Cow Mengde
I bought VJET on the day after the IPO. Already up 50%. Too bad I only put $600 on it:|
I've been telling my dad to buy vjet and DDD, but he's sitting on his ass waiting for the market to drop because it's too high right now.
I bought VJET on the day after the IPO. Already up 50%. Too bad I only put $600 on it:|
Never owned any CAE! Must have me confused for another Stock-Ager.
I've been telling my dad to buy vjet and DDD, but he's sitting on his ass waiting for the market to drop because it's too high right now.
Ugggh, I'm never gonna get the hang of this. I should have sold my stock when it hit $40, but now it's dropped to ~$27 after reporting a rise in revenue but lower than expected EPS forecast for 2014 x_x
good thing I purchased my options at $3
Now the news report some employee(s) injured by hot metal in a Tesla plant. Come on..................
You do the opposite. Below your portfolio, just above the graph that shows your portfolio performance, there are checkboxes for the S&P, Dow and Nasdaq along with a field where you can type other tickers.Pardon my ignorance, but how do you place your portfolio on a chart against the NASDAQ, S&P, FTSE etc? I have my portfolio saved in Google Finance but can't see how to add it to other graphs. Thanks![]()
Good lord, ONVO and VJET are soaring this morning. I'm getting a little antsy on if I should sell today or not.
i can't imagine ONVO sustaining these highs...
Damn holy shit what a return. You guys think it's too hot/late to jump in? Not today of course, but after a sell off maybe?I'm holding VJET forever. Not selling, since I have a small stake in it. Up 73% in less than a month![]()
Damn holy shit what a return. You guys think it's too hot/late to jump in? Not today of course, but after a sell off maybe?
Good lord, ONVO and VJET are soaring this morning. I'm getting a little antsy on if I should sell today or not.
I know attempting to time the market in very short term isn't easy or smart, but just in terms of tax implications I have a question.
From what I can gather, wouldn't it be worse if you sold several times and had realized gains and then bought back in with those after prices go down a bit but then, after buying back in, the market goes down. So, you have realized gains but unrealized losses, you would have to claim the gains as income even if you're technically below what you were from the start, right? Hope that makes sense.
Basically, please talk me out of trying to time the ups and downs in week-to-week basis.
The hell happened at 2:30 PM (Central time) to destroy the market?
Advanced AI trading algorithms searched google news for "dow 16 000 high" and sold.
edit: Funny how TSLA and SCTY are joined at the hips since the Tesla fires. smh...
3D printing has been falling hard. I was up 100% on VJET, now only 44%.
you had to have known it couldn't sustain those numbers...right?
Why? Why would a company be forbidden from going 100% up? I'm not day trading. The sector is volatile, moreso for smaller companies. Changes nothing. I expect much more than a 100% return from this company in the future if I'm going to make any return.
But you could have put in a stop and just repurchased for's not so much about day trading as it is protecting your profits.
I put a stop order to sell VJET at $46, which just happened a few minutes ago. Made good money selling it last week, then reinvested it thinking the worst had happened. Lost it, but still ended up breaking even with a $60 profit...and a lesson?
My other investments are all in natural gas; VJET and ONVO were my first wild stocks. Letting them go is a huge weight off, though I may get back in when they stabilize.
Yeah but that's assuming that things would drop significantly past my stop order. I have no way of knowing how much it will swing, so it could have just easily gone up further and fall back at the price I sold at. Plus, once I sell, when do I buy back? It's not any more logical than holding really. If selling two days ago was my only way of protecting my profits, I would never have bought to begin with since I'm long term on this and it would mean I don't believe the company can actually grow. The 3D printing sector is still in its infancy to me.