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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I might start participating in this thread actively, as trading is my number two hobby after gaming.

My major transaction last week was buying some calls on Ford, 2010 with a strike of 10 for 58 cents. Chances are I will lose that money, but there is a small chance for a large payout. I will take that any day.

Question: Anyone know in general what the online brokers require you to have to trade uncovered options? I thought I was guaranteed to be approved, but they denied me. If I have to hold in cash the amount to cover a sold put, I might as well just buy the underlying stock.


Comics, serious business!
Oil down, no bailout for Fannie/Freddie but Window to be opened to them... Dow futures up 80 odd points.


Hmm, it's an American car manufacturer. That's my reason:lol


Soka said:
mmm Ford is looking so tasty right now. Quick, give me reasons not to buy in big!

Buy some calls like I did. Take the loss upfront, and have a potentially large gain later on. I think the market is overly pessimistic.

Edit. There is a definite chance for failure, they have already put up as collateral all their physical assets to obtain financing.


It's not just Ford itself that makes me wary, I agree the price is very low and tempting, but it's the world economy. We're in difficult times, so markets have been brought down, and unless you have a lot of money other than your safety cushion it becomes extremely risky to invest, no matter how tempting. And yeah, it is VERY tempting right now to invest in big companies that have fallen a lot recently. I've got my finger on the trigger, but if I shoot I'm eating in my safety cushion, and the worst the economy gets the bigger that cushion needs to be.

I've been hit by NVDA, hard. I'm not sure I can handle more investments until I have more money in my pockets. Too bad this opening in the markets is happening at a time where I lack funds, just like in March:(

I'm really interested in investing in STP, ERTS, BA, and PTR (Petro China). I could only buy one or two of those, because of transaction fees.

EDIT: More Banks will fail over the next year: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/14/business/14bank.html

As home prices continue to decline and loan defaults mount, federal regulators are bracing for dozens of American banks to fail over the next year.


HOT! AAPL way up in premarket thanks to iphone. Hoping that translates over to T!

Looks like all good news today. Fannie and Freddie are soaring. Hopefully can change up some positions today. Interested in MMM and GOOG options now. Considering a big out-of-the-money straddle play with GOOG earnings coming up this Thursday.


Market is slightly down, but financials are awful. IMB hit a trigger after falling 48% in two minutes and trading has been suspended. E*Trade down 9% on no news.


Bought 35 x STP @ 34.50 (US) and 100 x CGT at 10.10 (CAD).


Another bad day for me. Doesn't seem like anything I own can sustain any momentum. But that seems to be the case with the market now as well. Another bad day like this may force me to sell out of some positions early for big losses.


Yep, tought times. But I haven't sold anything, even NVDA.


I bought 100 ETFC at $2.46. It jumped to $2.66 after close when they announced they were selling their Canadian unit, and it should go up further tomorrow. Looks like I got lucky.


sonarrat: How much do you expect to make? Don't you get your profits eaten by the transaction fees at that price?

BTW ATVID boosted their forecasts, up nicely in AH:)
EDIT: Trading halted in AH:p

NVDA, IMMR, CGT, all down today. Ugly ugly ugly.


ATVID up almost 5%

And CGT just announced a bunch of new contracts! Woot, added just in time yesterday:)

# CAE signs C$78 million contract extension with Commonwealth of AustraliaMarketwire(Tue 7:39am)

# CAE wins contracts for four full-flight simulators valued at more than C$50 millionMarketwire(Tue 7:32am)

# InPlay: CAE announces more than CDN$128 mln in contracts at FarnboroughBriefing.com(Tue 7:31am)
Wow that was a big turn around in the market.

looks like the shorts just left the building.

WSJ reports the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has sent subpoenas to more than 50 hedge-fund advisers as it investigates whether individuals spread false rumours to manipulate shares in two Wall Street firms. The subpoenas, sent as recently as Monday, are seeking trading and communications data related to short-selling and options trading in Bear Stearns Cos or Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEH), the person told the paper. Rumours have been blamed for the collapse of investment bank Bear Stearns and for the 40 percent slide in Lehman shares this month.


Ether_Snake said:
sonarrat: How much do you expect to make? Don't you get your profits eaten by the transaction fees at that price?

I probably should have sold it afterhours yesterday. Getting owned today. But it's in an IRA so I'm going to let it sit there. Sooner or later it will repay me.


CRDN +4.39% (I don't own it but have been staring at it for a while)
ATVID +6.74%
IMMR +5.33%


BA made a late stage rally and hit my breakeven point. UNH made some good advances too.

GE and T are just sucking for me though. Hoping T earnings are good. Should've sold when it was .01 below my limit price :) Let's not even talk about MON.


Bought 300 IDMC (IndyMac) at $0.096. I'm normally not big on penny stocks, but so far my bets on failing financials have worked out OK, so I'm going to just sow that seed and see what it reaps.


got a quick question can you buy stocks after the market closes?

like i want to buy a stock on the nasdaq, can i buy it even after close like at 8pm tonight?

if so, do i have to pay extra since the market closed? thanks


crussher said:
got a quick question can you buy stocks after the market closes?

like i want to buy a stock on the nasdaq, can i buy it even after close like at 8pm tonight?

if so, do i have to pay extra since the market closed? thanks

Yes, most brokerages allow trading after close until about 8PM, and trading an hour or two before open as well. My brokerage at least (Scottrade) does not charge extra for it. But there are risks associated with trading in that time frame. See the SEC's page on it -



Yeah, really great day so far. Bought my GOOG calls at $3.20. Already up to $4.10! Holding for now, might kick myself later...

GE ask is creeping up penny by penny. Blah. Needs to creep up by about FIFTY pennies for me :lol MON, T, and UNH still negative for today. What the hell?


STP +6.57%
CGT 10.64 +4.19%
CGT 10.64 +4.19%


Too bad I didn't manage to have enough funds to buy ERTS this week, sadly. Might sell something eventually to buy some.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
Yeah, really great day so far. Bought my GOOG calls at $3.20. Already up to $4.10! Holding for now, might kick myself later...

GE ask is creeping up penny by penny. Blah. Needs to creep up by about FIFTY pennies for me :lol MON, T, and UNH still negative for today. What the hell?

T is really, really pissing me off. Goldman knocked it off its compelling buy list on Monday. UNH is hovering around my cost.


RSTEIN said:
T is really, really pissing me off. Goldman knocked it off its compelling buy list on Monday.

That'll do it! UNH is pretty close to my breakeven too after some late gains.

GOOG ask is at 4.90. I'm feeling faint :lol


I don't know, but the stocks have come so far down for so little reason that I'm going to stay put for a bit.. and earnings are next week.


I would think that there would be a lot of selling tomorrow. There must have been a lot of buying at around the 10,900s (saw some resistance during those days), probably in the hopes of making up for losses. So unless oil drops further tomorrow, I would expect some strong selling as people run with their money, or lessened losses.

Just a guess tho.

I want ERTS:(


Ether_Snake said:
I would think that there would be a lot of selling tomorrow. There must have been a lot of buying at around the 10,900s (saw some resistance during those days), probably in the hopes of making up for losses. So unless oil drops further tomorrow, I would expect some strong selling as people run with their money, or lessened losses.

Just a guess tho.

I want ERTS:(

Options expire this Friday. With all the negative sentiment of the past weeks, I think a lot of people will be unloading unprofitable puts and that will send the stock market soaring.
sonarrat said:
Options expire this Friday. With all the negative sentiment of the past weeks, I think a lot of people will be unloading unprofitable puts and that will send the stock market soaring.

Please please please please please...



Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
Options expire this Friday. With all the negative sentiment of the past weeks, I think a lot of people will be unloading unprofitable puts and that will send the stock market soaring.

I think you're confusing selling puts with short covering.

Anyways, tomorrow and Friday really depend on three things: oil, Merril Lynch (tomorrow), and Citigroup (Friday). Wells was a good sign. MER is up after ours after it announced its Bloomberg sale. We'll see. Could be another little fake out, although the market has been oversold for a week or so (according to the RSI).


RSTEIN said:
I think you're confusing selling puts with short covering.

Anyways, tomorrow and Friday really depend on three things: oil, Merril Lynch (tomorrow), and Citigroup (Friday). Wells was a good sign. MER is up after ours after it announced its Bloomberg sale. We'll see. Could be another little fake out, although the market has been oversold for a week or so (according to the RSI).


Merrill is amazingly overvalued, should be below $20. I expect horrific earnings from them.

However JP MORGAN could give the guidance to settle down Merrill's failure. I want to know exactly how much they paid for Bear.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
Shorts won't be affected by the options expiration.

What I'm saying is that unloading out of the money puts won't create any buying pressure in itself. These puts are just sold out in the market.

The basic trade all year long is short financials and long oil. The last couple of days has seen a complete reversal of this trade. Hedge Funds that have been short financials (I can't think of one I know that isn't short either the regionals or ibanks) may look to cover their shorts and pare back their oil exposure (this has clearly already happened to a degree). We could see massive buying pressure from this short squeeze. Look at Wells. You're fucked today if you're short. You'll be forced to either put up margin or exit the trade. Now imagine a thousand hedge funds doing the same thing at the same time.


For some reason, after E3, I feel like EA will drop its offer for T2. Even after the loan they took, I get the feeling they realize it's just not worth it. That's how I see it. They are better off continuing to work with third parties like Valve and Id Software. T2 is not worth it, the quality of their portfolio is unpredictable, and I think that the industry is getting competitive enough for GTA to no longer be the series above all series.
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