afternoon delight
Steam music is a great feature for people like me who try to score good soundtracks. Three CDs of Aperture Testing muzak? swoooon
Oh my, 25mins? I will devour this laterWell I've broke my further MGS V blackout due to Tizoc posting some gifs in here earlier and all I can say is it needs to be out right now! Sod Shadow of Mordor, forget about The Evil Within all I want right now is The Pantom Pain.
And so you can giggle like an over exuberant child like me here's the vid Veggie.
It's towards the end of the video but its a 25min~ playthrough showing off various bits and bobs.
I couldn't break my gameplay blackout if I tried. Trailers and gifs are one thing. But gameplay demos I lose all interest in after 2 minutes no matter how cool the mechanics. Since the first thing I think of is "why am I watching someone else play?"
Steam music is a great feature for people like me who try to score good soundtracks. Three CDs of Aperture Testing muzak? swoooon
This will probably happen when Wolfenstein plays right on AMD.
Oh my, 25mins? I will devour this later
Thanks a bunch, you're the only Doc I don't dread hearing from![]()
What the... I just wanted to dl the 25min MGS video Doc posted through a Firefox addon and watch it on TV. But when I copy the youtube-link and paste it in, I get this
Anyone who wants a 90% OFF coupon for Electronic Super Joy: Groove City ?
Gotta love the thread title.
and today is 28 years ago he died.
Cliffy <3
Keep riding that lightning dude
Is this applicable to the soundtrack? I'll get it if it is.
i5 @3.4ghz, 760 2GB, 8GB RAM
Is this applicable to the soundtrack? I'll get it if it is.
Can't seem to find the Computer thread, I hope this doesn't bother anybody.
Since my 970 is arriving soon, I want to OC my 2600K. Is there a good guide for it? I googled a few but the info conflicts sometimes.
Don't expect 60fps or 30 with max details but it should be playable. About not liking old DR, well, it's DR in a city.
Hey, me too... except mine was only 4 months old. I saw several nVidia users report 60fps on high with a 560. I don't get that with twice the card.Is there supposed to be problems? I was surprised on how well it worked on my 4 year old HD6870 (~40fps on medium).
Perfect, it even has my MB instructions. Time to dive in. It's rather in-depth, but if you have a motherboard that offers overclocking presets I'd just start at the lowest and work your way up once you've confirmed stability under load. In my case I had to stick with ASRock's 4.6GHz preset as a manual overclock wouldn't take, even when using the exact same settings as the preset itself, and 4.8GHz proved too lofty a goal.
All of this DR3 talk makes me desperately want DR1 on Steam.
That game was just pure fun. I can see how it would be polarizing due to the way it is set up. In a way, the game is designed so you lose and start over.
People who have woke me up with steam chat
I need to learn to turn off my volume.
It's always funny though. Chariot still wins out though "who are you" was all he said.
Hey hugs imy<3lol you got your very own Steam Alarm Clock
LOL Steam.That pre-order incentive
That pre-order incentive
LOL Steam.
Metro 2033 Redux is cheaper in my country's store than the original version for some reason (629.95 vs 999.95php ~ 14.03 vs 22.26 usd). Why would I go for the older version when I can get the newest one?
I'm not seeing that on my (US) store, might be a region store glitch.
status Unavailable (2)
Yea me neither. I am seeing a $40 price though. That's a lotI'm not seeing that on my (US) store, might be a region store glitch.
Yea me neither. I am seeing a $40 price though. That's a lotonly ppl like jasec would but it.
You're not supposed to, it's a glitch.
Yeah, I've also experienced that. I was so sure that I'm the only one using the internet and yet the whole client update took around 2 hours to finish.have the steam auto updates been taking forever for a lot of people since the UI update ?
Sure have. Also, some games won't auto update. The game is highlighted yellow, but I have no manually update it.have the steam auto updates been taking forever for a lot of people since the UI update ?
Sure have. Also, some games won't auto update. The game is highlighted yellow, but I have no manually update it.
Sure have. Also, some games won't auto update. The game is highlighted yellow, but I have no manually update it.
Yeah, I've also experienced that. I was so sure that I'm the only one using the internet and yet the whole client update took around 2 hours to finish.
Y'all need to put Team Indie on your wishlists.
Is that the dlc that people have been waiting for? I recall there was a dlc that was part of the season pass but hasn't been mention or released yetSo I just fired up a PC with Watch Dogs still installed on it and noticed I got a 3.4gb updat. 'What on earth is this all about?' was the first thought that crossed my mind. Turns out it's the T-Bone DLC that Ubisoft has done an awful job of marketing for anything other than Sony. Oh well time to dive back in I guess.
Rise of the Samurai is an entire new campaign with different units/buildings/techs/factions. Get that at the very least.
The clan packs are decent, they have pretty interesting playstyles.
The unit packs are alright but most of them are late game units so they're mostly good for MP or if you really want to work to getting them in the later parts of the campaign.
What dat fuck
Dem 80s nanomachines, gurl.
It could be that Sekai Project might work together with Eushully:
They usually release Hentai-games, but they could make an All-Ages version. Surprisingly the games are also really good.
Ikusa Megami Verita, Kamidory Alchemy Meister, Soukoku no Arterial, Madoka Koukaku, Tenbin no La DEA.
Would be nice to see some of their games on Steam.
So I just fired up a PC with Watch Dogs still installed on it and noticed I got a 3.4gb updat. 'What on earth is this all about?' was the first thought that crossed my mind. Turns out it's the T-Bone DLC that Ubisoft has done an awful job of marketing for anything other than Sony. Oh well time to dive back in I guess.
Is that the dlc that people have been waiting for? I recall there was a dlc that was part of the season pass but hasn't been mention or released yet
Y'all need to put Team Indie on your wishlists.
I really hope that the statement is more than just wishful thinking on Sekai Project's part. Some of those games are pretty good.
When I check the DLC tab for Watch Dogs in the library I have Bad Blood, the T-Bone campaign added to my list but not installed so this is more than likely it. I thought it was launching on the 30th and a week early for Playstation folk but looking at the community hub sounds like some are playing it already. When it's done downloading I'll let you guys and gals know (not that too many care about Watch a Dogs now).
This seems to be a recurring trend lately, and not just with Ubi. I noticed it with Destiny, too. Everything seemed to be promoting the PS4 version over the others.