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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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8 would probably makes things a bit more easier for me, though I'm not sure if I'm ready for comp yet. Haven't touched the game in a while, I might just derp around in the server a bit with any other stragglers. 9 can still work though.

I might join early, it's a bit late for my time (GMT). Maybe I'll shoot you guys.

As I said people are free to join at any time. The time isn't concrete :)

Guys, don't go to the Destiny review thread if you don't want to be banned ;) Everybody is really upset after the hype train exploded into thousand pieces.

I'm not going in there but what is going on? Someone fill me in?


I'm not sure what's happening in those threads, but SteamGAF is almost always a safe haven. :)

I will give just one example: They are comparing Titanfall and Destiny and which game had more weapons available at launch, because that's... relevant for anything? =)

I'm not going in there but what is going on? Someone fill me in?

Well, after it became clear that Destiny isn't the masterpiece it was advertised to be, there is a war going on why Destiny is the greatest or worst game of all time ;) (Fanboys vs "I knew it from the beginning")
Mirrors Edge is the daily deal?



Just finished 'Planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~'

The plot was a little predictable but the tears shed regardless. It's about 4 hours long on auto, so if you're interested you should probably pick it up while the early discount still applies.

You bought generic ainmu keyshit, so you're alright by me. Also I plan on finishing it tonight if nothing else comes up.


Worst Overtime of franchise: Overtime for DR1 was fantastic, for DR2 was "meh", for 3 is just boring and you want the game will end as soon as possible.

DR3 overtime was bad because it's all about having to do the most frustrating thing in the game; traveling to the opposite side of the city. :p


Unconfirmed Member
I disliked the combat in the Witcher 2, to the extent where I stopped playing at the act boss. Normal enemies weren't too bad, but I just wasn't having any fun at all. I know I know, "git gud". There was nothing in the game that made want to with the effort seemingly required. I'd rather go read a book.

The Witcher 2 is basically Dark Souls lite. The real problem is that you become untouchable to most enemies less than half way through Act I, even on Dark mode.


I've seen so many people bash TW1 so much because of it's combat system and it makes people not want to play it, which annoys me because it's such a great game.

Yeah, maybe a bit too harsh, but I'm damn tired of reading it.

I'm one of those people who didn't get far in TW1 because of the battle system. ^^; Promised myself I'd pick it back up at some point, since people whose opinions I trust say it's worth playing (and that I ought to play it before TW2). When I do, I'll give this combat mod you mentioned a go.

People don't like the more rhythm-based stuff I guess?

Yeah, that's it in a nutshell for me. I'm very take-it-or-leave-it on rhythm-based anything. Kind of wish it had a more traditional action-oriented battle system like that game I've been playing lately (you know, the terrible one I have poor taste for enjoying. ; ) )
I'm one of those people who didn't get far in TW1 because of the battle system. ^^; Promised myself I'd pick it back up at some point, since people whose opinions I trust say it's worth playing (and that I ought to play it before TW2). When I do, I'll give this combat mod you mentioned a go.

If I can wreck mobs with group style using pgp and a ds3, everyone can do it.


I've seen so many people bash TW1 so much because of it's combat system and it makes people not want to play it, which annoys me because it's such a great game.
Yeah there's nothing really wrong with TW1's combat. I actually kind of preferred it to the more hack n slash combat of TW2.
No it isn't. I keep seeing that comparison, and it's completely ridiculous.
Yeah, those games are nothing alike really.


I don't know if this was mentioned but Volgarr the Viking is 75% off - $2.99-(the cheapest it has been). So if someone didn't get it from the bundle the other day now is your chance. Highly recommended.

Yeah there's nothing really wrong with TW1's combat. I actually kind of preferred it to the more hack n slash combat of TW2.

Yeah, those games are nothing alike really.

Having 100% and over 350 across all three souls games, I feel like I'll agree with you when I get to playing it. ;)


Unconfirmed Member
No it isn't. I keep seeing that comparison, and it's completely ridiculous.

Yes it is. Dark Souls isn't that complex or special. The only real innovation it did was go in the extreme opposite of hand holding to its own detriment and some interesting work with hitboxes. The abysmal PC port did not improve its impression. What I played of the game itself isn't that impressive. But like RE4, people on GAF like to apotheosize mediocrity.

I'm one of those people who didn't get far in TW1 because of the battle system. ^^; Promised myself I'd pick it back up at some point, since people whose opinions I trust say it's worth playing (and that I ought to play it before TW2). When I do, I'll give this combat mod you mentioned a go.

Yeah, that's it in a nutshell for me. I'm very take-it-or-leave-it on rhythm-based anything. Kind of wish it had a more traditional action-oriented battle system like that game I've been playing lately (you know, the terrible one I have poor taste for enjoying. ; ) )

The rhythm gameplay really gets more irritating the longer you play
Well, completed the campaign for DR3, S rank. Nice job, Capcom: basically the exclusive Xbox 360 DLCs are NEEDED to understand the ending. I didn't play that of course, I only played DR1, DR2 vanilla and 3, so I'm asking why
a good character from DR1 turned into an evil one without reason, expecially while during DR1 she was looking for redemption

Ans during Overtime, the game was almost unplayable: there were so many zombies I can't walk without been grabbed every two seconds. Even cars were useless since they broke after one minutes.
Worst Overtime of franchise: Overtime for DR1 was fantastic, for DR2 was "meh", for 3 is just boring and you want the game will end as soon as possible.

yep, the fact that case west is canon is bs, not to mention the fact that this fucking thing made the ending A canon instead of S

not to sound like a weeb but capcpom really should stop outsourcing to western devs, dead rising 1 is still the best in the series imo
Some people can be real jerks, two dudes I've never meet or are on my friends list just show up and post stuff on my screenshot lol. I can't help my Five Night's at Freddy's screenshot is the hypest thing on the Freddy's community section.

yep, the fact that case west is canon is bs, not to mention the fact that this fucking thing made the ending A canon instead of S

not to sound like a weeb but capcpom really should stop outsourcing to western devs, dead rising 1 is still the best in the series imo

I liked dr2 best personally. Case West was so bad, IMO, that I just stopped playing. At this point if its dead rising and has whatever joke they're currently trying to pass off as Frank, it's probably a dumpster fire.

Yes it is. Dark Souls isn't that complex or special. The only real innovation it did was go in the extreme opposite of hand holding to its own detriment and some interesting work with hitboxes. The abysmal PC port did not improve its impression. What I played of the game itself isn't that impressive. But like RE4, people on GAF like to apotheosize mediocrity.

The rhythm gameplay really gets more irritating the longer you play

Bold opinions.


I don't know if this was mentioned but Volgarr the Viking is 75% off - $2.99-(the cheapest it has been). So if someone didn't get it from the bundle the other day now is your chance. Highly recommended.

Bought it. Thanks for posting it, I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.


Yes it is. Dark Souls isn't that complex or special. The only real innovation it did was go in the extreme opposite of hand holding to its own detriment and some interesting work with hitboxes.

No, it isn't. Witcher 2's combat is fucking terrible and Dark Souls' combat is quite good. Witcher 2 has more in common with Batman AA than it does Dark Souls. The only similarity it has to DS is that they both have high lethality in trash mobs. W2 has randomized attacks with some association to distance from enemy. That combination alone makes it seem like the designers had no idea what they were doing.


Some people can be real jerks, two dudes I've never meet or are on my friends list just show up and post stuff on my screenshot lol. I can't help my Five Night's at Freddy's screenshot is the hypest thing on the Freddy's community section.

And that's why I post screenshots as "Friends Only".
Ans during Overtime, the game was almost unplayable: there were so many zombies I can't walk without been grabbed every two seconds. Even cars were useless since they broke after one minutes.
Worst Overtime of franchise: Overtime for DR1 was fantastic, for DR2 was "meh", for 3 is just boring and you want the game will end as soon as possible.

That is why you upgrade your agility and mechanical skills. Makes it easier to sprint through zombies without being grabbed and increases the amount of damage your vehicle can take before exploding.
True story: I disliked Hard Reset so much that I haven't even thought about getting Shadow Warrior.
It's a "classic" shooter that fails at everything classic shooters excelled at, in my book.
I'm the exact same way, mate.
I heard a lot about how Hard Reset was a return to classic shooters and stuff, but main, I wanna know what classic shooters it did return to, because it seems like they weren't the good ones.

Guns felt terrible, map design was weird, and it just overall was so...bleehhhh
It also lasted like 2 hours too long, I kept thinking "when will this be over?!" while playing it.


you take private definition to whole new level.
Who on earth, mars and venus would you make screenshots friends only?

I don't understand what you are getting at.

Why would I make screenshots public? So a bunch of people I don't know, and whose opinions I don't care about can comment on them? No thanks. Don't see the point of that at all.


I thought Hard Reset was great. I didn't go in expecting Doom or Quake, I just wanted a beautiful game with fun guns. The game is a blast when you upgrade and combine the right weapons. Gravity Grenade + RPG or Mines? Yesss.

Anyone got that Hard Reset gif handy?


I don't understand what you are getting at.

Why would I make screenshots public? So a bunch of people I don't know, and whose opinions I don't care about can comment on them? No thanks. Don't see the point of that at all.

I mean that's like least private thing, and people rarely comment on screenshots anyway, but it's your choice, I was just surprised that you care.


True story: I disliked Hard Reset so much that I haven't even thought about getting Shadow Warrior.
It's a "classic" shooter that fails at everything classic shooters excelled at, in my book.

Hard Reset was pretty good in my book. Shadow Warrior is one of my favorite games to come out in the last few years. It's very well done and a ton of fun.


Yes it is. Dark Souls isn't that complex or special. The only real innovation it did was go in the extreme opposite of hand holding to its own detriment and some interesting work with hitboxes. The abysmal PC port did not improve its impression. What I played of the game itself isn't that impressive. But like RE4, people on GAF like to apotheosize mediocrity.
This is how I felt when I first started playing DS. All I can recommend you doing is sticking with it and spending more time playing it. My opinion eventually completely reversed, and I really appreciate that game now. The difficulty/lack of handholding is completely intentional and it makes the game incredibly rewarding. Where the game really shines, at least for me, is the exploration aspect of it. The level design is often quite genius in DS. Also, if you apply the DSfix 'mod' to DS on PC, it becomes completely playable (with a controller). I had zero issues with it after doing that.
No, it isn't. Witcher 2's combat is fucking terrible and Dark Souls' combat is quite good. Witcher 2 has more in common with Batman AA than it does Dark Souls. The only similarity it has to DS is that they both have high lethality in trash mobs. W2 has randomized attacks with some association to distance from enemy. That combination alone makes it seem like the designers had no idea what they were doing.
While I wouldn't say TW2's combat is 'fucking terrible', I do agree that it is pretty mindless. The Batman with higher lethality comparison is fairly accurate I think. It presents obstacles for you to get through, but it's not particularly fun or rewarding.
Actually, I think I'd go as far as saying TW1's combat is closer to resembling DS's (though it's been a while since I played Witcher). From what I remember, you have to do a bit more thinking and timing during fights, and it's slower paced, rather than the fast paced button mashy combat of TW2.
I don't think DS and TW2's combat is very comparable. And the games themselves have little in common. TW2 is a more story driven, linear experience. Where DS1 is slightly more open world, not focused on story much at all (aside from some background lore), and has very different mechanics when it comes to things like dying and progression.
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