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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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Wonder how they would port FFXIII. I'd imagine that they would port the 360 version with the PS3's cutscenes to make it the easiest port possible, right? Does that make sense?


Laugh at me if you want to but it seems that I can't upload a picture as an avatar for my Steam account. It just says "missing image from upload".

I'm just trying to put enji as my avatar since most of you guys get confused with my steam account.

try a different image format. AFAIK PNG doesn't work with steam.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It will never come to PC. 1 on the other hand, hopefully.

Never say never! For all we know, the contract between Sega and Nintendo stipulates that ownership of the game reverts back to the former if it sells well enough such that Nintendo successfully recoups its investment.
I agree that FFX isn't god sent game to people that don't like linearity, but nevertheless it is a great game. Linearity doesn't make a game bad or good, unless you prefer one way or another, then it does, for you only.

Agreed. Complaints about linearity in FF games never made a ton of sense to me, since they've mostly all been fairly linear, with tangential things to do or grind, with a rare missable side character or so. Unlike, say, Chrono Trigger where you could suddenly be facing down the final boss, with nearly half of a game (or on NG+, the entire game) left untouched.

Now, if only your opinions on
Gone Home
weren't so
, we'd 2 for 2 and on our way to being m8s. ; )

As for FFXIII, is it being released as a trilogy in one? Or does it look like they'll be separate subs?


So apparently my country (Philippines) finally got its currency to show up in Steam.

And not only that, the prices now changed to reflect the pricing of the country (originally CivBE is 50 usd, now it's roughly equivalent to 28 usd).

I wonder if this is going to be abused through trading?

Mine too. Some things are cheaper and some stay the same, but something like Shadow of Mordor is way cheaper.
It will never come to PC. 1 on the other hand, hopefully.

And Bioshock and Mass Effect will never be on PS3... oh... wait a minute...
Nintendo doesn't own the IP and, as Wu-Tang Clan so diligently pointed out, "Cash rules everything around me, cream, get the money, dolla dolla bills y'all."

It could happen.
It's just not very likely.
Hey, how was Chivalry last night?
I had no idea what I was doing! It was awesome! I went into it telling myself I was gonna play for an hour, but then 1 hour turned into 4.... I had a hard time as the Man-at-Arms and the Knight, but the Vanguard seemed more my speed. I didn't try the archer out too much. I had a bunch of guys telling me that it takes 70 hours to get good, :lol

But yes, I love it. :D
Even with Vaan, it's easily my favorite FF game. And that's saying something.

I don't get the hate for Vaan. I thought he was fine. But for the most part, all the characters in that game are extremely generic, especially because there's no such thing as a "role" for each of them. You make any character fight any way you want... and that really hurts the game, IMO, especially when coupled with a story line that's almost as bad as FFX.

Laugh at me if you want to but it seems that I can't upload a picture as an avatar for my Steam account. It just says "missing image from upload".

I'm just trying to put enji as my avatar since most of you guys get confused with my steam account.

Steam does dumb things with error checking and the like. If you're sure your image is in the right format (jpg, png, whatever) and it's under the limit, you have to look at other options, like filename... what's your filename here?
Lol, really, if you think FFX is a corridor with bland characters etc...DON'T buy FFXIII.
I say this you as a big fan of FF that bought FFXIII on release date just to sell it one week after without completing it because the bore fiesta.

Would you say it was a siesta fiesta? :D

But seriously, I liked FFXIII and XIII-2 but LR was god awful.


It's less linear, actually.

While the order in which you do a lot of things is set for the first 20 hours or so, once you get to chapter 11, the game opens up and there's a metric ton of stuff to explore and do, so long as you're okay with doing monster hunts/challenges.

Majority off FF games were linear in terms of objectives, using FF9 as an example, it doesn't matter if after the Forest you go the gate to buy items, nothing will progress the story until you enter the Ice Cavern.

FF13 is linear, just because by Ch. 11 it gives you a big area to explore, that just becomes sidequests or diversion from the main objective/plot. If you follow the main path to beat the game you can skip these diversions, which in the end have no offect on the overall major plot.


I turned on my television, and there's now a court show with three simultaneous judges yelling at the plaintiff. I will never need to play games again.
Do you have a script blocker running? (NoScript, etc.)
No script blocker on any browser. I've even turned off the Enhanced steam for now.
Steam does dumb things with error checking and the like. If you're sure your image is in the right format (jpg, png, whatever) and it's under the limit, you have to look at other options, like filename... what's your filename here?
I just used my old avatar. Steam for some reason love Luka and not Enji.
Thanks for the help everyone. Seems letting go of Enji for a vocaloid's did the trick.


ok, i found it

thanks Crab Milk Mickey

This animation isn't even that bad, given the context that he's being dragged along after being shot.
I had no idea what I was doing! It was awesome! I went into it telling myself I was gonna play for an hour, but then 1 hour turned into 4.... I had a hard time as the Man-at-Arms and the Knight, but the Vanguard seemed more my speed. I didn't try the archer out too much. I had a bunch of guys telling me that it takes 70 hours to get good, :lol

But yes, I love it. :D

This game is awesome!
Such mindless fun!

My favorite action is the Scream Button, I may look like an idiot to all my comrades, but I only speak spamming the yelling.

I'm decent with the Man-at-Arms, since i enjoy large spiky clubs to fight Knights. I try to be a giant killer on this game.

Also the many game modes are actually fun!


No script blocker on any browser. I've even turned off the Enhanced steam for now.

I just used my old avatar. Steam for some reason love Luka and not Enji.
Thanks for the help everyone. Seems letting go of Enji for a vocaloid's did the trick.

Luka is best anyway.


Not really familiar with FF series, but today is the first time I'm reading so much praise about 12. I thought it was always 7, 9 and 10 and some older ones?

FF12 is the game with brilliant structure and a really cool world with a lot of exploration, I think people didn't like it because

- You set up AIs so your team mates are often "automated", but you could actually set up just basic functions and micromanage them, it's a bit similar to dragon age origins's system.
- Too many dungeon crawling with not much reward in terms of story but I feel that they're fun to go through (it did get old towards the end especially with the weirder dungeons)
- People didn't like the protagonist, but the other characters are cool, I think it has some of the most likeable characters in the series
- People didn't like the story, it was kind of rushed.
- All characters turned out the same (which might've been fixed with the zodiac job version from japan)

I think the problem was mostly about the plot and the fact that people didn't like the game "playing itself", I quite like the direction of the game and much prefer it over ff13's combat and I actually think you have more control over the commands than 13. It's not perfect but it has a great direction and I think the long development time really kind of ruined it and it could've been something much more if not for all the development problems.


10 is one of the worst games in the history of the franchise.

7 and 8 are on Steam and not bad jumping off points, but FF13 isn't a bad place to start either. It's certainly the best FF game since 9.

10 is a lot better than 13 lol, telling someone to start with 13 is just cruel.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
where can i get civ 4 complete?

or is civ 5 complete better?4

for cheap i mean

I played the hell out of Civ 4, but I would have to say that Civ 5 with both expansions today is the better game. There are some key differences but most of them are stark improvements, and Civ 5 is just so much easier and fun to play for me. I've uninstalled my Civ 4 and relegated it to the closet for good now.

I'd say get Civ 5 complete and forget about Civ 4 IMHO.


I'm always confused by the love FF X, everything I read about FF XIII basically describes my thoughts of FF X. I can't imagine a game being much more linear than FF X yet people tell me that FF XIII does that.

At this point I'll buy it just to find out by myself how bad it is.

Still excited to see it coming to Steam, hopefully it sells well and we continue getting more Square ports of older games (and not just FF games) as well as future games.

Well the level design of FF13, is actually quite similar to FFX (with a bit more jumping). The main difference is that FFX had towns full of NPCs to talk to, and plenty of side activities to do (that some of them were obnoxious is a different story). You could also backtrack if you chose to (even though there was no real reason to unless you missed an item or something)

In FFXIII, until you get about 2/3 of the way through, the game has really nothing like that. You walk forward through a tunnel fighting monsters along the way, until you get to the next tunnel to walk through and fight monsters along the way. You can basically never backtrack to an earlier area (until you get to very late in the game, and then you can only backtrack to the later parts of the game). Most of the towns you get to are overrun with monsters or military, so they are functionally identical to every other area. There is, I think, one town that is not like this, but even then there is nothing to do in the town but walk forward until you get to the next story advancing point. You can stop and look at the scenery (which is very pretty), or overhear NPC conversations (you can't directly talk to NPCs, they just start talking when you get near them), but that's it. Not even a sidequest.

On the other hand, the only "open" area in FFX was the Calm Lands, and that was actually rather small considering. The equivalent area in FFXIII is actually rather large, with a bunch of side areas, and is much more interesting to look at than the Calm Lands. This is what everyone talks about when they say it opens up in the late game. Unfortunately, the only thing to "do" in this area is monster hunt side quests. It's also a good place to grind for exp and crafting materials, if you are so inclined.

But at the end of the day, the main reason to play FFXIII is for the battle system (well, and the pretty environments, and the excellent soundtrack). I loved the battle system, so I enjoyed the game. It also helped that I didn't buy it at launch, and I had read impressions prior to buying the game, so I knew pretty much what I was getting into in advance. If you don't really get into the battle system, there's not really a whole lot else going on to keep you interested in the game.
10 is a lot better than 13 lol, telling someone to start with 13 is just cruel.

13 is good, I did 100% of everything and got the platinum, enjoying almost all of the 100+ hours I put into it.

10 on the other hand is one of the biggest disappointments I've ever experienced in my gaming history. Not only was I desperately trying to convince myself that it was going to get good at any minute and that I was going to end up liking it, but it's one of two Final Fantasy games I just gave up on. While I did go back and finish it, it's not the masterpiece everyone seems to think it is, and as far as I'm concerned, I would go and replay 13 (and actually have an interest in FF13-2 and FF13-3) whereas, I find myself hard pressed to even give 10 a second spin despite the HD version being on my Vita.

Well the level design of FF13, is actually quite similar to FFX (with a bit more jumping). The main difference is that FFX had towns full of NPCs to talk to, and plenty of side activities to do (that some of them were obnoxious is a different story). You could also backtrack if you chose to (even though there was no real reason to unless you missed an item or something)

Talking to NPCs is highly overrated, as far as I'm concerned. Most of them have some poorly translated text that is just kind of there...
FFX's towns, from what I recall were a few screens in size and had entrhalling activities such as blitzball to help you pass the time. When compared to the towns in FF13, I'll take FF13 every time as I play final fantasy games for the JRPG combat and the story... and most NPCs in towns don't affect either.


FF12 is the game with brilliant structure and a really cool world with a lot of exploration, I think people didn't like it because

- You set up AIs so your team mates are often "automated", but you could actually set up just basic functions and micromanage them, it's a bit similar to dragon age origins's system.
- Too many dungeon crawling with not much reward in terms of story but I feel that they're fun to go through (it did get old towards the end especially with the weirder dungeons)
- People didn't like the protagonist, but the other characters are cool, I think it has some of the most likeable characters in the series
- People didn't like the story, it was kind of rushed.
- All characters turned out the same (which might've been fixed with the zodiac job version from japan)

I think the problem was mostly about the plot and the fact that people didn't like the game "playing itself", I quite like the direction of the game and much prefer it over ff13's combat and I actually think you have more control over the commands than 13. It's not perfect but it has a great direction and I think the long development time really kind of ruined it and it could've been something much more if not for all the development problems.
Friends, this is a good post.


You know guys, I was thinking about FFXIII coming to PC overnight, and it really makes sense because of S-E's Dive-In streaming servce for Android/iOS (which also has a logo over the website).

They had to port the game (or complete/optimize it) to PC for the cloud service. It was highly unlikely that they'll use PS3 or whatever for the streaming, just as Gaikai is doing with PS Now, as it would be more expensive.

Anyway -and this is just speculation of my part- that would mean the game could release pretty well optimized, as they would want to run as many games per PC/GPU or whatever in order to reduce costs (I remember reading that Onlive does this with some games). Hopefully, that is the case!

And finally, Dive In will launch on October 9th in Japan, according to Siliconera. FFXIII, will be available at launch, so we'll probably see that one first (and not the whole trilogy from the beginning). Final Fantasy XIII-2 will release on December and Lightning Returns in 2015, so most likely that will also be the timeframe of releases on Steam.
OK, so far I think the relationship between Sten and the dog is my favourite in Dragon Age. Completed Redcliffe now, probably gonna focus on my sidequests for a bit.


You know guys, I was thinking about FFXIII coming to PC overnight, and it really makes sense because of S-E's Dive-In streaming servce for Android/iOS (which also has a logo over the website).

They had to port the game (or complete/optimize it) to PC for the cloud service. It was highly unlikely that they'll use PS3 or whatever for the streaming, just as Gaikai is doing with PS Now, as it would be more expensive.

Anyway -and this is just speculation of my part- that would mean the game could release pretty well optimized, as they would want to run as many games per PC/GPU or whatever in order to reduce costs (I remember reading that Onlive does this with some games). Hopefully, that is the case!

And finally, Dive In will launch on October 9th in Japan, according to Siliconera. FFXIII, will be available at launch, so we'll probably see that one first (and not the whole trilogy from the beginning). Final Fantasy XIII-2 will release on December and Lightning Returns in 2015, so most likely that will also be the timeframe of releases on Steam.
na. too logical



I played the hell out of Civ 4, but I would have to say that Civ 5 with both expansions today is the better game. There are some key differences but most of them are stark improvements, and Civ 5 is just so much easier and fun to play for me. I've uninstalled my Civ 4 and relegated it to the closet for good now.

I'd say get Civ 5 complete and forget about Civ 4 IMHO.

ok where can i get civ 5 complete for cheapies?


13 is good, I did 100% of everything and got the platinum, enjoying almost all of the 100+ hours I put into it.

10 on the other hand is one of the biggest disappointments I've ever experienced in my gaming history. Not only was I desperately trying to convince myself that it was going to get good at any minute and that I was going to end up liking it, but it's one of two Final Fantasy games I just gave up on. While I did go back and finish it, it's not the masterpiece everyone seems to think it is, and as far as I'm concerned, I would go and replay 13 (and actually have an interest in FF13-2 and FF13-3) whereas, I find myself hard pressed to even give 10 a second spin despite the HD version being on my Vita.

but that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, FF13 is barely a game, it certainly is worst FF content vise, while FFX is great, has lots of content and good characters, good world, good story (last can be not for everyone, but at least it's there and has development) maybe not that great as previous games, but still great. I can understand that something in it doesn't go well with, you, let's say linearity, or story-world focus, or maybe you didn't like sidequests, some are hard to like, but your general negativeness is odd, to say the least, especially when you are comparing it with a game that lacks literally any character and find it better?!


FF12 is the game with brilliant structure and a really cool world with a lot of exploration, I think people didn't like it because

- You set up AIs so your team mates are often "automated", but you could actually set up just basic functions and micromanage them, it's a bit similar to dragon age origins's system.
- Too many dungeon crawling with not much reward in terms of story but I feel that they're fun to go through (it did get old towards the end especially with the weirder dungeons)
- People didn't like the protagonist, but the other characters are cool, I think it has some of the most likeable characters in the series
- People didn't like the story, it was kind of rushed.
- All characters turned out the same (which might've been fixed with the zodiac job version from japan)

I think the problem was mostly about the plot and the fact that people didn't like the game "playing itself", I quite like the direction of the game and much prefer it over ff13's combat and I actually think you have more control over the commands than 13. It's not perfect but it has a great direction and I think the long development time really kind of ruined it and it could've been something much more if not for all the development problems.
The plot was fine(Although it did fall apart at the end), but the pacing wasn't. It pretty much meant you had to like the combat system to enjoy the game. Unfortunately for me I didn't. I just felt it was really clunky to play. You either had to constantly fumble through the gambits for each new boss(You also had to know and buy the gambit activation requirements before hand if it's earlier on and you don't have it), or you could suffer the annoyingly tedious menu's which consisted of sub menu after sub menu.

XIII and XII both suffer from that really, having to like the combat system to get enjoyment out of the game. I was a bit more fortunate with XIII in that I did actually like the combat system more. The manual menus was still awkward to navigate, but the fact you weren't having to control all 3 of your characters made it less clunky.

In an ideal world I'd want a mixture of the two. XIII's combat system but with XII's gambits to customize the AI on the characters you aren't controlling.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Well, I grabbed a copy of the Trackmania complete pack.

I had the first Trackmania game retail but not Steam and only Trackmania 2 Stadium so this was a bargain so thanks for the heads up guys.


thanks for ignoring my post! now I know how Turfster feels.
You can't exactly get it for cheap, not now anyway, unless your cheap is in range of 20€ or so.

but you said civ 5 complete wasn't cheap and that's not the answer I'm looking for :p

who's Turfster? :p

Ban Puncher

Between building a bunch of new PCs, renovating my kitchen and falling down a deep Destiny hole, I haven't had time to scratch my arse let alone check in on SteamGAF this past week.

What's up, friends?


Between building a bunch of new PCs, renovating my kitchen and falling down a deep Destiny hole, I haven't had time to scratch my arse let alone check in on SteamGAF this past week.

What's up, friends?

New Steam store coming soon
Regional currencies live
Nvidia announcing 970/980 tomorrow, rumored prices are ~$300/$500 respectively.
Binding of Isaac Rebirth pre-order live
Evil Within hype getting crazy
FF XIII trilogy port rumors
Metal Gear Collection rumors


but you said civ 5 complete wasn't cheap and that's not the answer I'm looking for :p

who's Turfster? :p

hey! I lied to you, I forgot that gamersgate 2K sale is still on, it's €13.60 there

indeed (><)

but blitzball is the worst FF minigame...

what's wrong with you?

You couldn't even control your characters directly in BB as I recall. It also had that lightning bolt minigame, so yeah...

you remember wrongly, so yeah ;)
lightning dodging should die in fire, agree on it, otoh we played too little of it, as we still can't dodge Lightning and not for the lack of trying.
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