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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Well shit. I've lost a TON in the last two weeks and today it looks even worse. At this point I guess just ride it out..?

Depends on what it is that you're losing a ton on. If it's SPY/QQQ then of course you ride it out. If it's on individual names then you'll need to do some assessment.


Did the market open today in Moscow? I know the morning and evening trading is closed this week, but there was no trading at all today?


Did the market open today in Moscow? I know the morning and evening trading is closed this week, but there was no trading at all today?

Looks like it:



There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
My portfolio seems to be doing okay in the face of war, but it could be just the end of the month automatically buying pension funds which seem to be tech heavy.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.

.25 confirmed.

Why are things so obvious in hidesight. Visa and Mastercard got crushed.

I don’t follow that industry. What factors led to it?


Gold Member
If youre a big gambler buy those Russian stocks that have dropped 99% down to pennies, pray they dont go belly up or delisted and wait 5 or 10 years for a rebound.

Sberbank dropped over 99% and bottom at 1 penny. Then rebounded to 5 cents.

I'm going to see if there's any crazy ADRs like this on NYSE/Nasdaq. Might be worth tossing in $500 worth of shitty shares. You never know. If it takes 5 years and rebound to just $5 you made a ton. If it fails youre only out $500.

US markets halted all Russian stocks. But if they get unhalted theyre all going to drop a ton. Maybe to 1 cent like Sberbank.
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If youre a big gambler buy those Russian stocks that have dropped 99% down to pennies, pray they dont go belly up or delisted and wait 5 or 10 years for a rebound.

Sberbank dropped over 99% and bottom at 1 penny. Then rebounded to 5 cents.

I'm going to see if there's any crazy ADRs like this on NYSE/Nasdaq. Might be worth tossing in $500 worth of shitty shares. You never know. If it takes 5 years and rebound to just $5 you made a ton. If it fails youre only out $500.

US markets halted all Russian stocks. But if they get unhalted theyre all going to drop a ton. Maybe to 1 cent like Sberbank.
I wondered about that. Seems you have way more to gain than lose financially speaking. Are you able to buy them directly through Vanguard?


Gold Member
I wondered about that. Seems you have way more to gain than lose financially speaking. Are you able to buy them directly through Vanguard?
I dont know. I dont know anything about Vanguard.

But it seems Russian stocks are a free for all on London exchange as they never halted Russian stocks.

My trading accounts are limited to allows me only to trade TSX/NYSE/Nasdaq. I dont know which Russian stocks are halted though as the listings will be different than London. I'll check after dinner. Maybe Sberbank is on NYSE too.
Anyone trade gaming stocks besides the big ones? I like to buy some ubisoft for quick swing trades at high volume. Pretty predictable stock.

Sega was the best for this and I hope it goes under $4 again… one day I think this will pop esp. if someone buys the company. EZ money when you buy at 3 and sell for 4 at high volume, been like this for years.

Intel still holding strong but it probably won’t move for a while.

I think energizer could be a good long term bet around what it’s trading but i’ll keep an eye for big dips post fed meeting. Under 30 i’ll definitely bite.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
NET is clearly being manipulated. Only buy after it crashes to shit like today, never in an upswing.


Gold Member
I dont know. I dont know anything about Vanguard.

But it seems Russian stocks are a free for all on London exchange as they never halted Russian stocks.

My trading accounts are limited to allows me only to trade TSX/NYSE/Nasdaq. I dont know which Russian stocks are halted though as the listings will be different than London. I'll check after dinner. Maybe Sberbank is on NYSE too.

London Stock Exchange Shuts Down Trading of Russia Securities​

London Stock Exchange Group PLC has suspended trading in more than 50 Russian stocks listed on the big European exchange, the latest move to prevent investors both buying and selling Russian securities inside and outside the country.

The trading suspensions, announced Thursday, result from the sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, the LSE said. It added it was acting to “maintain orderly markets” amid mass selling of Russian stock as investors seek to cut ties with the country.

Trading suspensions apply to such high-profile companies as Russia’s biggest bank, Sberbank Russia PJSC, which is retrenching to its domestic market as its European subsidiaries faced possible default. The dollar-denominated stock last traded at less than one cent on the LSE.

Other affected stocks include En+ Group International, PJSC Gazprom and Rosneft Oil Co., the LSE said in a statement.

The LSE move follows that by rival Deutsche Boerse AG, which earlier this week closed its doors on trading of Russian securities listed on its market for similar reasons.

The ability of investors to trade Russian stocks is further limited by a decision from Russia’s central bank Thursday to keep the country’s stock market largely closed for the fourth day in a row.


Gold Member
Thanks. Finally London took action.

Skimming some Russian stocks on US markets, I have Qiwi and Headhunter Group I'm putting on my watch list.
Whoever it was that said earlier in the week Moscow markets would be closed all week, you were right.
Scary to think what may happen when they do open.

Anyone know a Forex trader willing to trade RUB while it's down? My old man, a retired Forex trader, wouldn't stop real-joking about getting such a $0.01 trade to go through.


Gold Member
Scary to think what may happen when they do open.

Anyone know a Forex trader willing to trade RUB while it's down? My old man, a retired Forex trader, wouldn't stop real-joking about getting such a $0.01 trade to go through.
Well, if the London stock listings are a sign of what's to come, some of the big companies will drop 95% or more. Before it got halted, some lucky bums scooped up Sberbank at 1 cent and surely flipped it at a nickel before lock downs. Crazy.

As for forex, I know nothing, but it seems to have stabilized past few days. It reached a low of 117:1, but bounced back a bit and has held somewhere between 100 and 110 all week. It normal exchange rate was 75:1 before that.

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which of them is the 'safer bet'? have to admit I wish I knew more about the industry

This post is in a response to a question about Marijuana stocks in another thread, I'm posting it here to avoid derailing that thread.

I'm mostly into the ETF's like POTX. Even though I research marijuana stocks a lot, there are so many players in this field it's hard to tell which stock to invest in. There are plenty out there I am aware of, but have only done minimal research. The individual stocks I invest in are,

CRON. For this ticker, I'm there because the Altria group is there. The Altria group is one of the world's largest tobacco companies. Altria has some ownership in CRON and has a deal with them where they get to put members on CRON's board of directors based on Altria's ownership in CRON. They have expressed intent to use CRON as a vehicle to get into the cannabis business before it's fully legalized. They use the company to do research projects in Canada and Israel. I don't think Altria would have the level of involvement it did if there wasn't something very special about this company.

MRMD: This is a penny stock that trades OTC and isn't available on all brokers. It has fairly consistently traded for under a dollar a share, and has positive earnings. it's an American company that is going around buying up licenses to produce and sell marijuana in places in the US where its legal. If/when it becomes legal in the US I expect this company to get gobbled up quickly. My expectation is that once it becomes legal on the banking side there will be strict enforcement of Marijuana licensure, and the limited amount of these licenses that exist will make any company that has a good number of them incredibly valuable.

In general A lot of Marijuana stocks are trading near their 52 week low. Legalization might be around the corner or many years from now, either way I think it's a decent time to buy, and I'm buying a little with every paycheck.

Tbh, I'm not sure if anything I'm investing in is necessarily a "safe bet." I do think the moment legalization happens there will be an absolute frenzy that will make these stocks go to the moon, where they go after that depends on a lot of factors I'm unsure of. There are different theories on how profitable marijuana will actually be in the long run.

Some of the research indicates that it's a fairly small segment of the population that really likes marijuana. Legalization means access to banking and finance which will definitely increase profitability. Most of what is going on in the industry right now is a race to either get legal rights to sell this stuff, or to develop new products that would appeal to non-smoker/vapers. After legalization, any of these companies could blow up if they could successfully create lines of products that are appealing to the kinds of people that are not your typical "LMAO weed dude" bro.
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Since I have invested about 25% in oil, this has had a positive effect on my portfolio, but I would not mind if it continued to be red under these circumstances.

I hope, especially for the civilians and all those who are pointlessly dying, that this will end very soon.


Gold Member
Call me a profiteering shmuck, but I finally got into my first energy company due to all this oil issue stuff. I've had some in the past but not due to the war.

Up 10% in less than a week.

I cant believe how much oil companies have gone up since their Q4 2020 bottom.
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Gold Member
I lost about 45k$ so far in theory, will ride it out I guess. Still doing my monthly investment payments.
When covid hit the fan in March 2020, I was almost all in with no cash on the side. My portfolio was down about 35-40%! It took me about 6 months of sitting there to rebound to breakeven.
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Authorized Fister
When covid hit the fan in March 2020, I was almost all in with no cash on the side. My portfolio was down about 35-40%! It took me about 6 months of sitting there to rebound to breakeven.
I had to get tens of thousands out too in 2020 for moving purposes and lost money on the sale of my then loft, so lost a pretty penny. There's worse, I would probably had to pay hundreds of dollars more for my house so.
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what is this rally...

Oil is cooling off momentarily due to being severely overbought, as is (or was) the VIX.

The VIX needs to come back down to under 30 before we can have any potential of a sustained trend change. As it stands though it's hanging out around 4h support of 32.

I'll say one thing, if it does manage to break below 30 but nothing has changed (geopolitically and/or economically) then everyone would be wise to hedge if they can.
I fueled up my 458 today and it cost me £134. What in the fuck. Is this shit gonna top soon? 🤣🤷🏻

Maybe if the Ukraine thing ends in the next 5 minutes and we decide to let bygones be gone by the wayside. I think otherwise various countries have to pump up their production numbers, and that takes time. My expectation would be higher prices for the next 9 months at least. Don't take me too seriously though, I've been wrong about plenty.


I fueled up my 458 today and it cost me £134. What in the fuck. Is this shit gonna top soon? 🤣🤷🏻

Hope that's the weekend car...

UK petrol prices have always been high tbh. I'm always shocked when I go back to visit from Dubai. Since I've been here I've had some very petrol hungry cars and I've got another one on the way, no way would I daily a V8 in the UK though, it's wallet suicide.

Fools idol

Hope that's the weekend car...

UK petrol prices have always been high tbh. I'm always shocked when I go back to visit from Dubai. Since I've been here I've had some very petrol hungry cars and I've got another one on the way, no way would I daily a V8 in the UK though, it's wallet suicide.
hah, at the moment it is. I have a few other cars, all v8's 🤣 going to buy myself a tesla soon.
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hah, at the moment it is. I have a few other cars, all v8's 🤣 going to buy myself a tesla soon.

The only time I won't buy petrol engines cars is when I'm forced to.

I've just got a Stelvio Quadrifoglio 100% because of the noise (well actually mostly because it's one of the few new mid-high end cars that are actually available here at the moment but that's another story...). I went in for a Giulia, they didn't have any and I wasn't convinced about the Stelvio Quad until I test drove it. Absolutely insane noise for a stock fully warrantied car. Will post pics when it arrives, quite happy with the spec I ended up with.


Gold Member
The only time I won't buy petrol engines cars is when I'm forced to.

I've just got a Stelvio Quadrifoglio 100% because of the noise (well actually mostly because it's one of the few new mid-high end cars that are actually available here at the moment but that's another story...). I went in for a Giulia, they didn't have any and I wasn't convinced about the Stelvio Quad until I test drove it. Absolutely insane noise for a stock fully warrantied car. Will post pics when it arrives, quite happy with the spec I ended up with.
I got an AR Giulia myself. Nice car, but interiors a little bland. Quadri out of my price range as those are I think $90+k in Canada (and that was before covid). Whats the HP in Quadri? Like 500? Insane. Next car I get may be a BMW M240i.

If they havent improved it over the years, the Giulia and Stelvio have a slew of electronics issues, the check engine light will come on a lot, and watch out for accidentally overfueling the gas tank. If they havent fixed these the past 3 years, it's a pain to get them fixed under warranty. If you overfuel your tank a bit, it clogs a fuel filter and its got to be replaced. Happened twice. You know it happens when there's a deep scratchy noise that wont go away. So tats why I never fuel to the top in case I accidentally itch the gas trigger.
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I got an AR Giulia myself. Nice car, but interiors a little bland. Quadri out of my price range as those are I think $90+k in Canada (and that was before covid). Whats the HP in Quadri? Like 500? Insane. Next car I get may be a BMW M240i.

If they havent improved it over the years, the Giulia and Stelvio have a slew of electronics issues, the check engine light will come on a lot, and watch out for accidentally overfueling the gas tank. If they havent fixed these the past 3 years, it's a pain to get them fixed under warranty. If you overfuel your tank a bit, it clogs a fuel filter and its got to be replaced. Happened twice. You know it happens when there's a deep scratchy noise that wont go away. So tats why I never fuel to the top in case I accidentally itch the gas trigger.

Yeh 505 hp supposedly. I'll most likely get it dyno'd where I plan on getting it wrapped to see what it's actually outputting. A lot of manufacturers tend to understate their numbers these days.

Funny you mention the m240i, I was looking at that as well a couple or weeks ago but they couldn't give me clarity on availability and I wasn't sure on the space being enough.

Fully aware of all the niggles though, I've also heard that the quadrifoglio's hate it when you run them in to low fuel, so it's a case of don't overfill but keep it topped up...

Fully warrantied for 5 years though. Not sure how long I'll keep it because it was nowhere near my first choice (in fact it wasn't even on my radar to be honest) but it's slim pickings out there and I needed to shift my old car since the warranty had expired. I'm just hoping for a relatively smooth ownership experience. I don't think it could be anywhere near as bad as the N63 X6 I once had, that was something else.


Gold Member
Yeh 505 hp supposedly. I'll most likely get it dyno'd where I plan on getting it wrapped to see what it's actually outputting. A lot of manufacturers tend to understate their numbers these days.

Funny you mention the m240i, I was looking at that as well a couple or weeks ago but they couldn't give me clarity on availability and I wasn't sure on the space being enough.

Fully aware of all the niggles though, I've also heard that the quadrifoglio's hate it when you run them in to low fuel, so it's a case of don't overfill but keep it topped up...

Fully warrantied for 5 years though. Not sure how long I'll keep it because it was nowhere near my first choice (in fact it wasn't even on my radar to be honest) but it's slim pickings out there and I needed to shift my old car since the warranty had expired. I'm just hoping for a relatively smooth ownership experience. I don't think it could be anywhere near as bad as the N63 X6 I once had, that was something else.
Mine was 4 year warranty so I had all issues covered. But I'm on year 5 and on my own. Any repair will be huge so thats why I was looking. If this covid shortage issue wasnt around I would had more seriously looked into the 240, but when I skimmed dealer stock none of them even had the one I wanted (colour, options). So I figured I milk it for another year and hope no big issues come up.

One extra year of warranty costs over $2000 per year so I said forget it.

Other cars I was skimming were Acura TLX, Genesis G70, Kia Stinger. When I got my AR, I was thinking about a Jag XE too. But when I tried skimming it it looks like they dont even sell them here anymore. It starts at XF.
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Mine was 4 year warranty so I had all issues covered. But I'm on year 5 and on my own. Any repair will be huge so thats why I was looking. If this covid shortage issue wasnt around I would had more seriously looked into the 240, but when I skimmed dealer stock none of them even had the one I wanted (colour, options). So I figured I milk it for another year and hope no big issues come up.

One extra year of warranty costs over $2000 per year so I said forget it.

Other cars I was skimming were Acura TLX, Genesis G70, Kia Stinger. When I got my AR, I was thinking about a Jag XE too. But when I tried skimming it it looks like they dont even sell them here anymore. It starts at XF.

I was considering hanging on top my old car but I've had such a traumatising experience with car ownership out of warranty in Dubai that I promised myself I'd never do it again. It can be an absolute money sink here due to the lack of expertise with cars not from Japan and the fact that all of the parts are marked up to hell and back due to being imported (I can't imagine how bad it is right now with all the shortages and supply chain issues). The 3rd party garage experience here is thoroughly disappointing.

My general rule for life is to minimise unexpected expenses where possible.

Fools idol

I've been going the opposite way (buying older cars). I think they are going to go up in value a lot over time (the right specs and rarity in mind of course). Particularly, M cars pre-turbo, Ferrari's pre-turbo, and pretty much anything Porsche before 2013 or so.

I have my eyes on a GT2 RS - but literally no where to store it, unless I sell one of my others which I can't bring myself to do 🤦🏻‍♂️
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There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I've been going the opposite way (buying older cars). I think they are going to go up in value a lot over time (the right specs and rarity in mind of course). Particularly, M cars pre-turbo, Ferrari's pre-turbo, and pretty much anything Porsche before 2013 or so.

I have my eyes on a GT2 RS - but literally no where to store it, unless I sell one of my others which I can't bring myself to do 🤦🏻‍♂️
Oh yes, old cars, I am a fan of old cars appreciating over their original purchase value myself.

I have a Miata from 2007 that I bought in 2011 for $7k and now goes for $11k. It is my only car though :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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