HamPster PamPster said:Does Torchlight support the 360 controller?
I wonder if they ever patched in the console controls
Xamdou said:Anyone bought the transformers game?
I did this morning, it's still downloading atm. >_<
HamPster PamPster said:Does Torchlight support the 360 controller?
I wonder if they ever patched in the console controls
Xamdou said:Anyone bought the transformers game?
Forkball said:Every time I see Torchlight on sale I hold off because Torchlight II is "just around the corner." It's never coming out!
Petrie said:Any advice for the 5th map? There isn't a ton of areas for placement, and I just can't seem to figure out how to get through it.
*edit* by 5th I mean the last map you have to do Out of Bullets on.
Binabik15 said:Halp.
I´m pretty damn sure I gifted my brother the BC2 pack with Nam included for 10 earlier today. Went through all the motions, I thought, chosing gift through Steam, writing that stupid note etc. He hasn´t gotten an email about it, though. He got the Bioshock gift I also sent today and GTA SA which I gifted him when it was on sale.
How can I check whether I actually bought it besides waiting for my CC details in a month, I haven´t gotten any "you bought/gifted such and such" emails from valve.
I´d be pretty bummed/pissed if that didn´t work and yes, I won´t buy Transformers and Torchlight until this is cleared up.
Trouble said:Worse PC port than the first? Didn't think that was possible.
Sutton Dagger said:Also, what is that Sniper game for $4.99? Any impressions?
Sutton Dagger said:Ok GAF, listen to my dilemma. I have beaten AC1 (amazing game, suck it GAF lol) and AC2 to 100% completion on the 360, but I'm thinking about getting them for Steam as well. This sale has solidified my idea to start migrating to the 'master race', and I would like to have all my favourite games on the PC now. What to do? Is the graphics upgrade worth it?
Also, what is that Sniper game for $4.99? Any impressions?
Sutton Dagger said:Ok GAF, listen to my dilemma. I have beaten AC1 (amazing game, suck it GAF lol) and AC2 to 100% completion on the 360, but I'm thinking about getting them for Steam as well. This sale has solidified my idea to start migrating to the 'master race', and I would like to have all my favourite games on the PC now. What to do? Is the graphics upgrade worth it?
Also, what is that Sniper game for $4.99? Any impressions?
Stahsky said:For serious? I just rented Transformers for 10 fucking bucks from Blockbuster (First rental in like 2 years from them) and this?
Never again!
Stahsky said:For serious? I just rented Transformers for 10 fucking bucks from Blockbuster (First rental in like 2 years from them) and this?
Never again!
What hardware are you running? It's not as easy as just seeing how it looks on PC unless you have the specs to run it well.Sutton Dagger said:Alright, GAF has convinced me. AC1 and 2 for me today (can't wait to see how good they look on PC), will get Brotherhood when it's cheaper. It is such a fantastic franchise, I recommend anyone who hasn't played them, get them now.
Edit: What region has them the cheapest?
Smokey said:Torchlight
Defense Grid
Arma II Comined Ops
Most damage done so far during the Steam sale.
RoboShmup said:Half-Life Complete
Because L.A. Noire was only announced a few weeks after the console versions came out. And apparently RDR is never coming to PC.Sober said:
Also brotherhood is deluxe version in that package (atleast was for my friend who bought the pack)kennah said:You could have got all three for 27$... How much cheaper than 13$ did you want Brotherhood to get!
Bullshit, GTA4 came to PC and outsold both.Gvaz said:Why is RDR, the better game, never coming to PC and the shitty one is?
Oh right, because they're trying to make up for poor sales by targeting a different market.
DoctorWho said:Still Want:
Vampire: Bloodlines (This will either go on sale tomorrow or the last day)
jling84 said:How are you so sure? Was there something in the slipped in the registry or whatever those files people were mining that suggested this? If so I'm super hyped!
jling84 said:How are you so sure? Was there something in the slipped in the registry or whatever those files people were mining that suggested this? If so I'm super hyped!
DoctorWho said:Just my gut.
Tomorrow because it is the 4th of July and the last day because Gabe wants to make us wait.
Crunched said:What hardware are you running? It's not as easy as just seeing how it looks on PC unless you have the specs to run it well.
Yeah, I just bought the pack and while I haven't got them installed yet, my Brotherhood key is "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Deluxe".Yaska said:Also brotherhood is deluxe version in that package (atleast was for my friend who bought the pack)
JaseC said:This.
The best Metroidvania title since Super Metroid deserves your immediate attention. I've triple-dipped ($20 when it released, $15 or whatever when it hit Steam, and once more as part of one of the Humble Indie Bundles) and the game's worth exceeds the total amount spent.
Well don't be, that kicks the pants off consoles.Sutton Dagger said:I'm actually using an iMac in bootcamp. 3.4gz quad i7, with 6970m 2gb, 4 gig Ram. All my other games obliterate the console versions (even though it isn't a gaming pc), so I'm hopeful that AC will look better. Though now I'm worried![]()
StuBurns said:I'd also grab Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge if they were nice prices, just for achieve reasons.