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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
I think EA will acquire TTWO soon. It doesn't look like there's much in the near future for TTWO to go above the 25$ range.
Yup. Sold that awhile ago. There's one sell I didn't regret.


RSTEIN said:
Kathode: good thing we sold our UNH calls yesterday... stock down 5%!

Yeah, if only I had better timing :) Still struggle with the whole "gift horse in the mouth" thing. I saw it at $3 and thought "Yeah, it'll keep going up!" Doh :lol

I -need- NFLX to get above $30, then I'll be feeling much better as I'll be able to cover my margin. I'm really uncomfortable having a margin loan right now with my portfolio value being cut more and more each day. I'm very confident in that stock though. They have an earnings report due later this month and all indications are that it should be very positive and that their outlook should remain strong.


lil smoke said:
Yup. Sold that awhile ago. There's one sell I didn't regret.

Same, sold at 25.75.

The only stocks hurting me now are NVDA and IMMR. Never expected NVDA to fall that much.


I bought some ESLR (Evergreen Solar) a few days ago at 9.90. I was considering selling half my position on the semi-recovery today to 9.10 (to limit my exposure), but I'm unsure. The stock is roughly at a 12 month low, which for a solar in the current oil climate seems like a bottom.

I'm leaning now on just holding my shares for awhile, thinking a pre-earnings bump is likely.
My other holding is POT (potash) at 220, but I'm less concerned about that one moving forward.

Advice/thoughts would be appreciated.


gkrykewy said:
I bought some ESLR (Evergreen Solar) a few days ago at 9.90. I was considering selling half my position on the semi-recovery today to 9.10 (to limit my exposure), but I'm unsure. The stock is roughly at a 12 month low, which for a solar in the current oil climate seems like a bottom.

Advice/thoughts would be appreciated.

Stock is pretty volatile so the basic technicals I'm looking at come back kind of mixed. Just looking at the chart I'd give it another day or two to see whether it can sustain momentum. There appears to be some support around 9 going back a couple months, so you might have another day or two of bounce momentum left. Looks like July 17th is earnings, and that can be a crapshoot.


I am sure I could make back my losses by buying some BA, ERTS, and maybe CM. Adding to ADSK would be good too.

But the cost of life has gone up so high recently that I've had trouble saving money for the stock market, which really sucks because I feel like I might miss a bottom soon just like I missed one in March when I wanted to buy ERTS, BA, CELG, BP and/or CM. I would have made a couple of thousands:/

The news on the Iran issue are coming at a good time, but oil prices will keep going up for other reasons anyway. Attacks against oil production/extraction facilities are likely to rise in the future too, and the shift to renewable energy has been delayed for way too long already, it's too little too late.

Wish I had been investing in calmer times.

EDIT: Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the US was playing it cool suddenly because of the recent leak by The New Yorker. I always had the impression that the National Intelligence Estimate released saying that Iran wasn't working towards nukes was a "controlled clash"; giving the impression that the White House was at odds with the Pentagon/NSA etc., to calm Iran, and now we hear about diplomacy right after the leak from The New Yorker saying that congress recently approved a shitload of money for covert ops in Iran. So I think that the more we hear the US playing the diplomacy card, the more likely it is that war is on the horizon;)


Ether_Snake said:
the more likely it is that war is on the horizon;)

It is out of the question. Not even this administration is that stupid. It would result in the dissolution of many of our global alliances, a bloodless coup at home, or both.


I live in Greece, EU, I'm looking to experiment and research a bit and later down the line perhaps invest.

1) Does anyone know any trusted online brokers that I could use in the future that work in EU?

2) I would like to potentially research and maybe invest foreign developing markets (besides EU or US) like Russia, China or Saudi Arabia. Are there brokers that do that?

3) Are there any software tools you could reccomend that I could be using to experiment and research with global, real-time quotes? Not just common virtual stock games with the 20 minute latency and US-only stocks. Is there something out there that gets real time, global quote lists, charts, news feeds etc with intuitive interface like some sort of information mecca, so that I don't have go hunting all over the net all the time?

Thank you in advance.


gkrykewy said:
It is out of the question. Not even this administration is that stupid. It would result in the dissolution of many of our global alliances, a bloodless coup at home, or both.

They're in Iraq and Afghanistan for a reason. Do you really think the US is concerned with the nukes? Iran can't make them. They've pretty much surrounded Iran already, at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars. It's not rethoric.


Comics, serious business!
Alright troops. It's 6:00am, do you know where your stocks are? Oil is down over $2 (Chevron CEO said he cant understand $140 oil, saying it should be more like $100 and tensions over Iran are easing), asia & europe are higher, and US futures are basically flatish to slightly down. If oil stays down I wouldn't be surprised to see a slightly higher market today. Expect the market to remain tepid and insecure. It's all about earings the next coming week. GE is this Friday.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
GE options up to .85 from where I bought at .70. You holding till earnings or selling?

I have an order in right now at $1.50 (Sept 27.50 calls). They hit $1.50 this morning but the stock has come off a bit. It's become a large part of my portfolio and at $1.50 I'll be up 15% so I think I'm going to take the money and run, avoiding waking up with cold sweats Thursday night having nightmares about their earnings.

I'm mixed about the earnings. I think they will at least meet earnings. They've ruined their credibility and I think they'll hit the number. They have a history of smoothing their earnings so I have no doubt they'll massage the numbers to get there. But with this market it's a crapshoot. They could meet and the shares could be up 5%... or the shares go the other way. My take: if you have a nice profit, take the money and run.

I sold my MMM calls this morning... made 18% between Thursday and today.


The stock popped a bit around 10am. My calls went up to .95. I've got a limit order in for .92. We'll see what happens.


ATVI up 5%. Good day. But I'll have to buy something to make up for my losses on NVDA. BA, BP, CM, or ERTS.


Comics, serious business!
Ether_Snake said:
ATVI up 5%. Good day. But I'll have to buy something to make up for my losses on NVDA. BA, BP, CM, or ERTS.

I'm trying to add to my NYX calls... won't get filled.

Also looking at AMGN puts.


In .GEHA Thursday @ .70. Out @ .90 today. Not too shabby! IR and MON calls advancing nicely, T approaching the breakeven point. Good day overall so far although things are pulling back slightly. Time to look for the next opportunity.

Edit: Spoke too soon. That turned ugly fast :(


Everyone apparently decided to cash in those profits all at once. Wow, the Marketwatch.com headline is "STOCK INDEXES FALL OFF A TABLE" and they aren't lying :lol


Comics, serious business!
:lol Good thing I sold my GE calls this morning. My T calls were trading at 1.50 this morning... now $1.15 :S


sonarrat said:
Are we going to see sub 11k this week?
Looks that way. Earnings season starts this week and I can't imagine earnings being very good this quarter. But of course the sentiment is already down so the market is already expecting bad numbers so we can see a bounce if the numbers aren't as bad as expected.


sonarrat said:
Are we going to see sub 11k this week?

I thought we would be the end of last week but forgot you guys had a holiday.

BTW IMO usually what is happening shows a lack of trust in the markets. Basically, lots of people bought recently in the hopes of making up for their recent losses, and as soon as they reduced their losses or erased them they sold and got out. So I would think it will take some more time before things calm down. It will probably remain a very volatile week.

EDIT: Recovery makes it tempting to see a bottom. Shows confidence.


Holy shit, what a bizarre day. I took RSTEIN's advice and snatched up some NYX calls at .68, then shut everything down for the day thinking they were just going to keep dropping. Look back now and they're up to .84!
Going to hold on to them though. The ask is at .77. This stock is the very definition of beaten down with new 52 week lows almost hourly for the first half of today, so I think there's more upside here.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
Holy shit, what a bizarre day. I took RSTEIN's advice and snatched up some NYX calls at .68, then shut everything down for the day thinking they were just going to keep dropping. Look back now and they're up to .84!
Going to hold on to them though. The ask is at .77. This stock is the very definition of beaten down with new 52 week lows almost hourly for the first half of today, so I think there's more upside here.

Nice. I unfortunately didn't get filled. I do have a nice slug but I wanted to buy more. I sold all of my GE and MMM calls today, right before the market imploded. Interesting day, too bad we couldnt keep the late day gains.


Comics, serious business!
After being negative, S&P futures are now positive. Good to see oil down. Bernanke talking up the financial system. I still expect a flatish/down open tho.


Futures turned negative again :( Although sounds like financials might make out ok for a while today at least.

Bounced back a bit, but it's all like 1/10th of a percent one way or the other.


Comics, serious business!
Something very strange is going on with T. Just opened down 1.20% then jumped to up 0.10%. Yesterday it was down big time at one point to rally back to up 1%+. My experience is telling me to buy this stock (and options).

Also: the calls are bid HIGHER than yesterday even tho the stock is down.


T is doing great today. My calls are up to my breakeven point.
What's not doing great is MON, which is one of the worst moves I've ever made. It just keeps falling and falling. If it falls more than a percentage point tomorrow I'm probably going to have to just cut my losses on it. What a crap stock >:-o


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
T is doing great today. My calls are up to my breakeven point.
What's not doing great is MON, which is one of the worst moves I've ever made. It just keeps falling and falling. If it falls more than a percentage point tomorrow I'm probably going to have to just cut my losses on it. What a crap stock >:-o

The whole ag/food space is getting killed. I'm not in the space now but we've all been there... sorry man.


Flirting with positive territory now (the majors I mean). The worst of my MON nightmares are over. Still a slaughter on that one overall but up nearly a dollar from where I last posted. Thank goodness I resisted the whole emotional selling I nearly did :)

Tempted by AAPL and HAL right now.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Really appreciate this thread, guys.

AMD is at like $5.30... is now a good time to buy their stock for the long term?

I know the technology sector is getting hammered, but $5.30 is a steal, considering their forecast for the rest of the year and early 2009.


Not sure about AMD, tough call. Difficult times.

ERTS up 3% ATVI losing yesterday's gains at -4%.

Hope I don't miss my chance with EA again.


What a turnaround!

Sold my NYX calls for nearly 30% gain.

Bought BA calls this morning for 1.20. Sold seconds before the close at 1.45!

I paid off my margin loan with my call sales today!!!!! My account money balance is now totally in the green! YEAH!


(Of course I'll probably dive back in with margin money tomorrow, but it's the first time I haven't had that number be red since March at least)


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
What a turnaround!

Sold my NYX calls for nearly 30% gain.

Bought BA calls this morning for 1.20. Sold seconds before the close at 1.45!

I paid off my margin loan with my call sales today!!!!! My account money balance is now totally in the green! YEAH!


(Of course I'll probably dive back in with margin money tomorrow, but it's the first time I haven't had that number be red since March at least)

Congrats. You can pay me later :D

You don't need margin to make $$. I think margin just clouds your judgement.


RSTEIN said:
Congrats. You can pay me later :D

You don't need margin to make $$. I think margin just clouds your judgement.

Yeah thanks for the advice man, it helps. What's on for tomorrow? :D

The goal is definitely to get out of the margin pit. Unfortunately right now I'm just not liquid enough otherwise. Getting additional capital to trade with would involve selling off some stocks at an extreme loss. There was a penny stock that I was evangelizing a page or two back, SDVI, that was doing gangbusters. Unfortunately they announced that their "big" game, Mazes of Fate DS, is delayed until the holidays. They basically have no money coming in until then that they've talked about, so it went from around 4 cents to well into sub-penny territory.
... I own nearly 400k shares :(

A couple others like NFLX and V I want to hold through the month at least as I think they will see some earnings run-up.


I'll be able to trade options in my IRA starting tomorrow. Is it worth it if you can only spare a few hundred dollars, or should I wait until I can drop a few grand in the account? To begin with I'll only be able to do covered calls anyway, which means I have to own the stock.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
I'll be able to trade options in my IRA starting tomorrow. Is it worth it if you can only spare a few hundred dollars, or should I wait until I can drop a few grand in the account? To begin with I'll only be able to do covered calls anyway, which means I have to own the stock.

Hi sonarrat,

First, you're talking about writing calls. All I'm doing (and Kathode) is trading calls/puts - no different than trading stocks.

Options are highly volatile. You have a lot of things working against you (high premiums, time decay, low volume in some cases, etc.). I've been doing this a long time and I basically dedicate 24/7 to it. Sometimes I wake up thinking about options and my portfolio :lol You're not going to buy an option and see it go down 2%... then up 2%... you're going to wake up one morning to see your call down 30%. If you hold it until near expiry, the time decay will go exponential and as the probability of it finishing in the money goes down, it will begin a death spiral.

I would suggest establishing a core investment portfolio and once you get that going you can dedicate say 10% to options (or any trading strategy for that matter). If you start to feel comfortable, increase the 10% allocation if you want.

I just don't want to see you blow yourself up :D


IMMR was up 12%, but that thing is a trap. With NVDA, it is the worst purchase I've ever made:p

I fear I will have missed my change to get some EA shares again.

I wonder how high Ubisoft will be by August. I can get the shares at a 15% discount in August but I'm not sure I will yet.


RSTEIN said:
Hi sonarrat,

First, you're talking about writing calls. All I'm doing (and Kathode) is trading calls/puts - no different than trading stocks.

Options are highly volatile. You have a lot of things working against you (high premiums, time decay, low volume in some cases, etc.). I've been doing this a long time and I basically dedicate 24/7 to it. Sometimes I wake up thinking about options and my portfolio :lol You're not going to buy an option and see it go down 2%... then up 2%... you're going to wake up one morning to see your call down 30%. If you hold it until near expiry, the time decay will go exponential and as the probability of it finishing in the money goes down, it will begin a death spiral.

I would suggest establishing a core investment portfolio and once you get that going you can dedicate say 10% to options (or any trading strategy for that matter). If you start to feel comfortable, increase the 10% allocation if you want.

I just don't want to see you blow yourself up :D

Oh sure, I'm not going to put everything in options. I already have money in international stock funds and bond funds and I'm keeping it there. That's why I don't have much to dedicate to options, that's why I was wondering if it would be worth messing with at a low dollar amount.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
Oh sure, I'm not going to put everything in options. I already have money in international stock funds and bond funds and I'm keeping it there. That's why I don't have much to dedicate to options, that's why I was wondering if it would be worth messing with at a low dollar amount.

Oh, OK. In that case then there are really two things to consider:

1) Commissions. What does your broker charge you? Are you planning on trading frequently? If you're paying $10-$20 here and there it probably won't make sense when your total $ is less than $1,000.

2) Contracts. As you probably know, options are contracts for 100 shares. If you want to buy an in-the-money DOW call, it may cost you $5.00 (for a total of 5x1x100 = $500) per contract. So, you're only going to be buying one contract in some cases (although there are many, many contractst that trade for less than that). You may not be able to add more when it goes up/down/etc or have more than one position at a time.


sonarrat said:
Oh sure, I'm not going to put everything in options. I already have money in international stock funds and bond funds and I'm keeping it there. That's why I don't have much to dedicate to options, that's why I was wondering if it would be worth messing with at a low dollar amount.

Yeah believe me. I bought those MON calls at $11.20. About 10 days later they're worth $5.30 today, and they were trading at $4 even when I was posting earlier ready to kill myself :lol Luckily I bought very few, but I'm still down over a grand on that one right now.


kathode said:
Yeah believe me. I bought those MON calls at $11.20. About 10 days later they're worth $5.30 today, and they were trading at $4 even when I was posting earlier ready to kill myself :lol Luckily I bought very few, but I'm still down over a grand on that one right now.

well at least yours has somewhat of a chance to get back.

I bought 1000 shares of this pharmaceutical company a while back at$1.20 a share.

My negligence allowed it to double in value but I didn't sell as I was at a busy time in my life. Today its at .65 and they did a 10 for 1 split.

So now I have 100 x .65 = suicide watch for me.

Overall though my other stocks look good.


RSTEIN said:
Oh, OK. In that case then there are really two things to consider:

1) Commissions. What does your broker charge you? Are you planning on trading frequently? If you're paying $10-$20 here and there it probably won't make sense when your total $ is less than $1,000.

In this case then the stock trading fees alone would make it potentially not worth it, unless I was playing very risky plays that had a huge upside. Remember this'll be in an IRA, so they'll let me get more aggressive than usual.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
Yeah believe me. I bought those MON calls at $11.20. About 10 days later they're worth $5.30 today, and they were trading at $4 even when I was posting earlier ready to kill myself :lol Luckily I bought very few, but I'm still down over a grand on that one right now.

Thank you for bringing this example up. I talk about the markets/my trading because it's fun to do and share stuff. I don't mean to give recommendations or anything (Kathode, I gotta say, I was a little worried when I saw you buy some of my calls, glad they worked out for you :lol I immediately thought "aw crap, this guy is gonna lose 50% and he's gonna come after me :D).
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