Out of all possible games to get a sequel...they pick Steel Diver. Wow, just wow.
I'm not saying this game is bad or completely unappreciated (haven't tried it yet) but I do find it absolutely mind boggling that they would bother to make a new Steel Diver instead of:
Anything unannounced / new for Wii U, even including "just" DLC for Nintendo Land or smaller e-shop games;
3DS ports to Wii U (such as Luigi's Mansion 2 or KI:U);
More Wii to Wii U ports;
A new Star Fox or F-Zero by the same director that worked on this apparently (even if they were F2P variants on 3DS at this point indeed);
Anything Metroid related;
I mean, wasn't a Steel Diver sequel used in GAF circles as THE example to joke about when expressing how far out of touch with their old fans / new Wii Sports audience Nintendo has become? Again, the game could be good and I'm happy for the few that did want this, but man, I can't get over the fact that they actually made one!
Incredible how this company keeps managing to amaze me with its decisions - both good and bad (but mostly bad these last few years). It's almost as if they are scouring the internet for requests and such, to then sweep all the popular ones off the table and choose the ones mentioned the least.
That said, to keep true to my conflicted Nintendo-fandom: how's this new Steel Diver itself? Sigh...