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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


It was at like 46 very recently tho, went up before they made the T2 offer and before earnings, and then dropped again. They have shown all the signs of poor management too. But I don't think they would fall much under 45, at least not for long. I think they can get back to 52 in the near future. They got a good portfolio of games coming up.

Altho I have to wonder about Dead Space, they made a bunch of trailers so far yet no one seems to care, and I'm surprised considering they seem to have a habit of releasing those trailers on the weekend, and the more trailers they release the more the attention given to the game becomes diluted. Also, visually, other than the main character it looks very bland.

Battlefield Bad Company and especially Battlefield Heroes should do well, altho I wonder just how much the later can really be profitable to them. Mirror's Edge has gotten a lot of attention, but the lack of multiplayer and the very linear nature of the game is going to make it more challenging to generate high sales. It will definitly be recognized mark the industry, but it remains to be seen if it can be a big success. I'm all for it tho:)

Then there's the Burnout series which should do well, as well as any games like SKATE or SNOW (if the later actually happens).

I'm probably forgetting some other stuff.


CGT +2.89% today on a difficult day (news basically confirming that the company's aim to expand its services in Europe is continuing).

IMMR +2.29% also

ATVI, NVDA and ADSK down, NVDA the most.

ERTS and TTWO rose today. THQI still is trouble, I don't see them turning around for a while. If they could make good money on Wii or DS that would be good for them. On PS3 and 360 they are dead.


Gave in and bought a small position in Petrobras (PBR) today. I had been waiting for a good entry point (and waiting, and waiting...) but finally gave in. I'm kicking myself for not picking it up in March... it's got incredible momentum going for it.

Also picked up some SallieMae (SLM) and caught a nice 5% bounce. We'll see what happens tomorrow though, it's quite volatile. I think the student loan market will recover and they're well positioned to make market share gains since some of the weaker players are exiting the market.


I've heard lots of talk about Petrobas. That's definitely a good buy.

Nintendo hovering around $73 now. Wondering if I should pull the trigger :)

Most of my big gains from a week or two ago have vanished as SDVI dropped back down to 2 cents. Hoping lots of people buy Mazes of Fate for the DS and give that stock some momentum!


BP would have been a better purchase. I have been watching it daily, knew almost for sure it would go back to its 52-week high, but had no money anyway and there were a few stocks I wanted to buy into.

BA is still my more interesting one so far, maybe that's what I'll buy when I get the funds, if it is still in the 80s.

EDIT: Just checked on HAL, been a while since I bothered, it sure jumped recently.


Ether_Snake said:
BP would have been a better purchase. I have been watching it daily, knew almost for sure it would go back to its 52-week high, but had no money anyway and there were a few stocks I wanted to buy into.

Good choice.. I like the dividend on that one as well.

BP, Petrobras and ConocoPhillips are the three best picks in the sector IMHO.


Bought Pyramid Oil Co AMEX:pDO yesterday at 20.92, its at 28.02 right now:D and I think it will continue going up. I am looking more at the small oil companies in the exploration and production sector. I think thats were the upside is at.


Geez, oil prices cannot keep on going up much further. +15$ in around four weeks. I give it another two months before something major happens. If the trend continues the oil will have doubled in less than a year.


vangace said:
Bought Pyramid Oil Co AMEX:pDO yesterday at 20.92, its at 28.02 right now:D and I think it will continue going up. I am looking more at the small oil companies in the exploration and production sector. I think thats were the upside is at.

Got wiped today, PDO alone went up to 30 and I was going to sell but i got greedy and an hour later it dropped back to 21:lol


Junior Member
Is it a good idea to invest in Wal-Mart stocks? Keep in mind that I get an additional 15 cents for every dollar I invest in purchasing these Wal-Mart stocks, but my total investment is likely to be under $3000/yr.

I'm also wondering why the stock seems to dip in the second half of the calendar year. Then it goes back up. Is this dip normal for most retailers? I guess I should buy more stocks during this low period every year?
ESLR up 19% today woo. I bought some of their stuff when they got downgraded a week or so ago. Looks like things are turning up for them.


Ubi shares should rise tomorrow. They had record results for the year. I doubt I'll get in through the company even with the 15% discount because the next earnings would most likely be at the end of August, during the freeze on the shares. If it's before that, we'll see.


YYZ said:
Is it a good idea to invest in Wal-Mart stocks? Keep in mind that I get an additional 15 cents for every dollar I invest in purchasing these Wal-Mart stocks, but my total investment is likely to be under $3000/yr.

I'm also wondering why the stock seems to dip in the second half of the calendar year. Then it goes back up. Is this dip normal for most retailers? I guess I should buy more stocks during this low period every year?

That sounds like a good deal, especially if you combine it with selling some covered calls every month. That should give you some support in case the stock goes down, but it limits your upside.


Junior Member
Soka said:
I just got hired at Wal-Mart and was going to ask this exact same question. Personally, I'm leaning towards it. I don't need the cash immediately, so I'll just invest it up to $1800 (that's the most my store will add the 15 cents/$1, after that they won't add any to it). Then I'll sell all $1800; as long as it hasn't fallen 15% from where it was purchased that'll leave me at break even or better, not counting losing a bit of interest I'd have made from my savings account. And, hell, if it goes up or is flat, then it's just free money, though I need to double check the fine print as far as the costs for the buying/selling transactions, and limitations on how long I may have to wait before I can sell my shares.
Strange, for my store it says it covers up to $2600, which is every paycheque of the year (biweekly pay period).

I think I'll do it, but I'll probably up it to $200/paycheque during the time where the stock has been historically low (post-summer months). I'm working there to save money anyway so even if the stock does dip a little, it's probably better to have the money in stocks instead of my own hands. I'm guessing that the stock won't crash, barring some global economic disaster.

Also, there are no fees for buying/selling, at least in Canada, if you do it through Computershare which handles the stocks for Wal-Mart.


Ubi down 6% because they didn't raise their forecasts. Good for me if it falls so I can get in later in August.


NVDA did good today, +5%.

Overall I'm in the green on everything (ATVI, CGT, ADSK, NVDA), except IMMR but that's no surprise. Should have sold at 10 when I had the chance. Depending on the situation, the next time it reaches 10 I might sell.


goddamn today was bad.

Anyway I recently put a small amount into an agricultural company. Anybody think its a good idea too since food prices are at their highest and the UN says we need to double food production in order to meet demand by 2030.
jesus christ today was murder. HELP! i think monday is gonna suck. should i sell all now and wait this out or ride it out? i own visa, wamu, 99 cent stores, blockbuster , starbucks and sprint. the only one i have strong feelings in keeping is visa. i've never seen a day of loss like this. good god.


MobiusPigeon said:
jesus christ today was murder. HELP! i think monday is gonna suck. should i sell all now and wait this out or ride it out? i own visa, wamu, 99 cent stores, blockbuster , starbucks and sprint. the only one i have strong feelings in keeping is visa. i've never seen a day of loss like this. good god.

I am possibly thinking the same thing. Damn unemployment rate news came out of nowhere.
i pulled out of everything but visa, starbux and wamu. if anything i'll load on more wamu since it dropped so damn much. tempted to jump in on USO since everyone and their mother is going to oil.


Yeah it was brutal. I was thinking on Thursday that I needed to consider selling some stuff, but I just ran out of time and didn't follow up on that thought. Everything was down for me except one shipping/oil services company.


MobiusPigeon said:
i pulled out of everything but visa, starbux and wamu. if anything i'll load on more wamu since it dropped so damn much. tempted to jump in on USO since everyone and their mother is going to oil.

How is V doing anyway?


*kicks self for missing the IPO*

Next good IPO rolls around, I'm jumping on it..


It's a scary day for the financials:

JPMorgan - JPM 37.55 -2.54 (-6.34%)
Bank of America - BAC 29.76 -0.74 (-2.43%)
Morgan Stanley - MS 39.29 -1.52 (-3.72%)
Lehman Brothers - LEH 28.75 -3.54 (-10.96%)
Washington Mutual - WM 6.55 -0.98 (-12.99%)

Energy seems to be doing quite well though.
i actually sold 1/2 my wamu after that post :lol glad i did. i'll buy again mid week after the bloodbath settles. someone like wells fargo or wachovia will scoop em up. now i'm v, wm, sbux and USO.


Just a heads up, Nintendo (NTDOY.PK) is looking very attractive at these levels.

It's at around 65.50 per share as I write this, which is the lowest it's been in almost a month.. Meanwhile, the dollar has hit a three month high vs. the yen (bullish for Japanese exporters) and sales continue to dominate worldwide.

(Do your own research before buying, though)


Ugh. AFJDX has been on a bear rampage. Good thing the money I have in it is in my IRA and therefore not going anywhere for several years..


Pyramid Oil Co (PDO), this oil stock is driving me nuts, in two weeks it went from 21 to 34 and back to 20 and today its at $36. Is it time to sell? Help me GAF:D

lil smoke

OK. Now is the time to sell NTDOY. It's not moving that much further up. Thanks Wii!

(before that shit falls back down and I lose my profits)

EDIT: anyone want to convince me otherwise in the next 5 minutes?


Argh, it's at $69.98 right now. I was going to wait until it hit 70! :lol

Update - Out at $69.50. Gift horse in the mouth and all that. I'll certainly consider buying back in if it drops to around 65 before earnings.

And naturally it's up above $71 today :lol Ah well, I more than doubled my money on it. Not too shabby.


Comics, serious business!
Soka said:
Looks like things will close today relatively flat, the Dow especially. Lots of slow days recently.

Actually things are not slow. When you see the Dow +10, -5, etc., it looks slow on the outside (and it usually is). However, internally, the market is fighting with itself right now. Look at GE, KFT, etc. GE was up 3%+ at one point today. It ended up 1.45%. KFT was down, then up, then settled down to finish basically flat. PFE hit $18.25 only to finish at $17.88. Financials are all over the place. Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

I sold all my call options early in the morning, feeling that the market would exhale right after the fed decision. I made 17.37%, 9.22%, and 15.90% on KFT, PFE, and GE, respectively. If I hung on to the afternoon I wouldn't have made anything. Not bad for a couple days. :D

lil smoke

kathode said:
Argh, it's at $69.98 right now. I was going to wait until it hit 70! :lol

Update - Out at $69.50. Gift horse in the mouth and all that. I'll certainly consider buying back in if it drops to around 65 before earnings.

And naturally it's up above $71 today :lol Ah well, I more than doubled my money on it. Not too shabby.
Yeah BS. It went up a bit more. Oh wells. I did good with it.

Hey here's a tip. If I sell something. Buy it. It will definitely go up RIGHT AFTER I sell. Guarantee.
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