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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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so, after no one gave me a response on whether gods will be watching easy mode is worth my time i figured i just have to ruin my saturday night and figure it out for myself

so gods will be watching review time!!!!!

turns out light puzzle mode is pretty alright.

it's A LOT less uncompromising for sure. light mode means you're basically now allowed to make mistakes and actually survive them, and since oftentimes a single bad choice in regular difficulty could force you to restart a whole chapter, it's kind of a big deal. it was even worse because it sometimes took a long while for you to realize you fucked up and by the time you did it was too late to fix it. and it was double worse because it was fucking rng.

i feel like this is mostly because this game is just not all that good in its design and its encounters are simply too rigid. you either develop the vaccine and dig yourself out of that cave-in or you die. you force the passwords out of all the rebels or you die. you find the base in the desert or you die. and this really sucks cos this game is at its best when the failure state is not death but actually just something really fucking miserable happening to people around you. or when you're suddenly doing horrible things yourself. i see this game being a whole lot better if you could get "half successes" (or half failures) and alternative solutions. a game over screen is effective and needed in order to establish the whole survival thing but it could've been done in a much better way

light puzzle mode doesn't really fix this, but it simply allows you to beat the damn thing without having to replay it a million times. you get 4 wrong choices before being chopped in half by a torturer instead of 2, things like that. i appreciate this as it really gives you a bit more breathing room to try to figure out how each chapter works without being constantly met with gameover screens. i find it's on a bit on the easy side and sometimes you end up finishing chapters with everybody merrily sitting by the campfire eating their tasty cooked meals while admiring the stars, which sort of totally breaks the whole maquiavellian sacrifice/martyrdom message thing behind it all but it's not bad enough that i didn't get what gods was trying to say, even tho it got a bit of ludonarrative dissonance-y feeling for a moment. and like i may try it on normal difficulty now that i know it all works, so def a success imo

i don't think the game's too mindblowing but it's got something to say and i'm always behind games that do. its visuals and score are also super good and the story is pretty engaging, so overall a cool thing for ppl interested in story-driven games like myself

that's about it, basically if you were interested about the game but were turned off by its ruthlessness then puzzle light mode might just charm you right back. i wish the game was overall better as to not need a mode like this and i kind of wish this mode was a bit harder but i find it a lot more recommendable now that i did on release

edit: btw something i didn't realize until later in the game is that playing this game with a notepad handy is a really good idea since you might want to experiment a bit (not necessarily all that needed in easy difficulty) with the effects of certain actions and how many turns they can last, etc. for instance you could write down that kicking the boss guy in chapter 1 reduces the morale of the other scientists by 1, or that shooting at the swat team makes them not advance for 3 turns or something like that. also in some chapters you're gonna have to memorize some stuff so you're better off writing it down. i found this really fun, specially in the eponymous chapter in which you're managing a lot of different things at the same time and you might want to have the exact info to make the best informed decisions to save as many people as possible


Shiiiiiit, a nice friend randomly offered a South Park key on another forum I frequent and I got it. It's the cut German version but I'm applying the cut->uncut patch right now. Guess I know what I'll play next, need something seriously good after Deadfall Adventures.

Did they fix the reload animation? It was supposedly borked near release.

Still 30 frames and there's not much they can do about it, was just made this way.

that's about it, basically if you were interested about the game but were turned off by its ruthlessness then puzzle light mode might just charm you right back. i wish the game was overall better as to not need a mode like this and i kind of wish this mode was a bit harder but i find it a lot more recommendable now that i did on release

Thanks for the write-up, how long did it take you to complete the game on easy?


well i guess this is a bit you coming with misled expectations towards it, really, as i don't think gone home ever advertised itself as a controversial game

in fact i'd argue quite the opposite as coming of age stories are as natural as they come.

i think most of its controversy comes from how divisive people have gotten towards it as both fans and non-fans have been pretty loud at yelling mean things to each other

i personally find environmental storytelling and coming of age stories to be very much my thing so i loved every second of it, specially its attention to detail and open ended exposition.

Thanks for the write-up, how long did it take you to complete the game on easy?
i think about 6 hours? not sure how to check the recent playtimes on steam as it says 9 hours but i have a couple hours of idling it for cards when it released

it's not too long. i would love to say this is a game with replayability but to be honest i don't think so, unless you want to try it on higher difficulties or just to relive the story now that you know how it ends (which puts things under a new perspective for sure)

like i said the lack of different solutions and it being nothing more than an elaborate balance act of npc stress bars means that you're not gonna get much out of multiple playthroughs


Guys, guys. The Evil Within won't be all that good.
You heard it here first.

It will be the Destiny of horror games. Mark our words.

i think about 6 hours? not sure how to check the recent playtimes on steam as it says 9 hours but i have a couple hours of idling it for cards when it released

That's more than I expected, I thought without the repetition and failures you'd be able to run through it much faster.


Oh you guys, RE4 is so much fun :3 I've played this game so many times, and it's just as cool as I remembered, I can't stop smiling.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I have these


If you're interested, add or pm me


Since I have the plain jane Civilization V on Steam, would purchasing the Complete version overwrite it or appear as a different entry?


btw i forgot to mention apparently only when playing in easy difficulty the game sometimes can randomly ctd during the final chapter, which happened to me 2 or 3 times, actually. it's a very short chapter and aside from being slightly annoying it's really not a big deal, but i found it to be really funny as gods was made in gamemaker and like the exact same crash error as when i'm coding jumped at my screen

kind of freaked me out lol

Thanks for the review, I think I will play this game after I finish Xillia 2. I gave up on it because normal mode was too difficult and frustrating for me.
i think if you found the game frustrating in normal difficulty like me (i couldn't even get past fucking first chapter) you should be way better off in easy

it's still the same trial and error dynamic but since it's a lot less punishing it's really not painful at all to play

That's more than I expected, I thought without the repetition and failures you'd be able to run through it much faster.
well i'm pretty slow so you might be able to get through it faster than me

i thought the length was just fine, it ended right as i was feeling like i had enough of it


Caved and bought Volgarr and Remember Me.

Volgarr is fucking amazing, I've never experienced so many highs and lows in such a short amount of time, game will kick your ass but when you pull off a good run you feel like a complete bad ass.

I've already adjusted my expectations for Remember Me, hopefully I can enjoy it for what it is.

Dr Dogg

Well I don't know if Steam is doing me a favour or not. Had an error pop up while updating Borderlands 2 and somehow everything bar the update ended up getting deleted. After validating the instal I'm 1800-odd files missing. On my archaic internet it's going to take 8 hours to rendownload. Oh well back to Diablo for the time being though I should really finish of Dead Rising 3.


ONE DAY FOR CHED keys are comin for bundle buyers!

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yissssssssssssss

more games to add to my kuso category
Still crashing non stop on Dead Rising 3. Every 20-25 minutes like clockwork. Makes me wonder if there's some sort of a memory leak or something that's causing it to crash with such regularity.

Dr Dogg

Oh, you heard me. Just wait and see. The true horror will be to read the reviews.

Some of the early impression I've read have been quite middling though the more recent ones and folks who have attended events seem better. I think the real horror is going to be id Tech 5 again. Carmack mentioned something during his last Quakecon keynote that while machinegames where in constant communication with their engineering guys that Tango had been quite quiet and kept themselves to themselves. He did say they are technical proficient and know what they're doing but it's a quirky engine and MegaTextures leave a lot to be desired under close inspection compared to a distant landscape but hey that's just their nature.


Completed first DLC of DR3.
It's horrible.
Is basically a "collect all junk", roaming in the town to achieve stupid objectives.
Also is bugged like hell, signals on map disappear or remain even if you already did that objective.

And Capcom sold this stuff for 10€ each episode on One :S

EDIT: Those bugs are in One version too, so Capcom didn't bother to fix them for a PC release.
Yeah I agree, I finished the first episode yesterday and it was sorta boring... it was nice to see
how the safehouses and how the president(?) got infected
, so you sorta had a connection with the main story but I dunno...
I would regreat having paid extra for this but for "free" it's fine

Didn't have bugs tho and it didn't even crash at all so there's that :D


So, I'm looking at the Remember Me DLC pack right now, and I have to say, I did not expect it to give you Street Fighter moves. Does it make the combat a bit more interesting, or make it sillier?


Completed first DLC of DR3.
It's horrible.
Is basically a "collect all junk", roaming in the town to achieve stupid objectives.
Also is bugged like hell, signals on map disappear or remain even if you already did that objective.

And Capcom sold this stuff for 10€ each episode on One :S

EDIT: Those bugs are in One version too, so Capcom didn't bother to fix them for a PC release.
Was the storyline for the DLC any good?
If it adds anything meaningful to the story I'm interested in playing them at least.


Since I have the plain jane Civilization V on Steam, would purchasing the Complete version overwrite it or appear as a different entry?

no different entry, just your vanilla will get a huge update.

Which bundles? All bundles it was in?

like all of them?
seriously it have been in so many bundles I even remember it, imagine that!

Guys, guys. The Evil Within won't be all that good.
You heard it here first.

I'm pretty sure, you heard it first from me, right after very first trailer, but then I decided to stop crushing people hopes for the time being. ;)


Actually it's frame locked in a annoying friggin' way where the game slows down or speeds up when you fluctuate around 30fps or 60fps (depending on the options).

Yes, you have to vsync at 30 or 60 and not fluctuate below those locks.

The animation times are calculated by framerate, any dip will cause the game to slowdown. Fortunately, the game is fairly easy to run, I was at 1440p/60 on my ancient set up.

There used to be an aliasing bug when any kind of dust was kicked up. I'm assuming the game attempted to apply AA to the thousands of newly rendered particles and brought the engine to a halt, causing huge slowdowns. Easily fixed by forcing MSAA through drivers.
I'm interested to see if that actually happens. As far as I know Strategy First never gives out Steam keys for greenlight games, so I wonder if the devs actually cleared this with them, or if they're just assuming they'll be able to give out Steam keys.


I'm interested to see if that actually happens. As far as I know Strategy First never gives out Steam keys for greenlight games, so I wonder if the devs actually cleared this with them, or if they're just assuming they'll be able to give out Steam keys.

It makes me wonder if Strategy Fist is getting anything out of their policies. I haven't bought any game they gave no steam key for me yet, it's nice to be vengeful at times (><)
ya, I made typo on purpose ;)


I'm interested to see if that actually happens. As far as I know Strategy First never gives out Steam keys for greenlight games, so I wonder if the devs actually cleared this with them, or if they're just assuming they'll be able to give out Steam keys.

from the developer on the steam forums:

We had to deal with it a long time ago, it's nothing to worry about. They will give the keys
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