on my Vita and it's still so very very good.
Do you not have like a debit or credit card? :/
I had the same feeling when I first played it, but I kept going because I had nothing else to play.
And then around the third hour of gameplay, something amazing happened, and then you get to see how good the level design is. It was worth it!
I wouldn't disregard realism as a whole, some elements can help depending on the game. Not only for sims, but for less arcade games too. I just don't want to see realistic shooting in a zombie game, despite it being survival horror.
Yes I do! I was finishing up some work and was worried you guys were gonna start already. Send me an invite or something when you guys are good to sitll plan on sonic racing?
For those curious, i think i may be full. might have 2 open spots. we'll see.
Yes I do! I was finishing up some work and was worried you guys were gonna start already. Send me an invite or something when you guys are good to go.
you sitll plan on sonic racing?
For those curious, i think i may be full. might have 2 open spots. we'll see.
For those curious, i think i may be full. might have 2 open spots. we'll see.
we'll be starting about 40 minutes to an hour from now.
it's just an single player mmo which is as bad as it sounds
story and characters save it for me although both are the weakest of all the xeno series
i'm quite sorry, forgive meBruh, don't use a capital D. It's lowercase.
And of course i'm joining.
I shall win for Momo's sake. :O
it is. we have a full houseNice. Awesome that so many people are joining in.
i'm quite sorry, forgive me
it is. we have a full house
how could you
I'll remember this.
All you baka gaijins are on my hit list now.
how could you
I'll remember this.
All you baka gaijins are on my hit list now.
Steam is drunk
Well I bought it a while back to languish in my backlog and I've been waiting for a chance to try it out in proper multiplayer, I guess I could host a second group for more cooler people so you guys can have a totes easy punching bag?
Steam is drunk
Well I bought it a while back to languish in my backlog and I've been waiting for a chance to try it out in proper multiplayer, I guess I could host a second group for more cooler people so you guys can have a totes easy punching bag?
Hey, switch with me. It's okay.
I'll play it with with someone else.
i gotchu bro.
list updated appropriately
Metro for steam settings:
How did you make metro purple?
This outgrowth of community support in this harrowing time of backlog indecision shant soon be forgotten
But really thanks guys
Have $15 in my Steam wallet and I'm trying to decide between Road Not Taken and Hack N Slash.
Road Not Taken has a lovely art style and sounds like an awesome mix of roguelike and puzzle mechanics. Hack N Slash just sounds so intriguing and unique, but the criticism of the endgame sounds worrisome (becomes too complex and obtuse, without enough explanations for those without much or any programming knowledge)
Any thoughts?
EDIT: is there some kinda in-game chat or do you guys use mumble or is that not a thing? I generlly make it a rule to not play games like this unless opponents are within cussing distance
Well Hack N Slash is currently on sale, but I guess they go on sale often?never pay full price for a double fine game
And what an intro it is! I still don't know why I haven't started Ys 2 yet.Ys 2 is significantly better and longer. Ys 1 is basically the intro.
SteamGAF needs to learn the joys of Mumble.
SteamGAF needs to learn the joys of Mumble.
SteamGAF needs to learn the joys of Mumble.
I dunno, I've been doing pretty well with my spent-bean-can-and-string setup.SteamGAF needs to learn the joys of Mumble.
SteamGAF needs to learn the joys of Mumble.
How did you make metro purple?
The steam forums and community stuff has been borked for a few days now. Guess they're trying to slowly roll out updates for the new storefront and it's messing with things.
That is an alarming shade of magenta you've got there!
I'm interested to see how far you take this logic.I'm against having to use a third party device for what should be a standard feature in online games
You can download a standalone application to do it, or generated your personalized online
You and your fancy color names, for me it's just purple xD
You and your fancy color names, for me it's just purple xD
Contemplating Off the Record- this promise of later Steamworks has me hella excited!
I don't want Gaffers pleasuring themselves to my voice. If they could, I mean. Not erotic whatsoever.