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STEAM | September 2015 - The Phantom Pre-Load or: AAA Movies Are Just +1s To Us

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Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh boy, listing~


To give a bit more insight briefly into my list...

01.) RPG Maker VX Ace - 2,369 hours:
I've made a few games in it, experimented with it, learned it. Honestly, some of that time is me being lazy and leaving it on overnight or leaving it open while I study into some things, though.

02.) Gmod - 250 hours
My friends love playing it too much and I usually end up being the one hosting servers.

03.) Killing Floor - 237 hours
My all-time favorite arena-shooter, though KF2 is shaping up to be even better. Modding scene made me get a lot of use out of it, and the higher player count (6-player normally, can easily mod in more).

04.) Left 4 Dead 2 - 196 hours
So many custom campaigns worth playing~ Also near everyone owns this game, so easy to set-up with friends and play.

05.) Resident Evil 6 - 149 hours
I actually like it! But I've played through the game a couple times on PC all the way through, various smaller parts of the campaign, plus have played Mercenaries quite a bit along with the multiplayer modes, so it adds up.

06.) Terraria - 92 hours
Friends like to play it, so I play sometimes when they ask. Games like Terraria and Minecraft drain me for some reason, though.

07.) Team Fortress 2 - 91 hours
I had an older account that played much more TF2, but got hacked since I was dumb back then. Have played a bit here and there, but not recently.

08.) Borderlands 2 - 66 hours
Played by myself all the way through, played the DLC with others, slowly over time making my way through it with a few friends.

09.) PayDay 2 - 64 hours
Heisting with friends, really. Haven't played it as much as some of my friends though, jeez...

10.) Resident Evil Revelations - 59 hours
I played my blind run on Infernal, so that took some time. But most of it is from Raid Mode, Ghost Ship and that mode can be addicting.

11.) Resident Evil Revelations 2 - 57 hours
Most of this is actually from the campaign, though a fair amount of Raid Mode. Played the campaign twice, quite enjoyed it.

12.) Resident Evil 5 - 48 hours
This was my most played 360 game, on the 360 I have something like 700 hours in RE5. Friends kept asking me to play with them when they got it, I always said yes, so I kind of know this game inside and out at this point. XD; Recently beat it again with Steamworks so I could have the extras unlocked for when friends want to play the DLC with me sometime.

13.) Evil Within - 45 hours
Believe it or not, that's mostly just normal play-time. I've only beaten TEW once, but the playthrough was close to 20 hours since I took my time with a lot of things. I played a bit on Akumu, pass Chapter 6. I got all the map fragments. The rest of the time is from the DLC, which all-together probably took me around 12-15 hours to beat all three pieces of DLC, taking my time of course.

14.) Deadly Premonition - 45 hours
Played and beat on the 360 and PS3 before, Steam version is the first time I did all the side-quests though, so that time is me playing the game and completing all the side-quests.

15.) Alan Wake - 45 hours
I have a strange fondness for this game and go back to play it all the way through every couple years. I've beaten it something like two times all the way through on 360, two times all the way through on PC, and I always take my time and explore in that game.


Less time than some, but as I said last night, I jump a lot between games. I play a lot of different games and don't spend usually -too- long in any single game.
Are you guys done doing shitty lists?
Oh, guess not.

Well, Celestian Tales Old North is 42% off on Humble for 9 hours, denegerates

denegerates, eh... not sure I know about those. ;)

As in the art style or just survival games? Because there are a lot of [better] survival games on steam.

FTFY, I'm sure.

Killing Floor 2 still crashes my computer when I use my tv so it doesn't seem like a monitor issue. Oh well.

Even at lower resolutions? That's a shame -- I wonder what could be doing it? I assume you haven't tried it on lower resolutions if possible?

Again -- are you preview branch or main branch? Maybe try switching to the other branch and see if it does anything for you?

Definitely report it if you can't figure it out.

I really wonder what could be causing it... unless it just can't handle your beefy gfx card.
980Ti has that weird 6gb vram, right? Not that it has anything to do with anything, most likely, just wondering if I remembered the spec right.


The amoeba level in Metro 2033 is straight-up offensive, especially on Ranger mode. It takes like all of my remaining ammo to destroy just a couple of spawners, and there's several dozen of them! Had to do the infinite ammo thing in order to get through (I could replay previous chapters, conserve ammo, etc, but meh). What makes it so bad is the fact that the dude you have to escort through the exploding amoeba corridor sure takes his fucking time.
As I said I used to be able to play the game so something has happened in the last month or so. Will continue to mess around with it, maybe one day I will be able to experience the glory of flex gore.

The amoeba section is flat out broken on Ranger Hardcore mode, took me around 3 hours as I had 4 bullets or something absurd. Think I ended up glitching my way around which distracted the amoebas away from the NPC? I just remember it was a shitshow.


i feel i should explain my list now.
speaks for itself.

Warframe...that was fun. i had played shortly after it entered beta, but stopped for a year. i started up again with the people i played Minecraft with. but i've since become estranged with them. but it was a very fun set of hours i played. it's a very different game now, though, still adjusting.

Starbound: i really enjoyed my time with Terraria, and i felt this was the next evolution of the formula. i got in at a time when it was fairly barebones in comparison, but i had so much fun. i would explore, find instruments, and play with Gaffers. i'm not sure how i got that many hours though. time truly flies

AoE2:HD: most of those uninflated hours are actually my brother's. he played it a lot during original release all those years ago. He got back into the swing making his own campaigns. he was ecstatic when i told him i had this.

Payday 2: i'd like to thank the Newegg AMD glitch for this. i spent most of my time playing with frost, khronico, The Dear Leader, and others. playing all those heists, and staying up late with corrosivefrost doing out damndest to try and do a certain heist flawlessly. those damn portraits and electronic devices. frost and i spent maybe 2 weeks attempting it. if i recall, we actually managed it once. it's been a while. overall, very fun. i should reinstall it soon.

Team Fortress 2: got this with the orange box in 2007, didn't play it until 2 or 3 years later. it was fun, played a lot of Medic, idles a lot of demo, then played Mann vs Machine. after that i stopped playing. maybe it just changed to much for me.

Civilization V: it goes without saying why this had as many hours as it did. haven't played it in a while, but boy was it fun. I found my ace by playing Polynesia. getting seafaring early helped so much. i felt like a god. I remember when we tried to do a Game Night here. it's a damn shame the netcode is kinda shitty.

Terraria: i guess we all know the draw of Terraria. 2d sidescrolling sandbox. drew me in hard for a while. everytime there is a big update i go back to it. i've never played Hard Mode though. maybe because of that, 1.3 didn't draw me back in as big as i expected. or maybe my tastes are changing.

KotOR2: I wish this were higher on my list. fantastic game. having play both KotOR games, i do prefer this one. it is much more engaging to me, and the TSLRCM mod really makes it the game it deserved to be, or at least close to it.


Any thoughts and questions?
i feel i should explain my list now.

Terraria: i guess we all know the draw of Terraria. 2d sidescrolling sandbox. drew me in hard for a while. everytime there is a big update i go back to it. i've never played Hard Mode though. maybe because of that, 1.3 didn't draw me back in as big as i expected. or maybe my tastes are changing.

Any thoughts and questions?

You never got to Hard Mode? Because it automatically kicks in once you beat one of the early bosses. I enjoyed it a lot but I have yet to beat Skeletron Prime. Fuck that guy...girl...skull thing.


You never got to Hard Mode? Because it automatically kicks in once you beat one of the early bosses. I enjoyed it a lot but I have yet to beat Skeletron Prime. Fuck that guy...girl...skull thing.

the Wall of flesh. no. i've never killed him. never got to it. spent a lot of time spelunking


MGS V is full of weird leering eye shit. Any time a woman is on screen the camera either lingers on her ass, crotch or breasts for at least a few seconds before moving onto the next body part. Really jarring in a game that wants to be taken seriously and it's a shame that so few people have called the game out on it.

haha, oh wait..you were serious

have you even played a MGS game before? This isn't the first game it's happened in.

This series is the exact opposite of "take me serious"


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I spent about 5 hours today sucked in to the new Diablo 3 Season / Update. So good.

Tomorrow I go back to my regular routine - back to work, and back to making updates to Enhanced Steam and/or Idle Master. It's been a slow recovery for me the past week, but (like always) gaming has done wonders to help me through the hard times in life.


MGS V is full of weird leering eye shit. Any time a woman is on screen the camera either lingers on her ass, crotch or breasts for at least a few seconds before moving onto the next body part. Really jarring in a game that wants to be taken seriously and it's a shame that so few people have called the game out on it.
It's okay, the first half a dozen people to point it out will get shouted down by angry basement nerds.
MGS V is full of weird leering eye shit. Any time a woman is on screen the camera either lingers on her ass, crotch or breasts for at least a few seconds before moving onto the next body part. Really jarring in a game that wants to be taken seriously and it's a shame that so few people have called the game out on it.

Having seen the early games, Metal Gear Solid has had that from the beginning. It's a really bizarre dichotomy with the rest of the game, trying so hard to be real and dramatic and serious. It's Kojima's trademark way of making games.

And the writing's always been terrible, I can confirm. It's like a high budget, polished SWERY (Deadly Premonition dude) game, basically, that somehow caught on to the masses. Only without the awesome, emotional stories.


Having seen the early games, Metal Gear Solid has had that from the beginning. It's a really bizarre dichotomy with the rest of the game, trying so hard to be real and dramatic and serious. It's Kojima's trademark way of making games.

And the writing's always been terrible, I can confirm. It's like a high budget, polished SWERY (Deadly Premonition dude) game, basically, that somehow caught on to the masses. Only without the awesome, emotional stories.

I dunno, MGS1 for it's time was pretty above and beyond most fare. At least on consoles at the time.
I actually was concerned about cheating in the PC version but dismissed those concerns because I figured with all the microtransactions they would have that locked down tight. Nope, and now hopefully no one spends a dime on that shit.

Yeah, just say goodbye to FOB and MGO on PC.
It's also recommended for everyone to go always offline to avoid their staff from being snatched by the invaders. The online feature of MGS V is such a mess. What a shame.
Yeah, just say goodbye to FOB and MGO on PC.
It's also recommended for everyone to go always offline to avoid their staff from being snatched by the invaders. The online feature of MGS V is such a mess. What a shame.

If you decline the EULA when starting you'll go straight into offline mode, FYI.
If you decline the EULA when starting you'll go straight into offline mode, FYI.

But I'll be missing my daily rewards.. :/

FOB is unlocked at
mission 21 or so
, right?
So from that point onwards, it's a must to go offline mode all the time to avoid the invaders.


Killing Floor 2 still crashes my computer when I use my tv so it doesn't seem like a monitor issue. Oh well.

I notice that KF2 will automatically select the highest resolution possible. I had to disable DSR in my nvidia control panel cause it was defaulting to the 4K down-sampling I do for other games.

If your TV supports a pretty high resolution this may be it. Though if it isn't a 4K TV I highly doubt it.
But I'll be missing my daily rewards.. :/

FOB is unlocked at
mission 21 or so
, right?
So from that point onwards, it's a must to go offline mode all the time to avoid the invaders.

It's right around there, yeah.

I lucked out and Konami's servers died just as I would've entered the FOB invasion tutorial.
I dunno, MGS1 for it's time was pretty above and beyond most fare. At least on consoles at the time.
For MGS1, I can't really disagree. The problem is that it's stayed exactly at that level for the entire run of the series.

The streets are getting darker.
The wind is picking up.
Leaves are blowing.
Ghouls and goblins are about.

That's right.

It's the first HP Wuvcraft Halloween Giveaway of the season, bitchnozzles.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 5 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (HP_Wuvcraft, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.


haha, oh wait..you were serious

have you even played a MGS game before? This isn't the first game it's happened in.

This series is the exact opposite of "take me serious"

MGS 5 takes itself very seriously(Rape, genocide, racism, and so on), and even if it didn't that's hardly an excuse. Large parts of the game's goofiness are toned down in comparison to previous titles yet one of the grosser aspects remains and honestly it's probably the worst it's been. There's literally a scene where the camera zooms into the bouncing breasts of a group of female soldiers before zooming back to their jiggling ass and lingering there for 5 seconds.

The justification for Quiet's sexy outfit for example is given actual, in-game lore that is almost offensively stupid. It's not self-aware.

I notice that KF2 will automatically select the highest resolution possible. I had to disable DSR in my nvidia control panel cause it was defaulting to the 4K down-sampling I do for other games.

If your TV supports a pretty high resolution this may be it. Though if it isn't a 4K TV I highly doubt it.
I do have a 4K tv but my primary monitor is my 1440P gsync monitor. Maybe it is loading at 16 K or some nonsense though.
i feel i should explain my list now.

Payday 2: i'd like to thank the Newegg AMD glitch for this. i spent most of my time playing with frost, khronico, The Dear Leader, and others. playing all those heists, and staying up late with corrosivefrost doing out damndest to try and do a certain heist flawlessly. those damn portraits and electronic devices. frost and i spent maybe 2 weeks attempting it. if i recall, we actually managed it once. it's been a while. overall, very fun. i should reinstall it soon.


Any thoughts and questions?

I became the motherfucking definition of ninja for awhile there.


The streets are getting darker.
The wind is picking up.
Leaves are blowing.
Ghouls and goblins are about.

That's right.

It's the first HP Wuvcraft Halloween Giveaway of the season, bitchnozzles.

Thanks but I think I got the most useless thing imaginable for me personally. A DLC skin for a character class I didn't play in a game I hate. Would be rude to not raffle it off again, I'll do it tomorrow.
please don't break the bank

Unemployed (my contract boss is not throwing me any work even though he expects me to work, Halloween probably won't hire me until October if I'm not hired yet), my co-workers are in town because we need to submit/publish Army of Tentacles final copy by the end of the month....

Yeah, there's no danger of that happening.

look at the shit i miss when i go and play video games

Technically, Half-Life is also a game about our fear of the dick. Read Raising the Bar. It's fascinating.


Them Fighting Herds looks like it's going to shape up to be a nice fighting game. It's definitely going to get funded, and from what I heard of the builds, the team knows what they are doing. The devs being able to use the Skullgirls engine is some great stuff. Crowd funding starts on September 21st and i'm pretty sure Steam is one of the goals. INB4 this gets misconstrued and the thread is side tracked about MLP and Bronies.

Gameplay Teaser:


Unemployed (my contract boss is not throwing me any work even though he expects me to work, Halloween probably won't hire me until October if I'm not hired yet), my co-workers are in town because we need to submit/publish Army of Tentacles final copy by the end of the month....

Yeah, there's no danger of that happening.
very well, carry on
Them Fighting Herds looks like it's going to shape up to be a nice fighting game. It's definitely going to get funded, and from what I heard of the builds, the team knows what they are doing. The devs being able to use the Skullgirls engine is some great stuff. Crowd funding starts on September 21st and i'm pretty sure Steam is one of the goals. INB4 this gets misconstrued and the thread is side tracked about MLP and Bronies.

Gameplay Teaser:

i still remember the original concept. so weird, but intriguing. i wish this project luck
Thanks but I think I got the most useless thing imaginable for me personally. A DLC skin for a character class I didn't play in a game I hate. Would be rude to not raffle it off again, I'll do it tomorrow.

Be my guest. If you don't want it, it's not gonna offend me.

Them Fighting Herds looks like it's going to shape up to be a nice fighting game. It's definitely going to get funded, and from what I heard of the builds, the team knows what they are doing. The devs being able to use the Skullgirls engine is some great stuff. Crowd funding starts on September 21st and i'm pretty sure Steam is one of the goals. INB4 this gets misconstrued and the thread is side tracked about MLP and Bronies.

Gameplay Teaser:

.... this isn't the official unofficial MLP fighting game, is it?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Them Fighting Herds looks like it's going to shape up to be a nice fighting game. It's definitely going to get funded, and from what I heard of the builds, the team knows what they are doing. The devs being able to use the Skullgirls engine is some great stuff. Crowd funding starts on September 21st and i'm pretty sure Steam is one of the goals. INB4 this gets misconstrued and the thread is side tracked about MLP and Bronies.

Gameplay Teaser:

It's still using a very similar art style to the show, so we'll have to see how it goes for them.

I'm not particularly interested personally.
Nearing final levels in Taiwan at Alpha Protocol. Assembled a ragtag team of misfits and gonna finish the Hotel mission tomorrow. Stealth is so far pretty enjoyable.

Here is my top 20. I'm sure some may cause a WTF reaction.
Marvel Heroes. Did you pay or just played the free portion of it for hundreds of hours?


For you.
Them Fighting Herds looks like it's going to shape up to be a nice fighting game. It's definitely going to get funded, and from what I heard of the builds, the team knows what they are doing. The devs being able to use the Skullgirls engine is some great stuff. Crowd funding starts on September 21st and i'm pretty sure Steam is one of the goals. INB4 this gets misconstrued and the thread is side tracked about MLP and Bronies.

Gameplay Teaser:

Niceee. Skullgirls engine (assuming that means the wonderful netcode as well) make me an instant backer. I thought Fighting is Magic was really cool (and I don't give a shit about the MLP franchise in any capacity). This looks even better.

edit: Yep, it uses GGPO. Will back.
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