They have the gall to charge $5 for some cross promotional crap? Every other game that has added Chivalry stuff has done it for free just for owning Chivalry.
Magic in Demon's Souls is unbalanced. You can easily cheese your way through most of the goons. Tower Knight becomes really easy as well.I didn't really mean "suck" in terms of balance, ore in terms of being fun to play.
I noticed. Your rather large deposit of screenshots is actually one of the main reasons why I started playing. And man, i'm glad I did.ain't that the truth
steam is now plain refusing to accept my screenshots
i have a really good one of glitched triss with her head caught on fire that i want to upload
I'm feeling stupid playing MGSV, I'm on mission 9-10 and I have developed only 1 new weapon, I don't have enough levels to research other stuff, I guess I'm doing something wrong
Burning my MGS4 copy alive was a great liberating feeling![]()
MGS4 is over ... finally ...i can drop the controller
Fulton the shit out of everybody. You see a tought soldier? Fulton him. You see someone who holds a gun? You see someone who breaths? Fulton him! You see someone who walks on four legs and tries to bite you in the neck? Fulton him!I'm feeling stupid playing MGSV, I'm on mission 9-10 and I have developed only 1 new weapon, I don't have enough levels to research other stuff, I guess I'm doing something wrong
Magic in Demon's Souls is unbalanced. You can easily cheese your way through most of the goons. Tower Knight becomes really easy as well.
And that's...fine. I still prefer sword & shields, especially shields, but in a game this challenging a hidden way too make some things a bit easier can be welcome.
But your right, the main issue with magic in Demon's Souls is that it's boring. I don't know why, but it's just...uninteresting. Wonder why.
I didn't like it in the other Souls games either, but it was at it's worst in Demon's Souls.
I really enjoyed Miracles and in later games Pyromancy, though.
I did. Only for 30 hours or so, not the hundreds I put into the Dark SOuls games, but I did.
Frankly, magic sucked in Demon's compared to Dark 1/2.
i kind of feel like magic has always sucked in all the souls games (duno about bloodborne, haven't played that or know if it has magic)
like, some stuff is fine but you have like a billion versions of the same spell and lots of way to deal dmg without it feeling markedly different? like u have a nova attack, magic missile, homing thing, but nothing feels super distinct or special
some spells are really cool tho, i really like force and power within and iron flesh as things that change gameplay quite a bit
Magic in Demon's Souls is unbalanced. You can easily cheese your way through most of the goons. Tower Knight becomes really easy as well.
And that's...fine. I still prefer sword & shields, especially shields, but in a game this challenging a hidden way too make some things a bit easier can be welcome.
But your right, the main issue with magic in Demon's Souls is that it's boring. I don't know why, but it's just...uninteresting. Wonder why.
I didn't like it in the other Souls games either, but it was at it's worst in Demon's Souls.
I really enjoyed Miracles and in later games Pyromancy, though.
I noticed. Your rather large deposit of screenshots is actually one of the main reasons why I started playing. And man, i'm glad I did.
I haven't seen any glitches yet, beside some dancing decipated legs. A shame, really.
Fulton the shit out of everybody. You see a tought soldier? Fulton him. You see someone who holds a gun? You see someone who breaths? Fulton him! You see someone who walks on four legs and tries to bite you in the neck? Fulton him!
They have the gall to charge $5 for some cross promotional crap? Every other game that has added Chivalry stuff has done it for free just for owning Chivalry.
u tell meMagic items. Do those count? :V
i guess there's a bit to be said for that, but actually i'd put it more on the player than the game. like, if u only play with ur shield up and a ton of armor or just pew pew with magic it's probably not gonna be that interesting but start coming up with new stuff and changing weapons and builds and it's just super rewarding to try new stuff out and see it work somehowI feel like combat in souls games sucks
Or well, it's not that it sucks, I just don't find it all that fun. I still respect the hell out of the games, and still play them because I love the world building, the architecture, the armour designs, etcetera.
I mean, I do find it fun every now and then, but it tends to kind of exhaust me after a little while.
I noticed. Your rather large deposit of screenshots is actually one of the main reasons why I started playing. And man, i'm glad I did.
I haven't seen any glitches yet, beside some dancing decipated legs. A shame, really.
They have the gall to charge $5 for some cross promotional crap? Every other game that has added Chivalry stuff has done it for free just for owning Chivalry.
Well, in those cases it was just skins, no? If I understand correctly this includes an entirely new heist that is Chivalry-themed.
MGS4 is over ... finally ...i can drop the controller
MGS4 is over ... finally ...i can drop the controller
What's the GAF consensus regarding Apotheon? It's currently 3,49 on the Humble Store and the visual art looks absolutely gorgeous. Based on that alone, I'd think it's worth the money. But I'm hoping it actually plays as well as it looks.
Played the demo for that Picross game - it's pretty great, working just fine with a controller.
Not sure how larger frame sizes are handled, but I'm sure as hell getting it day one.
The number of puzzles available, 150, seems a tad low. Workshop support or puzzle importer would be amazing. Imagine having all of Nintendo's puzzles on Steam.
Gods, I think I'll get in touch with the dev if he has plans on making a colorcross game as well. That would be simply amazing. Total sploosh.
Well it's a mobile port but at least it was ported well. Picross DS is among my favorite games so I'll look into this for sure.
Will steam gaf finally get new monitors when my phone is 4X the resolution(or more) of what you game on?
MGS4 is over ... finally ...i can drop the controller
Arthea Alert!!!
Will steam gaf finally get new monitors when my phone is 4X the resolution(or more) of what you game on?
A Picross game on Steam? Where do I sign?Played the demo for that Picross game - it's pretty great, working just fine with a controller.
Not sure how larger frame sizes are handled, but I'm sure as hell getting it day one.
The number of puzzles available, 150, seems a tad low. Workshop support or puzzle importer would be amazing. Imagine having all of Nintendo's puzzles on Steam.
Gods, I think I'll get in touch with the dev if he has plans on making a colorcross game as well. That would be simply amazing. Total sploosh.
They are on Steam.Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits just came up on the radio I'm listening to and I've felt the urge to play the first Brothers in Arms game but it turns out it's not available on any of the digital stores (nor is the second one). Any ideas why?
Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits just came up on the radio I'm listening to and I've felt the urge to play the first Brothers in Arms game but it turns out it's not available on any of the digital stores (nor is the second one). Any ideas why?
Damn, I live in Germany now, maybe that's why I don't see them. Argh, I'll get them next time I'm home.
Yeah, it came out after I kind of stopped playing console games. Definitely seems like something I'd enjoy, though.So much praise for Dragon's Dogma a few pages back. Looks like I'll have to get it eventually.
Anybody want to be my steam friend? I have nobody![]()
Anybody want to be my steam friend? I have nobody![]()
Well, yeah. Ofcourse. "Fun", "boring" and other terms like that alway's are. But I don't have to make that clear in every post, do I?"Boring" is subjective, you realize?
And yes, cheesing things was kind of awesome - as I said above, nothing quite as funny as taking out Old King Allant using clouds of poison mist.
I'll be your buddy, guy.
Did you like it?
I should replay Demon's one day, still my favorite.
Went with magic for my first run and had 10 times more fun with a physical build on my subsequent runs. Also felt that overall it was easier that way. Same with Dark, actually.
It could really use a nice bump to 1080/60 but unfortunately that'll only happen on the PS4.
I'll still double dip if it happens though. I really loved DS1 but your first is always your favorite
Does anyone have Gsync monitor? I just set mine up and I'm not seeing gsync as an option in the vertical sync menu. Did they change the way this works?