STEAM | September 2015 - The Phantom Pre-Load or: AAA Movies Are Just +1s To Us

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A little addendum to Blazblue CP Extend coming to Steam: Shini (an ASW developer) also hinted on the Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!! steam forum that there's something else coming before that.


The G2A thread has finally opened my eyes. You guys only have a bone to pick with G2A because they sell games for cheaper than your almighty Steam. You people are disgusting. There is obviously no difference between G2A and Amazon and about where the keys come from, why does it matter?!?!?!

I only discovered that Saint Seiya... wait fuck that name.
I only discovered that I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco was releasing on Steam too like 2 days ago. Seems quite fun.





strange, I can't access Paint it Back demo, can anybody else kindly try?
Maybe it's not up yet

That TP thing is a fan-made poster. Says right there on Twitter.

yeah, but I totally believed it's a real thing until I clicked, it was a glorious second, don't take that from people.


I am planning to watch since I started Life is Strange and my friends geeked out when the new series was announced. But I am scared.


This is supposed to be bad, right? I'm looking for some newish games to test the graphical capabilities of my new PC, and Ryse seems good enough for that. But, if it's not a good game, maybe it's not worth those $10.

I enjoyed it just fine and seems like many people do based on Steam reviews. It was a horrible full price launch title though, but for $10, it's not a bad game unless you are expecting something equal to or better than the best games in the genre.


strange, I can't access Paint it Back demo, can anybody else kindly try?
Maybe it's not up yet
It works for me. It's a decent enough Picross game, but it seems it doesn't record how long it took to finish a puzzle, which removes a lot of the replay value for me.


It works for me. It's a decent enough Picross game, but it seems it doesn't record how long it took to finish a puzzle, which removes a lot of the replay value for me.

demo works here

still doesn't work here...
Oh well

edited: dlling now, finally worked.

Real Talk : I've never watched Twin Peaks

watch it, at least the first season, trust me on this, I rewatched not long ago and it's still awesome, nothing like this was made after, not even close.


This is supposed to be bad, right? I'm looking for some newish games to test the graphical capabilities of my new PC, and Ryse seems good enough for that. But, if it's not a good game, maybe it's not worth those $10.
imo it's worth the 10 bucks. Certainly not a game I'd pay 60 bucks for but for <15$ you can't do wrong. Decent third-person brawler with nice graphics.


Unconfirmed Member
Played it on the Xbox One, its worth 10 bucks.
I enjoyed it just fine and seems like many people do based on Steam reviews. It was a horrible full price launch title though, but for $10, it's not a bad game unless you are expecting something equal to or better than the best games in the genre.
imo it's worth the 10 bucks. Certainly not a game I'd pay 60 bucks for but for <15$ you can't do wrong. Decent third-person brawler with nice graphics.
Thanks for the replies! I'll keep it in mind, though I haven't started Shadow of Mordor yet, and I seriously need to finish FF XIII one of these days, so it would be smart to wait for the Winter Seal.

Oh, I also need to beat MGS Portable Ops too (not on Steam, of course), which is the most boring game I've played in a long time. It makes me depressed just thinking about it, but I want to get it over with before jumping to MGS4 (already had everything spoiled, fuck me), PW and both V.


Yesss!!! Finally got the Spelunky achievement where I can't do any shortcuts or pick u treasures and stuff. The shortcut part was easy since I never try finding them, the treasure part was a pain.


Finally finished up Mad Max, put in 25 hours. It's a fun game, but as far as "surprise licensed game from WB," Mordor is superior. I know there were a lot of complaints about the combat in Mordor being too simple, but Mad Max combat makes that look finely nuanced. With the GMG discount, I certainly don't regret the purchase.
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