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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


ERTS at 38, wow.

Everything is heading lower and lower as the day goes forward.

EDIT: I've never seen so many stocks going about their own movement throughout the day, nothing is following the DOW closely.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Bought in on Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) @ $1.28 yesterday
Right now it's $1.95.

Here's to hoping it will continue to rise

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
You can't do much with $1000. Keep it aside.
Well, you can learn with it, but unfortunately most minimums are $2000+.

IMO, nothing wrong with taking small money and putting it out there. Better than taking big $ and risking losing it as a noob.

Everytime you make $40... sell it and reinvest.


toxicgonzo said:
Bought in on Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) @ $1.28 yesterday
Right now it's $1.95.

Here's to hoping it will continue to rise

There is an FBI investigation in FM along with a few others.


Just to let you know.

EDIT: Well like sonarrat suggested he should pay off debts if he has any. Otherwise he can always learn using an artificial account like the virtual stock exchange. Otherwise, due to commission, $1000 should be accumulated to another $2000 before investing IMO.


lil smoke said:
Well, you can learn with it, but unfortunately most minimums are $2000+.

IMO, nothing wrong with taking small money and putting it out there. Better than taking big $ and risking losing it as a noob.

Everytime you make $40... sell it and reinvest.

While that's true, don't you think it's more prudent for him to hang on to it as money for a rainy day? $1k doesn't get you much nowadays as it is.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Ether_Snake said:
There is an FBI investigation in FM along with a few others.


Just to let you know.

EDIT: Well like sonarrat suggested he should pay off debts if he has any. Otherwise he can always learn using an artificial account like the virtual stock exchange. Otherwise, due to commission, $1000 should be accumulated to another $2000 before investing IMO.

I saw that. I'm watching FRE carefully. I'm ready to bail out at a moment's notice

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
There is an FBI investigation in FM along with a few others.


Just to let you know.

EDIT: Well like sonarrat suggested he should pay off debts if he has any. Otherwise he can always learn using an artificial account like the virtual stock exchange. Otherwise, due to commission, $1000 should be accumulated to another $2000 before investing IMO.
Problem with virtual is that your decision making with fake money is not applicable to the real world. Emotions with real cash are another world.

But I agree with you for the most part. If it's SPARE $, it's fine. Otherwise, save.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
RSTEIN, do you have any experience with long-shorts? I'm thinking that buying calls and puts on the same stock might not be a bad idea, since the swings in the market are so violent that you could very well make money on both of them if you just wait a day or two, or make a ton of money on one that wipes out the losses of the other.

I don't buy or short stocks. I'm just 100% options. There are tons of strategies out that combine puts and calls. I would suggest googling them...


toxicgonzo said:
I saw that. I'm watching FRE carefully. I'm ready to bail out at a moment's notice

Anyone who bought FRE last week made a good return that's for sure, it was at $0.04:p


Davidion said:
While that's true, don't you think it's more prudent for him to hang on to it as money for a rainy day? $1k doesn't get you much nowadays as it is.

To be honest, I only have about $1000 in my Roth IRA. It's plenty of money to screw around with options (as long as you're not writing them). My goal is to turn it into $2500 without putting any more into it to get to the point where stock trades are free, then invest $2000 in a diverse stock portfolio while using the first $500 to continue to mess around with options.


lil smoke said:
Problem with virtual is that your decision making with fake money is not applicable to the real world. Emotions with real cash are another world.

But I agree with you for the most part.

Yeah but what I liked when I used the VSE was that I was doing research, getting informed, etc., to make better decisions, learned from my mistakes, etc. So you come out more experienced and with more knowledge on how things work, without using actual money. As for the returns yeah it spend differently, but you get an understanding of how things work at least.

I'm still learning every day but now I'm dealing with real money:p


Thanks for the advice guys. I'll keep it aside for now then. I had big dreams of getting advice to purchase stocks where prices plummeted and hoped to get rich when they soared back up haha... yeah right :p

I'll keep saving until 2k and come back then!

(it's all savings at the moment, no debt, no bills each month, etc.)

lil smoke

YakiSOBA said:
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll keep it aside for now then. I had big dreams of getting advice to purchase stocks where prices plummeted and hoped to get rich when they soared back up haha... yeah right :p

I'll keep saving until 2k and come back then!

(it's all savings at the moment, no debt, no bills each month, etc.)
savings =/= spare money. Spare money for trading is money that you can afford to lose, so to speak.


lil smoke said:
savings =/= spare money. Spare money for trading is money that you can afford to lose, so to speak.

Ain't that the truth. Just look at my poor balance reminds me of that every day. I am just going to keep telling myself I am a long term investor.


Pretty much confirmed the plan is passing by sometime tomorrow or shortly, with certain modifications. Bush to address the nation tonight at 9pm ET.


Ether_Snake said:
Pretty much confirmed the plan is passing by sometime tomorrow or shortly, with certain modifications. Bush to address the nation tonight at 9pm ET.

Let's just hope it's with the right modifications.


What a choppy trading day!

NVDA up all day, now at 5%

EDIT2: We finish down again. Seems like there really is a lot of resistance against the plan. Not sure why Bush is addressing the nation tonight then, I thought he would only do so if it was already in the pocket. This is really strange, if they plan is being attacked so much you don't ask the most unpopular president ever to try and convince the American people that it's good.


can anyone explain a stop-limit order to me i'm selling please?

heres my example, let's say a stock closed today at $4.00

i want to sell it as soon as market opened if it falls between 3.5-4.5

Do i put a stop-limit order with a stop price at 4.50 and a limit of 3.5?

If the stock opens at 4.80 though, i don't want to sell it and keep it hoping it goes up to 5 bucks then maybe sell but if it drops to 4.5 i want it to automatically sell it at that price.

However if it drops below 3.5 to 3.00 i want to keep it hoping it goes back up to 3.5 then sell it.

Is this understanding correct or am i doing it completely wrong? if its the wrong order, what order do i have to do, to do this?

thank you.


mackaveli said:
can anyone explain a stop-limit order to me i'm selling please?

heres my example, let's say a stock closed today at $4.00

i want to sell it as soon as market opened if it falls between 3.5-4.5

Do i put a stop-limit order with a stop price at 4.50 and a limit of 3.5?

If the stock opens at 4.80 though, i don't want to sell it and keep it hoping it goes up to 5 bucks then maybe sell but if it drops to 4.5 i want it to automatically sell it at that price.

However if it drops below 3.5 to 3.00 i want to keep it hoping it goes back up to 3.5 then sell it.

Is this understanding correct or am i doing it completely wrong? if its the wrong order, what order do i have to do, to do this?

thank you.

If you put in a stop-limit with a stop at 3.50 and a limit of 4.50, then it will only sell if it does NOT fall between 3.50 and 4.50. To do what you're doing, you'll have to check in at 9:30 EST and see what's going on.


RSTEIN, I was gonna ask you if you have any experience in long-short positions. I was thinking of buying both calls and puts (out of the money) on the same stock, since the swings in the market have been so violent.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
RSTEIN, I was gonna ask you if you have any experience in long-short positions. I was thinking of buying both calls and puts (out of the money) on the same stock, since the swings in the market have been so violent.

I replied already! Look above! :D

The Magnificent RSTEIN said:
I don't buy or short stocks. I'm just 100% options. There are tons of strategies out that combine puts and calls. I would suggest googling them...


Comics, serious business!


NKE up in AH. Should have figured they would the well after the Olympics.

Nike Inc's (NKE.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) futures orders growth is up nearly 50 percent in China, Nike Brand President Charlie Denson said on Wednesday.

The global athletic shoe and apparel retailer said total futures orders rose 27 percent in the Asia Pacific region. China is Nike's second-largest market after the United States. (Reporting by Alexandria Sage; Editing by Andre Grenon)

Makes sense. There's a lot of room for growth for Nike in developing countries, not so much here.


RSTEIN said:
Where's kathode?

Becoming very poor :( Like I said above, getting discouraged with things. SDVI was the lion's share of my holdings, and it dropped from .025 to .015. They withdrew a bid to uplist to the OTC.BB so they could restate financials. I own over 800k shares so you can do the math for yourself to see how I've been feeling lately, haha. I still believe it will come back, and obviously with anything in that price range you should expect fluctuations, but it's disheartening with all my options taking a dump as well.

Still holding ERTS and UNH calls for December. ERTS is another Monsanto-style disaster stock lately. I really don't know what to do about it. UNH should come back, but another 3.5%+ drop today. The really ironic thing is that I had to sell my NFLX calls at a big loss, and then I think they day they expired was that big 300+ point turnaround over the course of half an hour, and NFLX closed over the strike price! FUCK. Unbelievable timing.

So basically I'm paralyzed. I have a bit of money in plain-vanilla savings I could draw on but I really don't want to put that in the market right now. Just very frustrating, but what can you do. It could all turn around tomorrow, you never know!

Oh yeah, if all this weren't enough, I also tried to buy a PS3 off of ebay and some fucker scammed me and ran off with my $300. I can recover $200 through paypal, but that's pretty much been my financial life in a nutshell lately :lol


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
Becoming very poor :( Like I said above, getting discouraged with things. SDVI was the lion's share of my holdings, and it dropped from .025 to .015. They withdrew a bid to uplist to the OTC.BB so they could restate financials. I own over 800k shares so you can do the math for yourself to see how I've been feeling lately, haha. I still believe it will come back, and obviously with anything in that price range you should expect fluctuations, but it's disheartening with all my options taking a dump as well.

Still holding ERTS and UNH calls for December. ERTS is another Monsanto-style disaster stock lately. I really don't know what to do about it. UNH should come back, but another 3.5%+ drop today. The really ironic thing is that I had to sell my NFLX calls at a big loss, and then I think they day they expired was that big 300+ point turnaround over the course of half an hour, and NFLX closed over the strike price! FUCK. Unbelievable timing.

So basically I'm paralyzed. I have a bit of money in plain-vanilla savings I could draw on but I really don't want to put that in the market right now. Just very frustrating, but what can you do. It could all turn around tomorrow, you never know!

Oh yeah, if all this weren't enough, I also tried to buy a PS3 off of ebay and some fucker scammed me and ran off with my $300. I can recover $200 through paypal, but that's pretty much been my financial life in a nutshell lately :lol

Man, that sucks :( Well, as you yourself said HOOOLD!!!! It's always darkest before dawn!


Nikkei started down but is going up since the Bush address. Probably not related, but let me put my Bloomberg.com hat:

"Confidence returns, Nikkei up, after Bush addresses the nation."

I feel smart.

EDIT: Bailout might pass tomorrow. Hold onto your hats and hope for the best... then run like a bandit when you made a good profit.

lil smoke

Well what do we have here? I wake up to a few extra dollars. Amazing the power of a friggin speech that said nothing we don't already know.


Time to stock up on puts at a bargain price!

HBCJP 1 Paid $3.30 Price $4.40 +$110.00 +33.33% Val $440.00
HBCVN 1 Paid $1.00 Price $0.80 $-20.00 -20.00% Val $80.00

Nice nice nice.


Zecco is trying to make amends for their website performance issues by offering unlimited free stock and options trades for all of October, no minimum. It's good for new accounts too, so take advantage of it while you can!


My precious gold, it is not rising.

Everything else is tho. Should have kept ADSK, it was a good investment.


sonarrat said:
Zecco is trying to make amends for their website performance issues by offering unlimited free stock and options trades for all of October, no minimum. It's good for new accounts too, so take advantage of it while you can!

Thanks for the heads up. Just might take advantage of this.

Ether_Snake said:
My precious gold, it is not rising.

Everything else is tho. Should have kept ADSK, it was a good investment.

I thought you were dropping gold due to volatility?


I was?

Ah yes. I was supposed to do that soon. I had second guesses.

And why is CGT continuously falling on no news.

Anyway I'm probably going to get rid of almost everything after the bailout-bump. We'll see. I have no faith at all in the markets now.

EDIT: ERTS and ATVI have the same downward trend today.


My portfolio finished 20% up on paper today on the strength of my options positions. It's fragile, but I feel like there's a lot less risk to buying calls and puts than other varieties of trading, even though the swings are huge.


sonarrat said:
My portfolio finished 20% up on paper today on the strength of my options positions. It's fragile, but I feel like there's a lot less risk to buying calls and puts than other varieties of trading, even though the swings are huge.

I agree that it feels great when you're winning.


kathode said:
I agree that it feels great when you're winning.

Not just that, but you aren't putting a ton of money at risk. If I guessed wrong and it all went to hell tomorrow, I'd be out a couple hundred dollars and then I could start again. If I bought the same amount of stock on margin to get the same rewards, it would be a lot riskier.


sonarrat said:
Not just that, but you aren't putting a ton of money at risk. If I guessed wrong and it all went to hell tomorrow, I'd be out a couple hundred dollars and then I could start again. If I bought the same amount of stock on margin to get the same rewards, it would be a lot riskier.

Very true. I just invest the same amounts into options that I would into stocks :) The swings can hit you hard, and it's especially frustrating when you've got that one stock that bucks the market trends and doggedly goes in the opposite direction you need. But it's certainly never boring!


kathode said:
Very true. I just invest the same amounts into options that I would into stocks :) The swings can hit you hard, and it's especially frustrating when you've got that one stock that bucks the market trends and doggedly goes in the opposite direction you need. But it's certainly never boring!

Well, with the volatility in the current market and the constant up and down swings, I'm using a lot of neutral strategies so that I make money when the market turns one way, then more when it turns the other.


Comics, serious business!
Soka said:
Something went terribly wrong with COOL after hours. Down 25%, and I have no idea why. Some big player must have bailed out, there's no news on it right now. Damn fucks!

But, so tempting to buy in more tomorrow morning after market opens...

Hello, shockwave :D
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