is ass creed not cool on gaf now? so much hate towards that new game before it's even out
Been like that for a while. High point was around 2 & Brohood where the series got some good rep around here (well from what I could tell during my lurking and early days). The shift started to happen around the time of Revelations where some were starting to voice their concerns with the series (OT was generally good response but you could sense some folks weren't too keen on it although iNvid02 did an awesome job on it). Now come ACIII is where the derision really started to show (even myself wasn't too happy with some of the finer points of the game) with lots of valid opinions and some outright crazy ones.
So the Black Flag OT was pretty much dead and at one point was me and about 9 other peeps just posting in their regularly. You could say this is due to it appearing on last gens consoles first by a month over the current crop and PC but even when those versions released chat didn't really pick up. Unity though got hyped to the hills being somewhat one of the first current gen only titles and putting 'Graphix!!!' front and centre seemed to draw a crowd (heh!) to the game. So when it ships a bit fucked and with some lingering performance issues on consoles the backlash was pretty sever.
Combine that with the Ubi-formula for open world design and the fact Ass Creed Style Game is used as a pagorative more often than not the series now has a bad rep by proxy for most of GAF. In my research of my Syndicate recommendation (oh yeah jshackles I'm bagsying that now ahead of time if you see this) the structure sounds very reminiscent of the first handful. You have a Big Bag to aim at and you have to whittle down their minions one by one before you can take them on. Plus there seems to be a bit of light heartiness about the cast with a rather fruitful smorgasbord of historical characters teased to appear somewhat (plus Alexander Graham Bell is the gadget man ala da Vinci) it could win back a few sceptical lapsed fans.Or the series could go out on a whimper and I'm left without my yearly dose of Alternative History Fantasy Batman Historical City romp