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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!

lil smoke

gkrykewy said:
I expect NTDOY will be a little cheaper tomorrow than it was today - should drop in Japan overnight, and (I'd guess) by more than the 1.64% it fell today on the Pink Sheets. Should remain a good buy until the legislation is settled here.
57.29. Well that's interesting in itself. Bit too high still to get in IMO.

Anyway my $$ is tied up in TD and I don't know how to get it back. I guess when the limit order expires, but I don't know how long that takes. Man I've done some dumb things in the past week regarding my shares. Good thing this isn't my day job.


ERTS dropped 6% today and is up 6% in AH.

It's the waiting game now.

And why did STP fall so much on a day oil skyrocketed? This stock never makes much sense:p

EDIT: After doing some reading, it's pretty clear that the reason markets tanked today is not because people are "waiting", is because people doubt it will pass soon, if at all.


bggrthnjsus said:
oh man portfolio dropped $20k today, mostly because of BOH

Wow you have a lot invested. Good luck, thought times!

Soka: Hoku's fundamentals are not so hot tho, have you looked at them? I don't want to influence your decision (I'd feel really bad if I made you miss an opportunity), but have a look at WFR and their ratios (check on Yahoo in Key Statistics), which are pretty good. Low debt, cash, and they dropped a LOT recently.



I personally am not investing in either (I already have investments in STP, which has gone up 10$ since I bought it), because solar is damn risky (WFR is not explicitly solar either, they almost went bankrupt before and it could happen again) and at these times I prefer to avoid having too much risky investments in my portfolio.

Just make sure you don't invest on a speckle of information, it's thought times! We're all hoping for big returns right now, but we also all want to keep on playing;)

MON, POT, MOS, have been some safe investments in the recent past, of course in no way protected from market turmoil (nothing to do with solar, just some examples).


Uh whoops.. HBC just got added to the banned short-sale list. I better get rid of these puts pronto.. but Zecco's website is misbehaving and I can't do shit. Fuck!


Soka said:
I appreciate opinions on my trading, if I didn't, I wouldn't be posting about it on here. Never hurts to see things from another angle... and, it is a good point to consider. I'm also strongly considering avoiding small market cap stocks for a while, and Hoku is probably a bit small for what I'm considering right now.

On another note, COOL had some good news a few days ago, though it didn't really affect the stock much. http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/majesco-turns-q3-profit-as-sales-spike-44/?biz=1

Q3 net income of $500,000 as opposed to a net loss of $1.5m at the same time last year; good growth on net revenue and profit, as well as almost doubling domestic sales from last year. I'm really thinking the casual market that is booming thanks to the Wii and DS is finally starting to pay off for Majesco.

Yep that's pretty good. I wonder if they won't be bought out in the near future.

I might try to sell ABX.TO if it goes in the 40s again.


I managed to mostly close out my position at a 10% gain before the ban on buying puts went into effect. Suck my dick, SEC!

Edit: Oh, it's a ban on exercising long puts. So they can be traded, but if I have 8 HSBC puts then I can't use them to sell 800 shares of HSBC at $70.


CGT is rising 2% right now, good. STP also up.

Dow in the red now.

Like I said in the econigaf thread, Paulson and Bernanke are using market uncertainty to push their plan through.

EDIT: Anyone else having problems with the real-time quotes on Yahoo? Mine no longer updates, I have to F5.

A glimpse of my watch list:


lil smoke

LuCkymoON said:
What Financial services company does everyone use? I was thinking of using scott trade but now I'm not so sure.
I use TD Ameritrade.

Today sux. I swear everything I touch turns red immediately. If I skip or miss it, it goes up. Guys I am driving this market.


LuCkymoON said:
What Financial services company does everyone use? I was thinking of using scott trade but now I'm not so sure.

I use scottrade, it's just fine.

Blood in the streets, etc etc. Should've dumped my UNH calls when I had the chance. Starting to get discouraged as now even SDVI is suffering. The only good news is that I got out of margin debt before things really went south. Hopefully I'll have some cash to infuse soon.


he's Virgin Tight™
LuCkymoON said:
What Financial services company does everyone use? I was thinking of using scott trade but now I'm not so sure.

Recently opened an account with Charles and Schwab here. Let's see how good they are


ERTS at 39.

Dead Space might be a bigger hit than I originally though, the number of views of its videos on Gametrailers is higher than I expected. If they can market it well it might be a good seller.

I think Mirror's Edge won't be released this year. Probably in March. It looked like it needed a lot of polish the last time I saw it, and everyone knows the game is short and linear with no online mode, so I think it would be more appropriate for a release against less competition in the spring.


LuCkymoON said:
What Financial services company does everyone use? I was thinking of using scott trade but now I'm not so sure.

Keep in mind, the one you choose will depend on how many trades you do and how much money you have. There are some companies that are better for lower amounts, light traders and others that are much better for high-volume traders.


Tamanon said:
Keep in mind, the one you choose will depend on how many trades you do and how much money you have. There are some companies that are better for lower amounts, light traders and others that are much better for high-volume traders.
I pretty sure I will be a low-vol trader with a light account. :D

lil smoke

Soka said:
Buy a shit ton of BOH for me, tank it 75%, then I'll buy in big, then you sell, and then it'll go flying back up and I can sell for massive profits.

Do it man do it. For the good of all humanity.
:lol Sadly I considered it for a second.


sonarrat said:
Zecco, then. 10 free trades a month if you have $2500 in the account, and options trades are cheap too.

That's really good, I pay 28.95$ per commission!!!! Forces to me to aim for bigger gains.


Ether_Snake said:
That's really good, I pay 28.95$ per commission!!!! Forces to me to aim for bigger gains.

The tradeoff is that their trading platform sucks the big one. It took me over an hour of trying to refresh to sell off my options this morning.


sonarrat said:
The tradeoff is that their trading platform sucks the big one. It took me over an hour of trying to refresh to sell off my options this morning.

I haven't had any problems with firefox.

lil smoke

sonarrat said:
Zecco, then. 10 free trades a month if you have $2500 in the account, and options trades are cheap too.
Yeah that actually sounds better than my current deal. I thought there was some reason I avoided Zecco though. I remember doing some research, and I ended up with TD. Perhaps it's what happens after 10 trades LOL.


lil smoke said:
Yeah that actually sounds better than my current deal. I thought there was some reason I avoided Zecco though. I remember doing some research, and I ended up with TD. Perhaps it's what happens after 10 trades LOL.

$4.50/trade after ten.


Another red day. There is no confidence, every one is trying to make some money and run (which is clear whenever you have a sharp decline after a recovery).


I think a lot of people are realizing that this is a Bush Administration hack and hence people think this might be delayed further as it gets more scrutiny and we get a better idea of the intentions behind the plan.


Plus Paulson has been batting under .200 on the economy so far. Quite a few things he's asked for were to prevent this from happening, and then they were given, and it still happened.


The big boys are hiding, so trading volumes are low and it's like the Wild West out there. No way would you see 400-point swings or oil going from 108 to 130 back to 108 in a normal trading day.


Was gonna post that, up 14%.

I was about to say that tomorrow would be a red day, but maybe this will help a bit. If Buffet is investing in financials (in a way) then it can bring some confidence to the markets. At least it would to me.


sonarrat said:
The big boys are hiding, so trading volumes are low and it's like the Wild West out there. No way would you see 400-point swings or oil going from 108 to 130 back to 108 in a normal trading day.

No kidding. Yesterday when I made a bid for CGT at 10.15 (on the TSX), I waited and waited and waited and even tho it was trading at 10.16 it wasn't going through. It eventually did, maybe an hour later!


Well, I've read the OP and I think I understand how it works, so I figure I should get into this whole stock thing. Is now a good time? I just watched Suze Orman talking about how now is a good time to put your cash into stocks, because when the market turns around, big profits.

BTW, I'm in Canada. What company should I go through to buy stocks?


Ether_Snake said:
Was gonna post that, up 14%.

I was about to say that tomorrow would be a red day, but maybe this will help a bit. If Buffet is investing in financials (in a way) then it can bring some confidence to the markets. At least it would to me.

Yeah, it looks like most of the financials got a nice little bump after hours, so it appears to be working for now. Bah, why couldn't I have pulled the trigger on GS when it fell to the 90s last week?! Should be interesting to see how this news coupled with the bailout proceedings will effect the markets for the rest of the week.


Comics, serious business!
Buffett infinite life prefs... lol. 10% coupon. Yeah... So the only way Buffett would invest is if you write him a 10% coupon for perpetuity with a negative conversion premium... ok...



I quickly sold off my stocks in the virtual portfolio I've been managing after the crash of the investment firms and invested it all in AIG and WM:


If only I used real money lol.


rhinoman said:
Well, I've read the OP and I think I understand how it works, so I figure I should get into this whole stock thing. Is now a good time? I just watched Suze Orman talking about how now is a good time to put your cash into stocks, because when the market turns around, big profits.

BTW, I'm in Canada. What company should I go through to buy stocks?

No, now is not a good time. It's risky times. If you don't have a family, try to save around 20% to 25% of your annual income. Then you can afford to invest 5% of that, and no more. That's my suggestion.

Einherjar: yeah you would have probably not been as risky in your moves:p

EDIT: Imagine if a Buffet investment in GS is all that was needed to reassure markets! :lol

EDIT2: Damn gold futures are down. Bah

lil smoke

I'm going to hold on to the few positions that I have, even if they are still trickling down, I feel they are still bought undervalue, and eventually when pelosi and her stooges figure their shit out, we'll see 1 or 2 good days right away, like last friday, where I completely missed out on lots of opportunities. [/run on sentence]

I think worse scenario is that everything bounces back up and you're not in. It will be too late. I need something to happen to hedge my fuck ups, so I'm staying put.. even though it's hard to see that I still didn't get in low enough on most of my ownings.


Bah it's easy to blame yourself but these are some of the worst times in decades, just before an election too, at a time where the deficit is unbelievably huge, etc.


EDIT2: Gold rising!

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
Bah it's easy to blame yourself but these are some of the worst times in decades, just before an election too, at a time where the deficit is unbelievably huge, etc.


EDIT2: Gold rising!
Lots of my mistakes were user (1D-i0t) noob errors. Not following the trends that I have grown to trust over years, but deciding to go against my gut on sudden whims. Trying to go against the grain is a part of my personality that simply does not work here.

Yeah, your ABX (i think it was you) was shaky at 1st, but looks like it did well overall, besides a minor bounce this AM.


RSTEIN, do you have any experience with long-shorts? I'm thinking that buying calls and puts on the same stock might not be a bad idea, since the swings in the market are so violent that you could very well make money on both of them if you just wait a day or two, or make a ton of money on one that wipes out the losses of the other.


lil smoke said:
Lots of my mistakes were user (1D-i0t) noob errors. Not following the trends that I have grown to trust over years, but deciding to go against my gut on sudden whims. Trying to go against the grain is a part of my personality that simply does not work here.

Yeah, your ABX (i think it was you) was shaky at 1st, but looks like it did well overall, besides a minor bounce this AM.

I bought ABX.TO at 29.50 early last week, now it's at 40:) I really bought straight at the bottom (luck). It's nice to see that and STP go up while everything else is down. I like not being 100% in the red:p

But overall I'm in the green as far as my portfolio is concerned. +6.5%. That's because I got rid of bad stocks two weeks ago (but I should not have gotten rid of ADSK).
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