F#A#Oo said:
SpaceChem is really confusing...I have absolutely no idea what to do...
The soundtrack is great though...
So you dont know what SpaceChem is about? Trust us, your fellow Gaffers, on this recommendation and
grab the Demo.
I'll teach you how to play.
The most basic premise is that you got a molecule as Input to the left side, and need to transform it so you can output it like you can see on the right.
In the first level, called "
Of Pancakes and Spaceships" you got
"O=O" as an Input and "O=O" as the output (which means 2 O atoms that are double bonded). How convenient! You dont even need to transform it, just find a way to transport it to the right side. We'll get to transforming later, also ignore the blue line at the bottom for now.
So whats left is the red "Start" and a circle around it. The Start indicated where that circle, called Waldo, is going to start. Big deal. However it doesnt do much, since you didnt gave it any orders yet. To solve this basic levels you need to know the 4 most basic structure with which you can program orders to Waldo:
Arrows: Those change the line Waldo is running on. Play around with giving Waldo different directions.
IN ALPHA: The playing field is divided into 4 parts. A,B, Psi und W. A and B are on the left side, meaning those are the fields, where you will receive input. Psi and W are on the right, meaning you need to output there. If you put the IN ALPHA in the way of the red Waldo, you will get your INPUT into the ALPHA section of the playing field.
GRAB/DROB: Now, if you only have the input done, your Waldo doesnt do much about the molecule that just appeared. Change the arrows so that Waldo is able to touch the Molecule that will appear, and put a GRAB/DROP exactly on top of where the atom appears. This way he'll take the molecule and carry it with him. If you want to put it down, simply use another "GRAB/DROP" in the output zone.
OUT PSI: After you dropped the molecule in the output zone, you still need to tell the game that the output is ready. Looking through your tools, you'll see that the red Waldo got a tool for that. If you put it somewhere, the game will try to output all the molecules and atoms that you prepared in the corresponding output zone.
Now just make your Waldo running the same line again, and you are good to go

Also take notice that you need to have the whole molecule inside the Output zone and not just a part of it.
Input Alpha, Grab, Drop, Output Psi
Congrats you solved the first level!
The other tools, which werent used in this level but are still available are easily explained:
Rotate Molecule: Try it out yourself, put it on the Waldo line after it grabbed the "O=O", this will be used later to make your arrangements of atoms fitting to the molecule you want to produce
Sync: If the red and the blue Waldo both have a sync in their way, they'll stop at their respective sync, waiting for the other Waldo to reach theirs. This way you can easily make both lines run parallel if you need them to.
Something else worth mentioning is the act of "Transforming" or
Bonding/Unbonding, how its called in this game.
Imagine the "O=O" you got as input, but instead of having "O=O" as Output, you are required to output simply "O". For this you'll get in levels where you need them "Bonders". These are gray shades in the background that you can move around. You'll notice what I mean.
If you let your Waldo carry the "O=O" molecule to 2 Bonders, you can "unbond" them with the tool "Bond -" if both atoms are each over a Bonder. That would give you "O-O" for the moment. Since you'll need "O" however, either let it run through the bonders again, or make a second set up of bonders somewhere else. You'll figure this out on your own
Okay, hope that helps for starters for all those who felt it was too badly explained and a bit overwhelming!