Gold Journalism
0 fucks given by the devs.

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You know he is the most handsome of them all, plus he's good with kids.
You better believe some lucky gal would have put her hands on him already if he did not vow chastity.
You are goddam right (i just took upon myself to change your exemple for more dramatic effect).
Beauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
Half of my Gen z friends are like thatEverybody except those special places and social media screechers be like:
"We know and thank godness for that"
obvi they are two different things. as a man of culture i can appreciate both.Beauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
Why do you think Kojima put that dummy thicc ass on Snake for?He's right - and it's not just men who want that.
All I see is a ghostBeauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
Beauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
Easy, killer. This sounds like the whole “she is 10,000 year old dragon” bs.I mean, even outside of that obvious reason, and good for them for being so plain about it, very refreshing, she's clearly not human. Robot? Not sure I know enough about the game to say but clearly altered / not human.
Who would not make super hot robots? Why would you put flaws on something you can make perfect?
and possibly underage? (I have no idea who that is.)Beauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
Easy, killer. This sounds like the whole “she is 10,000 year old dragon” bs.
Problem created by sole reason of constant whining and b*tching about attractive female characters in games by people not playing video games.It's nice when things are sexy and attractive, but the whinging, whining, and gnashing of teeth when they're not just give creedence to the notion of video gamers being a bunch of basement dwelling losers who can't handle real women and go to sleep with their waifu pillows at the end of the night. The constant stream of people calling normal looking characters woke around here really just kind of exemplifies that.
Problem created by sole reason of constant whining and b*tching about attractive female characters in games by people not playing video games.
Beauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
Suspend your disbelief my sonI get it. Shes hot. And I like the honesty.
But to me its fucking stupid.
I cant take your game seriously when some 5'2 hot as fuck girl in heels and a mini skirt is beating up giant alien monsters. Takes me right out of it. And makes the game seem dumb.
Its why I cant get into the whole anime action style games. Way too much of that shit.
I get it. Shes hot. And I like the honesty.
But to me its fucking stupid.
I cant take your game seriously when some 5'2 hot as fuck girl in heels and a mini skirt is beating up giant alien monsters. Takes me right out of it. And makes the game seem dumb.
Its why I cant get into the whole anime action style games. Way too much of that shit.
Beauty is one thing.
Shoving the protagonist's butt in your face all the time is another thing entirely.
This is beauty and grace combined, for instance.
And you played Last of us 2?
I never understand the whole "in-game characters are too sexy" thing. if you dislike it, don't buy it. go make your own game with a fully covered up character and I'm sure it would still sell well if it's actually good. people have the freedom to like what they find appealing. and if you feel sexiness isn't appealing, go tell all those Tiktok THOTs, hot tub streamers and Onlyfan girls to not do what they do. or would you rather go live in China where the government would restrict these sorta things, along with every other rights you have? there is no perfect world where everyone is happy about everything. put those energy into better use on other things that's more important in life. I don't like some of the things around my life too, but I don't go around complaining about them simply because it's not for me. I understand they're for people with different taste than me and I accept that fact and move on. stop wasting your life on these silly things.
But who says the people complaining don't play video games? This seems to be a massive leap of an assumption to make.Problem created by sole reason of constant whining and b*tching about attractive female characters in games by people not playing video games.
I guess one could argue that flaws make something more unique and therefore even more attractive (beauty marks/moles, freckles etc.), but also there's no perfect to attractiveness since in the end it will be subjective.Who would not make super hot robots? Why would you put flaws on something you can make perfect?