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STEAM | September II 2014 - Ride the Lightning

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Huh, not even a steam option to change the language ?

nope. its a Warner problem, the Batman games were the same, it defaults to your local language, but those you could change it in the .ini, Gauntlet aparently you cant

Li Kao

Another feature working again:

Stealth brag of my Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta level 5 badge

I assume you are already aware of this but adding a custom amount to my wallet with enhanced steam didn't work earlier today. Tried to add 9 and saw 5 being effectively billed. Then again it could be an error on my part.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
lol nice. Has anyone actually played this game just to see how shitty shit can get?

I have, and I found it surprisingly not-shitty in a B-movie kind of way.

I assume you are already aware of this but adding a custom amount to my wallet with enhanced steam didn't work earlier today. Tried to add 9 and saw 5 being effectively billed. Then again it could be an error on my part.

Yep, I've got that fixed in the dev build and it'll be fixed in the next release.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I JUST noticed the new store has shack's "you own this game or you have this game in your wishlist" style information for every game now


Well then what should it say?

Edit: For clarity, there is a 152 character limit.

Maybe something like "You can do almost anything in this RPG, and the combat is superlative." 82 characters left over. The curation page only shows the game name/icon and the curation text, so if someone doesn't know what the game is and the text doesn't tell them, it's just an in-joke.

The one for Critter Crunch is kinda the same. ""KAWAII AF! Also really fun, and cheap!""? "Kawaii?" thinks the uninformed user, "must be some anime platformer or something."
damn man I FINALLY have some free time from work and I don't even know what I want to play... hmmm... I guess I'll keep playing state of decay, if not I'll get back on xenoblade chronicles on dolphin.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Maybe something like "You can do almost anything in this RPG, and the combat is superlative." 82 characters left over. The curation page only shows the game name/icon and the curation text, so if someone doesn't know what the game is and the text doesn't tell them, it's just an in-joke.

The one for Critter Crunch is kinda the same. ""KAWAII AF! Also really fun, and cheap!""? "Kawaii?" thinks the uninformed user, "must be some anime platformer or something."

If they can't be arsed to click on the games recommended because of their own ignorant assumptions then they don't deserve the experiences to be found. You must believe the Neogaf. Believe.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
jshackles, what are your overall thoughts on this update so far?

I think it's pretty good but I wish that the content curators portion of the update was less "in your face", especially in regards to content curators that you don't follow or that don't even write reviews in your language. In my opinion, they should have made this sort of thing optional, and only show recommendations from content curators on app pages from curators that you actually follow.

I'm very happy that Valve saw value in adding quite a few of Enhanced Steam's features, because this means that more people have access to them (only about 1 out of every 60ish Steam users use Enhanced Steam).

One thing I'm excited about is it seems that each section of the store that I've looked at so far has (more or less) been properly classed and IDed by Valve. This means it'll be much easier to let users decide (using a yet-to-be-developed feature) which content they'd like to see and/or what order they'd like to see it in. This will apply to the home page as well as app pages and possibly others.

And then there's the fact that it broke a lot of Enhanced Steam's functionality... But that sort of stuff can be fixed fairly easily.

Overall I think it's good but I imagine Valve isn't done tweaking the new store rollout's features just yet.
No offense, but Jim Sterling or TotalBiscuit's thoughts mean nothing to me, especially when their thoughts are summarized into short blurbs that are, essentially, "I liked this one". Going into a forum gives a very good sense of many people's thoughts on a game. I can see if it's buggy, if it's unfinished, and so on. I can read threads with back and forth, pros and cons from different people.


Have you READ this thread?

Game goes on sale.
People wander in.
Is game worth $x.xx?
Random replies: yes, no, maybe, whatever
Repeat ad nauseum.

You clearly don't belong here, ser.

Progress is being made!


I've got a list of about 15 things like this that still need fixed up today before I can release a new update.

Someone buy this man a beer. A beer made of high-fives and bro-fists.

Yeah, so I'm a bit tired and this all sort of blended together for me. I got excited, and was about to change my name to Thrillhouse.

I laughed. :D

Gamefly EGX sale
15% off codes SEP15OFF / UKSEP15OFF
  • Batman Oranges 66% off
  • Foul Play 75% off
  • LEGO Marvel 66% off
  • Rocksmith 2014 50% off
  • Cloudbuilt 75% off
  • Velocity Ultra 85% off
  • Injustice 66% off
  • QUBE DC 75% off
  • Teslagrad 35% off

Dammit. I need the OLD Rocksmith to go on sale.

Humble PC and Android 11 bundle
TIER 1: 1$
  • Thomas was alone
  • Bridge constructor playground
  • cubemen
  • cubemen 2
  • Small World 2 + DLC
  • Blackwell 1
  • Blackwell 2
  • Blackwell 3
TIER 3: 11$
  • Surgeon Simulator
  • Anomaly Defenders

So here we go, my impressions on Outland so far.

Game runs very well so far (I would be shocked if it didn't) using GeDoSaTo to downsample from 4K on my i5 4570 / 7870 GHz. Settings are very minimalistic, except for resolution, screen mode and Vsync there are no graphical settings. It supported my Xbox One controller out of the box but you can also play with keyboard if you want to. However, you can't rebind keys and have to choose between two pre-defined control schemes which aren't all too different. What's a bit annoying is that no matter which input method you choose, the game displays prompts for both, KB and controller which can be irritating at times and just looks sloppy in general.

Gameplay-wise the hour I've put into the game turned out to be a quite challenging 2D platformer. You can take three hits at the beginning of the game (but are able to spend coins to upgrade your health at various points) before you respawn at the last checkpoint and can refill your health bar by finding heart-items. Proceeding through the first levels your character will learn how to perform different moves which will enable you to reach previously unattainable locations. I also experienced one level which enabled me to switch between "Balance" and "Chaos" mode - resembled by light blue and deep red - which in return enable you to use platforms and make you invincible to traps and enemies of the same color. Reminded me of Giana Sisters.

Sadly the game clearly shows that it was previously a PS360-console-exclusive. While the overall art and color direction is great, low resolution assets can be spotted easily (especially background textures). Downsampling from 4K helped to gloss over this a bit. Music is not outstanding to me so far but I really enjoy the complete package of Outland up to this point.

Some more 4K screenshots: http://min.us/mMw0GFIjF1zz1

bold makes you sound like a 4k gaming snob. :p

Outland is a solid metroidvania type platformer with an Ikaruga type light/dark polarity mechanic. I had fun with it for the most part (though I think the last boss had me raging a little) and would recommend it to anyone looking for that type of game. And, as y'all probably already know, it's better than Strider.

"dem motherfuckers be stealing mah ideas man!"


A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
It's not like the games would be suddenly on your account.
Considering the stuff GTAV is getting away with as well. It's still pretty odd.

As long as it is censored properly on feeds and stuff like that, so far that can be iffy. I check my steam in public sometimes.


Unconfirmed Member
I JUST noticed the new store has shack's "you own this game or you have this game in your wishlist" style information for every game now

Too bad that the front page version doesn't look nearly as good as the old ES version's :p

I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to put "IN LIBRARY" and "ON WISHLIST" over the logos for the games themselves, but I don't like it. It's another gripe that I'll get over, but it's poorly handled in my opinion.
Lol at the Shan Gui description, oh you neogaf curator...

It was the end of summer, a pleasant smell flaoted in the air. Two girls whose name is Han Hui and He Jia met in the mountains by chance, and they had a wonderful journey which belonged to themselves.

Shan Gui is simple, and flat. It tells you a story between two girls, they walk in the mountain, for whole afternoon. It’s not hard to understand, just things of our life, with some lost, some confusion. Han Hui is a common girl, and He Jia is also a girl with happiness, althrough she is not set as human. Who comes with sadness, finally get cured by a happy girl, that’s the story we want to tell you.


I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to put "IN LIBRARY" and "ON WISHLIST" over the logos for the games themselves, but I don't like it. It's another gripe that I'll get over, but it's poorly handled in my opinion.

TBH I just think Valve had to do something else because they were too ashamed to rip off ES design completely in the end.
So, yeah the tutorial for Gauntlet is kind of annoying, but past that it's pretty fun. Mindless, sure. But it's Gauntlet, so...

Will report back after playing with buddies like god intended.
Why does Downfall need to be Greenlit when the wonderful Cat Lady is already on steam? Bought it on GMG originally as it came out long before the steam version, should gave the latter at some point.


That's what all recommendations are. No matter what is said, investigation is how you find out if it is for you as well as it was for them.

The recommendation for Crimson Clover ("The labor of love manifested into one of the best games of the shmup genre.") tells me it's a shmup. That tells me that if I like shmups, I might like Crimson Clover. Instead, the recommendation should be "Fuck you, it's a good game and if you need me to tell you about it you don't deserve to play it."


Since GMG has dead rising 2 and off the record on sale, which one of these games are worth getting for a newcomer like me?

Off The Record has the updates to it making it more accommodating to newer players.
DR2 however is the actual canon entry in the series.

So take with that how you will.
Since GMG has dead rising 2 and off the record on sale, which one of these games are worth getting for a newcomer like me?

I really liked DR2 back in the day. It's not perfect, but it was really a fun time had wheeling around an electrified wheelchair an destroying mobs of zombies.

DR2OTR is basically an expansion/reimagining of DR2 with DR1's Frank West as the lead. I haven't played it (saving it for Oct) but from what i've gathered it's better to play it after DR2.


The recommendation for Crimson Clover ("The labor of love manifested into one of the best games of the shmup genre.") tells me it's a shmup. That tells me that if I like shmups, I might like Crimson Clover. Instead, the recommendation should be "Fuck you, it's a good game and if you need me to tell you about it you don't deserve to play it."

that's a bit confrontational dotchathink lol


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I've been having fun as well, just by myself for now. It's not as much like Legends as I would have liked, but it's still damn fun.
Really? I just was going to post how much fun I have been having with it. Are you playing co-op?

about to take it for another spin. like I said earlier it was nothing but first impression based on the tutorial and little else, and on the fact I bought it at launch which I never would before russian prices


no since I barely played it. I said it seemed awful, thats it, if it becomes amazing great. But from a "I would never buy this game if cheap russian prices werent a thing" perspective, its pretty spot on.

The graphics are awful (and they have this weird blur to them too even in 1080p), theres barely any options, the control seemed floaty, there seems to be a very limited number of skills to use per class (from the turotial, hopefully this changes) and it just overall looks and feels...cheap

That's actually kind of how I felt at first playing tutorial. It's pretty fun co-op though. There is this whole help each other out vibe but as soon as there is a slight shimmer of gold it's every man for them self thing going on.
It's Gauntlet. If you have ever played Gauntlet you kind of know what you are getting here.


My gosh, that TotalBiscuit fellow is one popular biscuit.

Anyway, I finished Remember Me last night. The last remix was pretty crazy, but then the ending from there was kind of lame, in a Mass Effect 2-ish ending kinda way. I'd still recommend the game at $6, and I'd say it's a solid 7.5/10. If the combat had been just a tiny little bit less of a pain in the ass, I'd say 8/10.


Off The Record has the updates to it making it more accommodating to newer players.
DR2 however is the actual canon entry in the series.

So take with that how you will.

I really liked DR2 back in the day. It's not perfect, but it was really a fun time had wheeling around an electrified wheelchair an destroying mobs of zombies.

DR2OTR is basically an expansion/reimagining of DR2 with DR1's Frank West as the lead. I haven't played it (saving it for Oct) but from what i've gathered it's better to play it after DR2.
Ah, guess i'm going with DR2!
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