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STEAM | September II 2014 - Ride the Lightning

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You can't put the games in any order, it's random.

Apparently it's chronological. Now that I'm filling my curator page, the "featured" game is always the last I added.
and this is one of the things I'm hating more about the whole system
You still can't hide games you have purchased right?

But I thought I'd join the fun. Most of the curated lists are pretty random and in my opinion missing the point. Even the NeoGAF one has games like Tabletop simulator alongside Metal Gear Rising. Personally I don't see the connection.

Here is a real list of associated games:


Jeez, I own and enjoy a good majority of titles on that list.
I never realised how boring I was ;-;


The curator pages are truly awful. I thought they were going for little mini-hubs, where the curator could post lengthier reviews than a one-sentence comment, have a collage of featured games, post screenshots, link to insightful reviews by other users and so on. All we get is one featured game and an alphabetized list with some rudimentary filtering? TotalBiscuit's store is even more useless than the regular store, he has 10+ pages of games to slog through!

Apparently it's chronological. Now that I'm filling my curator page, the "featured" game is always the last I added.
and this is one of the things I'm hating more about the whole system
Hah, that's even worse! Absurd how half-assed this is.


Being the number 1 curated store with links to all his videos. Not to mention the potential to make deals with developers to get on his list.

That would be the initial suggestion.

Oh I thought Steam curators get paid or something since you said it's another source of revenue. If TB was going to take money to feature games I think he would have done that already (or has done that already). His videos are quite popular.

I'm liking this Steam curators thing. Not perfect obviously but it's a very good start.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
This was posted on another forum that I occasionally visit (see message #7):


If there are any other Aussies with an unplayable game, mention the ACCC lawsuit and see how you go.


Huh, okay. It still feels pretty slow.

It's still a fairly outdated version of Chromium... Much better than what they were using before, which was a version of CEF that had support dropped like a year ago, kinda shit it took them a year to update considering all the security issues it could have caused.

CEF 3.1916.1692
Chromium 35.0.1916.86
WebKit 537.36
Flash 15,0,0,152


If there are any other Aussies with an unplayable game, mention the ACCC lawsuit and see how you go.
Woah, Australia has a consumer agency that actually works and has power? I guess it's not all apocalyptic down there. I mean, we have laws in Sweden that are pretty good but the agency can't do shit about shit.

Dr Dogg

Yup. My site is not professional, but I'm using the curator feature exactly this way.
Moreso because the actual limit for recommendation writeups in the curator page is so small that I almost have space to write just "10/10 GOAT".

But yeah, I thought it could have been better, more interesting, maybe even monetized. But this way, eh, I'll use it mostly like an additional RSS feed for my site. :(

If it was a simple case of create a Curator page, add 1 or more members to curate, link to reviews in their profile and keep everything on site/in Steam then it would be rosey. Maybe even have some options that you can follow only certain curators in that group or have an option to only see recommendation from those you have chosen to follow I'd be a bit more enthusiastic towards it. As it stands right now that for some it's not about curation but about profiteering, whether that's by financial means or just raising ones profile or standing.

Every Steam related stuff Valve have been doing for while now have been sloppy, half-assed at best.

Regards to the Store and communication for sure but on the engineering side of things Big Picture Mode and In Home Streaming worked great of the bat and have only got better. To be honest I don't know what I expected of Valve with the new store update. I'd be willing to bet that someone like Amazon employs more people in charge of UX than Valve does as an entire company.

With this new curator system, how much of a possibility is there that publishers pay to have the number one spot on a curators store? It seems like it could be easy exploited.

It seems easy to manipulate in that regard for sure. I mean it's not like they will also post pictures of said curator and publisher exchanging briefcases of cash in a darkened car park. While I'm sure most of us would expect those who critique for a living to have some standards and ethics towards paid promotion (although there's always a raft of people thinking they are all on the take) who's to say a commentator on sites like YouTube isn't easily corruptible.
If there are any other Aussies with an unplayable game, mention the ACCC lawsuit and see how you go.


Still feels like ringing up a Mafia boss and telling him to back off and let you hit on his girlfriend.

Seems risky.

Oh I thought Steam curators get paid or something since you said it's another source of revenue. If TB was going to take money to feature games I think he would have done that already (or has done that already). His videos are quite popular.

I'm just not sure how much value it adds? As Dr Dogg mentioned above, it is all about the profile for the moment. TB has obviously just got somebody to list every game he has a video for, heck he even "recommends" Thief.
Because the high end will be abused, this means it would only be useful on a very small scale perhaps to a friend. But you could already just communicate with that small group so... I'm not sure what you are going to get by ever looking at it.


I wish companies would stop changing stuff that really doesn't need changed. Maybe some things could have been added or changed a bit but some of the things are useless junk now. They even have overall user reviews generalised on game store pages. I don't put any value at all in that sort of crap. People shit on games by the masses all the time and especially on Steam, everyone seems to think they're a comedian.


I'm just not sure how much value it adds? As Dr Dogg mentioned above, it is all about the profile for the moment. TB has obviously just got somebody to list every game he has a video for, heck he even "recommends" Thief.
Because the high end will be abused, this means it would only be useful on a very small scale perhaps to a friend. But you could already just communicate with that small group so... I'm not sure what you are going to get by ever looking at it.

So when I go to Thief's page it says:

"People are going to hate me for this one but I still enjoyed Thief and appreciated the gloomy, detailed aesthetic. Probably not for fans of the series"
Read the full review here.

That would be what TB has to say and it appears because I'm following him. What can I say? I think that's useful information. Sounds like he actually liked Thief to an extent. Do you have a example of him recommending a game he states he disliked? Steam Curators feature is great when you discover a game and you can quickly see what people whom opinion you respect have to say about it right on the game's page. Because most games on Steam say nothing to me. So I think you are complaining about Steam Curators because it's not something you wanted it to be.
I haven't checked any Curator pages yet, but my biggest gripe right now is not being able to tell Steam that those tags they're recommending me are horseshit. I insta-skip almost 99% of any MMO, Multiplayer-focused and Strategy games, I wish they didn't show up at all :/


If it was a simple case of create a Curator page, add 1 or more members to curate, link to reviews in their profile and keep everything on site/in Steam then it would be rosey. Maybe even have some options that you can follow only certain curators in that group or have an option to only see recommendation from those you have chosen to follow I'd be a bit more enthusiastic towards it. As it stands right now that for some it's not about curation but about profiteering, whether that's by financial means or just raising ones profile or standing.

I dunno, I'm basically recommending every single game my site positively reviewed, just so the occasional reader browsing games on Steam could sumble upon our link, thinking "Oh look, Copons' site talked about this game!", hoping that either he buys a good game or he clicks through to our site.

But for now, eh, I dunno. I was eagerly waiting for this feature, but I'm kinda sad about how much it's half assed.
If only they allowed longer recommendations (152 characters FFS) and a way to order games (aka "CURATE" :D )...


Not sure if this was posted:

But what does this new storefront mean for developers? Valve is providing a new analytics toolset alongside this new functionality, and Kroll says devs should benefit from having their games shown off to the most relevant customers.

"This is really about improving discoverability for customers as the number of games available on Steam continues to grow at a very rapid rate."

"In terms of the analytics, the goal is to provide developers with insight about just how many potential customers their game is being exposed to and where," he explains.

"In addition to showing developers the ways that customers are finding their product within Steam, the analytics also include information about external sources of traffic, which will help track external marketing efforts. We have done a lot of testing on this new system and the analytics to make sure it produces a higher number of impressions for games, and a more relevant service for showing those impressions. Like everything else we do, wider scale testing will teach us a lot and may inspire a few tweaks along the way."

Source: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/226143/Steam_Discovery_The_curation_tools_weve_been_yearning_for_are_finally_here.php
Do you have a example of him recommending a game he states he disliked?

Well that is part of the problem:

Don't Starve: "It's honestly not my cup of tea" - So why is it recommended?
Jazzpunk: "I'm not sure whether to actually recommend this" - recommended
Blacklight Retribution: "It was at the time a really solid sci-fi multiplayer shooter. As it stands the business model leaves something to be desired. Try before you buy in." - Not exactly glowing.

Now that still seems reasonably useful information (if you base your purchasing decisions on two lines) but it isn't exactly a recommendation is it? Further, if somebody dominates curation, as TB currently is, you could see how there is a great motivation for the Blacklight Retribution publisher to "get that adjusted" before it appears for all the followers on the store page.

I see the system as a start, but it needs some large tweaks to be useful. Will Valve let TB say "this game is shit?" as a category though? I think not.


Using the discovery queue I got to a game that's unavailable in my country and now I can't use discovery view because it just keeps going to the 'oops' page.
edit: fixed it somehow


Well that is part of the problem:

Blacklight Retribution: "It was at the time a really solid sci-fi multiplayer shooter. As it stands the business model leaves something to be desired. Try before you buy in."

Now that seems reasonably useful information (if you base your purchasing decisions on two lines) but it isn't exactly a recommendation is it? Further, if somebody dominates curation, as TB currently is, you could see how there is a great motivation for the Blacklight Retribution publisher to "get that adjusted".

TB's Blacklight Retributioon video has over 600k views. He has 1,8 million YouTube subscribers. The motivation is already there. This changes nothing.

You can attach a link (in TB's case his 40 minutes long video) to those two lines. So yeah I guess someone could probably decide "hey maybe I should give this F2P game a shot based on these two lines of text" but I guess most people would want to see at least part of the video attached going into detail.
Preemptively went through and Noped everything that Ubi has had their sleazy hands on. Hope the system actually works and I hardly see any of that garbage.

And while I was going through, Cloud To Butt did something amazing...


best Trails achievement get!

In other news, a new store is OK I guess, could have been worse

Oh man, you're slipping.
I'm personally preparing to score this one as soon as I get back from work:

Maybe even finish the game, if the final dungeon isn't a colossal affair... :)
"No" to the latter. I'm not following it.

I followed it, got four visual novels as suggestions, went through the four screens to get to the unfollow link and clicked it.

You can attach a link (in TB's case his 40 minutes long video) to those two lines. So yeah I guess someone could probably decide "hey maybe I should give this F2P game a shot based on these two lines of text" but I guess most people would want to see at least part of the video attached going into detail.

That is the point, it is pretty much just another way to get youtube hits for the big players.

why are Doto and Warframe is in my queue again? (><)
the queue makes no sense that I can see

They got even more popular in the last hour!


I just... like to read, okay?
Well, at least you haven't called me insane yet, as zkylon did (seriously, NPC chat in this game is great, so I say, why not try to read it all?).

exactly! most of the time in this game I read, everything, idle chat (love that, love how every NPC is a person, not some generic NPC #n), important talk, books, newspapers, manuals, you name it. (><)

Did you tell it you're 'not interested'?

I'm not exactly not interested, I just have no time for all I'm interested in!

I was thinking about creating an AssCreed group. :p

do it, you could curate uplay games on steam, I can see that being your true calling
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