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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Yeah I knew I should have gotten out when I wanted to. Oh well. I feel like riding it at this point. Only thing I might sell is my ABX.TO just to get some money back in my bank account. Worst is a friend borrowed $2000 from me recently because of a situation he was in. I hope I can at least get that money back soon.


Let's hope all will be ok at work.

Meanwhile, I think Asia will react very badly. They are highly superstitious in Asia and I think as such they are more prone to doing bank runs and react erratically. Let's hope I'm wrong!

Good luck to all by the way, regardless of how the stock market goes I hope we can all pull through this 10 times better than people did 80 years ago, and looking at humanity's history I could only think we will. We are not as divided as we think we are.


I think that unlike in the 30s, we are actually much more reliant on one another, and as such this guarantees some form of stability. Unless a war is triggered.

If no war occurs, we will pull through. Of course, one-world-order conspiracy theorists are going to be fucking annoying for the next few months. Ugh.
America is taking down the entire fucking world with it. Nikkei down ~4.6% in about 30 minutes of trading. NTDOY down almost 10%, trading for 50.25 at the moment.


I just tripled my money with a put when Wachovia got bought up today..

And I'm starting to load up bank stocks now :D (JPM and BofA), NO FEAR

Btw, I'm thinking google is being offered at a pretty big discount right now, and perhaps apple as well


he's Virgin Tight™
Everything is in a discount. I also got benefit from Wachovia but I pulled out before it could drop and it net me a nice profit.

Apple and Google are on my next list, but commission fees are starting to bend me over :lol


Fuzzery said:
I just tripled my money with a put when Wachovia got bought up today..

And I'm starting to load up bank stocks now :D (JPM and BofA), NO FEAR

Btw, I'm thinking google is being offered at a pretty big discount right now, and perhaps apple as well


I, on the other hand, am going on a saving spree, and not touching my investments except maybe selling ABX.TO. I need to beef up my bank account, period.

Remember, we could fall much lower.


Heh, well I think they're gonna pass this shit, EVENTUALLY, and if that happens, things gonna rebound like crazy. Just a waiting game I suppose


Today looks like it will be moderately good. Futures up solidly. AAPL up 1.5% in the premarket, which should be good news for those of us who jumped in yesterday. I got all excited when I saw UNH was up 11%, but then I took a closer look at the chart. You want to see some bullshit, look at the chart for UNH yesterday:




Must stuff is up except Hon for now.

Ubisoft up 6% today but still below 50.


Grr, I'm so conflicted. I thought I should hold off on jumping into Apple yesterday, and now they're up today. If I don't jump in today, they'll be up even higher no doubt. If I do jump in today, the stock market is going to tank and they'll be at like $90 in a few days. :lol


shidoshi said:
Grr, I'm so conflicted. I thought I should hold off on jumping into Apple yesterday, and now they're up today. If I don't jump in today, they'll be up even higher no doubt. If I do jump in today, the stock market is going to tank and they'll be at like $90 in a few days. :lol

I find it's best to just step back and walk away at times like these. Remember that there are thousands of other stocks, any one of which could generate just as big or better returns.

Personally I think AAPL is a good bet, especially if they talk up new Macbooks in the next few weeks. But I don't know that I would have gotten in today if I skipped yesterday. It's very likely we'll see further negative days as bailout talks drag on.


Nice to see STP gain some of its lost feathers at +7% today. Lost like 25% in two days.

I think I might invest in gold more to balance my investments since every time markets are down its up and vice versa.

EDIT: ERTS at 35, wow.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Nice to see the market up today, though I predicted today was going to be a bad day. If not today then soon when more political news shakes things up


Out of ERTS for a fairly big loss. When I see the market up 400 and EA still in the red, it's time to jump ship. What a crapfest. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised to see it hit $30 before it turns around.


shoulda bought some Google for a quick short profit.

Oh well I'm not sure whether I should sell everything right now or wait the long term.
Soka said:
Well, this is a fun day to be on the market! I haven't looked at my mutual funds yet but I have a feeling I shouldn't, seeing as how everything in my individual stock portfolio went to hell today! :lol

I won't be purchasing anymore stocks for quite some time I think, just going to let it all ride out for a bit and sit on the stash of cash I have.

Worst total point loss for the Dow ever, and top 5 or so for % loss. On the bright side, in my opinion, by not going with the $700bln bailout, we'll instead have a smaller fall into recession/depression.

Well fuck. I say one thing one day, and the next, I reconsider if it was such a wise decision. I'm not buying anything today, but maybe after the next big loss on the Dow, assuming there is another large one, I'll buy into a few things.

The dollar is making some nice gains against the Euro and other currencies.


jamesinclair said:
Im about to sign up for Zecco.

Is this where I should start or are most of you using a better service?

Im just sticking my toe in

I'm using Zecco, and now is a good time to try it out because you'll get free trades for all of October. I miss E*Trade's research tools though, Zecco can't hold a candle yet.
sonarrat said:
I'm using Zecco, and now is a good time to try it out because you'll get free trades for all of October. I miss E*Trade's research tools though, Zecco can't hold a candle yet.

Theyre asking me when I opened my bank account. The hell do I know.

Why is investing so hard :(


ATVI was up 7% today.

Can't believe ERTS keeps on falling. I understand why people have lost confidence in the company, but it seems too low right now. We'll see.

CGT has been trading strangely for two weeks now, I don't like this.


jamesinclair said:
Theyre asking me when I opened my bank account. The hell do I know.

Why is investing so hard :(

Just BS it, don't worry about it. They didn't even double-check whether I had done any options trading and gave me Level 2 rights on my Roth IRA.


Yay, two good news for HON made it go green after being in the red for most of the day.

# UOP Technology Selected by Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company for Refinery Expansion in United Arab EmiratesPR Newswire(Tue 10:00am)

# Airbus paying Honeywell $300M for weather radar

But I'm concerned about CGT. It,s always down in the day, up in AH, down the next day. And it just keeps on falling, yet there has been no news for weeks. It's unusual for this stock, especially for it to fall when the markets are down like this.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
The Dow rebounded 500 points today. And what will Congress make of this? They might think Wall St. doesn't really need a bailout

I predict the bailout vote will fail on thursday and screw investors


It would take more bank failures abroad and in the US for it to be sure to pass.

And I think Republicans will try to make this "the Democrats'" bailout to put the blame on them, and use anger at the bailout against them.


They combined the renewable energy bill with the new bailout plan!


Solars will be up tomorrow :D


WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate is set to vote Wednesday evening on its version of the emergency financial rescue package rejected Monday by the House of Representatives, which will include an increase in the cap to the level of deposits in bank accounts insured by the federal government up to $250,000, a senior senate Democratic aide said Tuesday.

The vote will also include the Senate version of an extension to a series of renewable energy and other business tax credits.

There had been speculation throughout Tuesday that the Senate might move to act on the bailout legislation after a surprise defeat of the bill in the House on Monday.

The hope is that increasing the amount the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation can insure, the necessary votes can be found in the House to approve the measure. Twelve more votes would be needed in the House to pass the bailout legislation based on Monday's vote result.

The package of tax credits will also include an annual fix to the alternative minimum tax credit so that more than 20 million middle-class Americans aren't inadvertently affected by the tax.

The Senate will also hold a vote on an amendment to the bill sponsored by Independent Sen. Bernard Sanders, of Vermont, who wants to apply a surtax to millionaires to pay for the potential cost of the bailout.

"We're not going to sit around and point fingers, we're going to get the job done, and we're going to get it done this week." said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Republican Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky.

Sen. Barack Obama's campaign issued a statement Tuesday evening that the senator will return to Washington, D.C., for the vote.


Argh wtf, shit start of a day. Manufacturing index posts biggest drop since 1984. Everything in my portfolio is down now. BHI -6% :|


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Ether_Snake said:
Argh wtf, shit start of a day. Manufacturing index posts biggest drop since 1984. Everything in my portfolio is down now. BHI -6% :|

Yup, bad day. I am trying to pull out today since I am at a -8% loss for one of my stocks. Also, the bailout vote will not pass tonight IMO which means its time to jump ship and buy in cheap tomorrow. Although, if you are man enough to stick it out today and the vote goes through, it could mean great things for your portfolio


I'm gonna be stuck holding onto BHI and HON for longer than I thought I'd have to. And my poor CGT is falling continuously, for no reason, no news, by high % points:| Hopefully earnings will turn them around.


STP +3% and ABX.TO +4%. At least I got SOMETHING that's green. Gold and solar:p

EDIT: Ah, CGT was downgraded a few days ago, that's why they've been down. Damnit, they're a good company doing more and more business with developing nations and there's no reason for them to be down by so much.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
jamesinclair said:
Im about to sign up for Zecco.

Is this where I should start or are most of you using a better service?

Im just sticking my toe in
That depends, how much are you planning on investing? Remember that Zecco only gives free trades if you have more than $2,500 in your account. Timeliness may also be a factor. If you are just going to use a cash account, it will take 3 business days beyond the day you traded before you can use that money to buy another stock.

I'm a fairly small-time investor ($2000) that's been with Zecco for over a year and I switched to Scottrade today. I was able to set up an account and have money ready to be invested from my bank account in 20 minutes. They also let you use "unsettled" funds to buy stock, that means you don't have the 3 business day thing like you would at Zecco with a cash account. I also think that the Zecco website layout and navigation are horrible.

For me, Zecco cost $4.50/trade and Scottrade is $7, but I feel the superior service and speed is worth the extra few bucks.


toxicgonzo said:
Yup, bad day. I am trying to pull out today since I am at a -8% loss for one of my stocks. Also, the bailout vote will not pass tonight IMO which means its time to jump ship and buy in cheap tomorrow. Although, if you are man enough to stick it out today and the vote goes through, it could mean great things for your portfolio

its expected to pass the Senate isnt it?


One way or another, the market is going to go insane in the next couple of days, which will be great for my option positions whether it goes up or down.


NTDOY is down to 49.xx! Lost 5% on the nikkei last night, oddly. Maybe because of news of the next Wii in 2011, with R&D costs.


Can anyone explain to me why NONE of the tickets in my portfolio are following the Dow today? NONE of them. The graph is completely differe.t


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Zyzyxxz said:
its expected to pass the Senate isnt it?
I expected the House to approve the bailout and boy was I wrong. I can't figure out the politics of this anymore. The bottom line is I'm just going to play it safe.

Business Week says the actual voting may occur at 9pm. The after hours market will miss this but I can't wait to see what happens in the pre-market!


Buffet just bought up $3 billion in GE stock. Should have a positive effect on tomorrow, although a lot is going to rest on reaction to this bailout vote as well.
Justin Bailey said:
That depends, how much are you planning on investing? Remember that Zecco only gives free trades if you have more than $2,500 in your account. Timeliness may also be a factor. If you are just going to use a cash account, it will take 3 business days beyond the day you traded before you can use that money to buy another stock.

I'm a fairly small-time investor ($2000) that's been with Zecco for over a year and I switched to Scottrade today. I was able to set up an account and have money ready to be invested from my bank account in 20 minutes. They also let you use "unsettled" funds to buy stock, that means you don't have the 3 business day thing like you would at Zecco with a cash account. I also think that the Zecco website layout and navigation are horrible.

For me, Zecco cost $4.50/trade and Scottrade is $7, but I feel the superior service and speed is worth the extra few bucks.

Thanks for the advice. Ill start out at Zecco and then see if I feel its worth to pay more elsewhere


kathode said:
Buffet just bought up $3 billion in GE stock. Should have a positive effect on tomorrow, although a lot is going to rest on reaction to this bailout vote as well.

I don't expect it to pass tomorrow. I dived in anyway and will do it again if prices fall again.


I think it will pass, this new bill is GOOD.

Peple just think it's still as it was when Paulson made his original proposal.


Ether_Snake said:
I think it will pass, this new bill is GOOD.

Peple just think it's still as it was when Paulson made his original proposal.

It's stuffed with more pork than a heaping platter of chiles relleno. Remember they said the exact same thing about the House, that they were sure they had enough votes, blah blah. We'll see.
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