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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Illuminati said:
woo, one of my 401k investments actually went up after a week of losses. I am contemplating on buying stock that is guaranteed to go back up once we are out of the shit. Still undecided what to invest in though, either tech or pharmaceuticals. Both don't seem to be hit as hard as other areas, but still risky.

There are no guarantees.


Look at their debt to equity ratio no matter who you buy. Also look how large their cash position is and if they are burning it. It's probably the must important consideration right now.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
WickedAngel said:
It figures that this would happen when I'm just beginning to learn about finance and the stock market. 150K and no knowledge as to how to invest it.

Are you the guy who posted about getting inherited that $150,000 & invested it all on Nintendo?
ALeperMessiah said:
Also, it's time to get GM out of the dow.

Agreed. GM has been a crumbling empire for decades. Anyone who acts surprised by the valuation collapse has been living in a cave. Ford is next. Then the Chinese and Indian auto makers will move in and take over.
best fiscal face palm ever?

MassiveAttack said:
Agreed. GM has been a crumbling empire for decades. Anyone who acts surprised by the valuation collapse has been living in a cave. Ford is next. Then the Chinese and Indian auto makers will move in and take over.
I, for one, welcome our new BYD and Tata overlords.


Citigroup pulled out of negotiations to buy Wachovia and will instead sue for damages. Unfortunately, they probably won't have much luck unless they can prove there would have been lost profits, which there would not have been.


ALeperMessiah said:
I was in earlier this year 4700 but got out around 4300 a few months later. I'd like to jump back in anywhere under 4000. Can't go wrong (long-term) with Buffet.

Sure you can go wrong, if you bought in May 1998 you would have waited 5 years just to make your money back.

Illuminati said:
I wouldn't touch any company that is in the financial industry with a 100ft pole, but other sectors have no reason not to recover what they lost over the past week.

Why not? We could stagnate for 10 years for all we know. Nothing is certain whatsoever.

And the car companies that will do well are those that invest in public transport vehicles and those that invest the most in "smart" cars. It's all about reducing energy consumption. Don't ever invest in company that isn't 100% committed to quality. Most businesses in general are very short-term-gains-oriented, and that is never good.

The future can only be one of better distributed wealth, so think about what kind of businesses would do well where the idea of having a giant truck, a big pool in the backyard, etc., are going to be rare.

EDIT: And I don't trust Tata to some extent, their purchase of the Jaguar and Land Rover brand is ridiculous. Might be a good deal in some people's eyes, but I think it's a sign that the management is thinking short term. Anything except public transport and smart cars are going to be a thing of the past in the near future.


he's Virgin Tight™

Do you guys recommend me to invest in government bonds for now instead of having my money in my portfolio without being touched?


Relix said:

Do you guys recommend me to invest in government bonds for now instead of having my money in my portfolio without being touched?

Treasury securities are currently yielding about as much as a plain-jane savings account at a bank.

A high-yield, FDIC savings account is probably your best, safest bet.
toxicgonzo said:
Will tomorrow be Black Friday?

dun dun dun

By CNBC.com | 09 Oct 2008 | 08:24 PM ET Text Size It feels like 1997 all over again in Asia. Japan down 10 percent, Australia down 7 percent and South Korea down 8 percent as markets around the world are gripped by recession fears. And the selling continues this grim Friday session.




Unlike most people here I'm not really worried. But only because I don't own a house, I am single, have no kids, and my parents have no money anyway nor any savings. So I don't have much to lose.

And while I do think times are going to be difficult, I believe there will be coordinated government global action.

History is following its course really; the inevitable end of excessive consumption and the rise of organized sustainable society is nearing. How difficult the transition will be remains to be seen, but like I said before, on a local level you want to stay out of poor neighborhoods like those found in many places in the US, and on a global level poor countries will be the ones to suffer beyond all others.

I'm not worried for the West or Russia. But for others it will be more difficult.


Any GAFfers experienced in option trading?

Had a question related to puts:

If I buy an October put with a $50 strike price on a stock that is selling for say...$60. The put is selling for $1.45. The stock price falls to $55 and the put rises to $2. Even though the put has not yet hit the strike price, I can still sell the put for the $.55 profit, correct? (Provided there is a buyer of the put)...and that would be the end of the trade, correct?


gonna be a good day today

``It's very clearly a crash,'' Jim Rogers, chairman of Singapore-based Rogers Holdings, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. ``People are selling everything no matter what the fundamentals. It's forced liquidation.''

History is following its course really; the inevitable end of excessive consumption and the rise of organized sustainable society is nearing.

Screw that. This is a correction fool. 15000 by next year!!

Deku Tree

What happened to Jim Cramers stock market bottom call in July?
What happened to the people saying 20% down must be close to the bottom?

People are selling because there is no honesty in the market place. Every company says they are doing great until the day they declare that they are bankrupt. The current administration is no better in terms of who you can trust, their track record is abysmal. We need some way to restore faith in our institutions and I doubt Bush's speech is going to do it.


ArtG said:
Any GAFfers experienced in option trading?

Had a question related to puts:

If I buy an October put with a $50 strike price on a stock that is selling for say...$60. The put is selling for $1.45. The stock price falls to $55 and the put rises to $2. Even though the put has not yet hit the strike price, I can still sell the put for the $.55 profit, correct? (Provided there is a buyer of the put)...and that would be the end of the trade, correct?

Yes, that's exactly right.

Below 8000 today?


Pimpwerx said:
Without some good news today, it'll finish below 8000 today, won't it? At 3pm the bottom's gonna fall out again. PEACE.

Not necessarily. At some point, everyone who is panic-selling has sold, and the value buyers stabilize things.



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
gkrykewy said:
Not necessarily. At some point, everyone who is panic-selling has sold, and the value buyers stabilize things.


That's fucking amazing. Even if it doesn't stay there.


Pimpwerx said:
Without some good news today, it'll finish below 8000 today, won't it? At 3pm the bottom's gonna fall out again. PEACE.

This is nothing more than a minor correction. Next week is BOOM TIME! Check out those gains today!

(we may even hit 9000 again)


Guys I can't really say why (I'm not at liberty to divulge)... but I'm pretty positive that this is the final day of this crisis. I'm not saying we're gonna go back up to 14k or even 10k any time soon.. Think more along the lines of 1987 where the market just stayed dead for the better part of a year but today is it. NO more 4% + down days.

So that means all you guys who own options would probably be best served to find a buyer before the end of the day cause volatility is going to dry up.

Now of course what I just typed may be 100000% wrong but.. from all the research I've been doing.. this appears to be it.

Best of luck to all.


Morgan Stanley is looking very tempting at $9.50. There's a Japanese Holiday on monday apparently, and mitsubishi looks to finalize their buy-in on Tuesday. Hmmmmm....

lil smoke

I was thinking of putting more $ in my account, just in case things start to change. My funds are all used, and I'd miss the boat if something GOOD were to happen.


Comics, serious business!
mrWalrus said:
Guys I can't really say why (I'm not at liberty to divulge)... but I'm pretty positive that this is the final day of this crisis. I'm not saying we're gonna go back up to 14k or even 10k any time soon.. Think more along the lines of 1987 where the market just stayed dead for the better part of a year but today is it. NO more 4% + down days.

So that means all you guys who own options would probably be best served to find a buyer before the end of the day cause volatility is going to dry up.

Now of course what I just typed may be 100000% wrong but.. from all the research I've been doing.. this appears to be it.

Best of luck to all.

Is this a joke post?
Anyone else finding it hard not to hop into AAPL with it being below 100? I bought a minute amount two days ago just because I couldn't take it anymore. God I wish this market would turn so I could make a serious move. :(


got2bekidding said:
Anyone else finding it hard not to hop into AAPL with it being below 100? I bought a minute amount two days ago just because I couldn't take it anymore. God I wish this market would turn so I could make a serious move. :(

Also RIMM at 56 and change..


gkrykewy said:
Morgan Stanley is looking very tempting at $9.50. There's a Japanese Holiday on monday apparently, and mitsubishi looks to finalize their buy-in on Tuesday. Hmmmmm....

I am not giving advice, but I would say tread lightly here... Their credit default swap is trading for points up front and has gone up tremendously in recent days. This type of activity also occurred with Bear Stearns, WaMu, and Wachovia.
gkrykewy said:
Also RIMM at 56 and change..
YES! That's another stock that is so tempting because you know it will jump up over 100 again as soon as the market stabilizes, especially with the new Blackberry coming out. So many temptations out there it's so difficult not to make the trade. Of course that's why the market really isn't making the moves it could, because of this nervousness and uncertainty. It's soooooo frustrating with so many great deals out there. :mad:

edit: All I know is that I'll be next to a computer in the coming weeks because the frustration of the uncertainty of not buying now would only be topped by missing the boat.


Here's the last bit of knowledge I wish to impart on the group.. or should I say the last bit of knowledge I'd like to have Jim Rogers impart on the group.


After this I'd suggest hitting up youtube and doing more research on both Jim Rogers and Peter Schiff. They're both very smart guys and have taught me more than I could ever repay.
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